LIGHT LOGISTICS is a person-to-person distribution network enabled by the surplus carrying power of couriers. This is a free but not-in-time service; please allow for adequate lead time for your cargo to arrive. If you are interested in becoming a courier and receiving 12% discount on all publications, please scroll to the bottom of the page.
Courier Ms. Wu and the receiver meet in front of fruitySPACE for a 366 minute-long screening event recommended by the receiver, subsequently offering plenty of time for a long talk together and courier Ms. WU's falling in love with Beijing humour
Courier Ms. WU is 'kind of settled in Beijing now' after completing her 14-day hotel and 7-day home quarantine; 'the moment i entered beijing international airport i got so emotional'; awaiting contact with receiver
北京 Beijing
要小聲一點在放映中的交收 Be quiet during the screening delivery
HQL-455的收件人 Receiver of HQL-455
收件人和慢遞員聊了好久,當然要一起合影啦 The classic selfie after long chat between courier and receiver
香港 Hong Kong
緩件號HQL-454和HQL-455已攬件,準備離開香港 Dispatches HQL-454 and HQL-455 successfully picked up, preparing for departure
在香港機場送走慢遞員吳小姐 Saying goodbye to courier Ms. WU at Hong Kong airport
在香港機場送走慢遞員吳小姐 Saying goodbye to courier Ms. WU at Hong Kong airport
Arrival at Macau relay centre
更新:「今天給你寄好啦!可以隨時追查status ☞ 郵件編號:LP039326405HK;另外好奇想問你,因為之前有一個在台灣的人問我們想買《七首詩和一些耳鳴》,說可能會找一個澳門朋友幫他買,會不會是你?:)再次謝謝你對於獨立出版的支持,祝安~」
UPDATE:Sent out today! You can check the status of the package anytime via Hong Kong Post ☞ tracking number:LP039326405HK; and another thing, just curious to ask, because previously someone in Taiwan contacted us wanting to buy 7 Poems and Some Tinnitus, saying they would probably as a friend in Macau to purchase it for them—would that happen to be you? :)Thank you again for your support of 'semi-autonomous' publishing, and best wishes~
2022-07-17,大概早上 approximately 11:00 UTC+01
2022-07-17,大概早上 approximately 11:00 UTC+01:
Because he is leaving Frankfurt to go on holiday, courier Mr. JV transfers dispatch HQL-462 to courier Ms. LI, who meets the receiver at an art space a few days later while she is preparing for a new exhibition
2022-07-09,大概 approximately 10:30 UTC+01:
Having visited Kassel for a few days to view the exhibition, courier Mr. JV successfully picks up dispatches HQL-462 and HQL-463 and places them in his suitcase bound for return to Frankfurt
2022-07-06,11:48 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives in Kassel 9 minutes later than the usual German timeliness due to a train delay, though completely worth it for the bargain €9 price of the Deutsche Bahn public transport month pass she's purchased, thanks to the kind advice of the receiver of dispatch HQL-460; awaiting transfer to courier Jofa el Jefe later in the month
出發前一晚,慢遞員何子看到了一家之前沒注意過的小印尼餐的攤位,決定去參加一個印尼團隊策劃的德國展覽前吃香港的印尼菜好玩,就訂了一份nasi uduk,應該是有炸雞翅、煎雞蛋還有tempeh(黃豆餅)配米飯和幾片青瓜,結果被騙了她最愛吃的tempeh是炸土豆🤮!難道他們要培訓她吃德國菜嗎?
The night before her departure, courier Ms. PORTABLE passes by a small Indonesian food stand that she hadn't noticed before and decides it's funny to eat Indonesian food made in Hong Kong before leaving to take part in an Indonesian-curated exhibition in Germany. She orders a nasi uduk, which is according to the description supposed to include fried chicken wings, a fried egg, and tempeh along with rice and a few slices of cucumber; she is extraordinarily disappointed to find that her favourite, the tempeh, is in this instance substituted for fried potatoes, and she wonders if it's a sign that she should prepare herself for German food...
法蘭克福 Frankfurt
在法蘭克福火車站轉車 Transfer at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof
交收點 Handover point
多哈 Doha
國際旅行又復活了 The spectacle of travel again
成了其中一位收件人的意見買好德國的優惠公交系統9歐元月票 Following a tip from a receiver, getting a head start by buying the 9 EUR German DB monthly public transport pass
豪華多哈機場的另一個景 Another view from chic Doha
香港 Hong Kong
出發之前吃了很爛的印尼餐 Pre-departure meal: terrible Indonesian food in Hong Kong
2022-07-15,16:28 UTC+01:
Because he is leaving Frankfurt to go on holiday, courier Mr. JV transfers dispatch HQL-462 to courier Ms. LI, who meets the receiver at an art space while she is preparing for a new exhibition
2022-07-09,大概 approximately 10:30 UTC+01:
Having visited Kassel for a few days to view the exhibition, courier Mr. JV successfully picks up dispatches HQL-462 and HQL-463 and places them in his suitcase bound for return to Frankfurt
2022-07-06,11:48 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives in Kassel 9 minutes later than the usual German timeliness due to a train delay, though completely worth it for the bargain €9 price of the Deutsche Bahn public transport month pass she's purchased, thanks to the kind advice of the receiver of dispatch HQL-460; awaiting transfer to courier Jofa el Jefe later in the month
出發前一晚,慢遞員何子看到了一家之前沒注意過的小印尼餐的攤位,決定去參加一個印尼團隊策劃的德國展覽前吃香港的印尼菜好玩,就訂了一份nasi uduk,應該是有炸雞翅、煎雞蛋還有tempeh(黃豆餅)配米飯和幾片青瓜,結果被騙了她最愛吃的tempeh是炸土豆🤮!難道他們要培訓她吃德國菜嗎?
The night before her departure, courier Ms. PORTABLE passes by a small Indonesian food stand that she hadn't noticed before and decides it's funny to eat Indonesian food made in Hong Kong before leaving to take part in an Indonesian-curated exhibition in Germany. She orders a nasi uduk, which is according to the description supposed to include fried chicken wings, a fried egg, and tempeh along with rice and a few slices of cucumber; she is extraordinarily disappointed to find that her favourite, the tempeh, is in this instance substituted for fried potatoes, and she wonders if it's a sign that she should prepare herself for German food...
法蘭克福 Frankfurt
在法蘭克福火車站轉車 Transfer at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof
交收點 Handover point
緩件號 HQL-462 派送成功 received
多哈 Doha
國際旅行又復活了 The spectacle of travel again
成了其中一位收件人的意見買好德國的優惠公交系統9歐元月票 Following a tip from a receiver, getting a head start by buying the 9 EUR German DB monthly public transport pass
豪華多哈機場的另一個景 Another view from chic Doha
香港 Hong Kong
出發之前吃了很爛的印尼餐 Pre-departure meal: terrible Indonesian food in Hong Kong
柏林 Berlin 經由 VIA
多哈 Doha +
法蘭克福 Frankfurt +
卡塞爾 Kassel
1 本 copy
XP Zh ou +
2022-07-15,12:51 UTC+01
2022-07-15,01:00 UTC+01:
慢遞員XP Zh ou更新:「我准备落火车,火车严重晚点」
COURIER XP Zh ou UPDATE:I am preparing to get off the train now, it's extremely delayed
2022-07-14,22:02 UTC+01:
慢遞員XP Zh ou更新:「我今日翻Berlin啦,如果你过嚟玩记得稳我地啊」
COURIER XP Zh ou UPDATE:I'm going back to Berlin today, if you want to come over don't forget to look for us!
2022-07-12,下午 afternoon UTC+01:
慢遞員XP Zh ou先生帶著他的學生到處逛一下卡塞爾來畫畫,順便攬號緩件號HQL-464
Courier Mr. XP Zh ou brings his students around Kassel for daily life drawing and picks up dispatch HQL-464 along the way
2022-07-06,11:48 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives in Kassel 9 minutes later than the usual German timeliness due to a train delay, though completely worth it for the bargain €9 price of the Deutsche Bahn public transport month pass she's purchased, thanks to the kind advice of the receiver of dispatch HQL-460; awaiting transfer to courier Jofa el Jefe later in the month
出發前一晚,慢遞員何子看到了一家之前沒注意過的小印尼餐的攤位,決定去參加一個印尼團隊策劃的德國展覽前吃香港的印尼菜好玩,就訂了一份nasi uduk,應該是有炸雞翅、煎雞蛋還有tempeh(黃豆餅)配米飯和幾片青瓜,結果被騙了她最愛吃的tempeh是炸土豆🤮!難道他們要培訓她吃德國菜嗎?
The night before her departure, courier Ms. PORTABLE passes by a small Indonesian food stand that she hadn't noticed before and decides it's funny to eat Indonesian food made in Hong Kong before leaving to take part in an Indonesian-curated exhibition in Germany. She orders a nasi uduk, which is according to the description supposed to include fried chicken wings, a fried egg, and tempeh along with rice and a few slices of cucumber; she is extraordinarily disappointed to find that her favourite, the tempeh, is in this instance substituted for fried potatoes, and she wonders if it's a sign that she should prepare herself for German food...
柏林 Berlin
HQL-464的收件人記錄號她的書 HQL-464 as seen by the receiver
HQL-464的收件人記錄號她的書 HQL-464 as seen by the receiver
HQL-464的收件人記錄號她的書 HQL-464 as seen by the receiver
卡塞爾 Kassel
慢遞員易拎拍慢遞員XP Zh ou先生 Portrait of courier Mr. XP Zh ou by courier Ms. PORTABLE
慢遞員XP Zh ou先生的一個學生畫的卡塞爾場景 Kassel life by one of courier Mr. XP Zh ou’s students
慢遞員XP Zh ou先生拍慢遞員易拎
Portrait of courier Ms. PORTABLE by courier Mr. XP Zh ou
法蘭克福 Frankfurt
在法蘭克福火車站轉車 Transfer at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof
多哈 Doha
國際旅行又復活了 The spectacle of travel again
成了其中一位收件人的意見買好德國的優惠公交系統9歐元月票 Following a tip from a receiver, getting a head start by buying the 9 EUR German DB monthly public transport pass
豪華多哈機場的另一個景 Another view from chic Doha
香港 Hong Kong
出發之前吃了很爛的印尼餐 Pre-departure meal: terrible Indonesian food in Hong Kong
收件人反饋:「我想加的心得是,這個慢遞好有趣,在台灣疫情升溫的時候,倒是變成快遞一樣,面交的時候還順便認識了藝術家本人,跟他問了很多問題,了解他的背景,希望以後可以跟他合作,請他到課堂上介紹什麼的,真的是很愉快的收貨和收穫經驗。非常感謝你們唷!祝 暑安 ~
RECEIVER's FEEDBACK:I would like to add, this slow courier service is very interesting—finding myself becoming a courier as the pandemic heats up again in Taiwan; but at the same time I was able to get to know the artist and author of the books, and I asked him many questions, understood more about his background. I hope to be able to collaborate with him in the future and invite him to our classroom to introduce new things. It was really a very happy experience and way to receive my order, thank you very much! Have a great summer~
AUTHOR-cum-COURIER REPORT:The books have already been handed over to the receiver, that day we met at exit 2 of Shilin station in Taipei; regarding her part of the route back to Taoyuan, I'll let her explain! Attached I've also included a photo I took during the handover. ~Ayo
2022-07-03,13:13 UTC +01:
慢遞員Arni ZENO更新:「你好你好,我到了巴黎也確實戴上了包裹;住在蒙馬特區Timhotel,可以定那裡作為地點嗎?麻煩你給我打個電話我們安排一下?期待,A」
COURIER Arni ZENO UPDATE:I am in Paris now and indeed have the package deliver by tao; I am staying in the Timhotel Montmartre, that would be a location; would you like to give me a call and we can coordinate? Looking forward, A
2022-06-28,19:54 UTC +01:
慢遞員CL更新:「我老公已經把緩件轉給Arni啦,很期待下一步到巴黎轉給收件人 👊🏾」
COURIER CL UPDATE:My husband has passed the package to Arni - so looking forward to the next steps regarding the hand off to receiver in Paris 👊🏾
2022-06-23,12:02 UTC+01:
新慢遞員Arni ZENO和收件人聯繫好了,暫定於7月3日在蒙馬特區交收;期待派送
Contact established between new courier Arni ZENO, with a tentative appointment for handover scheduled in Montmartre on 3 July; looking forward
2022-06-17,17:27 UTC+01:
COURIER CL UPDATE:Hello, Happy to e-meet you. Turns out I have a friend who would be passing through Paris between July 2-5. Are you in Paris then for the delivery? Let me know so I can make the relevant introductions if it works out with your scheduling
Courier Ms. CL has signed up a few times for couriering but a route never realised until now. On her way back the Netherlands after a trip in Hong Kong to visit family, she picks up dispatch HQL-450 on her last night, just before the 100 days' party of her nephew
巴黎 Paris
歡迎慢遞員Arni ZENO來到巴黎 Courier Arni ZENO bienvenue à Paris
HQL-450 WhatsApp 記錄 communiqué
緩件號HQL-450在酒店的前台等待收件人 HQL-450 waiting for pick-up at the hotel lobby
收件人在家裡打開包裹之前再次欣賞一下包裝 Portrait of HQL-450 by the receiver on the floor of his flat before opening the package
2022-06-30,01:03 UTC +01:
收件人評價與報告:「感謝小鴿子的偉大努力,我在阿姆斯特丹的Boekie Woekie書店安全地收了緩件HQL-453;她到達時,我正在告訴Boekie Woekie的聯合創始人Jan VOSS關於『展銷場』和「後勤慢遞」項目;他作為一個精神上的親戚(因為Boekie Woekie自1986年成立以來,一直在阿姆斯特丹隱藏運行書店在一個賣明信片和紀念品給遊客的商店裡面)也很欣賞;這一次,我用高速靜止的照片編輯成一個(靜音的)視頻,記錄了取貨過程 ->」
RECEIVER REVIEW and REPORT:Thanks to Little Pigeon's great work, I safely received HQL-453 at Boekie Woekie in Amsterdam; she arrived just in the moment in which I told Jan VOSS, Boekie Woekie's co-founder, of Display Distribute and Light Logistics, and with him appreciating it as a relative in spirit (since Boekie Woekie has been running, since it was founded in 1986, under the disguise of a postcard/souvenir shop for Amsterdam tourists); this time, I documented the pickup with high-speed still photographs edited into a (mute) video ->
2022-06-24,19:12 UTC +01:
RECEIVER:Excellent, and unexpectedly early! Little Pigeon, I will contact you via Whatsapp; I will produce some audiovisual-psychogeographic documentation of the pickup. (And also see more info on Kassel - just in the process of recovering after intense weeks in Kassel and Copenhagen.)
2022-06-24,17:51 UTC +01:
與收件人建立聯繫:「你好,我現在在阿姆斯特丹,將停留到7月3日然後前往荷蘭以外的其他城市。你介意通過WhatsApp聯繫我嗎?我的簽名下有我的號碼。看看我怎麼給你送信吧! 期待著,小鴿子」
I am in Amsterdam right now, will stay until 3rd July, then I will head to other cities outside of Netherland. Would you mind to reach me via WhatsApp? The number you can find under my signature. See how I can deliver to you! Looking forward, Little Pigeon
慢遞員little pigeon小姐這次回她之前讀書的地方荷蘭探下朋友,順便躲一下熱辣辣的香港轉游下歐洲幾個地方;她出發前忙碌的天里,就在與母親見面之前在大埔區攬好緩件HQL-453;計劃6月18日星期一出發
Courier Ms. little pigeon is traveling back to the Netherlands where she studied to visit friends and take a break from Hong Kong for the summer; she picks up HQL-453 in Taipo during the busy days before her departure, right before meeting her mother; departure scheduled for Monday, 18 June
Frequent Display Distribute reader TERRRENCE has honed patience for her orders; this time, she waits nearly five months before courier Ms. PORTABLE is recruited for the route between the Tuen Mun Relay Centre and its final destination in Causeway Bay, and it is a strange echo of a minor flow from the outskirts of the city to Hong Kong Island: on the same day 12 June three years prior, thousands had gathered at nearby Tamar Park for a 'picnic', part of a general strike called in protest of the Extradition Law Amendment Bill proposed by the government. That day had ended with excesses of teargas, violent clashes between protestors and police, and arrests—just the beginning of what would continue for the rest of the year.
COURER Lao YANG REPORT:I made an appointment to deliver to the reciever, but then when I got to the metro station I found out I couldn't enter because I didn't have a positive COVID test from within the last 72 hours; in the end I had to ask my brother to drive me to make the delivery; I don't go out so often, can't really follow all the pandemic protocols
深圳地鐵安檢 Guards in the Shenzhen metro
深圳地鐵就是叫「港鐵」 Shenzhen metro system is called HK MTR
雨季中的派送 Shenzhen rainy delivery
老羊和收件人 Courier LAO YANG and the receiver
Los Angeles
西雅圖 Seattle 和或者 AND/OR
多倫多 Toronto
高達 up to
3 kg
「將於7月20-24日從洛杉磯前往西雅圖,8月18日-31日前往多倫多。如果有必要,可以攜帶更多或更少的重量」 Will be heading to Seattle July 20-24 and Toronto Aug 18-31 from Los Angeles. Can carry more or less weight, if necessary
蘇州 Suzhou 和或者 AND/OR
無錫 Wuxi 和或者 AND/OR
揚州 Yangzhou 和或者 AND/OR
(if Shanghai is better then also)Shanghai
高達 up to
3 kg
「提前和我講或許能帶更多,不出意外會在無錫下飛機,會去揚州玩,家在蘇州。目前居住在陽江,六月中回蘇州。但是目前的狀況,我兩眼一抹黑,聽天由命,不出意外會出意外。以上計劃很有可能在明天或者下周因為疫情瞬間破碎,我什莫也不知道」 Let me know ahead of time, perhaps I can bring more; If everything goes smoothly, I'll be flying to Wuxi and going to Yangzhou for fun; I'm from Suzhou, but currently living in Yangjiang and will return to Suzhou mid-June. But the way things are going, I'm of two minds and at the mercy of God. There is a good chance that due to the pandemic the above plan could shatter tomorrow or next week, and I don't know what to expect.
2022-04-18,22:26 UTC-05:
MESSAGE from RECEIVER:Hello! So sorry for the complications, but I am here and ready to set up a meeting with the courier! So excited to receive these! Issue 2 found its way to me a couple days ago and it was an incredible thing to behold. Looking forward to coordinating this with you, thank you for your efforts
芝加哥 Chicago
慢遞員L先生拿著HQL-441和HQL-445 Courier Mr. L picks up HQL-441 and HQL-445
The receiver chooses Hennessey Road Government Primary School as the handover location, and after arriving, the courier takes a few decorative display images while waiting until a young woman arrives, making long enough eye contact to warrant a possible suspect; the receiver's name is typically male, confusing the courier for a bit, until a young man comes up from behind confirming his identity; they must have also been suspicious and checked out the courier first; delivery completed.
灣仔 Wanchai
HQL-448 在路上 en route
軒尼詩道官立小學交收點 Hennessy Road Government Primary School handover point
軒尼詩道官立小學交收點 Hennessy Road Government Primary School handover point
Courier Ms. LAURIER is actually the receiver of dispatch HQL-444, volunteering herself for the cross-city journey from Yuexiu District to Haizhu District to pick up her order of Fong Fo directly from their editorial bureau; when she arrives at the appointed handover location, the editors are unfortunately busy eating dinner and forget to check their phones; Ms. LAURIER takes a stroll around the neighbourhood and patiently waits nearly one hour, the editors are very sorry.
海珠區 Haizhu District
慢遞員劉小姐到達交收地點 Courier Ms. LAURIER arrives at handover location
2022-04-18,21:01 UTC-05:
The receiver, located close to courier P.W., picks up his dispatch directly: It would be nice if I could swing by either in the evening or during the weekend
2022-04-13,12:19 UTC-05:
Courier Ms. KATERINA is with rental car on her way to next destination Detroit; she first runs some errands in downtown Chicago before dropping off the parcel off to courier Ms. P.W.; awaiting contact with receiver
2022-04-05,14:26 UTC-04:
Dispatch HQL-431 is relayed in Williamsburg with New York recommendations for courier Ms. KATERINA: Settagaya for ramen, Mekelburgs for American, and Aurora for Italian; while she awaits for the next part of her mission, courier eats ramen
2022-04-11,22:28 UTC+03:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hi, my friend in Hungary received the package a few days ago, thank you very much :) I'm alright and safe for now, thanks!
2022-03-08,13:54 UTC+08:
LOGISTICIAN INQUIRY:This is obviously not an appropriate time for casual e-mails with strangers, but just wanted to send you wishes for the safety of you and your loved ones! If there is anything that we can do to help from Hong Kong or internationally, please do not hesitate to get in touch!
LOGISTICAL NOTE:Apologies to let you know a little bit late, but our co-conspirator aunty posted your package along with another order bound for the Philippines together a few days ago, on the 21st (see the attached receipt); unfortunately there is no tracking available for this kind of surface mail, but if you can let us know when your friend in Hungary receives the books would be great, we'd still like to follow along its journey as it slowly makes its way to you; thank you again for your support of 'semi-autonomous' publishing!
LOGISTICAL NOTE:Some strange news! Today I went to the post office and they told me that they do not have ANY service to the Ukraine at all! Have never heard of such a thing! It looks like the only way possible would be to find a friend or relative in a nearby country that could then forward the package to you? Let me know if you have any suggestions, and we can check again about the postage. Thank you for your patience, and warmest regards from Hong Kong, PORTABLE
I had a walk around Central Market, but because it wasn't yet 11, most of the shops weren't open yet, but for me having a look is enough, no need to buy things. After the handover we spoke a few words, and I learned she lives in Tin Hau while I live in Tuen Mun; I gave her a small card I made with craft paper flowers on it, she seemed to like it very much
Miss Aunty YEUNG‘s UPDATE:I've already arrived to Central a bit early, will first stroll around Central Market and come back out at 11
Hi hi, Thank you for arranging, Central Market would be great. Perhaps Aunty and I could meet at the market entrance on Queen’s Road side opposite Donki? I can do Sat around 11am if that works for her?
I do not speak any Mando but have a liiitttttle Canto so we will manage!
Also: I see that you have a couple of requested routes for Tuen Mun → HK island (Sheung Wan 訂單 ORDER WC-6067 and Central 訂單 ORDER WC-5984). I’m happy to help with those relays if I can also get those packages from Aunty this weekend. Cheers~
Have just relayed with Tuen Mun aunty, and she says she's available to meet you this weekend somewhere on HK island (I am suggesting Central Market because she's done a relay there in the past, but if you have another easy-to-reach suggestion also possible); I am going to see what times work for her, but if you have a particular time and place that you prefer please let me know.
One question, do you speak Cantonese or Mandarin? Aunty's English is not so good, but if you don't no worries, we can manage it! She's already had COVID a few weeks ago and feeling very antibodied and brave!
中環 Central
緩件號 Dispatch HQL-442
交收點 Meeting spot
為收件人方便找慢遞員的自拍 A selfie for the receiver to find courier
慢遞員和收件人合影 Receiver and courier take a selfie together
屯門轉運中心 Tuen Mun Relay Centre
北海道的雪代購指南 A Manual for Owning Hokkaido Snow
準備打包 Preparing dispatch HQL-442
Los Angeles
高達 up to
1 kg
2022-04-07,08:39 UTC-07
「有可能這個月底我一個朋友會從奧克蘭來找LA找我(他回去的時候可以把緩件一起帶回去),或者也有可能我月底或者5月初會去找他(然後自己慢遞);這樣可以嗎?」 There's a chance that either my friend from Oakland will be visiting me in LA at the end of this month (and he can help bring the package back up when he leaves), or that I'll be visiting him at the end of this month or beginning of May (and can take the package myself). Would that work?
forgive this small detour (not sure if you are an e-mail-y type person or not, but i've been trying to log more thoughts down lately as on-going writing exercise, and have found that the epistolary form makes it work best):
i guess signage would be a good example of a widespread and complex infrastructure that guides societies, from which you can read the nature of acts both encouraged and prohibited within any given locale. Some of us also serve as signposts, reading and reacting to the environment around them and trying in these small ways to guide the direction of flows around them, maybe for some thought of care or public safety or financial gain or because of a believe in something known as 'right'. When I flew to New York, the plane was full and i of course got squeezed into a middle seat between two men, and the configuration of our legs all together made an funny M — more like \ /||\ / perhaps — rendered even further greasy by the fact that the middle-aged brown man on the left kept trying to turn his data on to receive messages, my sideways glance at one point noticing included a photo of the back of a blonde woman's head sucking on a very chiselled white man's dick. so i think the radius of awareness of the 'average male' person's space must be equally limited both in terms of their own body parts as well as extending into devices and digital, virtual spaces. I guess there are plenty of meme pages that address this and it's not my point to say that artists can be positive contributions to society by their observations and denunciations of manspreading, but maybe it's something more like the complexity and complicity in a poem as 'fresh material for writing' — like that 19 year-old writes about in 'Fricatives'...
that poem made me tear up.
and there is another story about the people i was sideways observing quite carefully in seats A and C next to me on the return flight, but i guess that is a dérive for another day
2022-02-21,11:55 UTC-07:
Branch dispatch of Chuăng No. 1 to Los Angeles via HQL-438
2021-12-29,11:29 UTC +07:
七本《MARCH》和三本《A Cookbook of Invisible Writing》分別以緩件號HQL-432派送到新加坡
Branch dispatch of seven copies of MARCH and three copies of A Cookbook of Invisible Writing with HQL-432 to Singapore
2021-12-18,18:42 UTC+07:
從西邊Phra Nakhon走了一個小時多,經由唐人街到了一個叫『快速婆婆』的空間找我離開香港前一個小時下單的《闖》2讀者,恰好展銷場的一個合作者『浪潮』小組成員也在場可以順便送她一本《目錄》;原來大家都來了這空間的屋頂上燒烤和唱戶外K,再次爽
Over one hour walk from Phra Nakhon on the west side of Bangkok to the edge of Chinatown to meet with a reader-buyer of Chuăng 2, who had luckily placed his online order just one hour before I left Hong Kong for Thailand; by coincidence, a Display Distribute collaborator from the น้ำขึ้น NAMKHEUN collective and several other familiar faces have gathered on the rooftop of this meeting place known as Speedy Grandma; courier crash to a barbecue and open-air karaoke, double-refreshing
2021-12-17,21:29 UTC+07:
乘搭了Bolt APP打的摩托車,派送了第一批分件,五本《MARCH》「藝術與策略」雜誌送到沙通地區的『書店圖書館』——爽
First delivery of five copies of MARCH: Journal of Art & Strategy made to the Bookshop Library in the Sathorn area, travel by Bolt hired motorbike very refreshing
德州東北部 Northeast Texas
慢遞員德州風景 A Courier’s Views
心中的慢遞方法 Courier Dream Ride
新墨西哥北 Northern New Mexico
曼谷 Bangkok
曼谷12月16日日出到達 Bangkok sunrise arrival 16 December at 06:44
第一件曼谷派送 Bangkok Delivery Number 1
第二和三件曼谷派送 Bangkok Deliveries Number 2 + 3
2012-12-18,18:42 UTC+07:น้ำขึ้น NAMKHEUN 浪潮小組 成員 member
2012-12-18,20:44 UTC+07:《闖》讀者 Chuăng reader
新年好!閉眼開緊車、聽緊Portishead、食緊烤椰子洛米 Roasted coconut sticky rice in coconut leaf, while driving and listening to Portishead with eyes closed; happy new year everyone
海島轉運 Island Stopover
12月7日20:33到達的月亮 The moon on arrival, 7 December 20:33
可按本連結,檢視已提供有關郵件【郵件編號: RO900305355HK】的電子投寄資料;再次謝謝你對於「自治」出版的支持!」
UPDATE:LIGHT LOGISTICIAN Auntie YEUNG posted your package today at the Butterfly Beach Post Office after finding that the Tuen Mun Central post office was closed; the price ended up being slightly cheaper than what she had initially researched online, hope you don't mind a small tip for her troubles. Thank you again for your support of semi-autonomous publishing, and do let us know when you've received your book; you can track your package here, the parcel number is RO900305355HK
收件人標註:「收貨地點:MAX Hospital Saket同Malviya Nagar地鐵站附近」
NOTE from RECEIVER:Landmark for delivery: near MAX Hospital Saket and Malviya Nagar Metro Station
We met up last Tuesday! The books went home with the courier to Stanford where she lives/studies.
It's true that the books did travel all across the USA with us:
We started out from Hong Kong -> New York -> El Paso -> Marfa -> Cleveland -> Akron -> Cleveland again -> Akron again -> back to Cleveland -> San Francisco -> Modesto -> Stockton -> San Francisco
Hope the receiver enjoys these well-traveled books :-)
But I’m leaving for NYC on 23rd early afternoon, would it be possible to meet on Tuesday, 22nd? If you don’t mind, I’d like to meet around Asia Art Museum (11am or 3pm) or near to Kadist Foundation in the late afternoon. Let me know if one of those times work for you.
We can get a tea/coffee if you like :-) I can be reached at my temp US no. 646-866-XXX or WhatsApp with my Hong Kong no. +852 650XXXXX.
Totally understandable that your plans got delayed again! I look forward to seeing you in February.
I'm under the impression that omicron is peaking now in SF. In early January we were hearing about staffing shortages at schools, hospitals, restos/stores, etc. due to high infection rates, but based on models from previous variants, cases are projected to drop soon. Perhaps traveling next month would be best anyways. With that said, vaccination rates are high in the Bay Area and masking has remained a consistent practice in indoor spaces, in my experience.
Sorry, my travel plan changed again. But I might be able to come to SF around mid-February...
My husband John and I had to cancel our SF trip at the last minute. We were going to see his aunt, but shortly before we're supposed to head to El Paso airport, we found out that his aunt was not vaccinated at all. That made us really stressed as we felt responsible for her health since she's over 75. But we're also glad that we know a little bit beforehand than on the spot. So I'm going to Cleveland to do research for the FRONT Triennial first, and then coming to SF around mid-February, hopefully.
But can you let me know if it's really the case that currently Omicron is pretty much everywhere in SF?? All the best, Ali
2022-01-04,18:29 UTC-08:
RECEIVER REPLY:Sorry to hear the flight was canceled!
The 19th will work well. I'll plan to be in the city that morning!
2022-01-03,20:12 UTC-06:
COURIERS UPDATE:Our flight was cancelled, but we are getting in SF on the 18th, so would that be possible we meet on 19th morning? Looking forward to seeing you, Ali
2021-12-29,14:19 UTC-08:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hi Ali, I can meet you in SF on the morning of the 5th if you are available? I just have an online class to tune into 1:30p-3p, but can meet any other time that day. Yes, I'm on WhatsApp. Please feel free to text so we can arrange a meetup! Best wishes for the new year!
2021-12-29,00:22 UTC-06:
COURIERS UPDATE:Sorry to take a while to respond because I just wasn't sure if our flight will get canceled or not. If not, I'll be touching down in SF on 4th Jan evening, and we can meet on the 5th if you're available. I do have a lunch meeting in Mission District, and then will leave SF around 4:30pm. But hopefully we can get some tea and chat a bit! Are you on WhatsApp?
2021-12-03,08:51 UTC-08:
RECEIVER:This plan sounds great, I will be available to meet anywhere around SF on those dates! Many thanks
2021-12-03,00:34 UTC-06:
慢遞員報告:「我們買好去三藩市的機票了,1月4日出發; 我們可以5-9號之間交接,但是我們期間也要去斯托克頓,所以也可以把緩件留給一個朋友,再說!」
COURIERS UPDATE:We got the tickets to SF, we‘re leaving on 4th if Jan; I can meet you sometime between 5th to 9th, but we will also be traveling to Stockton. Or I can also try to leave the package to a friend, too; talk soon!
2021-11-17,02:06 UTC-06:
COURIERS UPDATE:We should be in SF very early January for last round delivery!
2021-11-09,21:28 UTC-06:
Couriers Mr. ROBERTSON and Ms. WONG arrive in Marfa, Texas, after one-week transit in New York and another few days in Cleveland; awaiting relay to San Francisco
After approximately two years without any outgoing dispatches to the United States, brave courier Ms. WONG picks up three dispatches for a cross-country visit together with fellow courier-companion Mr. ROBERTSON; a Halloween departure from Hong Kong scheduled for the next day, with this year's fad for Squid Game Halloween outfits quite appropriate for quarantine-era era travel
2021-08-24,11:32 UTC-07:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello, Is it possible to change the location for my delivery? I relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area, and can meet with a courier anywhere near/around San Francisco. I think it will be more possible to find a courier route this way, as SF is a much bigger city with more frequent travel by LIGHT LOGISTICS couriers. Thank you!
三藩市 San Francisco
慢遞員罗伯逊先生和黃黃潔宜另外帶1953年在加州莫德斯托种植的一棵树上的橘子派送給收件人 🍊 Couriers Mr. ROBERTSON and Ms. WONG additionally carry an orange from a tree planted in 1953 in Modesto, California, to the receiver 🍊
PAPERBRIDGEEE報告:「慢遞delivereddddd;will update later
咁就爭back order 《Also Space》 only」
Miss YEUNG's REPORT:The handover went smoothly today: at first I was late to leave the house, afraid that PAPERBRIDGEEE would have to wait for me, so I decided to go to Central first, and I gave her the books at around 11 am so then I could relax and take care of other matters. Along the way I noticed an SF Express relay centre, and this made me really happy I could send off some things; a young man gave me a small shipping slip and told me to fill out the form online; because this was a relay centre they only had one ratty chair, and while I was filling out the form there were goods constantly being thrown around next to me, so much that after a while I was surrounded; so much to fill out on the form, it was really so much trouble that I gave up, so now I'm on my way to Sham Shui Po
HQL-437交接點 Dispatch HQL-437 handover point
PAPERBRIDGEEE小姐拎好啦 As picked up by courier Ms. PAPERBRIDGEEE
2022-02-17,14:32 UTC+08:
COURIER TURTLENECK UPDATE:Hello hello, on this sweaty day HQL-429 has reached its destination; receiver was kind to meet me at the non-mall mall near my workplace in very chic sandals I coveted while telling me all about Singapore Art Book fair, which I am a big fan of; now I am slinking back to my office desk and chair to proceed as if I did not slack off on the clock…—Turtleneck
After a few e-mail relays, an appointment for handover is scheduled for Tuesday, 18 January at 4pm at 10A-E, Yio Chu Kang Rd, ICB SHOPPING CENTER, 545524
Happy new year! I hope life will be full of warmth and love in the coming days; you can let me know when you’re free, and if you’d like to chat over a meal or while on a stroll? I’m actually quite curious about the other half of your order…
However, if you’d prefer more of a hi-bye exchange due to schedule or personal comfort, that’s also ok!
Looking forward to hearing from you and wishing you all well, TURTLENECK ~
Happy update today: yesterday lovely HAY and I (and HAY’s lovely friend) met, where the exchange took place along with a sense of enjoyment and connection I feel fortunate to have come across! HAY holds the photo evidence of the exchange, hehe
On my end, HQL-428 has been proudly received; meanwhile HQL-427, HQL-429 are safe in my hands for now and the raffia string is a source of enjoyment to domestic lord Pumpkin the cat (photo evidence attached); and so these bundles excitedly await to meet their respective recipients
Met up with TURTLENECK outside of Library@Orchard, which happens to also be distributing some free zines at the moment by local artists. My friend SCARF is with me today, but is struggling with the automated checkout machine so she's taking some time to make it out. After the initial hello the three of us get to chatting at a matcha restaurant, which turns into a five hour hangout, which turns into us all swapping numbers and now we are text-and-image based friends <3
I am now in Singapore alongside the three packages, which I have attached a photo of in this email. I'm with one of my closest friends and her family, which has entailed many conversations so far about a) the types of food that are good during this time of the year b) who out of Lee Kwan Yew's sons should have been primed for governance, and also predictably a lot of talk about the various treatment of COVID between our two regions.
I'll be in Singapore until January 2nd so if there's a way to get in touch with the receiver that would be amazing! Would really love to get a chance to chat with them as well as what they're up to. My only request would be to plan out a socially distanced gathering for this exchange, as my close friend is immuno-compromised and we're trying to reduce risk as much as possible.
It's very rainy in Singapore at the moment. Wishing you the best, HAY
COURIER Ms. ÖZGE UPDATE:Gave the books to HAY today; she’s off to Singapore later this week
2021-12-06,夜晚 evening:
Courier Ms. ÖZGE picks up a houseplant, one gin cocktail and dispatches HQL-427, HQL-428 and HQL-429 in the Sai Ying Pun area of Hong Kong island
新加坡 Singapore
HAY:「書放了我現在住的地方的工作台上(右上角可以看見我目前忙的鉤針編織)」 HAY:Here’s the books on my desk where I’m staying at the moment (also seen in the corner my current crochet project)
害羞的收件人收自己HQL-428,也另外接HQL-427和HQL-429 A shy receiver picks up her dispatch HQL-428 along with two other dispatches for relay
收件人變慢遞員烏龜新拍的HQL-427、428和429 New portrait of HQL-427, 428 and 429 as taken by receiver turned courier TURTLENECK
水獺鍋爐! Otter migration!
但是他們的牙醫⋯⋯ But this is their teeth 😳
又可愛了 Cute again?
HQL-429 派送成功 Successfully received
香港 Hong Kong
Plant friends, one of which picked up with dispatches HQL-427, 428 and 429, say hi 👋🏽
12月20號,慢遞員ÖZGE把三分緩件一起交給HAY小姐 Handover from courier Ms. ÖZGE and Ms. HAY at an office in Sheung Wan, 20 December
2022-02-15,15:57 UTC+8:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello M, Salamat! I claimed the book few minutes ago. Sakto I was en route from another town. Dispatch HQL-433 successfully received
2022-02-15,15:15 UTC+8:
慢遞員更新:「你好!我今天收到短信:<< Ka-LBC! 包裹173494891821還未從ISULAN取走,請點錄或者打0288585999,查詢號229493。謝謝 >> 好像你可以過去取啦?Pag-ibig at galit / 愛與憤怒,—M」
COURIER Mr. M UPDATE:Hello! I got a text message today saying this: << Ka-LBC! Shipment 173494891821 is still pending at ISULAN. To send instructions, click or call 0288585999. Ref no 229493. Thanks >> Seems like this means you ought pick it up already? Not sure how to read this. Please call the number and use to send instructions I think. Hope this helps. Pag-ibig at galit, / Love and rage, —M
2022-01-12,15:18 UTC+8:
慢遞員更新:「發現我得了新冠,LOL;症狀輕微,目前跡象良好;所以,呃,你可能收到緩件後需要洗手 :') Pag-ibig at galit / 愛與憤怒,—M」
COURIER Mr. M UPDATE:I found I have covid LOL; mild symptoms, good signs so far; so uh, you might want to wash your hands after receiving the package :') Pag-ibig at galit, / Love and rage, —M
2022-01-10,14:23 UTC+8:
慢遞員M更新:「大家好! 不出所料,包裹到了;現在身上帶著HQL-433和我自己的包裹;謝謝展銷場!致HQL-433的收件人,我現在在隔離,所以不能把你的緩件寄出去,但這段時間我會保管好,盡快寄。Pag-ibig at galit / 愛與怒~」
COURIER Mr. M UPDATE:Hello all! As expected, the package arrived. I have with me HQL-433 and my own package. Thanks a bunch Display Distribute! To the receiver of HQL-433, I'm in quarantine now so I can't put your stuff in the post but I can hold on to it in the meantime and send it as soon as I can. Pag-ibig at galit, / Love and rage~
i think i prepped too soon, hehe, there has been a strange blip in the logistics ether because on the HK Post side the tracking reports that the package has already been received in the Philippines, but M has still not received it
LIGHT LOGISTICS hopes that you all can make suitable arrangements sans commercial services if possible, though I do understand that Manila traffic and COVID-conditions may make that difficult!
Wishing that it all works out, and please stay safe amidst all our natural and supernatural disasters, a new year...
RECEIVER UPDATE:This is such great news and what a delightful thing to read this holiday break. Now it makes sense that Lao Yang was coming to my consciousness lately. More excitement to tend in the new year of pandemic living! I can't wait to have the book. It looks like LIGHT LOGISTICS will enfold my rural base. I have since moved to Sultan Kudarat at the start of the pandemic.
I will organize an LBC pickup at your place after your vacation. I can pay when I receive the package so you don't have to worry about it; thanks and more soon
NOTE FROM READER:Am I back again so soon? Came to DD this time with rather low self-esteem after spending 2 hours cutting up my (intentionally) ugly zine and contemplating pricing for art book fair. I’m putting a lot of work into it, but I think it’s too much work for what people would be willing to pay for it, and it doesn’t capture the eye (which I now realise may be an issue, haha a pun). This is my first time having the confidence to make zines, and I’m not doing it for profit, so I shouldn’t care so much, yet here I am — coming to DD to see how others price theirs. Ended up buying a lot more. Oh my… By the way, does anyone still have a copy of Concrete Flux 1 Beijing I could see..?
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm 和或者 AND/OR
柏林 Berlin
高達 up to
1 kg
「2月11-13日斯德哥尔摩,13-29號柏林;也許可以帶更多但還沒發確定 :)」 Stockholm 11-13 February, Berlin 13- 29; might be possible to bring more but cannot confirm at this point :)
Courier Ms. CHENCHU and receiver make an appointment for a Sunday handover at the train station in front of the Wanghu Supermarket; courier expresses interest to meet the receiver's cute dogs, but unfortunately the dogs are at grandma's house and the receiver is also in transit and unable to stay for a chat with Ms. CHENCHU; receiver offers a gift of strawberries instead, but Ms. CHENCHU, off to spend time photographing the city, politely declines; delivery successful
Ningbo en route, soon arriving by train
COURIER Ms. ZHL UPDATE:I will see friends from JIAZAZHI on 8 January, will give the dispatch to them then and they can bring it back to Ningbo
寧波 Ningbo
收件人的兩隻小狗狗,一年多之後 The receiver’s dogs, over one year later
交收點:望湖市场 Handover point: Wanghu Market
穿著紅色大衣,交接成功 Received in a red coat
深圳 Shenzhen
深圳轉運成功 Successfully transferred in Shenzhen
廣州 Guangzhou
廣州轉運站庫存,包括了HQL-436 Guangzhou Relay Centre stock check, including HQL-436
2022-01-12,15:05 UTC+08:
RECEIVER UPDATE:I collected the books last Friday. Thanks so much :)
2022-01-05,09:46 UTC+08:
Quite busy with installation work for an upcoming exhibition and perhaps a bit shy, courier Mr. TU passes the books with the reception staff of his hotel located at 150 Cantonment Road for pick up at the receiver's leisure
2021-12-29,11:29 UTC +07:
Courier Mr. TU picks up HQL-429 from the Sathorn area while making arrangements for his upcoming work trip to Singapore; departure scheduled for 1 January
新加坡 Singapore
到了新加坡,安全放了保險箱上 Display Distribute books safe on hotel safe
廣東明路150號前台 150 Cantonment Road hotel reception
曼谷 Bangkok
緩件HQL-432攬件中 HQL-432 at pick-up point
準備離開曼谷,HQL-432打包好放了旅行袋 HQL-432 packed and ready for departure
柏林 Berlin 經由 VIA
香港 Hong Kong +
曼谷 Bangkok +
迪拜 Dubai +
雅典 Athens +
安卡拉 Ankara +
伊斯坦布爾 Istanbul +
德累斯頓 Dresden
2 copies
凹凸 OTTO +
2022-01-12 UTC+01:
慢遞員凹凸先生更新:「最後我的女朋友幫我送過去收件人提供的地址,Potsdamer街81e號的Esther Schipper畫廊(最高層,院子里有電梯)」
COURIER Mr. OTTO UPDATE:My girlfriend ended up dropping it at the proposed address, Esther Schipper Gallery on Potsdamerstrasse 81e (top floor... there is an exterior elevator in the courtyard)
2021-12-28,19:15 UTC+01:
慢遞員凹凸先生更新:「我記得在伊斯坦布爾有一晚深夜坐了輪渡,好喜歡;現在我(和包裹)順利到達柏林 🙃」
COURIER Mr. OTTO UPDATE:In Istanbul I really enjoyed a late night ferry trip; now I (and the package) arrived well in Berlin 🙃
2021-12-15,12:59 UTC+02:
At 1:00 pm Athens time, courier DRAGON LADY ceremoniously transfers dispatch HQL-418 to Mr. OTTO
2021-11-25,11:06 UTC+02:
慢遞員凹凸先生更新:「我去柏林之前會去土耳其,有什麼小東西需要從伊斯坦布爾或者安卡拉慢遞嗎?我的路線:雅典 -> 安卡拉 -> 伊斯坦布爾 -> 德累斯頓 -> 柏林」
COURIER Mr. OTTO UPDATE:I'll be heading to Turkey before Berlin, any small delivery that needs to be picked up in Istanbul or Ankara? Athens -> Ankara -> Istanbul -> Dresden -> Berlin would be my route
2021-10-03,15:09 UTC+01:
母夜叉更新:「今天去了衛城,看到了很多聞名的古建築: 帕特農神廟、勝利女神殿、阿迪庫斯劇場;如果可以在這個古劇場演出一場一定很棒吧!」
Ms. Dragon Lady UPDATE:Today we went to the Acropolis and saw many famous ancient buildings: the Temple of Parthenon, the Temple of the Goddess of Victory and the Adicus Theatre; it would be great to have a show in this ancient theatre!
21:30 departure from Hong Kong to Dubai (with an additional two-hour stopover in Thailand)
母夜叉小姐在香港轉機,機場有點冷清,想起一位在香港的朋友, 我們好幾個月沒見 這是離得最近的一次
Ms. Dragon Lady has her first layover in Hong Kong, and the airport is chilly; she thinks of a friend in Hong Kong that she hasn't seen for several months, and this is probably the closest they will get for a while
計畫9月13-19號期間攬件很靠譜地14號約在北京的一條衚衕里攬件; 慢遞員母夜叉小姐等待時候看到門口停的快遞車 快遞員忙錄著整理貨物,心裡想「今天開始我們是同行啦」
Pick-up scheduled between 13-19 September is reliably picked up from the publisher on the 14th by courier Ms. Dragon Lady during a scheduled meeting in one of Beijing's hutongs; while she is waiting, she notices various couriers busy organising their packages along the lane, and she thinks to herself, "From today we're all in the same business now~"
安卡拉 Ankara
雅典 Athens
母夜叉的雅典旅行 Dragon Lady on an Athenian tour
母夜叉的雅典旅行 Dragon Lady on an Athenian tour
母夜叉的雅典旅行 Dragon Lady on an Athenian tour
迪拜 Dubai
第三次專輯:迪拜 Third Layover: Dubai
香港 Hong Kong
第一次專輯:香港 First Layover: Hong Kong
第一次專輯:香港 First Layover: Hong Kong
第一次專輯:香港 First Layover: Hong Kong
北京 Beijing
慢遞員母夜叉小姐的新同行 Courier Ms. Dragon Lady’s new colleagues
慢遞員母夜叉小姐的新同行 Courier Ms. Dragon Lady’s new colleagues
慢遞員母夜叉小姐的新同行 Courier Ms. Dragon Lady’s new colleagues
「大家好! 不出所料,包裹到了;現在身上帶著HQL-433和我自己的包裹;謝謝展銷場!致HQL-433的收件人,我現在在隔離,所以不能把你的緩件寄出去,但這段時間我會保管好,盡快寄。Pag-ibig at galit / 愛與怒~」
Hello all! As expected, the package arrived. I have with me HQL-433 and my own package. Thanks a bunch Display Distribute! To the receiver of HQL-433, I'm in quarantine now so I can't put your stuff in the post but I can hold on to it in the meantime and send it as soon as I can. Pag-ibig at galit, / Love and rage~
i think i prepped too soon, hehe, there has been a strange blip in the logistics ether because on the HK Post side the tracking reports that the package has already been received in the Philippines, but M has still not received it
LIGHT LOGISTICS hopes that you all can make suitable arrangements sans commercial services if possible, though I do understand that Manila traffic and COVID-conditions may make that difficult!
Wishing that it all works out, and please stay safe amidst all our natural and supernatural disasters, a new year...
LOGISTICAL NOTE:Apologies to let you know a little bit late, but our co-conspirator aunty posted your package along with another order bound for Budapest together a few days ago, on the 21st; you can track your package here, the parcel number is: LP036556529HK
And thank you again for offering to help us at least attempt a partial slow-courier effort with the extra delivery to the other receiver in Quezon City! I will put you in touch with him in the next few days; please do let us know when you've received the dispatch; for now, thank you again for your support of 'semi-autonomous' publishing!
Upon realising that the receiver actually waited almost year before receiver her copy of Fong Fo, K900 notes that in all that time the receiver went from a middle school student to a high school student!
慢遞員K900報告:「遞達!可愛的高中生!做慢遞員好快樂!💙 💙
COURIER K900 REPORT: Successfully received by a cute high school student! Very happy to be a courier! 💙 💙
RECEIVER REVIEW:I think you all are pretty interesting! Receiving this dispatch is the most happy thing for me in 2022, hahahahaha!
收件人分析慢遞員K900的小號:「哈哈,900是杭州前BRT時代最快的一輛公車,但因為進口的不會修 有很多輛都是歪著跑的👯👯」
RECEIVER ANALYSES COURIER K900's CODENAME:Haha, 900 is pre-BRT era Hangzhou's fastest bus route, but because the imported buses couldn't be repaired, many of them drove crookedly 👯👯
慢遞員K900和收件人聯繫好了之後,收件人透露:「我目前還在上高中,可能沒法及時收到消息,實在不行的話可能還是得快遞一下啦;麻煩大家了 🙇♀️ 我1月6至8日都有空,高三首考,我們放假哈哈哈」
When put in touch with courier K900 before her travels, the receiver reveals that she's still in high school and busy with exams so apologises if she's unable to reply to messages promptly; she will be free between 6-8 January after her exams and semester break begins
杭州 Hangzhou
K900剛落地 K900 lands in Hangzhou
HQL-435成功收到! HQL-435 successfully received
收件人送給慢遞員的禮物:The world has been so cleverly structured, why is this?
Dear [K900], So happy to meet you, thanks! Even if I don’t know you well, I think you are really cute and hope we can be friends :)
Despite her tight schedule passing through Lanzhou and the receiver's inability to leave the vicinity of her university, pro-courier Ms. ZHL comments, 'I don't really like to spend money to make a working class person help you do something that you yourself think is too much trouble; it's really not respectful', and dedicatedly makes the trip from the train station into the city centre, finally meeting the receiver at the U.cup coffee bar near the Lanzhou University
COURIER Ms. ZHL UPDATE:Actually I'm going to another place in Gansu but will pass through Lanzhou, so the timing will be tight
慢遞記錄 WeChat communiqué
蘭州 Lanzhou
到了市內,慢遞員ZHL來看黃河 While in the city, courier ZHL has a look at the Yellow River
緩件 Dispatch HQL-434
派送成功 Successfully received
廣州 Guangzhou
緩件HQL-434內容 Contents of dispatch HQL-434
Happy update today: yesterday lovely HAY and I (and HAY’s lovely friend) met, where the exchange took place along with a sense of enjoyment and connection I feel fortunate to have come across! HAY holds the photo evidence of the exchange, hehe
On my end, HQL-428 has been proudly received; meanwhile HQL-427, HQL-429 are safe in my hands for now and the raffia string is a source of enjoyment to domestic lord Pumpkin the cat (photo evidence attached); and so these bundles excitedly await to meet their respective recipients
Met up with TURTLENECK outside of Library@Orchard, which happens to also be distributing some free zines at the moment by local artists. My friend SCARF is with me today, but is struggling with the automated checkout machine so she's taking some time to make it out. After the initial hello the three of us get to chatting at a matcha restaurant, which turns into a five hour hangout, which turns into us all swapping numbers and now we are text-and-image based friends <3
I am now in Singapore alongside the three packages, which I have attached a photo of in this email. I'm with one of my closest friends and her family, which has entailed many conversations so far about a) the types of food that are good during this time of the year b) who out of Lee Kwan Yew's sons should have been primed for governance, and also predictably a lot of talk about the various treatment of COVID between our two regions.
I'll be in Singapore until January 2nd so if there's a way to get in touch with the receiver that would be amazing! Would really love to get a chance to chat with them as well as what they're up to. My only request would be to plan out a socially distanced gathering for this exchange, as my close friend is immuno-compromised and we're trying to reduce risk as much as possible.
It's very rainy in Singapore at the moment. Wishing you the best, HAY
COURIER Ms. ÖZGE UPDATE:Gave the books to HAY today; she’s off to Singapore later this week
2021-12-06,夜晚 evening:
Courier Ms. ÖZGE picks up a houseplant, one gin cocktail and dispatches HQL-427, HQL-428 and HQL-429 in the Sai Ying Pun area of Hong Kong island
新加坡 Singapore
HAY:「書放了我現在住的地方的工作台上(右上角可以看見我目前忙的鉤針編織)」 HAY:Here’s the books on my desk where I’m staying at the moment (also seen in the corner my current crochet project)
收件人變慢遞員烏龜新拍的HQL-427、428和429 New portrait of HQL-427, 428 and 429 as taken by receiver turned courier TURTLENECK
害羞的收件人收自己HQL-428,也另外接HQL-427和HQL-429 A shy receiver picks up her dispatch HQL-428 along with two other dispatches for relay
香港 Hong Kong
HQL-428的內容 Contents of dispatch HQL-428
Plant friends, one of which picked up with dispatches HQL-427, 428 and 429, say hi 👋🏽
12月20號,慢遞員ÖZGE把三分緩件一起交給HAY小姐 Handover from courier Ms. ÖZGE and Ms. HAY at an office in Sheung Wan, 20 December
收件人附註:「這樣吧……我看了看這幾本書。估計都挺麻煩的 我怕給您和慢遞員添亂。要不這些書都不必給我郵寄了。等什麼時候有機會了。有人來內地能捎來(沒有危險的話)。如果最後都沒辦法的話。那我就把這錢換成別的東西吧!可以再想個漫長遊戲~哈哈哈。總之呢 就是我一點都不急。有機會能帶來 就帶了。沒機會 有危險。那就不帶了。您看您之前都是怎麼給內地買書的人帶書的呢。」
RECEIVER'S NOTE:How about this...I've selected these books, though I suppose they'll all be a bit of trouble, and I'm worried to make chaos for your courier, so why don't you not worry about posting them, let's just wait for an opportunity for someone to bring them when it's not dangerous. If it's not possible at all, then I can exchange for something else! We can think of another kind of slow and drawn out game, hahaha~ So basically, I'm not in a hurry at all. If there's a chance then okay, but if not, or it's too risky, then no worries. Just go along with however you've done it in the past for bringing books to others in the Mainland.
COURIER Ms. PORTABLE's NOTES:While taking the journey from the Tuen Mun Relay Centre to Kowloon City by way of two buses and a bit of foot journey in between to carry out other errands, I could not help but think of Chief Executive Carrie Lam's bizarre comments a few months ago regarding the new development of Hong Kong's Northern Metropolis near the Shenzhen border; a headline had read: "People will sleep better in my metropolis", referring to her observation of the many people dozing off on buses while she travels to visit the development area, approximately one hour from her residence on Hong Kong island. Without wanting to be associated with this person, I have actually made a similar observation of passengers on public transport, though I would never have the grandiose vision to think that wasteful, top-down developments such as this or the Lantau Tomorrow Vision project could resolve such a phenomenon. But I am not a politician. These thoughts, however, keep me awake while on the journey, and I finally make it to Kowloon City, the Thai neighbourhood of Hong Kong, offering in addition to his book an ironic gift of Thai coconut candies to the receiver because I am travelling to Thailand tomorrow and think I won't be needing them. He takes me up to his rooftop garden for a tour of sleepy city fruits, veggies and flowers.
巴士景 Bus Views
慢遞員易拎小姐紀錄好一個滿足的收件人 Courier Ms. PORTABLE photographs the receiver of HQL-430
「叫我HAY吧——我會大概12月22到1月2號在新加坡;跟我說一下需要跟誰聯繫去哪裡,我可以立刻安排——如果能約23或者24號最好,但我也可以靈活就下大家」 My approximate dates for SG are 22 Dec - 2 Jan, and you can just call me Hay. Let me know who/what/where I need to get in touch with and I'll be on it; would be especially brilliant if we could do it closer to 23/24 Dec but happy to sort something out that works for everyone
LUMBUNG d-fifteen:
majelis akbar notes
(Oktober 2021)
question of funding:Learning Session on Palestine
LB (lumbung) stickers
Hong Kong
六本majelis akbar
6 copies majelis akbar
四本question of funding
4 copies question of funding
20 stickers
Back to work after quarantine, after a Wednesday evening overtime activity, courier Ms. ÖZGE successfully delivers dispatch HQL-425 at a Thai restaurant in the Sheung Wan district
Courier Ms. ÖZGE spent one week in Germany for work related reasons, now back in Hong Kong but must quarantine for 14 days before dispatch HQL-425 can be delivered; awaiting relay
2021-11-14,09:59 UTC+01:
UPDATE from Ms. ÖZGE:Yes, it was a miracle and then everything was so fast. Flying back to HK tonight :)
2021-11-12,10:10 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. ÖZGE, who offered surplus carrying space for her journey from Hong Kong to Kassel at the end of October, suddenly finds herself drafted by Documenta Fifteen artist reinaart vanhoe to carry back project-related zines for the Display Distribute distro and Asia Art Archive
上環 Sheung Wan
緩件號HQL-425在香港隔離 Dispatch HQL-425 in Hong Kong 14-day quarantine
HQL-425解放之後經由慢遞員Özge小姐的上環辦公室 HQL-425 free from quarantine and temporarily relaying through courier Ms. Özge’s office in Sheung Wan
慢遞員Özge小姐和她一個同事跟緩件號HQL-425合影 Courier Ms. Özge and a colleague of hers in a group portrait with dispatch HQL-425
慢遞員Özge小姐和她一個同事跟緩件號HQL-425合影 Courier Ms. Özge and a colleague of hers in a group portrait with dispatch HQL-425
卡塞爾 Kassel
《資金問題 question of funding》
曼谷 Bangkok
墨西哥城 Mexico City 和或者 AND/OR
波士頓 Boston 和或者 AND/OR
辛辛那提 Cincinnati
高達 up to
2 kg
「我2月2日會從曼谷去墨西哥,遲一點再去波士頓和辛辛那提」 February 2 from Bangkok to Mexico, I will go to Boston and Cincinnati later
The handover went really, really well. I was almost about to be late, caught in the middle of the chaos of family dinner, but as I live very close to the cafe, where we had agreed to meet, I got there just in time. I have attached a photo from my bike ride to the cafe in Copenhagen North-West after dark.
Klara and Villads were waiting for me at the cafe. We sat down and had a cup of tea and talked about Display Distribute and the Banana School that Klara and Villads have been involved with. It was really interesting to hear more about the Banana School for me. I only knew about it through Goodiepal, it was super interesting to hear some of the thoughts behind this idea of an alternative, self-organized approach to schooling. We also opened the book package and took a look at all the amazing books. I was really happy when I biked home afterwards, so nice to know that there are people like Klara and Villads in Copenhagen doing and thinking about good things :-). And also really nice to be reminded of Hong Kong, I miss being there. I have attached some photos from the cafe, of Klara and Villads and of the book package.
Thanks to everyone on the route who made this delivery happen!!
2021-09-15,12:14 UTC+01
慢遞員CRAMER先生:「緩件號HQL-406已經移交給BananSkolen/Goodiepal & Pals的Klara Sif KARLSON和Villads SCHOU;他們並不熟悉『展銷場』,但有趣的是,他們把慢遞員吳小姐當成他們工作的重要靈感;另外,KARLSON小姐和SCHOU先生仍然需要收件人的詳細聯繫方式,到目前為止,我們只知道他是一個在哥本哈根的人」
COURIER Mr. CRAMER:HQL-406 has been handed over to Klara Sif KARLSON and Villads SCHOU from BananSkolen/Goodiepal & Pals. They haven't been familiar with Display Distribute before, but interestingly name [former courier] Ms. WU as an important inspiration for their own work; Ms. KARLSON and Mr. SCHOU still need the contact details of the receiver. So far, we only know that it is a person in Copenhagen
2021-08-23,12:39 UTC+01
COURIER Mr. CRAMER:I created a GIF e-zine documenting the pickup. It consists of a single HTML page with the GIF animation and an audio soundtrack directly embedded into the HTML code
2021-08-22,23:16 UTC+01
慢遞員CRAMER先生:「以下的照片是我和BEDIR小姐逛市集的記錄,最後我也花了25歐元買了兩部二手佳能單反相機(後來才知道兩部都完全能用),之後我們去了附近的咖啡吧喝咖啡喝茶(我的好朋友藝術家 Jo McCAMBRIDGE & Toine HORVERS以前運營的地方)」
COURIER Mr. CRAMER:The pictures below document Ms. BEDIR's and my flea market stroll, which ended in me buying two used (and, as it later turned out, fully functional) Canon DSLR cameras for 25 Euro, plus having tea and coffee in a nearby coffee bar (that used to be run by the artist couple/my good friends Jo McCAMBRIDGE & Toine HORVERS)
2021-08-17,20:23 UTC+03:
COURIER Ms. BEDIR:Hi, deal for 10:00 am this Sunday at the entrance of the market, and incredible that the other publication can move on with the next adventure so soon!
2021-08-17,11:08 UTC+01:
收件人:「Merve妳好,我們可以早上10點在市集門口見;疫情期間有新規定,要收門票,我請妳吧;我手機號是:+31 6118XXXXX。然後妳要找去丹麥的慢遞真巧——9月11-16號,我的好朋友Goodiepal & Pals/Bananskole小組會從哥本哈根來羅特丹,一定可以帶書;Goodiepal自己也有一個私人運輸網絡來帶他的郵件,他一定會很支持的」
RECEIVER:Hello Merve, we could meet at the entrance of the flea market at 10.00. Due to COVID regulations, open-air flea markets now charge an entrance fee, so I would like to treat you. My phone number is +31 6118XXXXX. It's a perfect coincidence that you need transport to Denmark — from September 11th to 16th, my good friends from the Goodiepal & Pals/Bananskole collective from Copenhagen will be in Rotterdam and able to pick up and transport the book. Goodiepal runs a private courier system for his own postal mail and will certainly be supportive. Let me know if 10.00 in the morning works for you.
2021-08-05,15:08 UTC+03:
UPDATE from Ms. BEDIR:I'm going to the Netherlands on the 20th of August and will bring the books there; if you think of/find anyone for Denmark let me know, I’ll also ask around
2021-07-20,09:44 UTC+03:
Courier Ms. ÖZGE crosses the Bosphorus Strait to meet her friend and fellow courier Ms. BEDIR, who will take care of dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 until her travels to the Netherlands in the autumn
2021-07-06,晚上 evening:
Picked up by courier Ms. ÖZGE on the upper level of Central Ferry pier No. 3, awaiting departure from Hong Kong on 9 July; this dispatch is the partial order of WC-4992 bound for Copenhagen, branch dispatched as HQL-401 from Rotterdam
哥本哈根 Copenhagen
收件人在見慢遞員的路上 Receiver on her journey to pick up dispatch HQL-406
慢遞員們 Couriers BananSkolen / Goodiepal & Pals
緩件號HQL-406打開前 Just before opening dispatch HQL-406
緩件號HQL-406打開後 Just after opening HQL-406
HQL-406第二層包裝打開後 After opening the second layer of packaging of HQL-406
羅特丹 Rotterdam
慢遞員BEDIR小姐交接前的緩件記錄 Pre-handover documentation by courier Ms. BEDIR
交接日的天氣預報 Weather forecast on the day of delivery and handover
緩件號HQL-406和HQL-407安心穿著防水雨衣出門 Dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 waterproofed by courier Ms. BEDIR
如市集門的蓋章,早上10:10 “PAID” stamp after entering the flea market, circa 10:10 am
Heemraadsplein 市集 flea market
讀者-收件人轉慢遞員 Reader-receiver turned courier Mr. CRAMER 先生
慢遞員 Courier Ms. BEDIR 小姐
HQL-407 + HQL-406 (to travel further to Copenhagen via couriers Goodiepal & Pals/Bananskolen) + cameras (2 x Canon EOS 300D + 2 x EF-S 18-55mm/3.5-5.6 zoom lens + 3 x BP-511a battery + 2 x CB-5L charger + Samsonite Trekking camera bag (set price: 25 EUR) + Dell laptop power supply (17 EUR) bought at the Heemraadsplein flea market, circa 10:40 am
HQL-407 + HQL-406 (to travel further to Copenhagen via couriers Goodiepal & Pals/Bananskolen) + cameras (2 x Canon EOS 300D + 2 x EF-S 18-55mm/3.5-5.6 zoom lens + 3 x BP-511a battery + 2 x CB-5L charger + Samsonite Trekking camera bag (set price: 25 EUR) + Dell laptop power supply (17 EUR) bought at the Heemraadsplein flea market, circa 10:40 am
Two cameras (2 x Canon EOS 300D + 2 x EF-S 18-55mm/3.5-5.6 zoom lens + 3 x BP-511a battery + 2 x CB-5L charger + Samsonite Trekking camera bag for set price: 25 EUR) + Dell laptop power supply (17 EUR) bought at the Heemraadsplein flea market, circa 10:40 am
HQL-407 + HQL-406 (to travel further to Copenhagen via couriers Goodiepal & Pals/Bananskolen) + cameras (2 x Canon EOS 300D + 2 x EF-S 18-55mm/3.5-5.6 zoom lens + 3 x BP-511a battery + 2 x CB-5L charger + Samsonite Trekking camera bag (set price: 25 EUR) + Dell laptop power supply (17 EUR) bought at the Heemraadsplein flea market, circa 10:40 am
在羅特丹UEB West喝的一杯煎茶和一杯拿鐵,早上11點 Sencha & latte at UEB West, Nieuwe Binnenweg, Rotterdam, circa 11am
早上大概11點半下的暴雨 Heavy rainshower, circa 11:30 am
把東西存在咖啡吧多放的一張桌子,早上11點 Item storage on unused café table, circa 11:00 am
緩件號HQL-406的轉運站和HQL-407的目的地,荷蘭羅特丹市西班牙人街 Dispatch HQL-406’s relay centre and HQL-407’s final destination at Spanjaardstraat, Rotterdam, Netherlands
HQL-406的臨時轉運站De Boog (Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER 羅特丹);這是慢遞員Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen 和 Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade 將一起出新一期詩歌選集和小誌《小號》的基地
Visual documentation of the handover and temporary storage of HQL-406 in the print shop De Boog, Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER Rotterdam, where Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen and Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade are printing a new issue of their zine (and, this time, poetry volume) The Trumpet
HQL-406的臨時轉運站De Boog (Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER 羅特丹);這是慢遞員Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen 和 Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade 將一起出新一期詩歌選集和小誌《小號》的基地
Visual documentation of the handover and temporary storage of HQL-406 in the print shop De Boog, Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER Rotterdam, where Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen and Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade are printing a new issue of their zine (and, this time, poetry volume) The Trumpet
記得聯絡慢遞員CRAMER先生 Notes for remembering to contact courier Mr. CRAMER
HQL-406的臨時轉運站De Boog (Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER 羅特丹);這是慢遞員Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen 和 Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade 將一起出新一期詩歌選集和小誌《小號》的基地
Visual documentation of the handover and temporary storage of HQL-406 in the print shop De Boog, Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER Rotterdam, where Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen and Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade are printing a new issue of their zine (and, this time, poetry volume) The Trumpet
伊斯坦堡 Istanbul
緩件號HQL-406和HQL-407去找第二個慢遞員一起過博斯普魯斯海峽 🚚 Dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 crossing the Bosphorus—on their way to their second courier
緩件號HQL-406和HQL-407去找第二個慢遞員一起過博斯普魯斯海峽 🚚 Dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 crossing the Bosphorus—on their way to their second courier
緩件號HQL-406和HQL-407去找第二個慢遞員一起過博斯普魯斯海峽 🚚 Dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 crossing the Bosphorus—on their way to their second courier
安全到了慢遞員BEDIR小姐的手裡 Safely relayed to courier Ms. BEDIR
香港 Hong Kong
緩件號HQL-406和HQL-407到香港中環碼頭 Dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 approaching the Central Ferry Pier in Hong Kong
夏季突然暴雨啦(熱帶氣旋警告信號1),慢遞員ÖZGE小姐和一個朋友好好保護好緩件HQL-406和HQL-407 Courier Ms. ÖZGE and a friend protecting dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 when a sudden summer downpour (typhoon signal no. 1) crashes the party
Marfa, Texas 經由 VIA
紐約 New York +
克利夫蘭 Cleveland
2 copies
黃潔宜 WONG Kit Yi
2021-11-13,晚上 evening
2021-11-17,8:44 UTC-06:
RECEIVER's REVIEW:The zine is wonderful—and thank you so much for sending it in such a fashion, it's terrific to have met Ali and John, who are fast friends
2021-11-13,大概5:00ish UTC-06:
COURIERS UPDATE:The receivers made us suan cai yu (pickled cabbage fish) and rice last Saturday, the 13th, that was really yummy! John and I hand-delivered your order after dinner, and we chatted from 5ish to 11:18pm. It was a really lovely evening!
2021-11-09,21:28 UTC-06:
Couriers Mr. ROBERTSON and Ms. WONG arrive in Marfa, Texas, after one-week transit in New York and a few days in Cleveland
After approximately two years without any outgoing dispatches to the United States, brave courier Ms. WONG picks up three dispatches for a cross-country visit together with fellow courier-companion Mr. ROBERTSON; a Halloween departure from Hong Kong scheduled for the next day, with this year's fad for Squid Game Halloween outfits quite appropriate for quarantine-era era travel
馬爾法 Marfa
在慢遞員的德州轉運中心的Josef ALBERS設計的字體招牌 Typeface designed sign by Josef ALBERS in couriers’ Texas Relay Centre
緩件環境 Dispatch views from Marfa, Texas
緩件環境 Dispatch views from Marfa, Texas
慢遞員黃女士 Courier Mrs. WONG
德州單車派送 Texas bicycle delivery
有機靈芝茶,另一個德州特色? Another Marfa specialty?
馬爾法特色:酸菜魚 Welcome to Marfa with classic Chinese meal of pickled cabbage fish
交收儀式——晚飯 Handover meal
派送成功 Handover successful!
香港 Hong Kong
緩件號HQL-421、HQL-422和HQL-423的內容 Contents of USA-bound dispatches HQL-421, HQL-422 and HQL-423
緩件號HQL-421、HQL-422和HQL-423等待慢遞員攬件 Triple dispatch of HQL-421, HQL-422 and HQL-423 awaiting pick-up
Kellett Bay, Hong Kong 經由 VIA
九龍灣 Kowloon Bay
1 本 copy
Kellett Bay is so far from the Tuen Mun Relay Centre, so courier Ms. PORTABLE makes an appointment to deliver HQL-424 to the receiver's work place; they meet at the Kowloon Bay MegaBox during the receiver's work break while doing overtime; on the way, Ms. PORTABLE's plays music during a long bus ride (258D):
- "Medley: It's All Right / For Sentimental Reasons",Sam Cooke
- "Hex",Ark Patrol
- "海龙路364号",永濕者
- "Come Stop Me",Awkwafina featuring Dumbfoundead
- "Lemonade",Coco Rosie
- "桃李争春",白光 BAI Guang
- "Carrier Bag Music",Victoria SIN
- "Pearls",Sade
交接地點Megabox Megabox handover point portrait
慢遞員何子小姐在Megabox門口的7-11等收件人過來 Courier Ms. PORTABLE waiting outside of the Megabox 7-11
2021-11-05,17:15 UTC-04:
COURIER FOLLOW-UP:Congrats on getting the SLOWEST delivery ever! I love when receiver said she couldn't remember what publications she ordered. But I guess it's nice to have a forgotten surprise with "Love You" wrapping paper! Let us know if you're coming to Hong Kong next year!
2021-11-04,13:15 UTC-04:
Courier Ms. WONG successfully makes contact with the receiver, handover scheduled for the following afternoon in Chelsea, with the receiver coyly asking, "Do you care for me to buy you a drink?"
After approximately two years without any outgoing dispatches to the United States, brave courier Ms. WONG picks up three dispatches for a cross-country visit together with fellow courier-companion Mr. ROBERTSON; a Halloween departure from Hong Kong scheduled for the next day, with this year's fad for Squid Game Halloween outfits quite appropriate for quarantine-era era travel
切爾西 Chelsea
紐約切爾西的早晚面交約會 Early evening handover date in Chelsea, New York
派送成功 Delivery successful
香港 Hong Kong
緩件號HQL-421、HQL-422和HQL-423的內容 Contents of USA-bound dispatches HQL-421, HQL-422 and HQL-423
緩件號HQL-421、HQL-422和HQL-423等待慢遞員攬件 Triple dispatch of HQL-421, HQL-422 and HQL-423 awaiting pick-up
「如果星期三順利拿到簽證,下週六我將飛往法蘭克福再去卡塞爾,待8天。你那邊有慢遞需求嗎?不會在法蘭克福呆很久,需要馬上坐火車去卡塞爾,但也許可以在卡塞爾見人送書?」 If I get my visa on Wednesday, I’ll be flying to Frankfurt and go to Kassel for 8 days, starting next Saturday. Any courier needs on your side? Won’t spend time in Frankfurt, need to take the train to Kassel immediately but perhaps can meet people in Kassel to give books?
NOTE FROM READER:It is probably good that books take a while to reach me. While there is so much joy in receiving them, I never have the time to dive in straight away. I’ve collected too much reading material, and there’s only 24 hours in a day. I am also, unfortunately, a slow reader
「我現在在香港隔離,11月17號出來,然後大概12月18號去阿姆斯特丹,明年初應該回去倫敦和布魯塞爾,二月份有可能到台灣」 I’m in Hong Kong quarantine now, get out November 17, probably go to Amsterdam December 18, and probably go to London and Brussels early next year, and then possibly Taiwan in February
更新:「昨天把你的書寄出去了,之後抓了個機會去了游泳所以現在才能給你回復,嘿嘿!閣下可按本連結,檢視已提供有關郵件【郵件編號: RE194345460HK】的電子投寄資料;另外,如果你有時間,收到書之後給我們發一張照片記錄吧——我們都很喜歡跟中我們的書,看它們到達新家環境,嘿嘿~ 非常感謝,祝安,何子」
UPDATE:Posted your package yesterday, then went to the beach before autumn fully sets in! You can track your package here, the parcel number is RE194345460HK
If you have time, do send us a pic of it in its new Somerville home after you've received it, we love to have funny logs of all our logistical manoeuvres.... Thank you and all the best, PORTABLE
更新:「昨天把你的書寄出去了,郵局還賣一些很奇怪的郵票!閣下可按本連結,檢視已提供有關郵件【郵件編號: CP953802975HK】的電子投寄資料;另外,如果你有時間,收到書之後給我們發一張照片記錄吧——我們都很喜歡跟中我們的書,看它們到達新家環境,嘿嘿~ 非常感謝,祝安,何子」
UPDATE:Posted your package yesterday, strange stamps on sale at the post office! You can track your package here, the parcel number is CP953802975HK
If you have time, do send us a pic of them in their new Moonah home after you've received them, we love to have funny logs of all our logistical manoeuvres.... Thank you and all the best, PORTABLE
Courier Ms. MO arrives in Hangzhou after a Shenzhen quarantine and Guangzhou layover to play a gig, even offering free tickets to the receiver; unfortunately he is busy and picks up dispatch HQL-414 at the door of Loopy
杭州 Hangzhou
HQL-414 微信記錄 WeChat communiqué
收件人拍的《馮火》照片 A portrait of Fong Fo by the receiver
深圳 Shenzhen
過深圳灣大橋 Crossing Shenzhen Bay Bridge
深圳灣口岸香港入口 Hong Kong side entrance to Shenzhen Bay Port
出境,入體系 Exiting Hong Kong, Entering the System
入境後一個浪漫的朋友在深圳等著看慢遞員阿MO小姐一眼 A romantic friend waits on the Shenzhen side for a glimpse before courier Ms. MO enters quarantine
往隔離酒店 Bus to quarantine hotel
開始隔離前最後一刻在外面 Last moment outdoors before entering quarantine
浪漫的朋友在外面等著 The patiently waiting romantic friend
加多30元一天有投影儀看片子的隔離間 A quarantine hotel with projector viewing entertainment experience for an extra CNY ¥30 per day
慢遞員MO小姐跟她的浪漫朋友分享定位 Courier Ms. MO locating her romantic friend
浪漫的朋友還等著 The patiently waiting romantic friend still waiting
隔離第一晚後,浪漫的朋友還在 The morning after the first night’s quarantine, romantic friend still nearby
隔離第二天:最後一包 😭 QUARANTINE DAY 02:The last bag 😭
隔離第14天:不符合七天居家檢測,崩潰 QUARANTINE DAY 14:Not qualified for 7-day at home monitoring, fuck
隔離第15天:「跟我一起進來的人走了」 QUARANTINE DAY 15:The people I came in with together are leaving
隔離第15天:「跟我一起進來的人走了」 QUARANTINE DAY 15:The people I came in with together are leaving
烏特勒支 Utrecht 經由 VIA
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam +
錦上路 Kam Sheung Road
部分 partial
The remainder of this order has been logged as HQL-415
1 copy each
Jeroen de KLOET +
2021-09-18,11:51 UTC+01
2021-09-18,中午 noon,UTC+01:
Because most of the receiver's friends are in Amsterdam and his art studio is also located in Zaandam just next to Amsterdam (around 15 minutes away by 🚊), the receiver generously offers to courier his own package for the remainder of the journey, visiting courier Mr. de KLOET at his home around Wibaut station on a Saturday afternoon
2021-09-05,06:00 UTC +01:
Courier Mr. de KLOET arrives early in the morning to Amsterdam Schipol airport after a red-eye flight from Hong Kong, enjoying the luxury of no pandemic-era checks whatsoever, not even a temperature check; in addition to dispatch HQL-417, he is also carrying a Japanese toilet seat which did not fit on his Hong Kong toilet, but works perfectly on his Dutch one
緩件號HQL-417的內容 Contents of dispatch HQL-417
不包括LV購物紙袋 Does not come with Louis Vuitton shopping bag
錦上路交接的大藍天 The blue sky of a Kam Sheung Road handover
HQL-417 Signal 記錄 communiqué
在慢遞員高先生阿姆斯特丹家成功交收 Successful handover in Amsterdam at courier Mr. de Kloet’s home
在火車上很興奮等待回家 An excited package on the train back home
《一個人的社會》展覽物品: An Individual as the Society exhibition articles:
Legal documents pertaining to the MA Dou case, first case of sex discrimination while employed in a state-owned enterprise in China
Hong Kong
廣州 Guangzhou 經由 VIA
深圳 Shenzhen
1 transparent plastic document folder with documents
1 phone
阿MO +
過深圳灣大橋 Crossing Shenzhen Bay Bridge
深圳灣口岸香港入口 Hong Kong side entrance to Shenzhen Bay Port
出境,入體系 Exiting Hong Kong, Entering the System
入境後一個浪漫的朋友在深圳等著看慢遞員阿MO小姐一眼 A romantic friend waits on the Shenzhen side for a glimpse before courier Ms. MO enters quarantine
往隔離酒店 Bus to quarantine hotel
開始隔離前最後一刻在外面 Last moment outdoors before entering quarantine
浪漫的朋友在外面等著 The patiently waiting romantic friend
加多30元一天有投影儀看片子的隔離間 A quarantine hotel with projector viewing entertainment experience for an extra CNY ¥30 per day
慢遞員MO小姐跟她的浪漫朋友分享定位 Courier Ms. MO locating her romantic friend
浪漫的朋友還等著 The patiently waiting romantic friend still waiting
隔離第一晚後,浪漫的朋友還在 The morning after the first night’s quarantine, romantic friend still nearby
隔離第二天:最後一包 😭 QUARANTINE DAY 02:The last bag 😭
隔離第14天:不符合七天居家檢測,崩潰 QUARANTINE DAY 14:Not qualified for 7-day at home monitoring, fuck
隔離第15天:「跟我一起進來的人走了」 QUARANTINE DAY 15:The people I came in with together are leaving
隔離第15天:「跟我一起進來的人走了」 QUARANTINE DAY 15:The people I came in with together are leaving
Kuala Lumpur
香港 Hong Kong 經由 VIA
首爾 Seoul
高達 up to
4 kg
Clarissa LIM
UPDATE:Just dropping a note that I'll be heading to seoul (19/09) then to Hong Kong (11/10)! Probably can add on 2-3 books so let me know!
UPDATE:A bit of an update re: Hong Kong trip—this perhaps may delay as there are new restrictions between Malaysia and Hong Kong, but I may be travelling to Seoul beforehand—perhaps will see if anyone may need anything between Kuala Lumpur - Seoul - Hong Kong! Will confirm this shortly.
2021-09-02,晚上 evening:
Courier Mister E holds on to dispatch HQL-412 for a few days before making final delivery via a shopping mall route in Tsuen Wan
Courier Mister picks up from Ms. ANQI in front of a bar in Jordan during quick handover amidst a Tuesday night drizzle
Courier Ms. ANQI has received dispatch HQL-412 from courier Ms. HL and departed Guangzhou for Hong Kong in the morning, arriving to her Jordan area residence late afternoon
聞著鄰座的炸雞香味,我再一次被飛機帶上雲霄,進入了理智真空。我後悔購買夜間的航班,夜空更加烘托了乘坐飛機的抽象的恐懼,夜空本身即抽象恐懼。不過夜間航班讓人更接近宇宙,太空也是暗的不是嗎?人類是少數擁有白天的存在嗎?難以想象,僅僅靠一顆星球,我們得以一半存在於光明中。 With the scent of fried chicken from the passenger in the seat next to me, I get sent once again into the clouds of a flight, to enter a the vaccuum of reason. I regret taking an evening flight, because the night sky increases the abstract fear of flying. The night sky is itself an abstraction of fear. But space is also dark, so maybe an evening flight also brings one nearer to the universe. Is the human use of daylight a rarity? It's hard to imagine—by relying simply upon a star, we spend half of our existences in the light.
我的全身感官全部張開,在如今健忘而麻痹的日常中,乘坐飛機可能是我的感官最為發達的時刻。一點點顛簸,一點點引擎聲響和震顫幅度的變化,一點點異樣的氣味或溫度(比如剛才我感到自己座位溫度升高非常恐懼後證實了其實是自己體溫),任何一個行為有一點點怪異的人,都足以擊垮我。最理想的狀態是上機便睡去一覺安睡到落地,最讓人崩潰的情況是上機好不容易睡去了,飛機一起飛又醒了,恐懼吞噬靈魂,再也回到夢中,那就要經歷最驚心動魄的上升時刻。 All of my senses are open. Compared to what are otherwise numbing and forgetful everydays, taking a plane is probably the moment when my senses are most aware. The slightest bump, the slightest discrepant rumble from the engine, the slightest change in odour or temperature (after the fright of feeling the temperature of my seat rise just now, I realised it was simply my own body heat)—any action or out of ordinary person are enough to topple me over. The most ideal situation would be to board the plane and sleep until landing. The most terrible is to fall asleep after boarding and get woken up by the take-off such that fear eats into the soul. If you fall asleep again, your dreams will only be full of those disturbing beasts.
我記得人生某一段時間是不怕坐飛機的,27歲之前吧,真正的天不怕地不怕。後來經歷了這些年最大的一次理性危機而所導致的健康警報,我的神經變脆弱了,哪怕之後其他時候有所好轉也沒法控制抽象的恐懼。我希望短時間內不再飛,每一次飛行耗費掉巨大的能量和精神。我也希望我可以重新擁有天不怕地不怕的勇氣。 I remember there was a time when I was afraid of flying. Before turning 27, I was truly not afraid of anything. After experiencing the biggest crisis of my life, a health danger made my nerves weak from then on, and even if things improved later there wasn't any way to control that abstract fear. I hope not to fly anymore in the near future. Each flight consumes so much of my energy. I also hope I can gain my courage again, to not be afraid of anything.
出版社/發貨人:「我抱著《閒逛者小報》在Voyage Coffee的台階上看見HL出現在葛宇路展覽的入口,小報從這裡上路了」
PUBLISHER/SENDER:While holding on to a dispatch of Tabloid Flaneur, I wait on the steps of Voyage Coffee in the 798 arts district until seeing courier Ms. HL emerge from the GE Yulu exhibition; our tabloid makes its way
九龍 Kowloon
《閒逛者小報》和一台蘋果筆記本穿者一樣的石灰绿 Tabloid Flaneur and Macbook dressed in lime
《馮火》在香港佐敦等待交接 Fong Fo awaiting handover in Jordan
慢遞員ANQI小姐記錄她和慢遞員E先生交接HQL-412 Courier Ms. ANQI photographs handover with courier Mr. E
Courier Mr. E in transit in Hong Kong
慢遞員E先生在香港的派送中 Courier Mr. E in transit in Hong Kong
Courier Mr. E in unavoidable shopping mall transit in Hong Kong
Courier Mr. E in unavoidable cinematic views during shopping mall transit in Hong Kong
最後在荃灣地鐵站交收,派送成功 Final drop-off at Tsuen Wan MTR station
最後在荃灣地鐵站交收,派送成功 Final drop-off at Tsuen Wan MTR station
廣州和香港之間 between Guangzhou and Hong Kong
港珠澳大橋上的風景 landscape while crossing the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge
Ho Man Tin, Hong Kong 經由 VIA
深水埗 Sham Shui Po +
油麻地 Yau Ma Tei
1 copy each
Mister E +
After holding on to dispatch HQL-416 in Yaumatei for a few days, courier Mister E makes plans with the reader-receiver to meet at Ho Man Tin Plaza on Tuesday at 17:30; with a short bus journey from his office at Baptist University, he arrives early and waits for the receiver near the A1 Bakery for a few minutes ('It was raining so I didn’t want to take the package out, or dawdle, sorry') before a successful handover
慢遞員易拎小姐的報告:「雖然我的慢遞工作跟生命主義沒什麼大關係,走各種街道去平時不會去的地方也可以像什麼驚險片——起碼能說這兩年的狀況令到我想自己的死亡不少;像今天出去慢遞,不是一種宿命論的想法,而是一種好玩的妄想和唯物主義,嘿嘿;今日去找慢遞員E先生之前經由南昌站買一個二手可充氣的防水袋,之後去看了一個馬來西亞獨立武術電影,40多歲的女導演也演女主角,好勁;之後我和E先生去了深水埗找另一些朋友盛飯,他們從一些非法越南人點了一大餐越南外賣。我給他們看了我的防水袋裡面的書和一條生命主義工具筆,他們都覺得not normal,好好笑」
COURIER Ms. PORTABLE's REPORT:This courier journey was themed for survivalist mode, as I have been thinking about death more than ever in the last two years, or rather, you could say the adventures before death; this is not such a fatalist idea as much as entertaining, delusional and materialistic, at least in the instance of today, where I stopped at Nam Cheong to buy a secondhand inflatable dry bag before meeting courier Mister E, and then we watched a Malaysian indie martial arts film featuring a 40-something year-old director in the female lead, and—filled with energy—we crashed dinner later with friends who had ordered a ridiculous amount of Vietnamese specialties from an undocumented kitchen in Sham Shui Po; I showed them a survival pen (also purchased during a couriering encounter) inside the dry bag along with the books, and they got a good laugh
慢遞員何子小姐因為上癮了Carousell平台去找E先生的路上經過南昌站跟Carousell賣家交收 Courier Ms. PORTABLE pauses at NamCheong MTR to feed an addiction to Carousell
The relay of HQL-416 over a grey Vietnamese takeout dinner
慢遞員E先生派送當天從他浸會大學的辦公室出發 Courier Mister E departs for his meeting with the reader-receiver from his office at Baptist University
同緩件一起逛下何文田廣場 Strolling through Ho Man Tin Plaza
跟讀者-收件人成功自拍 Successful selfie with reader-receiver
The remainder of this order has been logged as HQL-417
1 copy
海納 Reinaart VANHOE
2021-08-27,大概 around 15:30 UTC +01
2021-08-28,10:22 UTC +01:
收件人評價:「琴日真好玩✌🏼!多謝海納同我吹下水。ook huis真的讓我好溫暖有家的感覺;我會再過去,同小朋友玩也真開心(雖然我啲俾可愛的男仔差唔多弄死人了😂)」
RECEIVER REVIEW:Yesterday was so fun✌🏼! Thank you Reinaart had a nice chat with me. And ook_ really make me feel like home and feel so warm. I will always come by and feeling so happy with kids (in the end, we almost got ‘killed’ by a cute boy 😂)
2021-08-27,14:01 UTC +01:
收件人自己取書:「喂~ 我在路上正在搭跨城火車啦 😄!可以大概三點半到」
READER PICKS UP HIS OWN DISPATCH:Hoiii~ I am coming to Rotterdam and get on the intercity now 😄! Will be arrive around 3:30
2021-08-24,11:32 UTC-07:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello, Is it possible to change the location for my delivery? I relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area, and can meet with a courier anywhere near/around San Francisco. I think it will be more possible to find a courier route this way, as SF is a much bigger city with more frequent travel by LIGHT LOGISTICS couriers. Thank you!
LIGHT LOGISTICS participates in a wider discussion of globally enabled and dismantled forms of exchange amidst a late-capitalist networked production. A series of events and other flexible forms of reading and writing on critical, autonomous practices across Asia and Southeast Asia have taken place at various hosting institutions including Warehouse 421 (Abu Dhabi, 2020), Black Book Assembly (Hong Kong, 2017 & 2019), Seoul Mediacity Biennale (2018), Bangkok City City Gallery (Bangkok, 2018), Hamburger Bahnhof (Berlin, 2017), Irregular Rhythm Asylum (Tokyo, 2016), Gasworks (London, 2016), Zendai Zhujiajiao Art Museum (Shanghai, 2016) and BANK (Shanghai, 2015).