2023-08-03,16:29 UTC+12:
收件人更新:「Kia ora,我很高興地告訴大家,包裹已經到了,目前正在對出版物進行編目,供我市的好心人欣賞。我的幾位同事圍在一起等待開封,其中一位看到我們從未見過的早餐麥片包裝後激動不已。關於我少付的錢,我可以在下次訂貨時多加一些。我還會寄一些我們無政府主義小組出的小誌。祝你旅途愉快,H」
RECEIVER UPDATE:Kia ora, I am thrilled to report the package has arrived, and the publications are currently being catalogued for the good people of our city to enjoy. Several of my workmates gathered around for the opening, and one was thrilled to see the packaging of breakfast cereal we had never seen before. Regarding my underpayment, I could add some extra to our next order. I will also send you some anarcho-zines from my collective. Happy travels, H
LIGHT LOGISTICIAN UPDATE:Looks like your package is already in air, you can track the package here with tracking number: EA370358637HK
在香港郵政的屯門站 At the Tuen Mun office of Hong Kong Post
到達惠靈頓市圖書館辦公室 Arrived at Wellington City Libraries office
X-O +
GABRIEL patron saint of messengers and postal workers
2023-07-27,22:14 UTC+03
2023-07-27,22:14 UTC +03:
Finally I was able to get my copies thanks to X-O coming all the way from Oslo to Athens for a few days. She leaves tomorrow for an island and I back to Berlin.
There is no URL to The Black Cat who has been shunning the internet (and social media) until now. With that said we are working on launching a digital project detailing the space with the help of a few friends. It might take a year or so before it's on the web. Will send you a link when it's ready.
Many thanks to anyone involved in this adventure, to finally being able to read about the fascinating Tsuji Jun was worth all the wait.
Until next time!
2023-07-07,20:49 UTC +02:
收件人更新:「你好,通知一下X-O上班之後拿到包裹啦;她這個月底回老家會幫我帶過來;一本會留在Ippokratous街125號的黑貓阿納期-達達主義書店(Omavros Gatos)。非常感謝整個展銷場團隊,也謝謝加俾額爾的寬容,希望在歐洲和其它地方有更多這樣的項目;書到了黑貓我會更新發照片。祝好,收件人」
Hello, I confirm that X-O was able to pick up the package at her arrival to work. She will kindly bring it to me when she travels back home to Athens later this month. One of the copies will be left at The Black Cat (Omavros Gatos) anarcho-dadaist book store on Ippokratous Str. 125.
A big thank you(!) to the entire Display Distribute team and to GABRIELE for his time and flexibility. May there be more of such initiatives in Europe and elsewhere.
Will update with a picture when the books arrive at The Black Cat.
2023-07-04,18:53 UTC +02:
COURIER GABRIEL UPDATE:book is with X-X, or O-O, since there were both possible X-Os working at the drop location; should proceed to the receiver via her
2023-07-03,19:19 UTC +02:
COURIER GABRIEL UPDATE:hey im bringing the dispatch to Oslo, might actually just drop it at a restaurant
2023-06-27,19:42 UTC +02:
收件人更新:「你好加俾額爾,那幾天我的朋友X-O都會在奧斯陸;她在這個酒吧工作:Nedre Løkka Cocktailbar & Selskapslokaler;他們除了星期六每天下午4點到半夜1點開著,所以4號星期二應該沒有問題;如果她沒在妳也可以把書放給她的同事。非常感謝你,祝你的旅行愉快」
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello GABRIELE, my friend, X-O is her name, will be in Oslo between those dates. She works in this bar: Nedre Løkka Cocktailbar & Selskapslokaler; they open from 4 pm to 1 am every day except Saturday, but so Tuesday 4th would work; If she is not there you could just leave the book to one of her colleagues. Thank you so much for doing this! Best wishes for your trips
2023-06-25,18:15 UTC +02:
COURIER GABRIEL UPDATE:I will pass through Oslo on July 4th and then on the 6th or 7th – on the 4th I stay all day, so it would be more convenient to drop the book somewhere. Let me know if it works for your friend there. Best, GABRIEL
2023-06-16,14:16 UTC +02:
COURIER GABRIEL UPDATE:Hello, The dispatch is with me in Bergen. I will be in Wurzburg, Germany next week, and in Oslo for a day some point in July—no date yet—to then be in Rome between July and August. Let me know if any of these locations work. Best, GABRIEL
2023-05-11,12:32 UTC +01:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hi, I can give them an address (restaurant) in Oslo but my friend may not be flexible enough to pick it up anywhere else. She is a waitress and works long and late hours. Otherwise I will be in Berlin at the end of the month and have friends all over the city. Thanks for keeping me updated.
2023-04-25,13:23 UTC +02:
Dispatch arrives in Bergen; awaiting relay and contact with receiver:Dispatch is in Bergen. I’ll go to Rome for sure over the summer. But might find someone going to Oslo or Berlin before that, and I’ll keep an eye open for the other destinations too. If you know of anyone in Bergen who will travel to a destination that works for you, just let me know and I’ll hand the dispatch over. Best, GABRIEL
Dispatch HQL-511 is picked up by courier GABRIEL in between Hong Kong must-sees like geo-sleuthing smart lamp posts and the first checkout-free convenience store near gate 24 of Hong Kong International airport; two out of three successful, dispatch departs on a red-eye flight to Bergen with layover in Frankfurt
雅典 Athens
緩件號 Dispatch HQL-511
HQL-511的內容 Contents of dispatch HQL-511
卑爾根到奧斯陸 Bergen to Oslo
「歐洲很奇怪」 Europe is weird
緩件號 Dispatch HQL-527
「說實話,奧斯陸令人毛骨悚然的」 Oslo is so creepy TBH
香港 Hong Kong
在香港找一下多功能智慧燈柱 While in Hong Kong, geolocate smart lampposts
2023-07-22,16:34 UTC+09:
After a trip to Jeonju, courier mazi arranges to meet with the receivers in the afternoon at the Gwanghwamun Starbucks; she is a bit late coming from her dorm at Hanyang U, but the receivers kindly wait for her, even bringing her to an arthouse cinema for a visit afterwards (despite her not understanding Korean)
Hi, my name is mazi, sorry to reply you that time, since I have muted the message notifications. I am now having my summer school in Hanyang University ^ ^ Nice to see u guys~ Maybe we can get meet next weekend, since I have several affairs need to tackle this week.😀 OK, I actually have classes on Monday to Thursday morning and afternoon until 16:00 I ended both classes. By the way, I have no classes from Friday to Saturday ^_^
2023-07-01,05:22 UTC+09:
Turns out that mazi's flight to Korea is one day later, arrival in Seoul just in time to avoid Hong Kong's 1 July annual return to China flag raising ceremony; awaiting contact with receiver
2023-06-28,晚上 evening:
Second pick-up attempt is rescheduled for around 9 or 10 pm after courier mazi returns from another Shenzhen trip; dispatch HQL-528 successfully picked up at the entrance of Lingnan University; mazi is surprised that the dispatch is not rectangular shaped
2023-06-27,晚上 evening:
Pick-up for dispatch HQL-528, Black Book Assembly newsletters for members in Seoul, is scheduled around Lingnan University after courier mazi returns from work; she stops first in Tin Shui Wai for dinner, but the dessert extends the time and pick-up is rescheduled
COURIER mazi UPDATE:Going to Korea for July, any books that need to be carried? Last time wasn't possible, this time leaving on a red-eye on the 29th, so actually the 30th
New courier Ms. mazi registers her upcoming routes to Shanghai and South Korea with Display Distribute at the beginning of May, but prior to her Shanghai trip, she is busy in the post-exam period, catching up on sleep and making a Shenzhen run to see a live show; failed pick-up for order WC-6366
鐘路區 Jongno-gu
緩件號HQL-528一捲 The roll of dispatch HQL-528
「運送路上看到的」 Things I saw along the way to delivery
「運送路上看到的」 Things I saw along the way to delivery
「好玩东西」 Fun things
首爾留學生生活 Seoul Student Life
「首爾還不錯」 Seoul is not bad
第一天在首爾 First Day in Seoul
「兩個人根本吃不完,打包了;我便秘了買了西梅汁」 Two of us couldn’t finish it at all, we packed the rest; I’m constipated, bought a plum juice
「今天和中學同學拍了人間四格,她明天回上海了😅」 Had a photobooth session with my middle school classmate today, she’s returning to Shanghai tomorrow 😅
路途中 In-Transit
緩件號HQL-528放了包包裡 Dispatch HQL-528 safely inside courier mazi’s bag
Recently hui jor goh dung ging trip hui jor 5 yat. Red eye flight soh yi day one ksud hai zombie mode jor cant do anything. And then day 2 chut jor moon hau sin sing hei mo dai cui (📦) chut gai. Soh yi day 3 chung yu hui jor ira to deliver. Hui dou goh chan gei geng cui ng hoi moon. And then read the notice more carefully gin dou hai later back and shorter hours jeh jau fong sum jor
Ho qq. Arrive yuen gin dou notice jau jor hui fu gun walk around. And then 160x went back to wait and saw a couple waiting too. And then ngo dei hai gum “hahahah should we ring the bell” but there was no bell, just a light switch for that floor. At the end (by this time there’s already 6 of us waiting at the door) finally decided to knock. We heard noises inside but no one was opening the door gun ju boss jau came back and gomenasai opened the door~ while person inside 探頭出來 at the same time ✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿*⁂((✪⥎✪))⁂*
2023-07-19,16:03 UTC+02:
派送成功;接收人談到世界各地的年輕人都在暴動,因為他們看不到自己的未來;他們在不同的地方起義,暴力程度不斷升級——例如香港、泰國、巴塞羅那、巴黎...... 作為禮物,收件人將自己在巴塞羅那運動期間製作的抗議兩套貼紙送給了慢遞員和黑書眾的同志
Dispatch successfully received; the RECEIVER was talking about how youths around the world are rioting as they see no future for them; they rise up in different spots, and the level of violence is escalating—see Hong Kong, Thailand, Barcelona, Paris... as a gift, he gave the courier protest stickers he made during the Barcelona movement, and another set for Black Book Assembly
2023-07-10,13:56 UTC+02:
慢遞員細蚊仔在巴塞羅那忙於一個新的研究項目,與收件人約好7月14日星期四共進午餐;他們將在收件人位於 Legalitat 18 的印刷工作室見面
COURIER Little Mosquito is busy in Barcelona on a work research trip and schedules a lunch appointment with RECEIVER for Thursday, 13 July; they will meet first at the RECEIVER's printing shop at Legalitat 18
2023-07-08,16:36 UTC+02:
慢遞員細蚊仔更新:「完蛋了⋯⋯我沒有提前網上登機,以為屏幕寫的是可以到早上10:35拿登機牌,結果只到10:30,然後我晚了兩分鐘;現在巨大延誤了⋯⋯我應該走之前燒幾炷香的 😂」
COURIER Little Mosquito UPDATE:Shit…I didn’t check in online and the screen showed 10:35, but it’s actually 10:30. And I was 2 minutes too late to check in; giant delay… I should have burnt some incense stickers before I left 😂
2023-07-06,17:04 UTC+01:
COURIER Little Mosquito UPDATE:I'm at Waag now, don’t go to the zoo
2023-07-06,12:21 UTC+01:
慢遞員ZEONHO和細蚊仔花了幾天時間分享不同回合地點,以便有機會在海牙或鹿特丹見面,但細蚊子只會在阿姆斯特丹;建議的交接點包括Gerrit Rietveld學院畢業展、Artis和Waag;由於細蚊仔提出可以安排免費進入Waag的活動,地點安排在6號星期四晚上21:30之間;ZEONHO將為細蚊仔的慢遞便利換送一個環保袋禮物
Couriers ZEONHO and Little Mosquito spend a few days sharing locations for possible opportunities to meet in Den Haag or Rotterdam, but Little Mosquito will only be in Amsterdam; suggested handover points include the Gerrit Rietveld Akademie graduation show, Artis, and Waag; with Little Mosquito's offer to obtain free entry for an event to Waag, location is scheduled there for Thursday the 6th in the evening before 21:30; ZEONHO will exchange for a tote bag gift for Little Mosquito's couriering convenience
2023-06-30,16:09 UTC+01:
Courier ZEONHO, the active and roving courier extraordinaire for Black Book Assembly No. 4, which has been stationed for relay from Utrecht, assists with one more run of the last remaining copies, which will travel with courier Little Mosquito from Amsterdam to Barcelona to be shared with BBA04 contributor Gerard ALTAIÓ and other friends
Legalitat 18
「我見到中文塗鴉」 I saw graffiti in Chinese
緩件號HQL-527在行李箱裡 HQL-527 in luggage, en route
目的地 Final destination
收件人檢查他的包裹 RECEIVER inspects his dispatch
第四期黑書眾半年多報 The fourth edition of the Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-a-Year-in-Review
12份報紙交換的貼紙 Stickers received in exchange for newspapers
網上 Internet
第一個提出的交接地方 First suggested location for handover
第二個提出的交接地方 Second suggested location for handover
第三個提出的交接地方 Third suggested location for handover
收件人和細蚊仔的TG通訊 Telegram communique between Little Mosquito and RECEIVER
烏特勒支 Utrecht
慢遞員ZEONHO攬件 Courier ZEONHO pick-up
第四期在烏特勒支的最後12份 The last 12 copies of BBA04 in Utrecht
慢遞員新野小姐更新:「從香港回來休息了一下就去東京,然後前面一個星期又在恢復東京消耗的體力 😂 書就先放在家裡書架上了」
COURIER Ms. Xinye UPDATE:Since I've come back from Hong Kong I could only rest a short while and then I went to Tokyo, and after that I've been taking it easy to make up for all that input 😂 ; the books are for now on my bookshelf
Oh yes, can i use a courier service to send the books I've brought back? Actually I might go back to my hometown in the beginning of August, so if the receiver is not in a hurry, maybe I can meet them in person; Xinye is the name of the township where I was born; the final receiving destination Nanyang is a lower ranking city, composed of thirteen towns, one of which is Xinye 😁; my family moved to Nanyang when I was in high school
If I can meet the receiver in person, maybe I can write a encounter notation to document, something like that? I'm actually very surprised that there would be a Nanyang person who found out about Display Distribute; maybe it's because Nanyang is based upon my upbringing a fairly "backwards" place 😂; my parents brought my little brother back to our hometown, so in August will probably go back to pick up my brother and bring him back to Shanghai; this slow-courier experience is a way for me to newly experience my hometown, really looking forward to meet the receiver
COURIER Ms. Xinye UPDATE:We've arrived in Shanghai, the plane is still gliding in 😁
Couriers SISSI and Ms. Xinye travel together from Shanghai to Hong Kong for a mini-vacation to watch the holiday period dragon boat races; high on the Sham Tseng neighbourhood's famous roast goose, they have energy to both participate in rowing and carry several dispatches (HQL-498, HQL-524, HQL-525, HQL-526) back for relay from Shanghai
上海 Shanghai
緩件號HQL-525在上海等待轉運 Dispatch HQL-525 awaiting relay in Shanghai
香港 Hong Kong
新野小姐和SISSI一起在佐敦華美達華麗酒店攬好HQL-524、HQL-525和HQL-526緩件 Dispatches HQL-524, HQL-525, and HQL-526 picked up by couriers SISSI and Ms. Xinye at the Ramada Hong Kong Grand in Jordan
HQL-498在大奧過端午節在大奧 Dispatch HQL-498 spends the Dragon Boat Festival holiday in Tai O
大奧的龍舟賽 Dragon Boat races in Tai O
香港腳 😅 Hong Kong feet
到了機場準備轉上海 At Hong Kong airport awaiting relay to Shanghai
到了機場準備轉上海 At Hong Kong airport awaiting relay to Shanghai
慢遞員們SISSI和新野小姐一起回上海 Couriers SISSI and Ms. Xinye return to Shanghai together
Hello, hello, I hope you had a lovely sunny weekend. I swam in Tai Tam Bay and it was beautiful!
Very exciting to hear that you may be carrying books from a Dubai publisher! I would be delighted to help courier them back. I will be in Dubai from 13 - 23 Aug, after which I will be leaving for Hong Kong. I should have ~5kg of space on the return trip.
If you’d like me to bring things from London my dates there are 24 July - 12 Aug. I wont have as much space on this leg, maybe a couple of kilos?
Looking forward!
「需要7月20日前取件」 Need to collect items in HK before 20 July
蒙特利爾 Montreal 和或者 AND/OR
維也納 Vienna 和或者 AND/OR
巴塞羅納 Barcelona
香港 Hong Kong
高達 up to
1 kg
「跟你說一下,我可以帶高達1公斤的書回香港,從這些地方:到7約25號在蒙特利爾,到8月5日在維也納,到8月21日在巴塞羅納;有誰需要慢遞的幫忙跟我說一下!」 Just letting you know I can bring up to 1kg of books back to Hong Kong for the following locations: Montreal: until 25th of July, Vienna until August 5, Barcelona until August 21. Let me know if anyone would like support in distributing!
2023-07-02,下午 afternoon UTC+0:
Courier SIUSOON arranges a final handover with the receiver at a Cantonese café, introducing Hong Kong culture by way of artisanal Hong Kong-style milk tea; handover successful, with a couple of copies of the dispatch gifted back to the courier
2023-06-20,晚上 evening UTC+0:
Arrival in London UPDATE:Better to arrange between 29/6 and 5/7 in London, as I am flying to Greece after (if you have parcel in Greece to deliver let me know)
2023-06-19,17:24 UTC+1:
雖然慢遞員海納沒空18號跟小孫見面,但是第二天星期一到她快工作忙完,海納就去了她工作的學校交接;因為學校沒有空調天氣熱的原因,小孫很開心下樓跟他會合;交接好了兩位還跟其他共同認識的夥伴們一起去happy hour
While courier Mr. mas ART is unable to meet with SIUSOON on the initially proposed date, the next day he is able to visit them at the academic institution where she is working, giving them a great excuse to come down from the 5th floor to escape the heat; handover successful along with after work drinks with common colleagues
2023-06-16,00:12 UTC+0:
慢遞員小孫:「要不6月18日,下午五點?(羅特丹Savoy酒店)你知道包裹有多大嗎?我想看一下是否需要帶更大的袋子 🤣」
COURIER SIUSOON:How about 18/6 at 1700? (Savoy Hotel Rotterdam) Do you know how big is the package? I would like to see if I need to bring a bigger bag 🤣
2023-06-15,12:14 UTC+0:
While preparing a handover for dispatch HQL-488, London-based courier SIUSOON reveals that they happen to be travelling to Rotterdam for work between the 18th and 20th of June; route claimed
2023-05-31,08:52 UTC+1:
Courier mas ART unwittingly becomes the recipient of a failed April delivery by PostNL to London, paid for by budget from the production of the Black Book Assembly newsletter; unfortunately, an incorrectly filled in recipient address brings the dispatch back to Rotterdam, and without budget to initiate a second postal delivery to one of the newsletter contributors, a call is put out to operate in reliable LIGHT LOGISTICS style
倫敦 London
在倫敦的香港飲食文化 Hong Kong food culture in London
收件人展示她的收穫 The receiver spreads out her new wares
皮特·茲沃特學院 Piet Zwart Institute
請願來抵抗學校管理問: 1-2 million debt and how it came, how to solve, how to organise education, responsibility from the years before… (a painful process)
2023-06-23,20:54 UTC+0:
After a successful streetside meetup with the receiver in Leeds, courier HAY shares handover gossip: He got the zine because he really wants to know more about the philosopher apparently, and has really enjoyed seeing the package move around over the last while
2023-06-23,11:07 UTC+0:
COURIER HAY UPDATE:Now I’m going to see the receiver, I think!! They’ll give me a ring around 1 and we will figure something out
2023-06-23,09:44 UTC+0:
慢遞員小孫和剛到英國的慢遞員HAY早上在倫敦滑鐵盧站碰面,聊了一回,慢遞員小孫報告:「認識到新朋友,好開心。覺得每個courier都share similar values and energy,好正」;慢遞員HAY報告:「今天我和小孫快速會面了,很可愛!!他給我指出了一些我未來很想做的事情,我們討論了荷蘭的網絡藝術和在丹麥食點心的難度」
Courier SIUSOON finds courier HAY, who has just arrived to the UK, passing through Waterloo Station, and they chat for a bit while making the handover; courier SIUSOON reports: Really happy to meet new friends. I think each courier shares similar values and energy, so great; courier HAY reports: I had a really quick but lovely meet up w SIUSOON today!!!! They pointed me to things i would love to do in the future, we have discussed Dutch net art and how hard it is to get dimsum in Denmark
RELAY COURIER HAY PICK-UP:FUN FACT I HAPPEN TO BE GOING TO LEEDS (To help my brother pack!!) Yeah!!! I’ll be there 23-24 June!
2023-01-11,17:17 UTC+0:
After meeting with the receiver to hand over her dispatch HQL-489 along with two other dispatches she has agreed to hold in relay, courier Mr. SANDERSON finds out that he, "actually knew who SIUSOON is, it turns out, although we'd never met; small world, etc etc"; dispatches HQL-490 and HQL-488 awaiting relay with new courier SIUSOON
2022-12-23,18:36 UTC+0:
WELCOME HOMES:I ran into some Hongkongers running a fish & chip restaurant in South London
Courier Mr. SANDERSON is travelling outside of Hong Kong for the first time in two years, nervous but not so much that he cannot bring a few extra items with him. Including a triple dispatch bound for the UK and EU, he also carries GBP £51.13 in small bills and loose change that have been out of circulation for much too long
利茲 Leeds
派送成功 Successfully received
滑鐵盧站 Waterloo Station
慢遞員 Courier HAY
慢遞員HAY和小孫一起 Couriers HAY and SIUSOON together
文藝倫敦 Arty London
2023-01-11,13:35 UTC+0:「慢遞仲」 Couriering
2023-01-11,13:36 UTC+0:「在白教堂藝術館喝咖啡」 Coffee at Whitechapel Art Gallery
2023-01-11,13:36 UTC+0:「白教堂藝術館的一個關於倫敦機構與行為藝術合作的歷史檔案展」 An historical archive show about London institutions that worked with performance art, at Whitechapel Art Gallery
2023-01-11,15:11 UTC+0:「在巴士上」 On the bus
巴特西發電站裡面 Inside the Battersea Power Station
收件人⋯⋯ Receiver…
⋯⋯轉慢遞員 …Turns courier
慢遞員李先生和小孫 Couriers Mr. SANDERSON and SIUSOON
科隆 Cologne
2023-01-08,19:29 UTC+0:「科隆魚」 Fish in Cologne
2023-01-09,22:27 UTC+0:「放假時部分工作日/週末」 Specific days do not exist on holiday
2023-01-09,22:27 UTC+0:經典德國燉豬腳叫「冰腿」 Classic German eisbein, or “ice leg”
2023-01-09,22:27 UTC+0:Bierimisu
巴塞羅那 Barcelona
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「到了巴塞羅那啦」 I have arrived in Barcelona
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「哦⋯⋯嘢~」 Ooooh yeahhhhhh
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「哦⋯⋯嘢~」 Ooooh yeahhhhhh
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「雖然我沒帶包裹」 Even though I didn’t bring the packages
倫敦南 South London
幾年沒吃到的炸魚薯條店 First fish & chip shop in a few years
慢遞員李先生充電 Courier energy building
慢遞員李先生充電 Courier energy building
從炸魚薯條店看的風景 View from South London fish & chip shoppe
香港人做的炸魚薯條 Hong Kong run fish & chips
2022-12-30,20:22 UTC+0:「現在在倫敦逗留幾晚,在一個酒吧喝一品脫IPA」 Now drinking a pint of IPA in the pub in London where I’m staying for a few nights
2022-12-31,08:18 UTC+0:「早餐」 Breakfast
2022-12-31,16:31 UTC+0:炸魚薯條報告 Fish and chip update
2022-12-31,16:31 UTC+0:炸魚薯條報告 Fish and chip update
2022-12-31,18:22 UTC+0:2022年的最後一餐,菊芋 Last meal of 2022, Jerusalem artichokes
香港 Hong Kong
緩件號HQL-488、HQL-489和HQL-490配蕃薯條 Dispatches HQL-488, HQL-489, and HQL-490 with sweet potato fries
慢遞員李先生加的特許服務:貨幣兌換 Additional currency exchange services offered by courier Mr. SANDERSON
Sunset departure from Hong Kong International Airport 香港國際機場日落的航班
無法與收件人聯繫 慢遞取消
Surprise contact from RECEIVER:Hello, my mobile number is 1772745XXXX, I filled it in wrong before, sorry; luckily courier Rubbish Dog has not opened the package yet, dispatch HQL-512 uncancelled, awaiting delivery
慢遞員垃圾狗更新:「我打了電話,問了對方名字,但是對方說我打錯了」;第三次未成功聯絡收件人,慢遞換件HQL-512被取消轉乘給慢遞員的禮物;垃圾狗反應:「哈哈哈哈 😂 意外之寶」
COURIER Rubbish Dog UPDATE:I called RECEIVER, asking for their listed name, but the person who answered said I had the wrong number; three failed attempts, dispatch HQL-512 is cancelled and gifted to courier, who responds:Hahahaha 😂 a surprise treasure
Still no contact with RECEIVER, second attempt for human flesh search, this time using e-mail to establish contact
Added RECEIVER's WeChat, awaiting reply to arrange handover
Ms. RUBBISH DOG visits the BOOKED Hong Kong Art Book Fair and is enticed by the Display Distribute presentation, courtesy of the high recommendatinos of her friend, distro author of 151 Do-It-Yourself Stones and former courier CHU Jiney; she goes home with not only her own purchase but a spontaneous pick-up of two copies of Fong Fo for couriering to Shenzhen
After having entered the mainland via Shenzhen Bay port the previous day, courier HO completes her couriering duties and crosses back to Hong Kong via Luohu/Lowu and the East Rail lane, a much speedier journey with lots of bored passengers
Courier MABU has lunch with friends and initially scheduled handover at noon is pushed to after 2pm for a hot and humid handover in the garden of Old Heaven Books; courier Ms. HO picks-up and moves on to deliver HQL-518 in the east of the city
2023-06 初 early:
COURIER MABU UPDATE:Between Beijing and Shenzhen, I went to my hometown of Jinan and stayed for one week, so I flew out from there to Shenzhen; it's been a few years since I went back, and this time going through old things was so nostalgic! The flight from. Jinan to Shenzhen was delayed by an hour, and it wasn't until after I arrived in Shenzhen that I learned it was because of college entrance exams that my phone did not have any signal; when taking the taxi to the OCT area, it was the driver who had to share his hotspot with me so that I could make the online payment for the ride
Author of all volumes, June LEE, meets with courier MABU to watch a live gig of their mutual friend A-KE at WUJIN cafe & bar, and their handover photo is taken next door at the Jiekou Vegan Café; expected departure to Shenzhen on 8 June for attending the Tomorrow Music Festival
AUTHOR June LEE UPDATE:I've prepared and packaged everything the last couple of days, and will meet up with MABU one of these days for the handover; thank you to MABU for going through the trouble!
東鐵綫 East Rail Line
東鐵綫打機 East Rail gameplay
深圳 Shenzhen
深圳交接成功 Shenzhen handover successful
龍崗區文具店的橡皮筋 Longgang District stationery shop selection
龍崗區的小希臘 Greece in Longgang District
慢遞員大雨相在深圳龍崗區乘一輛摩托車 Courier lß rides moto-taxi in Longgang District
A new Display Distribute co-conspirator reveals her enthusiasm by making a sale to a colleague at her day job—collusions above and under the table; courier Ms. HO reciprocates her enthusiasm with an unusually fast dispatch run across the border to pick up dispatch HQL-516
and deliver HQL-518 in Longgang District
龍崗區 Longgang District
派送成功 delivery successful
路途中 In transit
從香港過橋往深圳灣口岸 Crossing Shenzhen Bay from Hong Kong to Shenzhen
到了深圳等待90路往世界之窗 Arrival at Shenzhen Bay checkpoint waiting for bus 90 to Windows on the World
到達深圳歡樂谷等轉M486路往華僑城創意文化園去取緩件號HQL-516 Arriving at Happy Valley and waiting for bus M486 to OCAT district to pick up HQL-516
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello, I just found out my father's friend already picked up, he'll probably send it out tomorrow to my house, though it will be the weekend before I go home from school to get it! Thank you to you all!
慢遞員sacsacsac更新:「啊sorry昨天布展太亂我就又拿回來了 想著今天下午再帶過去😂;以後還可以來拿sorry 隨時哪天都行 太不好意思了」
COURIER sacsacsac UPDATE:Oh! Sorry, yesterday it was so chaotic during installation I brought the dispatch back with me and was planning to bring it back again this afternoon 😂; you can come and get it again, sorry, any day would be fine, many many apologies
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello, the friend I asked to help already arrived at the gallery, but the front desk said they didn't have anything, ayy @sacsacsac
COURIER sacsacsac UPDATE:I'm already in Chengdu, will put the stuff at this gallery's front desk, and I've already spoken to them about it, you can come pick it up whenever you like
COURIER sacsacsac UPDATE:I will arrive in Chengdu around the 30th and work there for three days for an event at 1,000 Plateaus; for these days I will just be around a gallery on Chengbang Street,,,so I can put the dispatch at the gallery to wait for the next courier to bring it to Chengdu
The author of the two zines has come to Beijing for work, and here it is much easier for him to find couriers able to bring his books back south; to prepare two new routes, he makes a fresh re-print of his work and personally brings dispatch HQL-515 to a gallery in the 798 Art District for pick-up by courier SACSACSAC
璧山區 Bishan District
收件人記錄,收到啦~ Receiver documentation, received successfully~
藝術-出版小組Party Office的四本不同出版物
Four titles from artist-publishing collective Party Office, "an anticaste, antiracist, trans*feminist art and social space initiated in New Delhi, India, also at satellite locations and as conceptual architecture."
New Delhi
香港 Hong Kong 經由 VIA
加德滿都 Kathmandu +
孟買 Mumbai +
班加羅爾 Bangalore +
18 A5-sized books
possibly around 5 kg
Aaditya SATHISH +
Local Courier
慢遞員SATHISH更新:「嗨~ 是的是的我回香港了已一兩個星期了,一直忙著跟返;可以6月15號後交接,到時候有一個新展覽就會有空,來吧」
COURIER SATHISH UPDATE:hiiii—yes yes, got a little tied up playing catch up over the last week or two; [can do final handover] perhaps after the 15th of June, i'm opening a show then (you should come) and i'll be freed up after that
2023-05-12,21:34 UTC+05:30:
COURIER SATHISH UPDATE:The books and me are in Nepal now :)We’ll be heading to Mumbai on Sunday; and happy to help in any way I can—the books are proving to be quite easy to carry around, now that they have a permanent place in my 65L backpack :)
2023-05-08,10:19 UTC+05:30:
Dispatch HQL-513 arrives late but successfully to courier SATHISH's friend's house, followed by some smart backpack packing to get traveller SATHISH through the rest of their journey
2023-05-04,晚上 evening UTC+05:30:
慢遞員SATHISH從香港到新德里來見幾個朋友hea下;Party Office的書預約5或者6號早上派送
Courier SATHISH arrives in Delhi to chill and see a few friends, with scheduled receipt of local courier delivery of Party Office publications on the morning of the 5th or 6th
拉截帕特納嘉爾 Lajpat Nagar
「每一本的重量從100-180克」 The weights of each vary from 100-180 grammes
「這是一件A4大的膠文件夾,給你對比一下書的大小」 This is a A4 size plastic envelope so what you see are the sizes of the books
到達拉截帕特納嘉爾 Received in Lajpat Nagar
到達拉截帕特納嘉爾 Received in Lajpat Nagar
巴黎 Paris
布魯克林 Brooklyn 和或者 AND/OR
聖胡安 San Juan 和或者 AND/OR
蒙特利爾 Montreal
李蔼德 Edward SANDERSON
2023-05-15,17:45 UTC+01
2023-05-15,17:45 UTC+01:
SON of RECEIVER:She received it no problem. Thanks again for your services along your follow up!
2023-02-11,15:53 UTC+01:
Although the receiver's son is a bit late for their appointment, courier Ms. RUBY happily enjoys more time visiting the Musée de l'Orangerie; handover finally successful after 3pm at the Jardin des Tuileries outside of the museum; the receiver's son will naturally take care of relay to his mother in Rouen 😉
2023-02-11,11:46 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. RUBY makes contact with the son of the receiver who lives in Paris; she will stay in Paris until the afternoon of the 13th, so they plan to meet over the weekend in the centre of the city
2023-02-10,23:26 UTC+0:
Courier Ms. RUBY embarks upon an evening departure to Paris
2023-02-10,evening 5ish 左右 UTC+0:
慢遞員駿豪(HQL-461)推薦RUBY參加慢遞員網絡,從倫敦帶HQL-490到巴黎;雖然接力時間好短,她和倫敦轉運站慢遞員小孫有緣分——原來小孫教書和RUBY讀書在同一個學校;😂 真係勁有緣
When London to Paris courier RUBY emerges from the LIGHT LOGISTICS network by the recommendation of courier ZEONHO (HQL-461), the meet-up magically easily occurs because by chance it turns out that holding courier SIUSOON happens to be teaching in the same college where RUBY studies;😂 缘分 omg
2023-01-11,17:17 UTC+0:
After meeting with the receiver to hand over her dispatch HQL-489 along with two other dispatches she has agreed to hold in relay, courier Mr. SANDERSON finds out that he, "actually knew who SIUSOON is, it turns out, although we'd never met; small world, etc etc"; dispatches HQL-490 and HQL-488 awaiting relay with new courier SIUSOON
2022-12-23,18:36 UTC+0:
WELCOME HOMES:I ran into some Hongkongers running a fish & chip restaurant in South London
慢遞員李先生兩年來第一次離開香港旅行,緊張但不至於多帶幾件東西來慢遞;包括兩件發往英國(HQL-489 + HQL-488)和HQL-490往法國,他還攜帶了很久沒流通過的51.13英鎊小票和零錢
Courier Mr. SANDERSON is travelling outside of Hong Kong for the first time in two years, nervous but not so much that he cannot bring a few extra items with him. Including a triple dispatch (in addition to HQL-490, see also HQL-488 + HQL-489)bound for the UK and EU, he also carries GBP £51.13 in small bills and loose change that have been out of circulation for much too long
杜樂麗花園 Jardin des Tuileries
慢遞員RUBY和收件人的兒子聊天記錄 Whatsapp communiqué between courier RUBY and the receiver’s son
「遇到這個古董,它來自我老朋友的家鄉巴布亞新幾內亞」 Encountered this antique, it’s from my old friend’s hometown Papua New Guinea 🥹✨
「我在美術館的入口,空椅是我的作為:)」 I’m here at the entrance of the museum… the empty chair is my seat :)
「看到排長的龍」 U can see the long queue
「我戴著頭箍,穿著棕色大衣」 I’m wearing a headband and brown coat
「這次的慢遞很快!」 We had a lovely meeting at Musée de l’Orangerie, and I also received a little postcard gift in return ☺️ thanks everyone
2023-01-11,13:36 UTC+0:「在白教堂藝術館喝咖啡」 Coffee at Whitechapel Art Gallery
2023-01-11,13:36 UTC+0:「白教堂藝術館的一個關於倫敦機構與行為藝術合作的歷史檔案展」 An historical archive show about London institutions that worked with performance art, at Whitechapel Art Gallery
2023-01-11,15:11 UTC+0:「在巴士上」 On the bus
巴特西發電站裡面 Inside the Battersea Power Station
收件人⋯⋯ Receiver…
⋯⋯轉慢遞員 …Turns courier
慢遞員李先生和小孫 Couriers Mr. SANDERSON and SIUSOON
科隆 Cologne
2023-01-08,19:29 UTC+0:「科隆魚」 Fish in Cologne
2023-01-09,22:27 UTC+0:「放假時部分工作日/週末」 Specific days do not exist on holiday
2023-01-09,22:27 UTC+0:經典德國燉豬腳叫「冰腿」 Classic German eisbein, or “ice leg”
2023-01-09,22:27 UTC+0:Bierimisu
巴塞羅那 Barcelona
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「到了巴塞羅那啦」 I have arrived in Barcelona
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「哦⋯⋯嘢~」 Ooooh yeahhhhhh
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「哦⋯⋯嘢~」 Ooooh yeahhhhhh
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「雖然我沒帶包裹」 Even though I didn’t bring the packages
倫敦南 South London
幾年沒吃到的炸魚薯條店 First fish & chip shop in a few years
慢遞員李先生充電 Courier energy building
慢遞員李先生充電 Courier energy building
從炸魚薯條店看的風景 View from South London fish & chip shoppe
香港人做的炸魚薯條 Hong Kong run fish & chips
2022-12-30,20:22 UTC+0:「現在在倫敦逗留幾晚,在一個酒吧喝一品脫IPA」 Now drinking a pint of IPA in the pub in London where I’m staying for a few nights
2022-12-31,08:18 UTC+0:「早餐」 Breakfast
2022-12-31,16:31 UTC+0:炸魚薯條報告 Fish and chip update
2022-12-31,16:31 UTC+0:炸魚薯條報告 Fish and chip update
2022-12-31,18:22 UTC+0:2022年的最後一餐,菊芋 Last meal of 2022, Jerusalem artichokes
香港 Hong Kong
緩件號HQL-488、HQL-489和HQL-490配蕃薯條 Dispatches HQL-488, HQL-489, and HQL-490 with sweet potato fries
慢遞員李先生加的特許服務:貨幣兌換 Additional currency exchange services offered by courier Mr. SANDERSON
Sunset departure from Hong Kong International Airport 香港國際機場日落的航班
家作坊幾週年筆記 Anniversary Party Essays by HomeShop Party Members
Hong Kong
Tuen Mun Relay Centre
廣州 Guangzhou
20 本 copies
Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO
Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO visits Hong Kong for the first time since 2019 to join her co-conspirators of Display Distribute to peddle wares at this year's BOOKED Art Book Fair; after seven days' stay, she leaves behind the flu she brought with her across the border and takes back 20 copies of a book to be given to the publisher; as a 'watery guest', she takes the newly opened direct ferry line from Hong Kong to Guangzhou and arrives home in only two hours with high recommendations of the service
海珠區 Haizhu District
HQL-514和其它從香港帶回來的物品 Dispatch HQL-514 along with other items brought back from Hong Kong
香港-琶洲客運船 HK-Pazhou Ferry
尖沙咀 Tsim Sha Tsui
還是個兩杯 Still two separate cups
Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO checking the new Greater Bay Area departures
上海 Shanghai 和或者 AND/OR
香港 Hong Kong 和或者 AND/OR
韓國 South Korea
高達 up to
1 kg
「 不要太敏感的书籍都可以,大约五月中旬会回到上海六月初再回到香港,然后七月会去韩国」 As long as the publications aren't too sensitive it's okay; will go to Shanghai mid-May, and then beginning of June come back to Hong Kong, afterwards in July will go to Korea
「發現你有兩個路線招募,需要從香港慢遞到柏林和科隆。我5月底會從柏林到縣港,然後7月中旬從香港再返回柏林。如果沒有其他慢遞員接我可以取書:)」 I noticed you have two requested routes that need courier to travel from HK to Berlin/Cologne. I will travel from Berlin to HK in late May, and travel back to Berlin from HK in mid-July. I can pick up the books when I'm in HK if no other courier is available :)
收件人這次有點急不想等慢遞員的派送就自己約了This Bakery去她上環上班的地方自己取;交收成功
Because the receiver is not so patient for slow-couriering this time, she makes an appointment to pick up dispatch HQL-508 herself at This Bakery's day job workplace in Sheung Wan
2023-04-18,02:30 UTC+07:
慢遞員This Bakery更新:「通知一下,安全拿到書啦!我會帶去BOOKED藝術書展,謝謝!:)再見」
COURIER This Bakery UPDATE:FYI, I got the book safely! Will bring it to BOOKED Art Book Fair! Thanks :)see you
After a dash delivery of 102 copies of Acts of Departure to the Singapore Art Book Fair, courier Poopaelita leaves Singapore the same night, not even having time for a meal but arriving back home in Bangkok with a boyfriend pick-up and midnight dim sum
曼谷 Bangkok
新加坡 Singapore
「剛落地哈哈」 Just arrived haha
「書齊全到達新加坡美術館」 All books have safely arrived at SAM
This Bakery收緩件號HQL-508的紀錄 Dispatch HQL-508 as received by This Bakery
Suvarnabhumi Airport
「已到機場等上飛機😅,真正離開的舉動哈哈哈」 Waiting for the flight at airport already 😅, real art of departure hahahah
4月15日在The Book Society書店成功攬件後,慢遞員睿過完多兩日快樂的一個假期就回香港
After a successful pick-up on the 15th of April at The Book Society, and a very happy holiday, courier RUI returns to Hong Kong
2023-04-14,10:45 UTC+09:
Courier RUI realises there may be a slight time uncertainty with her plans to visit a rally in the new Sejong Special Self-Governing City before picking up dispatch HQL-509 back in Seoul city centre, so she reschedules for the follow day
2023-04-11,11:32 UTC+09:
Book Society LIM更新:
Book Society LIM UPDATE:
It is great to hear from you. It's great that you're free on Friday. Unfortunately, I'll be traveling to Singapore on Thursday, so it's unlikely I'll be able to meet you in person. You can pick up the book at the bookstore, but we'd love to talk to you about the project.
So, I'd like to introduce you to Helen, who co-edited the book. She's my partner and she knows LIGHT LOGISTICIANS well. She's working at a museum in Itaewon, so I think it would be best if you went to the museum where she works to pick up this book and talk to her rather than our bookstore. I've cc'd this email to her now and I'll have her talk to you on Telegram.
Of course, you can visit our bookstore too. I think you can find our bookstore on KakaoMap as "The Book Society", but we moved last year, so I'm not sure if that's reflected.
The address is:
B1, Jahamunro19gil 25, Jongno-gu
Our opening time on Friday is from 1PM - 7PM.
And you can talk to Helen to confirm the time and place. I hope you enjoy it and have a nice time in Seoul :)
Really thanks and please let me know if you have any questions.
It's so great to hear that I am able to join LIGHT LOGISTICIAN courier project to bring books to Hong Kong. I will in Seoul on 13 April, and I do not have much schedule yet, just joining activity on 14th, so other than the 14th I am all free.
But I need a help is that I would need a Kakao map address for the book shop I am going, for I am staying at a friend's home, and I do not be at very center part of Seoul I guess.
Hopefully maybe we could meet and I can learns about more about your project in Seoul if it is available for you.
See how our schedule might goes.
Looking forward to be in Seoul, hope the weather will be fine and wish you all the best!
2023-04-10,00:00 UTC+09:
WOW! I am leaving for Singapore on the 13th and the book will be out on the 12th or 13th(I hope). So, it means that courier Ms. RUI can pick up this book when she is in Seoul.
It is great! I will send you an email when the book is ready. After that, I can arrange the pick up schedule with RUI.
Many thanks,
深水埗 Shamshuipo
派送成功 Successfully received
종로구 Jongno-Gu 鐘路區
慢遞員在書店攬件 Courier pick-up at book store
書店店員的慢遞記錄 Shopkeeper’s documentation
香港 Hong Kong 和或者 AND/OR
台北 Taipei
台北 Taipei 和或者 AND/OR
香港 Hong Kong
高達 up to
1 kg
「我6-15日5月在台灣唷」 I'll be in Taiwan 6-15 May, yo
台北 Taipei 和或者 AND/OR
香港 Hong Kong
高達 up to
1 kg
「我現在在首爾,會待到6月15號,之後去香港。5月10到14日會去一趟台北,到六月底沒有其它地方了」 I am in Seoul now and will be here until June 15 and will come to Hong Kong after if you need courier. I go to Taipei May 10-14 but that’s it until Hong Kong late June
來自不同lumbung Kios藝術家的產品 lumbung Kios goods from Fehras Publishing Practices, Más Arte Más Accion, Jatiwangi Art Factory, Lumbung Press, Projek Rabak, Cem. H, 張恩滿 CHANG En Man, Sasa Art Projects, Boloho, Dan Perjovschi, Gudskul, Davra Research Group, My Villages, Wok the Rock, Tropical Tap Water, Question of Funding, Nhà Sàn Collective, Ikkibawikkrrrr, 曹明浩 CAO Minghao & 陈建军 CHEN Jianjun, Bau-Bau Air and ook_
Hong Kong
Tuen Mun Relay Centre 經由 VIA
北京 Beijing
128 pieces
27 kg
通過2023年3月23日一次Zoom會議確認後,慢遞員易拎小姐帶了27公斤lumbung Kios產品回香港做展銷場小販在BOOKED香港藝術書展擺攤
After a Zoom meeting on 23 March 2023 confirms the collaboration bringing Display Distribute and the lumbung Kios syndicate together, LIGHT LOGISTICIAN Ms. PORTABLE manages to bring 27 kg of lumbung kios products back to Hong Kong for hustling at the BOOKED Art Book Fair 28 April-1 May
屯門至赤鱲角連接路 Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link
香港的士走屯門至赤鱲角連接路 Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok tunnel route by taxi
香港的士多任務處理 Hong Kong taxi multi-tasking
北京 Beijing
北京大興機場 Beijing Daxing Airport
北京胡同轉機 Beijing courtyard stopover
北京轉機餃子 Beijing layover dumplings
北京大興機場 Beijing Daxing Airport
飛行娛樂媒體 In-flight Entertainment
在飛機上P核酸檢測報告 Photoshopping a PCR test mid-flight
可能赫爾辛基 Possibly Helsinki
飛行影子 In-flight reflections
史基浦機場 Schipol Airport
火車到阿姆斯特丹史基浦機場 Train towards Schipol Airport
可愛的狗狗在史基浦機場 Cute dog at Schipol Airport
阿姆斯特丹史基浦機場 Schipol Airport
沒法托運的物品用lumbung Kios 環保袋直接帶
Excess baggage hand-carried in lumbung Kios tote bag
史基浦機場的小老鼠 A mouse in Schipol Airport
羅特丹 Rotterdam
緩件號HQL-510準備中 Preparing dispatch HQL-510
緩件號HQL-510準備中 Preparing dispatch HQL-510
lumbung Kios羅特丹庫存 lumbung Kios storage
質量檢查 Quality Control
質量檢查 Quality Control
質量檢查 Quality Control
HQL-510空運箱 Box
空運包裝不符合 Dispatch not yet fitting
空運包裝不符合 Dispatch not yet fitting
方便托運的小車仔 Possible mobility device
網上 Internet
lumbung Kios和展銷場連線
Establishment of lumbung Kios x Display Distribute connection
緩件號HQL-488、HQL-489和HQL-490配蕃薯條 Dispatches HQL-488, HQL-489, and HQL-490 with sweet potato fries
慢遞員李先生加的特許服務:貨幣兌換 Additional currency exchange services offered by courier Mr. SANDERSON
Sunset departure from Hong Kong International Airport 香港國際機場日落的航班
「你好,如果有某個原因沒法寄到柏林來,我也有地方在巴黎和雅典。也有可能我可以明天自己取書(要在香港轉機)」 Hi, if for X reason you can't ship to Berlin (DE), I also have addresses in Paris (FR) and Athens (GR). I may also be able to pick up the books myself tomorrow (long connecting flight in HK).
braille version of The Undercommons
烏特勒支 Utrecht 經由 VIA
羅特丹 Rotterdam +
倫敦 London
2 A4-sized spiral-bound books
around 1 lb each
官無名 Florian CRAMER +
S +
R +
2022-03-31,傍晚 late afternoon
2023-03-07,11:37 UTC+01
2023-03-29,15:52 UTC+01:
Second relay between courier Mr. CRAMER and the receiver is scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday, 29 March, but on the appointed day, a train outage between Gouda and Utrecht means that Mr. CRAMER won't be able to make it; handover rescheduled for the following Friday
2023-03-22,18:24 UTC+01
Hellos... So since Florian wasn't able to make it to the event Friday (hope you feel better soon) I passed off the book to R, who will pass it to S, who will pass it to Florian, and from there it should hopefully make its way to Utrecht / BAK. Maybe it can be an honorary light logistics route, eh? Cheers, Stevphen
2023-03-17,08:04 UTC+01
While an appointment for handover is scheduled for Friday afternoon, with courier Mr. CRAMER signing up to join Mr. SHUKAITIS' master class, the relay fails:
Sorry that this is turning into a soap opera. This night I fell in my apartment while running around half asleep, and almost broke a rib hitting the sharp edge of a metal cabinet. Interestingly, this catapulted me into Sackler territory—see the attached image—having got this prescription at the hospital (Erasmus MC, part of the university!)
(Pain is actually not that terrible, and I'm not planning to take them.)
Stevphen, would it be an option if you give the package to S, and I will pick it up from her at my school next week?
What a bummer that I will miss your seminar.
2023-03-14,20:07 UTC+01
慢遞員官先生聯繫上SHUKAITIS先生 Relay courier Mr. CRAMER gets in touch with Mr. SHUKAITIS:
I hope it will be okay if I crash the "borrel" (a Dutch word that is considered untranslatable and means "informal social gathering with drinks to end a working day/week/year") tomorrow afternoon to pick up the shipment. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the event, your lecture and master class—and wonder why it wasn't announced more widely—because on those two days, my calendar is packed with work appointments at the Willem de Kooning Academy (the Rotterdam art school where I work and whose dean has just resigned after an independent investigation into the working conditions of the teachers).
Dispatch HQL-513 departs Colchester via London for Rotterdam, arriving around 15:30
Stevphen SHUKAITIS需要將Stefano HARNEY和弗雷德∙莫滕(Fred MOTEN)著名的《潛地:謀劃逃逸與黑色學習 The Undercommons》兩卷書運到烏特勒支參加一個展覽;在機構指示他使用FedEx快遞後,Stevphen詢問是否有其它辦法,因為「離我最近的聯邦快遞站在Chelmsford,離我有半小時的路程」,而且他實際上從未使用過FedEx; 在為伊拉斯謨大學的「慾望+資本」工作組上大師課的過程中,他根據自己以前作為慢遞員的明智經驗(HQL-306),想出了自己的解決方案,將兩本從科爾切斯特自己帶去鹿特丹等待轉運
Stevphen SHUKAITIS needs to transport a volume of two books of Stefano HARNEY + Fred MOTEN's renowned The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study to Utrecht for participation in an exhibition; after the institution instructs him to use FedEx, Stevphen asks if there might be another way, seeing as "the nearest FedEx station to me is in Chelmsford, which is a a half hour away from me" and he has actually never used FedEx; from his wise previous experience as a LIGHT LOGISTICS courier (HQL-306), he comes up with his own solution to carry his own dispatch from Colchester to Rotterdam in the midst of leading a master class for the Desire + Capital working group of Erasmus University
羅特丹 Rotterdam
沒約上,吃藥! Prescription after a missed connection
接力慢遞員S Relay courier S
The package arrived here in my office
上海 Shanghai 和或者 AND/OR
Enshi, Hubei
高達 up to
2 kg
「2023.04.02澳门到上海,2023.04.29上海到恩施,2023.05.06恩施到上海」 2023.04.02 from Macau to Shanghai, 2023.04.29 Shanghai to Enshi, 2023.05.06 Enshi to Shanghai
Hong Kong
東京 Tokyo 和或者 AND/OR
巴黎 Paris 和或者 AND/OR
柏林 Berlin 和或者 AND/OR
雅典 Athens
高達 up to
1 kg
「你好,我4月5日早上到下午1點會停留香港,想我可能可以拿到一本《辻潤》給自己,也順便拎任何需要帶的輕東西到東京、巴黎、柏林或者雅典——這些地方都是我近期兩個月要去的城市」 Hi, I will be in Hong Kong on the 5th of April from early in the morning until 1 p.m. I could maybe manage to get a copy of Tsuji Jun: Japanese Dadaist, Anarchist, Philosopher, Monk for myself and anything light you need brought to either Tokyo, Paris, Berlin and Athens which are all my destinations for the upcoming two months. Cheers, Max
Arrangements made for a fusion dispatch bringing The Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community from the publisher in Guangzhou together with the other two titles from the Display Distribute distro in the New Territories; couriers scheduled for dispatch joining in the upcoming weekend
Courier DRAWPAINTTHINK finally catches up to the travelling receiver while chilling with his bike in nice weather outside of Yili metro station, near exit 1 by the park; dispatch HQL-500 delivery completed
收件人更新:「喂DRAWPAINTTHINK ☀️ 我終於回到上海了,在想我們是否能在伊犁路站(10號線)見面,這週四、五、六或者日,早上10或者11點左右?再次謝謝你幫我存著那麼長時間」
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hey DRAWPAINTTHINK ☀️ finally back Shanghai. I wonder whether it would work on your side to meet somewhere near the Yili metro station (line 10) the next four late mornings, around 10am or 11am, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday morning? Thanks again for keeping the package for such a long time
過一段時間沒有更新,發現緩件號HQL-500的慢遞員DRAWPAINTTHINK還沒有見到收件人;根據收件人的自述:「謝謝DRAWPAINTTHINK保留更多時間 ❤️ 我目前在成都,下週末會去寧波,3月5日以後會留在上海,之後我會在群里發消息」
After an extended period, follow-up with HQL-500 reveals that courier DRAWPAINTTHINK has not yet met the receiver; according to the receiver's self-reporting: Thanks DRAWPAINTTHINK for keeping them for more time ❤️ I am currently in Chengdu and will be in Ningbo next weekend, mostly after 5 March I will be in Shanghai, and will send message later in the group
收件人更新:「你好DRAWPAINTTHINK!感謝慢遞員 ❤️,可是我還在老家,大概下個星期四回到上海;下個星期五(2月10日)你方便嗎?我住在楊浦區,靠近10號線。也許我們可以找一個咖啡店見面也稍微聊一下😀,看你方便」
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hi, DRAWPAINTTHINK! Thanks for your kind LIGHT LOGISTICIAN ❤️, but I am still at my hometown these days, will be mostly back Shanghai next Thursday. I wonder whether next Friday (10 Feb) would work for u? I live in Yangpu District, next to line 10. Maybe we can find a coffee shop in town to meet and also for a small chat 😀 depends on ur most convenience
Touchdown at Shanghai Pudong International Airport; awaiting connection to receiver
2023-01-24,晚上 evening:
Courier Mr. DRAWPAINTTHINK passes through Hong Kong for a few days on his way back to Shanghai after a holiday break with family; while in Hong Kong, he passes through Tsim Sha Tsui to check out a street underpass experimental music gig, have a few beers by the harbourfront, and pick up dispatch HQL-500
上海 Shanghai
在浦東機場準備過海關 Entering customs at Pudong International Airport
還是被海關檢查後打開了緩件 Dispatch opened by customs officials
慢遞員Lara van MEETEREN順利到了曼谷,也很順手到Prachachee圖書館遞送HQL-501給漲潮小組的一個成員;漲潮不僅僅是慢遞的收件人,也是內容的作者;派送成功
Courier Lara van MEETEREN has successfully made it to Bangkok and promptly brings HQL-501 to Prachachee Library, where she meets one member of the NAMKHEUN collective, not only recipient of the dispatch but author of its contents; delivery successful
On her way from Taikoo, courier YU asks Lara for to change their meeting spot to elsewhere inside the station because she's changed her mind to go swimming in Sai Ying Pun; since Lara actually lives in Sai Ying Pun, Lara jumps aboard YU's train and the two meet on the platform at Sai Ying Pun; handover complete
慢遞員Lara van MEETEREN這週五就要去曼谷啦,因此她和宇先約好星期四晚上在上環地鐵站E出口附近見面
Courier van MEETEREN is travelling to Bangkok at the end of the week, so she and YU arrange to meet Thursday at Sheung Wan MTR station near exit E
Courier YU visits the Tuen Mun Relay Centre for the first time for a party, brings champagne and snacks and returns with dispatch HQL-501; she works in Taikoo and can easily meet courier van MEETEREN, who lives on Hong Kong island, after she gets out of the office
ถนนเจริญกรุง Soi Charoen Krung
ห้องสมุดประชาชี Prachachee Library
Lara贈送多一張圖書館裡面的照片,有一個民族紀念牌碟子 A bonus photo from inside Prachachee Library, with a nice Democracy Monument souvenir plate
Audi of NAMKHEUN Collective with friends
打開 HQL-501 unboxing
上環 Sheung Wan
慢遞員Lara van MEETEREN到達上環地鐵站月台 Courier Lara van MEETEREN documenting her arrival to the Sheung Wan MTR station platform
2023-02-04,14:08 UTC+1:
慢遞員扁饅頭更新:「哈咯!我兩周前把書給了收件人之後再沒聯繫過了,前兩周比較忙 ☺️ 沒有什麼記錄誒,也沒有拍照片。我不認識他,那天給他的時候是約在不來梅的主火車站見,意料之外的收到了他送給我的小甜點;倉促簡短的聊天里他告訴了我當時是在什麼情況下哪裡買的那本書;他買那本書的那天其實沒太搞懂這個書是怎麼寄給他,後來才慢慢搞明白」
COURIER FLAT BUNS UPDATE:Hallo! I gave the book to the receiver two weeks ago, but have been quite busy since then, so we haven't been in touch anymore ☺️ I don't have any documentation really, ayy~, but we had made an appointment to meet that day at the main train station of Bremen; one unexpected thing was that he gave me a small dessert, and during our short chat he told me about how when he bought the book he did not understand how the delivery worked, but later he slowly got it
2022-12-01,17:46 UTC+01:
COURIER Uncle ROGER UPDATE:Hey! Today I handed over dispatch HQL-479 to my friend who is going to Bremen the 10th
2022-12-01,17:46 UTC+01:
COURIER Uncle ROGER UPDATE:Courier Mr. Uncle ROGER has found another courier to transport between Rotterdam and Bremen, the current status of which is, "He's back in Bremen already, without the book, but he will be back here in R'dam around Xmas again, so will do handover then. I'll ask for the e-mail address!"
2022-10-28,17:56 UTC+01:
After one 14-hour flight and one 1-hour flight (wtf), courier Uncle ROGER arrives back in Rotterdam; dispatch HLQ-479 awaiting relay
Having offloaded a set of synthesizers for sneaking into the mainland, volunteer courier Mr. Uncle ROGER has extra space in his luggage and picks up a double-dispatch destined for Germany; Uncle ROGER is based in Rotterdam, relay courier still needed
與家人過完年後,慢遞員JING C到師範大學附近與收件人會面,兩位在便利商店戶外座位區一起坐下來邊吃巧克力邊聊的時候JING C發現收件人不知道她來取什麼;緩件號HQL-495是收件人在德國念書的時候一個同學從展銷場給她訂購的「秘密圣诞」礼物
After spending the holidays with family, courier JING C emerges near National Taiwan Normal University to meet up with the receiver; they sit down together outside of a convenience store with chocolate bars and have a chat, and JING C discovers that the receiver doesn't know what she is picking up; dispatch HQL-495 is a Secret Santa gift ordered for her from Display Distribute by a former classmate in Germany
慢遞員JING C小姐要回台北老家過春節,臨行前辛苦加班;取件當晚,她在灣仔辦公室待到21:45;HQL-495和HQL-499號緩件成功取件,等待1月20日轉運到台北
Courier Ms. JING C is going back home to Taipei for the Lunar New Year holiday and hard at work doing overtime before she leaves; the night of the pick-up, she is in her Wanchai office until 21:45; dispatches HQL-495 and HQL-499 successfully picked up, awaiting transfer to Taipei on 20 January
Order WC-6987 comes in just one day before courier Ms. CLAR's scheduled 11:00am departure to Taipei; pick-up scheduled at Hong Kong Airport at 8 am, but a mechanical failure known as oversleeping results in a failed handover; relay missed, awaiting new courier
國立臺灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University
緩件號HQL-495和朱古力 Dispatch HQL-495 delivery with chocolate
灣仔 Wanchai
慢遞員JING C攬件 Courier JING C picking up HQL-495 and HQL-499
慢遞員JING C到六張犁站,很快順地在新的虎年交接好;派送成功
Courier Ms. JING C meets with the receiver at the gate of Liuzhangli station, smooth and easy Spring Festival delivery successful
慢遞員JING C小姐要回台北老家過春節,臨行前辛苦加班;取件當晚,她在灣仔辦公室待到21:45;HQL-495和HQL-499號緩件成功取件,等待1月20日轉運到台北
Courier Ms. JING C is going back home to Taipei for the Lunar New Year holiday and hard at work doing overtime before she leaves; the night of the pick-up, she is in her Wanchai office until 21:45; dispatches HQL-495 and HQL-499 successfully picked up, awaiting transfer to Taipei on 20 January
台北 Taipei
灣仔 Wanchai
慢遞員JING C攬件 Courier JING C picking up HQL-495 and HQL-499
COURIER CHU's UPDATE:Hahaha, hi, so sorry I was occupied with packing and getting mentally prepared to go back to work that I'm only updating now. The dispatch was already handed to the boss behind the bar of the tavern downstairs from the receiver's place~
Courier CHU and the receiver exchange their Changsha locational data, one in Kaifu District and the latter in Yuelu District, but dedicated courier CHU is happy to travel across town as she can visit other friends; the receiver reveals that actually she is a contributor to the latest issue of Fong Fo, but that's not the issue that CHU is couriering
Courier Ms. CHU now catching up with friends in Guangzhou, drops off dispatches HQL-492 and HQL-494 to the LIGHT LOGISTICIAN of the Guangzhou Relay Centre
As the first LIGHT LOGISTICS courier to cross the border since the lifting of Hong Kong Mainland restrictions, Ms. CHU Jiney successfully arrives in Shenzhen
慢遞員觸及膩小姐剛仲完COVID從竹篙灣檢疫中心出來之後就可以來攬三件慢遞(HQL-492 / HQL-493 / HQL-494)準備過幾天回內地跟家人過年;取件地點叫Busy Bee,一個她在油麻地最喜歡吃的一個尼泊爾小餐廳;到了就可以準備人肉暖身一下吃一個土豆小吃一碗麵加momo餃子
Courier Ms. JINI has just recovered from a staycation at the Penny's Bay Quarantine Centre and is finally able to come out to pick up three dispatches (HQL-492 / HQL-493 / HQL-494) for bringing with her across the border when she returns home for a pre-Spring Festival break in a few more days' time; the pick up location is one of her favourite Nepalese cafés, a small joint with a yellow storefront called Busy Bee; to warm herself up for logisticking, she orders a noodle soup with vegetarian momo and the alu nimki potato snack
五一廣場 1 May Square
HQL-493到達重慶!慢遞員過年期間去了好幾次岳麓山後山朋友們的家串門子(因為街上遊客比較多也沒什麼其他地方可去,其實之前沒遊客的時候慢遞員最常的選擇也是串門子——長沙話去其他人家做客的意思) HQL-493 arrives in Changsha! Over the Spring Festival holiday, the courier goes a couple of times to visit friends who live on the other side of Yuelu Mountain (because there are too many tourists on the streets, taking the mountain route is nice, and besides, there isn’t much else to do, though actually even not during the holidays, courier CHU still always prefers to go around visiting friends, Changsha style)
酒館在從來沒見過有這麼多遊客出現的旅遊街附近的小巷,頗安靜居民區 The tavern is located in a small alleyway of a peaceful residential neighbourhood, just near the area where there is an explosion of tourists
派送成功 Delivery successful
微信 WeChat
收件人太累了見不到慢遞員 Receiver too tired to meet courier this time
沒關係 No worries
很真實 Keeping it real
廣州 Guangzhou
慢遞員路過廣州曉港看展銷場作者老羊的媽媽吳秀蓮的畫展,很喜歡吳姥姥畫的馬和年曆上的蓮花 Second stop in Guangzhou, courier Ms. CHU visits the exhibition of Display Distribute author Lao YANG’s mother WU Xiulian; she likes very much the drawings of horses and the lotus flower calendar
慢遞員路過廣州曉港看展銷場作者老羊的媽媽吳秀蓮的畫展,很喜歡吳姥姥畫的馬和年曆上的蓮花 Second stop in Guangzhou, courier Ms. CHU visits the exhibition of Display Distribute author Lao YANG’s mother WU Xiulian; she likes very much the drawings of horses and the lotus flower calendar
慢遞員太熱愛慢遞,有幫朋友慢遞MLA cd Courier loves running ‘human meat’, also picks up a side dispatch of an MLA cd to bring to a friend
換件和麵條 Noodles and smuggled goods
深圳 Shenzhen
慢遞員先路過深圳探望親戚,收到對方藏在行李箱的紅包一個 Courier Ms. CHU visits relatives while passing through Shenzhen, discovers a bonus red pocket stuffed into her suitcase
One month later:"Hi hi, I wasn't at work today, but my colleague said the book has been picked up"
Courier Mr. REDGRAYBLUEGREEN establishes contact with the receiver, who has forgotten about his book order; scheduling pick-up
收件人聯繫不上,慢遞員JING C報告:「可惜見不到呢」,但是離開台北之前好負責人幫書漂到台北當代藝術館轉給新慢遞員REDGRAYBLUEGREEN先生;等待收件人取件
Unable to reach the receiver, courier Ms. JING C reports that “such a pity not to be able to see him", and very responsibly brings dispatch HQL-481 to new courier Mr. REDGRAYBLUEGREEN at the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei; awaiting contact from receiver
香港掛出8號熱帶氣旋警告信號第二天後,堅定慢遞員JING C按原計畫「在往機場的路上」
The day after a signal 8 typhoon in Hong Kong, steadfast courier JING C is still "On my way to airport"
在香港和台灣的強制檢疫規定終於取消後,慢遞員JING C小姐一年多來第一次能夠回台北探親,方便地帶上將WC-6511訂單的最後一本書給讀者
After mandatory quarantine rules are finally lifted in both Hong Kong and Taiwan, courier Ms. JING C is able to visit family in Taipei for the first time in over a year, conveniently able to bring the remaining volume of order WC-6511 for dispatch with her
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hi there, yeah if you can exchange it for No. 3 Innocence, that would be great. Sorry, how should I get in contact with the courier?
Unfortunately while preparing the dispatch, we've just discovered that we have no more copies of AJAR #2 available, many apologies for our poor record-keeping! Would you like to have either one of issues #3: Innocence or #4: NƯỚC | Water | Country? Please do let us know if there are any other exchanges from the distro that you'd like to make, but otherwise we can of course offer you a PayPal refund
大同區 Datong District
緩件號HQL-481到MOCA轉運站 Dispatch HQL-481 arrives to the MOCA relay centre
更新:「非常感謝妳的分享,希望《暗流體》能對你和你的中國科幻小說學生有所幫助!徐世琪一定會非常高興。我們今天已經寄出了你的包裹,應該在4月的課程前到達;隨時通過香港郵政查詢包裹的狀態 ☞ 追蹤號碼:EG005050525HK :)再次感謝您對 "半自主 "出版的支持,祝安~」
UPDATE:Thank you so much for sharing about your Chinese science fiction class, hope that Dark Fluid will be helpful for you and your students! Angela will be so pleased. We've posted your package today, should arrive well before the class in April. You can check the status of the package anytime via Hong Kong Post ☞ tracking number:EG005050525HK :)Thank you again for your support of 'semi-autonomous' publishing, and best wishes~
Thank you! I have just done the payment. Please see attached for my receipt from the webpage.
In answer to Angela’s question, I am teaching a Chinese SF course right now at CU Boulder. My book purchases are supported by my research fund, and I am personally very curious about this collection. I really wanted to have some SF from HK, but it turns out that not a lot is translated into English for my students. My plan is to show them the English excerpts and images from Dark Fluid as a way to start some discussions about HK and SF. By the way, I am not a Cantonese speaker myself, but I am a Taiwanese Hokkien speaker and I am very supportive of non-Mandarin cultural productions.
2023-01-14,大概晚上7點 approximately 19:00:
慢遞員HAY跟一些朋友,包括展銷場收件人,在太子一家粵菜館吃飽後,從餐館出來提交四本F de C reader Ma-得到一盒沒吃完的剩菜;第二天HAY來報告:「我和家人都吃了一點,但是還是一大碟,太勁啦我們後來都放棄了」
COURIER HAY has dinner with friends including the LIGHT LOGISTICIAN receiver, and coming out of the Prince Edward restaurant with a full belly, exchanges the replenished stock of four copies of F de C reader Ma- with a takeaway box of leftovers; the next day, HAY reports on the status of the food: "I managed a bit and so did my family but it was a WHOLE PLATE, very intense so we gave up in the end"
2022-12-18,22:26 UTC+09:
one thing that came up while i was in tokyo and in conversations with folks was the way in which space is incredibly, incredibly privatised in tokyo, or rather the way in which space is deeply insulated. to be honest i did not notice this myself so much, but i wonder if this is because i live in hong kong and therefore insulated spaces are places i feel at home in (or more like i am used to making homes out of insulated spaces). but something i did notice is that tokyo is very into insulation, which hong kong doesn't have at all (i'm feeling this now that we are having a bit of a cold week), and how moving through the city is moving quickly between places which are warm, then the outside which is cold, and then another place which is warm, and how fixated you can get on making sure you can get to the next warm place when it is cold out.
maybe i should have just packed a warmer coat, but it had me thinking about who can go into these warm places and who is asked to stay out of it most times, and whether that's a way i felt the insularity of space even though i didn't see it otherwise.
2022-12-13,01:51 UTC+09:
PUBLISHER's UPDATE:Been avoiding this kind of place, but how about we just meet at the Doutor near IRA (should be more convenient for you to get to than what I'd suggest left to my own devices)
2022-12-10,08:22 UTC+09:
PUBLISHER's UPDATE:What I do have is 4 copies (from 6-700 or so, they went really fast) of the same one I gave boat. Funny , because I met [LIGHT LOGISTICS courier] Boat and passed her those on the second day I arrived in Tokyo, and now I'm finally clearly on my last stretch here. (phew!). Dunno if you're interested in these, or rather in new stuff, but I'd be really happy to pass them to you for the aesthetic circularity of it. (what I gave Boat were the first to be dispatched, these would be the late, late last. I've probably got 100 publications hypercompressed (Tokyo mode) in my brain, but first need to get the hell out of here.
太子 Prince Edward
書交換打包的剩菜 Exchanging books for leftovers
東京 Tokyo
在去取《F de C》的路上看到的可愛旅行中貓咪——這也是我在東京的感覺 On my way to pick up the F de C reader Ma- some cute cats who are travelling, which is how i have been feeling while in Tokyo
「俾妳update下我目前的旅行計畫:2023年2月13-19日,澳大利亞墨爾本;3月5-7日,英國布賴頓;4月荷蘭烏特列支;6月荷蘭羅特丹;8月德國柏林;9月德國和希臘」 just want to update you my upcoming travel schedule that i am available as a courier: Feb 13-19, 2023 Melbourne, Australia Mar 5-7, 2023 Brighton, UK Apr 2023 Utrecht NL Jun 2023 Rotterdam NL Aug 2023 Berlin, DE Sep 2023 Germany and Greece
2023-01-11,17:17 UTC+0:
After meeting with the receiver to hand over her dispatch HQL-489 along with two other dispatches she has agreed to hold in relay, courier Mr. SANDERSON finds out that he, "actually knew who SIUSOON is, it turns out, although we'd never met; small world, etc etc"
2022-12-23,18:36 UTC+0:
WELCOME HOMES:I ran into some Hongkongers running a fish & chip restaurant in South London
慢遞員李先生兩年來第一次離開香港旅行,緊張但不至於多帶幾件東西來慢遞;包括兩件發往英國(HQL-489 + HQL-488)和HQL-490往法國,他還攜帶了很久沒流通過的51.13英鎊小票和零錢
Courier Mr. SANDERSON is travelling outside of Hong Kong for the first time in two years, nervous but not so much that he cannot bring a few extra items with him. Including a triple dispatch (in addition to HQL-489, see also HQL-488 + HQL-490)bound for the UK and EU, he also carries GBP £51.13 in small bills and loose change that have been out of circulation for much too long
文藝倫敦 Arty London
2023-01-11,13:35 UTC+0:「慢遞仲」 Couriering
2023-01-11,13:36 UTC+0:「在白教堂藝術館喝咖啡」 Coffee at Whitechapel Art Gallery
2023-01-11,13:36 UTC+0:「白教堂藝術館的一個關於倫敦機構與行為藝術合作的歷史檔案展」 An historical archive show about London institutions that worked with performance art, at Whitechapel Art Gallery
2023-01-11,15:11 UTC+0:「在巴士上」 On the bus
巴特西發電站裡面 Inside the Battersea Power Station
收件人⋯⋯ Receiver…
⋯⋯轉慢遞員 …Turns courier
慢遞員李先生和小孫 Couriers Mr. SANDERSON and SIUSOON
科隆 Cologne
2023-01-08,19:29 UTC+0:「科隆魚」 Fish in Cologne
2023-01-09,22:27 UTC+0:「放假時部分工作日/週末」 Specific days do not exist on holiday
2023-01-09,22:27 UTC+0:經典德國燉豬腳叫「冰腿」 Classic German eisbein, or “ice leg”
2023-01-09,22:27 UTC+0:Bierimisu
巴塞羅那 Barcelona
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「到了巴塞羅那啦」 I have arrived in Barcelona
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「哦⋯⋯嘢~」 Ooooh yeahhhhhh
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「哦⋯⋯嘢~」 Ooooh yeahhhhhh
2022-12-29,20:28 UTC+01:「雖然我沒帶包裹」 Even though I didn’t bring the packages
倫敦南 South London
幾年沒吃到的炸魚薯條店 First fish & chip shop in a few years
慢遞員李先生充電 Courier energy building
慢遞員李先生充電 Courier energy building
從炸魚薯條店看的風景 View from South London fish & chip shoppe
香港人做的炸魚薯條 Hong Kong run fish & chips
2022-12-30,20:22 UTC+0:「現在在倫敦逗留幾晚,在一個酒吧喝一品脫IPA」 Now drinking a pint of IPA in the pub in London where I’m staying for a few nights
2022-12-31,08:18 UTC+0:「早餐」 Breakfast
2022-12-31,16:31 UTC+0:炸魚薯條報告 Fish and chip update
2022-12-31,16:31 UTC+0:炸魚薯條報告 Fish and chip update
2022-12-31,18:22 UTC+0:2022年的最後一餐,菊芋 Last meal of 2022, Jerusalem artichokes
香港 Hong Kong
緩件號HQL-488、HQL-489和HQL-490配蕃薯條 Dispatches HQL-488, HQL-489, and HQL-490 with sweet potato fries
慢遞員李先生加的特許服務:貨幣兌換 Additional currency exchange services offered by courier Mr. SANDERSON
Sunset departure from Hong Kong International Airport 香港國際機場日落的航班
香港 Hong Kong
台北 Taipei
高達 up to
1-2 kg
「13號去台北,20號從台北返香港」 13th to Taipei, 20th from Taipei to HK
Japan Post +
2022-12-26,07:14 UTC+09
2022-12-26,07:14 UTC+09:
RECEIVER UPDATE:The zine arrived safely at my home the other day. Sorry for the delay in reporting! Thank you for delivering it to Japan and IRA. Have a good holiday season!
2022-12-23,19:44 UTC+09:
慢遞員IRA更新:今天把小誌轉給 [收件人] 的兄弟啦!照片還是有來自香港的N拍的 😉
COURIER IRREGULAR RHYTHM ASYLUM UPDATE:I passed the zine to [the receiver's] brother today! The picture is taken by N from Hong Kong 😉
2022-12-18,22:26 UTC+09:
one thing that came up while i was in tokyo and in conversations with folks was the way in which space is incredibly, incredibly privatised in tokyo, or rather the way in which space is deeply insulated. to be honest i did not notice this myself so much, but i wonder if this is because i live in hong kong and therefore insulated spaces are places i feel at home in (or more like i am used to making homes out of insulated spaces). but something i did notice is that tokyo is very into insulation, which hong kong doesn't have at all (i'm feeling this now that we are having a bit of a cold week), and how moving through the city is moving quickly between places which are warm, then the outside which is cold, and then another place which is warm, and how fixated you can get on making sure you can get to the next warm place when it is cold out.
maybe i should have just packed a warmer coat, but it had me thinking about who can go into these warm places and who is asked to stay out of it most times, and whether that's a way i felt the insularity of space even though i didn't see it otherwise.
2022-12-15,17:41 UTC+09:
RECEIVER:Thank you for delivering the zine to IRA. Thank you very much! My brother lives in Tokyo, so I will have him pick up the zine.
2022-12-12,10:12 UTC+09:
RELAY CENTRE IRA UPDATE:We will keep the package;
met with HAY yesterday, and had a great time!
慢遞員HAY小姐之前也走過慢遞,一次兩寶到新加坡的HQL-427 和HQL-428;這次她因為不然會過期的10天放假日,跟朋友一起去東京玩;離開之前兩天,放工回家時準備在旺角轉車她順便攬好HQL-486也吃了個臭豆腐宵夜——可是這次沒時間到她最喜歡的遊戲場打機
Courier Ms. HAY embarks on her second dispatch after the duo HQL-427 and HQL-428 to Singapore, this time travelling to Tokyo for holiday with saved up paid leave time to be spent before expiry; she picks up dispatch HQL-486 at her mini-bus stop in Mongkok on her way home from work, pausing for a stinky tofu snack but, alas, this time no opportunity for rhythmic video arcade games...
新宿 Shinjuku
東京轉手 Tokyo handover
第二次東京轉手 Tokyo handover two
香港 Hong Kong
從東鐵旺角東站出現 Emerging from East Rail line at Mongkok East
HQL-486拜訪女人街 Dispatch HQL-486 visiting Ladies’ Street
While the receiver is usually stationed in Wanchai, during the days that courier Ms. PORTABLE hopes to deliver, she is informed that the receiver has temporarily relocated to an office outpost at PMQ in Sheung Wan, 'where we sit and work whilst resting and drinking tea together'; upon arrival, Ms. PORTABLE and the receiver do just that, chatting about their mutual interests in finding other vernacular terms with which to understand collectivity and being together. These include: lepak (to laze and hang out) and santai (to slowly meander through the hang out events, and to chill, I think this applies only to Jogja)
上環 Sheung Wan
之前沒見過的WTF瑰異香港新聞博物館 Another absurdist recent pop-up in Hong Kong’s landscape, a museum dedicated to Hong Kong historicising Hong Kong news media
納許維爾 Nashville 或者 OR
亚特兰大 Atlanta 或者 OR
洛杉磯 Los Angeles 或者 OR
也許紐約 maybe New York 經由 VIA
墨西哥城 Mexico City +
芝加哥 Chicago
3 本 copies
L先生 Mr. L +
胡宇君 Philana WOO +
2022-12-20,09:38 UTC-06:
RECEIVER UPDATE:I was planning to go visit [courier Mr. L] but never got around to it. Also he was planning to come down here but ended up having a baby. I should just ask him to mail it
2022-05-01,09:20 UTC-05:
Relay courier Mr. L picks up dispatch HQL-441 from Ms. WOO, will keep it safe until he meets with the receiver in a few months' time
2022-04-12,14:16 UTC-05:
Courier Ms. WOO safely arrives back in the United States; awaiting contact with relay courier
I love this! It was so funny how excited the vendor was about meeting two supposedly Chinese women.
One time, I went to a sastería (where there are tailors who fix clothes?), and the tailor asked me where I'm from. I appreciated that he didn't just assume I'm from China. This is how the conversation went:
I needed a tote because I had been tasked with retrieving and hand-delivering some books from Mexico City to Chicago as part of an art cum global logistics project.* I even made sure to pack a tote - one of those reusable shopping bags that fold up into a tidy rectangle the size of a tissue packet — for this very purpose. Alas, I lent that tote to a friend the previous day and now it and he were both on a beach in Oaxaca hundreds of kilometers away.
I met up with V by her apartment to retrieve the books. V needed groceries, so we made our way to her local market lined with stalls selling food, produce, flowers, toys, and household goods. The vendor I purchased my tote from enthusiastically relayed a story that I comprehended only a fraction of. V is fluent in Spanish so I nodded along, laughing whenever they laughed. I gathered it involved the trials and tribulations of learning Mandarin, specifically the words for amigo (朋友 péngyou) and muchas gracias (謝謝 xièxiè). The vendor seemed delighted to be chatting up two Chinese ladies. Afterwards, I asked V if she ever planned on telling him.
“What? That I’m Thai?”
* The personal hand-off of goods, often acquired overseas, is known in China as 人肉遞送 renroudisong (“human meat delivery”). This is contrasted to official delivery channels and constitutes part of the black market economy since its primary benefit is to circumvent costly import taxes, especially when luxury items are involved.
2021-04-06,07:45 UTC-05:
Courier Ms. WOO successfully relays HQL-441 from Ms. V; they go to a music festival together, with particular preference for the performance of Arca
The editor of the Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-a-Year-in-Review, Ms. V of the NAMKHEUN collective, brings freshly printed copies with her on a trans-pacific journey to Mexico City
芝加哥 Chicago
慢遞員L先生拿著HQL-441和HQL-445 Courier Mr. L picks up HQL-441 and HQL-445
墨西哥城 Mexico City
好配慢遞員的指甲 Works well with courier’s nails
一袋準備送出去啦 Ready to be toted
慢遞員V拍慢遞員胡小姐 A portrait of courier Ms. WOO by Ms. V
曼谷 Bangkok
新刊物剛出爐準備跨海 New newsletters preparing to head overseas
2022-12-18,下午 afternoon:
Finally out of quarantine and finished with her work, courier 大憨 is free to meet with the receiver, who travels himself from Foshan to pick up his dispatch HQL-485, visit the Shenzhen Urbanism and Architecture Bi-City Biennale, and enjoy an afternoon tea with the courier and another friend
HQL-485 receiver and courier 大憨 plan for a handover date in Shenzhen; while she will get out of quarantine on the 13th of December, she is still handling school paper deadlines so will not be available until after the 16th
RECEIVER NOTE:Looks like courier 大憨 may be the last group to suffer 5+3 quarantine restrictions
慢遞員大憨更新:「剛剛坐上去酒店的車 折騰了一天… 太多想吐槽的了」
COURIER大憨UPDATE:Just sat down in the bus on its way to the quarantine hotel... so much of this makes me want to puke
More than one year after placing his order, the receiver of HQL-485 has moved from Shenzhen to Foshan and is able to find his own courier, Ms. 大憨 who is returning to the mainland after completing a big set of deadlines as part of her study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong; after picking up her final PCR test results in preparation to cross the border the following morning, Ms. 大憨 successfully picks up dispatch HQL-485, an adjustment from the initial order but with promises for future fulfillment
佛山 Foshan
深圳 Shenzhen
交收成功 Delivery successful
網上 WeChat
北京解放 Beijing quarantine rules changed to 0+3
上海浦東解放 Quarantine rules at Shanghai Pudong airport loosen
Getting ready to open the Futian checkpoint, too?
關於深港開關的P圖假信息 Fake news about border opening between Shenzhen and Hong Kong
九龍 Kowloon
HQL-485 微信記錄 communiqué
大灣區宣傳在大灣區行動中 Greater Bay Area propaganda shared with Greater Bay Area movements
大灣區宣傳在大灣區行動中 Greater Bay Area propaganda shared with Greater Bay Area movements
2022-12-15,13:47 UTC+04
COURIER-RECEIVER UPDATE:The route to Tbilisi is finally established! I've been to Kassel recently and now returned to Georgia; we'll be happy to be one leg of the light bridge into the whole Caucasus region. Thank you very much and until next time.
2022-08-14,19:17 UTC+01:
慢遞員LEYA更新:「你好,我還是沒有收到收件人的回覆,但我估計都會親自跟他見面 ^^ 我所知道的,他下次來德國會是11月份,所以要等一段時間 🤞 ☺️」
COURIER LEYA UPDATE:Hi. I haven't heard back from the receiver yet, but I'm pretty positive it will be in person ^^ as far as I know the next time he's in Germany will be in November. So it will take some time 🤞 ☺️
2022-08-09,19:57 UTC+01:
LEYA小姐來到約好的Weser街26號交接地點,剛好進行一個有很多人的公共活動,所以她先發了一條信息給慢遞員易拎:「忘了問你怎麼認出你,我穿著一件印有一個老虎圖案的白T恤 🐅 ✌」;到了幾個小時後活動結束,LEYA才終於找到易拎小姐,交接成功;慢遞員易拎解釋了HQL-460號派件的包裝,其中包括一份茶餐廳菜單以及登巴薩小組的抗議巴釐島被填海的海報;慢遞員LEYA解釋了一點點關於她怎麼認識收件人,最後加上她認為收件人會喜歡這個海報
Ms. LEYA arrives to the scheduled meeting place at Weserstrasse 26 during a public event with many people. She sends a message to Ms. PORTABLE: "Didn't think to ask how to recognize you. I'm wearing a white shirt with a tiger print 🐅 ✌" — but it isn't until the end of the event a few hours later that Ms. LEYA finally locates PORTABLE for a successful handover; PORTABLE explains the packaging for dispatch HQL-460, which includes a chacaantang menu as well as a poster by Denpasar Kolektif to protest against land reclamation in Bali; courier LEYA explains a little bit about how she knows the receiver, and says that she thinks he will like the poster
2022-08-05,18:27 UTC+01:
收件人自己找了一個住在卡塞爾的朋友來接緩件號HQL-460;新的慢遞員LEYA小姐聯繫好易拎小姐:「你好,我是J (N)的朋友LEYA,他給了我你的聯繫號碼來取書;也許我可以週末到Weser街找你?新起義早上或者星期二傍晚也可以,你什麼時候方便?祝好,LEYA」
The receiver sources a friend in Kassel to help relay dispatch HQL-460; she gets in touch with courier Ms. PORTABLE: Hi, this is J (N)'s friend Ms. LEYA. He gave me your contact to pick up the books. I could come to Weserstr. Maybe on the weekend? Monday morning or Tuesday evening would work, too. When is a good time for you? Best, LEYA
出發前一晚,慢遞員何子看到了一家之前沒注意過的小印尼餐的攤位,決定去參加一個印尼團隊策劃的德國展覽前吃香港的印尼菜好玩,就訂了一份nasi uduk,應該是有炸雞翅、煎雞蛋還有tempeh(黃豆餅)配米飯和幾片青瓜,結果被騙了她最愛吃的tempeh是炸土豆🤮!難道他們要培訓她吃德國菜嗎?
The night before her departure, courier Ms. PORTABLE passes by a small Indonesian food stand that she hadn't noticed before and decides it's funny to eat Indonesian food made in Hong Kong before leaving to take part in an Indonesian-curated exhibition in Germany. She orders a nasi uduk, which is according to the description supposed to include fried chicken wings, a fried egg, and tempeh along with rice and a few slices of cucumber; she is extraordinarily disappointed to find that her favourite, the tempeh, is in this instance substituted for fried potatoes, and she wonders if it's a sign that she should prepare herself for German food...
After an e-mail exchange between courier Ms. PORTABLE and the receiver, an agreement is made for dispatch to Kassel, Germany, where PORTABLE can hand over to a friend of the receiver for taking care of the second leg of the journey. As part of this dialogue, he also gifts PORTABLE with a valuable travel tip:
Hi Portable,
yes, that's all perfect!
Have you heard about the €9 ticket? It's a flatrate-ticket for all regional transport in Germany introduced due to rising fuel-prices (instead of tackling war-speculation, I guess). It is valid from June to August and will be very suitable for your journey. You would be able to use all non-fast trains (no IC or ICE) and all buses, trams, S-Bahn, etc. as much as you like for €9 (per 3 months). You can buy it here: https://www.bahn.de/angebot/regio/9-euro-ticket
Looking forward to hear from you,
J (N)
第比利斯 Tbilisi
路上 in-transit
從德國去格鲁吉亚的火車 Train between Germany and Georgia
從德國去格鲁吉亚的火車 Train between Germany and Georgia
卡塞爾 Kassel
卡塞爾不同平台的通訊 Kassel communiqués via Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp
卡塞爾所見所聞 Seen in Kassel
易拎和LEYA小姐的卡塞爾交接 PORTABLE and LEYA’s handover in Kassel
法蘭克福 Frankfurt
在法蘭克福火車站轉車 Transfer at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof
多哈 Doha
國際旅行又復活了 The spectacle of travel again
成了其中一位收件人的意見買好德國的優惠公交系統9歐元月票 Following a tip from a receiver, getting a head start by buying the 9 EUR German DB monthly public transport pass
豪華多哈機場的另一個景 Another view from chic Doha
香港 Hong Kong
出發之前吃了很爛的印尼餐 Pre-departure meal: terrible Indonesian food in Hong Kong
2022-12-09,21:02 UTC+01:
慢遞員Geeky KIKI更新:「我們好幾次試圖見面但是都沒見上;收件人看起來比較忙,但是我們今天終於見了:)」
COURIER Geeky KIKI UPDATE:We arranged many meetings but didn't work; it seems both of us have been so busy, but finally we met today:)
2022-10-20,13:20 UTC+01:
Contact established with receiver, awaiting delivery
2022-07-31,02:33 UTC+01:
慢遞員Geeky KIKI小姐在卡塞爾待了三周後,帶了兩本Resident Evil書回洛特單準備分派給兩個收件人,但是她派送前已經離開了去希臘度假;派送要等她9月份旅行回來再送
Courier Ms. Geeky KIKI brings two dispatches of the same book (HQL-468 and HQL-469) back to Rotterdam after her 3-week visit to Kassel; before she can make the delivery, however, she's off to Greece for a holiday and will pick up the route again in September
羅特丹 Rotterdam
第一次2022-11-26試圖交收失敗 First attempted meeting 2022-11-26 fail
第二次2022-12-04試圖交收失敗 Second attempted meeting 2022-12-04 fail
第三次2022-12-09試圖交收成功 Third attempted meeting 2022-12-09 successful
第三次2022-12-09試圖交收成功 Third attempted meeting 2022-12-09 successful
第三次2022-12-09試圖交收成功 Third attempted meeting 2022-12-09 successful
2022-12-09,20:04 UTC+01
收件人更新:「剛跟慢遞員HERA交收好書啦!在今天很冷的下午我們約了在KW藝術空間,也跟泰國藝術家Orawan ARUNRAK和天線空間的Leon一起見面了:)我明天放假出去旅遊啦,所以很開心今天收到了可以帶上。來自柏林的問候,Y」
RECEIVER'S UPDATE:I just received the book from Hera! We met at KW in Berlin on a cold afternoon, together with Thai artist Orawan ARUNRAK and Leon from Antenna Space. :) I'm going for a holiday trip tomorrow, so happy to have it today, it's gonna be my holiday reading. Greetings from Berlin, Y
2022-11-21,00:28 UTC+01:
COURIER HERA UPDATE:Your book is currently in Athens and traveling to Jakarta tomorrow, with a layover in Abu Dhabi on the way. We will arrive in Berlin on December 7 in the morning
2022-11-17,23:15 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE enjoys a dinner relay over a full Indonesian rijstafel in preparation for building energy for courier Ms. HERA's full journey with HQL-478 to Athens, Jakarta, and Makassar before travelling to final destination Berlin; originally scheduled arrival date of 21 November now rescheduled to early December
2022-11-14,14:45 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE travels from Amsterdam to Rotterdam for the day to meet courier Uncle ROGER for a bit of digital cooperation, simultaneously materially connecting HQL-478 for relay to the next courier back in Amsterdam
2022-10-28,17:56 UTC+01:
After one 14-hour flight and one 1-hour flight (wtf), courier Uncle ROGER arrives back in Rotterdam; dispatch HLQ-479 awaiting relay
Having offloaded a set of synthesizers for sneaking into the mainland, volunteer courier Mr. Uncle ROGER has extra space in his luggage and picks up a double-dispatch destined for Germany; Uncle ROGER is based in Rotterdam, relay courier still needed
柏林 Berlin
交收點:KW藝術空間,在藝術家Orawan ARUNRAK的作品前 Delivery point: In front of Orawan ARUNRAK’s work at KW
派送成功 Successfully received
雅典 Athens
換件又路途中吃一頓 HQL-478 in hungry transit
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
慢遞員HERA小姐 Courier Ms. HERA
羅特丹 Rotterdam
中環 Central
緩件在中環爆光 HQL-478 and HQL-479 saturated in Central
在中環攬件 HQL-478 and HQL-479 b/w in Central
Hong Kong
倫敦 London 和或者 AND/OR
巴塞羅那 Barcelona 和或者 AND/OR
都靈 Turin 和或者 AND/OR
卡爾斯魯厄 Karlsruhe 和或者 AND/OR
科隆 Cologne
高達 up to
5 kg
「我21號離開;到時候在布魯塞爾轉車,還有可能會去愛丁堡」 I'm leaving on the 21st; will change trains in Brussels, and there’s a possibility I’ll go to Edinburgh.
2022-12-03,下午 afternoon UTC+01:
早餐過後,GING GING小姐乘坐有軌電車和地鐵前往海牙,與慢遞員官先生會面一起參加支持最近在荷蘭遭到襲擊的反黑皮特抗議者的示威活動;雖然她遲到了錯過了行動,但之後兩人又乘坐有軌電車聊天,並一起前往海牙藝術博物館,在那裡給從阿姆斯特丹來海牙的收件人派送成功
After a late breakfast, Ms. GING GING travels by tram and metro to The Hague to meet with courier Mr. CRAMER for a demonstration in support of anti-Black Piet protesters who have recently been attacked in the Netherlands; while she is late and misses the action, the two catch up over another tram ride afterwards and head together to The Hague Art Museum, where a final drop-off is made to the receiver who is visiting for the day from Amsterdam
2022-12-02,晚上 evening UTC+01:
慢遞員易拎成功從烏特勒支轉緩件號HQL-484到羅特丹,交接給慢遞員GING GING
Dispatch HQL-484 relayed by courier Ms. PORTABLE from Utrecht to Rotterdam and handed over to courier Ms. GING GING
2022-12-01,17:10 UTC+01:
Contact established with the receiver with hopes of meeting in Amsterdam over the weekend, but the receiver turns out to have plans in The Hague; re-routing via Rotterdam in motion
2022-11-24,15:55 UTC+01:
Not the first time for such a coincidence (see order WC-5888 to Bangkok via dispatch HQL-431), Display Distribute receives order WC-6756 for Amsterdam one day before courier PORTABLE's trip to the Netherlands, marking an unusually quick route which still needs a few more days before Ms. PORTABLE can contact the courier and get her shit together
海牙 The Hague
從羅特丹去海牙的理由 Reasons to travel from Rotterdam to The Hague
交收地點 Final handover location
交收地點 Final handover location
緩件號HQL-484的收件人 Receiver of HQL-484
羅特丹 Rotterdam
HQL-484 在輕鐵上 on tram
HQL-484 在地鐵上 on metro
HQL-484 在地鐵上 on metro
烏特勒支 Utrecht
HQL-484在巴士上 On bus
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
阿姆斯特丹往烏特勒支連線 Connections between Amsterdam and Utrecht
2022-11-30,13:43 UTC-05:
RECEIVER UPDATE:I wish to let you know that the item was delivered today. Thank you very much.
更新:「阿姨上週五去了蝴蝶郵政局給你寄好啦!可以隨時追查香港郵政status ☞ 郵件編號:EG004274314HK :)再次謝謝你對於獨立出版的支持,祝安~」
UPDATE:Aunty was able to post Domestic Notes to you on Friday from the Butterfly Post Office! You can check the status of the package anytime via Hong Kong Post ☞ tracking number:EG004274314HK :)Thank you again for your support of 'semi-autonomous' publishing, and best wishes~
RECEIVER REVIEW:Birthday present for myself. Delivered by LIGHT LOGISTICS
After only one day since being added to the Display Distribute distro, the reader of order WC-6747 picks up the Lumbung schwag pack along with a couple of other Indonesia and beyond literary goodies
赫伊曾 Huizen
收件人確認收貨 Portrait of HQL-483 by the receiver
烏特勒支 Utrecht
Passing through Utrecht on the way to Huizen
從窗外看到認識的人 Seeing someone you know through a window without disturbing
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
阿姆斯特丹往烏特勒支連線 Connections between Amsterdam and Utrecht
收件人告訴展銷場他有興趣與《尖刻的謬論》作者聯繫因為他正在進行一個名為「Offspring that is a polyp」(暫定題目)的項目,關於寫作和出版中的重復和複製的積累,蛻變為一種神秘的語氣;隨著他的購買,展銷場也給收件人介紹sharpparadox_catherine92295829,我們祝願他的項目順利!
The receiver tells Display Distribute that he is interested to connect with the author of Sharp Paradox because he is working on a project called "Offspring that is a polyp" (working title) about the accumulation of repetition and reproduction in writing and publishing, morphing into a mystique tone; along with his purchase, the receiver receives an e-mail introduction to sharpparadox_catherine92295829, we wish him best of luck for the project!
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
阿姆斯特丹往烏特勒支連線 Connections between Amsterdam and Utrecht
2022年12月16日倫敦去西班牙」 30 Nov: London to Sweden
11 Dec: London to Rotterdam
Apr 2023: London to Utrecht
23 Jan 2023: London to Brighton
16 Dec 2022: London to Spain
「我的行李應該可以多帶5公斤去或者回來!!!12月9號去,15號返,可能可以通過IRA空間轉運,或者高円寺那邊會有一些人?」 I have luggage space for around 5 kg of stuff there and back I think!!! And will be leaving December 9, returning December 15. A possible connection point are either Irregular Rhythm Asylum which is an infoshop or maybe there are some folks out in Koenji?
家作坊幾週年筆記 Anniversary Party Essays by HomeShop Party Members
Hong Kong
Tuen Mun Relay Centre
廣州 Guangzhou 經由 VIA
重慶 Chongqing
10 本 copies
順豐快遞 SF Express +
霜十七 SHUANG 17
雖然廣州海珠區被封了還有雙十一的物流狂歡,收件人成功收到換件號HQL-476(另外叫SF 1459036564001),而且發出回饋:「從封鎖的海珠區問候 😟」
Receiver manages to receive dispatch HQL-476 (aka SF 1459036564001) despite the recent lockdown and 11/11 rush in Guangzhou, sending message: “Sending love from Haizhu lockdown 😟”
Courier SHUANG 17 will leave Chongqing for Hainan soon, and she fears the receiver of HQL-476 has been waiting too long, so she sneaks LIGHT LOGISTICS on board with fast-courier service SF Express; while picking up the package, the SF Express worker follows protocol to inspect the contents for prohibited material—he is wary that these publications may be Falun Gong propaganda or something⋯
Courier SHUANG 17 arrives with dispatch HQL-476 to a Chongqing quarantine quarter, which appears to be a hastily constructed high rise apartment block; all amenities are provided, however, including a (not quite finished) kitchen, washing machine, and more; courier estimates that in the future the buildings will be used as government-owned rental units...
Courier SHUANG 17 has just been released from quarantine and dine-in restrictions after arriving in Hong Kong from Germany; before departing again for her hometown of Chongqing, she kindly picks up dispatch HQL476 for smuggling back into the mainland
海珠區 Haizhu District
收件人認證 Proof of receipt by receiver
重慶 Chongqing
重慶隔離小區 Chongqing quarantine housing
重慶隔離小區 Chongqing quarantine housing
重慶隔離小區 Chongqing quarantine housing
重慶隔離小區 Chongqing quarantine housing
重慶隔離小區 Chongqing quarantine housing
重慶隔離小區 Chongqing quarantine housing
準備從慢遞轉快遞 Transitioning from slow courier to speed courier
HQL-476和重慶合影 HQL-476 in Chongqing
順豐比展銷場專業 A more professional logistical notation
屯門 Tuen Mun
在香港屯門攬件 Pick-up in Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Hong Kong
倫敦 London
高達 up to
? kg
「🙌 有冇嘢需要2023年1月帶去倫敦?」 🙌 Anything to bring to London in January 2023?
The receiver of dispatch HQL-480 is also a courier and friend; he is patient, therefore, with the slow three months it takes for this same-city journey, even kindly taking the time to inform the LIGHT LOGISTICIAN of bugs in the DIY online platform and write a review on Facebook; thank you for your support of semi-autonomous publishing!
荃灣 Tsuen Wan
收件人的表情,是什麼感受? What is the feeling of this receiver?
收件人在臉書上寫的書評 Receiver’s Facebook review of his new book
香港行動 Movements throughout Hong Kong
巴士上的風景 Views from the top of the bus
巴士上的風景 Views from the top of the bus
地鐵的地下極簡主義藝術 Minimalist art views from the MTR underground
By the time courier Ms. HUI is out of quarantine, the receiver of dispatch HQL-443 has already left Hong Kong for a work trip, and they miss one another before Ms. HUI ends her sojourn; fortunately, her brother lives in Kowloon and is able to serve as a holding centre until another three months later, final delivery is made at MTR HKU station; brother HUI is remarkably tall
Just fresh out of seven days of quarantine, courier Ms. HUI catches COVID and must isolate again, final handover delayed
慢遞員許小姐更新:「琴日度咗而家就時撚差曬 🤪」
COURIER MS. HUI UPDATE:i landed yesterday and of cos completely jetlagged now 🤪
2022-06-02,22:58 UTC+01:
Former Amsterdam courier Ms. Serene HUI comes to the rescue again, picking up HQL-443 over a fine lunch date with courier Ms. Z; she plans to return to Hong Kong and be out of quarantine by the end of June, awaiting transit
2022-05-13,19:25 UTC+01:
Relay courier Ms. Z goes to the exhibition opening of courier Ms. GOOSE, kindly bringing her a Hong Kong-style yellow custard bun to calm busy days; dispatch HQL-443 awaiting relay
2022-05-06,夜晚 nighttime UTC-05:
Courier Ms. GOOSE departs New York for Amsterdam in order to prepare for her solo exhibition opening the following week
2022-04-06,18:28 UTC-05:
「我5月7-13日會在阿姆斯特丹,到時候可以自己帶五本,也足夠時間跟其他人會合,沒問題的!;)」 I’ll just bring 5 books with me to Amsterdam, it’s really not a problem! I’ll be there May 7-13, plenty of time for a rendezvous;)
WhatsApp + 港大 HKU
WhatsApp 記錄 communiqué
香港大學站 HKU Station
赤鱲角 Chek Lap Kok
酒店的吊燈也隔離中 Hotel chandelier in quarantine
這次我選了機場酒店,寬敞多了 This time I picked the airport hotel, much more spacious
「起碼尼邊睇落可以食嘎,上年隔離係果種爛尼昂色嘅食物」 Food here looks edible at least, last year I had those shitty neon coloured foods
「今次好少少」 This time it’s better
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
粉紅交接 Pink Handover
第二次轉接給許小姐的風和日麗 A warm and sunny lunch for second relay to courier Ms. HUI
「史基浦機場已經瘋狂擠曬一個月了」 Schipol has been crazy crowded for a month now
「我度咗果早塞度成咁」 This is how crowded it was the morning I arrived
慢遞員曼堃小姐在Jim Thompson藝術中心附近的Vela de Bangkok酒店住到10月21日;19日下午,她去看了Baan Trok和世界旅行社,晚上有空就坐嘟嘟車去集體空間Speedy Grandma拜訪一下並與小組成員和收件人會面;當她到達時,他們去了附近吃宵夜不在空間;幾分鐘後,派送成功
Courier Ms. MANKUN is staying at the Vela de Bangkok nearby Jim Thompson until the 21st of October; on the 19th, she visits Baan Trok and World Travel Agency in the afternoon, and in the evening she is free, so she takes a tuk tuk to collective space Speedy Grandma for a space visit and meeting with collective member receiver; when she arrives, they are not at the space but eating a second dinner nearby; a few minutes later, delivery successful
2022-10-15,22:39 UTC+01:
慢遞員易拎小姐在一次工作出差中把幾本自己出的書帶到了新加坡,她並不完全確定應該把它們送給誰;可是大型文化聚會基本上都表現了世界(圈子)有那麼小,她偶然碰到了從香港來到新加坡的曼堃小姐;曼堃準備寫一篇關於這次大型文化聚會的文章,也之後還會去曼谷帶多幾天(「新加坡太貴了」),參加另一個類似的大型文化活動;因此,慢遞員易拎就立刻抓住了曼堃加入「後勤」人肉一下,請她把一本《Resident Evil》轉交參與該書的泰國人
Courier Ms. PORTABLE brings copies of her own publication to Singapore while on a work trip, not totally sure who they should be given to; but as cultural gatherings usually go, the world is small and she runs into Ms. MANKUN, who has also come to Singapore from Hong Kong to write an article about self-same cultural gathering; after a short stint in Singapore she will also pass through Bangkok for a few more days ("Singapore is too expensive") for another similar cultural spectacle, so Ms. PORTABLE ropes her into the LIGHT LOGISTICS network, asking her to relay one copy of Resident Evil to one contributor of the book currently in Bangkok
曼谷 Bangkok
陌生人集合的記錄 The communique of meeting strangers
在吃宵夜時,派送成功 Received over a second dinner
收件人對她的緩件的第一反應 Receiver’s first reaction to her dispatch
新加坡 Singapore
慢遞員易拎拍新慢遞員曼堃 New courier Ms. MANKUN, photographed by PORTABLE
新慢遞員曼堃拍老慢遞員易拎 Old courier Ms. PORTABLE, photographed by Ms. MANKUN
香港 Hong Kong
緩件號HQL-477往香港機場去 HQL-477 in transit to Hong Kong airport
「非常感謝你的善意。我當時需要這本書來在這次新加坡駐地做研究,但現在我就要離開了,可能現在最好的辦法還是請取消訂單退款。再次感謝你,我將在今後的購買中記住你後勤慢遞項目。希望未來還能參與到。」 Thank you so much for your kindness. I needed the book for research on this particular residency in Singapore, but now that I am leaving I think the best will be to process a refund. Thank you again and I’ll have your project and LIGHT LOGISTICS in mind for future purchases. I hope we can make it work for another item in the future.
Exactly one month later, dispatch HQL-472 arrives in Tokyo with courier Ms. IMAI, and the dispatch has found itself opened along the way, hopefully it has been read
2022-08-28,22:40 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. LI has a hard time catching up to lively Ms. IMAI and enlists the help of a relay with new courier Ms. CHENG, who picks up dispatch HQL-472 at a parking lot converted into a communal kitchen and hangout
2022-08-10,04:53 UTC+01:
HQL-472 is left in an apartment in Kassel, on a street its residents lovingly call 'Queer Alley'; dispatch is to be picked up by visitor-courier Ms. LI when she returns to Kassel after travels in Berlin and Frankfurt; during her upcoming days in Kassel, a handover is schedule to courier Ms. IMAI, who is also at the moment in Berlin but will fly back to Tokyo in September after a 100+ day sojourn
東京 Tokyo
在卡塞爾和東京之間的某個地方,緩件HQL-472已經被打開並檢查了,嘿嘿 Somewhere between Kassel and Tokyo, dispatch HQL-472 has been opened and inspected, hehe~
2022-09-21,14:47 UTC+01:
放假後慢遞員Geeky KIKI回羅特丹跟緩件號HQL-469的收件人聯絡準備安排見面;收件人雖然曾經邀請過「展銷場」介紹他們的「後勤」人肉慢遞網絡,但是這次很有趣地直接顛覆了遊戲規則——請了慢遞員Geeky KIKI小姐為其最後一小段鹿特丹市內的線路郵寄書⋯⋯嘆口氣!
After her holiday returning to Rotterdam, courier Geeky KIKI contacts the recipient of HQL-469 to arrange a handover; interestingly, the receiver had once invited LIGHT LOGISTICS to present their slow courier network for a public talk but now subverts the game by asking her courier to post the book for its last little Rotterdam intercity leg...sigh!
2022-07-31,02:33 UTC+01:
慢遞員Geeky KIKI小姐在卡塞爾待了三周後,帶了兩本Resident Evil書回洛特單準備分派給兩個收件人,但是她派送前已經離開了去希臘度假;派送要等她9月份旅行回來再送
Courier Ms. Geeky KIKI brings two dispatches (HQL-468 and HQL-469) of the same book back to Rotterdam after her 3-week visit to Kassel; before she can make the delivery, however, she's off to Greece for a holiday and will pick up the route again in September
Brooklyn, New York 經由 VIA
普吉島 Phuket +
拉廊 Ranong +
曼谷 Bangkok +
迪拜 Dubai +
達拉斯 Dallas +
圣菲 Santa Fe
1 copy each
劉斐 Fei LIU +
2022-09-19,22:13 UTC-05
2022-09-19,22:13 UTC-05:
慢遞員劉小姐更新:「我給了 [收件人]她的書但是沒機會跟她親自見面——只把書放了我的走廊樓梯下面;可是我有給慢遞記錄截了我們通話的圖,哈哈」
COURIER Ms. LIU UPDATE:i got [the receiver] her books but didn’t get to meet her in person; just left them in my stairwell, but I did take a screenshot of our convo for the archive, haha
2022-04-03,18:30 UTC-04:
Courier Ms. LIU sends an SMS to the receiver after previously failed attempts to reach by e-mail and telephone; waiting to establish contact
2022-03-31,13:58 UTC-04:
Relayed from courier Ms. PORTABLE to Ms. LIU at her Bushwick relay flat over a conversation about Street Dance of China, public sculpture and money
This is a branch dispatch of HQL-431
布希维克 Bushwick
布鲁克林地產的街頭痕跡 Mobilising Brooklyn real estate with dispatch HQL-439
2021的時候慢遞員paperbridgeee買了這一本書給遠在美國的她當時的好朋友(aka. 是次的收件人);時光飛逝,收件人已回歸香港並於機緣巧合下自己認識並下單了同一本書。兜兜轉轉,經歷了慢遞員易拎的慢遞、港府的隔離及漫長的等待,這本書終於還是由慢遞員paperbridgeee送遞給收件人了;HQL-473成功送遞~
In 2021 when she was in the United States, courier paperbridgeee was a receiver of this title for a (then) good friend; time flies, and now that receiver becomes a courier for the exact same book; a few twists and turns, courier PORTABLE comes out of quarantine and an extended waiting period later, HQL-473 is finally brought to the receiver, handover successful
Less than one year for a trans-continental delivery by LIGHT LOGISTICS in the pandemic era is no small feat. After the easy inter-city run of dispatch HQL-437 for this order last February, the remaining book which is sold out in Hong Kong (and almost everywhere since the publishing house had an internal meltdown and a reprint unlikely) makes it from Europe; handover to old hat courier Ms. PAPERBRIDGEEE successful, currently awaiting final handover to receiver
香港 Hong Kong
在香港機場,有一個小男孩背著兩個大包 Small boy carrying big bags at Hong Kong airport
View from quarantine 隔離酒店窗外的風景
LIGHT LOGISTICIANS portable and paperbridgeee reunited and it feels so good
緩件號HQL-473的夜光 HQL-473 night views
中環街市外,交收成功 HQL-473 recipient in outside of Central Market
德國路上 Germany in-transit
法蘭克福機場看到的風景 Views from Frankfurt airport
在卡塞爾離開前最後拍的一張相 The last photo taken before departure from Kassel means its time to go back to Asia
2022-09-12,早上 morning UTC+1:
在預定的交接日,慢遞員ZEONHO向收件人O坦白,從烏特勒支到阿姆斯特丹的慢遞會導致他缺課,於是收件人O慷慨地提出代替慢遞員出行,經過更多火車上的糾纏,又一次交接和一個星巴克約會都成功;收件人O的評論:「非常感謝 🤩 我非常期待閱讀這些書:)」
On the scheduled day of handover, courier ZEONHO confesses to receiver O that a delivery to Amsterdam from Utrecht will result in his missing class, so receiver O generously offers to travel to the courier instead; after more train wrangling, a coffee date and handover are both successful; RECEIVER O's REVIEW: Thanks so much 🤩 I'm really looking forward to reading them :)
2022-08-07,全日 all day UTC+1:
展銷場的讀者轉慢遞員駿豪離開卡塞爾後跟朋友又玩去,「最後仲好叛逆咁帶埋啲書逃票上咗ICE翻柏林嘅車;真係坐到第6個鐘頂唔順 睇嗮德國中部嘅森林鄉村」
Display Distribute reader turned courier ZEONHO departs Kassel for another adventure, smuggling dispatch HQL-461 along with himself and a companion on an ICE train to Berlin; their seven-hour journey offers scenic views of the central German landscape
2022-08-07,大概中午 around noon UTC+1:
突然有了幸運消息——出現了一個可以從卡塞爾帶書到荷蘭的慢遞員員,交接立即約好在卡塞爾的Weserstrasse 26號,有一點匆忙但總是還有足夠時間一起喝一杯咖啡和在新朋友之間交換一些好玩的禮品
Sudden lucky news of a courier from Kassel to the Netherlands emerges, and a hasty handover is arranged immediately at Weserstrasse 26 in Kassel — but always still enough time for coffee and free swag exchanged between new friends
No worries, thanks so much for the update! I will be in Amsterdam on the 12. September shortly in the morning (an 8h flight stopover, will be in town until midday). Apart from that, I don't know anyone in Kassel, Berlin, Amsterdam or Rotterdam, unfortunately.
I might visit Berlin or Amsterdam some time next year. I'll be in London from the 12.11-14.11.
Kind regards,
2022-08-02,01:14 UTC+1:
慢遞員Jofa el JEFE更新:「我和伴侶決定不去卡塞爾了;計畫全亂了所以這次可能不是最好選擇;非常感謝~ 祝好 🫂」;轉運計畫取消,等待新慢遞員
COURIER Jofa el JEFE UPDATE:Anyway my couple and I just take the decision to not go there (Kassel); it’s been a total mess try to go so not the best option for us; thanks for everything ~Greetings 🫂;relay cancelled, awaiting new courier
2022-07-06,11:48 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives in Kassel 9 minutes later than the usual German timeliness due to a train delay, though completely worth it for the bargain €9 price of the Deutsche Bahn public transport month pass she's purchased, thanks to the kind advice of the receiver of dispatch HQL-460; awaiting transfer to courier Jofa el Jefe later in the month
出發前一晚,慢遞員何子看到了一家之前沒注意過的小印尼餐的攤位,決定去參加一個印尼團隊策劃的德國展覽前吃香港的印尼菜好玩,就訂了一份nasi uduk,應該是有炸雞翅、煎雞蛋還有tempeh(黃豆餅)配米飯和幾片青瓜,結果被騙了她最愛吃的tempeh是炸土豆🤮!難道他們要培訓她吃德國菜嗎?
The night before her departure, courier Ms. PORTABLE passes by a small Indonesian food stand that she hadn't noticed before and decides it's funny to eat Indonesian food made in Hong Kong before leaving to take part in an Indonesian-curated exhibition in Germany. She orders a nasi uduk, which is according to the description supposed to include fried chicken wings, a fried egg, and tempeh along with rice and a few slices of cucumber; she is extraordinarily disappointed to find that her favourite, the tempeh, is in this instance substituted for fried potatoes, and she wonders if it's a sign that she should prepare herself for German food...
乌特勒支 Utrecht
Contacting the receiver 聯絡收件人
Reader-turned-courier attracts another reader-turned courier
讀者往慢遞員去 Reader towards courier
定位的交流中 Textual-locating
集合地點 Meeting Point
接送成功 Handover successful
收件人 O Receiver O
德國中部 Central Germany
卡塞爾和柏林之間 Between Kassel and Berlin
卡塞爾和柏林之間 Between Kassel and Berlin
德國火車的夏季遊戲 Deutsche Bahn’s summer adventures
卡塞爾 Kassel
卡塞爾所見所聞 Seen in Kassel
卡塞爾不同平台的通訊 Kassel communiqués via Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp
去卡塞爾交接地點的路線 route to Kassel handover location
「ook好似冇開,所以我地係門口」 br ook seems closed, so we’re waiting at the front gate
開心的交接 a happy handover
法蘭克福 Frankfurt
在法蘭克福火車站轉車 Transfer at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof
多哈 Doha
國際旅行又復活了 The spectacle of travel again
成了其中一位收件人的意見買好德國的優惠公交系統9歐元月票 Following a tip from a receiver, getting a head start by buying the 9 EUR German DB monthly public transport pass
豪華多哈機場的另一個景 Another view from chic Doha
香港 Hong Kong
出發之前吃了很爛的印尼餐 Pre-departure meal: terrible Indonesian food in Hong Kong
Courier Ms. Flying Yellow Superhero plays hide and seek with a typhoon to get to Taipei Station for a successful handover with the receiver during her two-day sojourn in the capital
Courier Ms. Flying Yellow Superhero is traveling in a couple of days to Taichung to visit relatives, and will pass through Taipei for a few days in early September before returning to Hong Kong; she kindly picks up dispatch HQL-474 over a dinner at a Nepalese restaurant in Jordan which sometimes hosts live music, but tonight is Monday and she and her friends are the only customers
台北 Taipei
在台北站,派送成功 Handover successful at Taipei Station
從台中到台北 From Taichung towards Taipei
HQL-474到達台中 Parcel HQL-474 arrives in Taichung
從台中趕颱風 From Taichung heading towards a typhoon
佐敦 Jordan
Gulab jamun and HQL-474 for dessert
官妍廷 KUAN Yen-Ting +
Florian CRAMER +
Merve BEDIR +
Ruud & Jeannette van MEETEREN +
吳索 Amy S. WU +
Jock RHEA & Lara van MEETEREN
Courier Ms. BEDIR is now back in Hong Kong after an extended period away, this time subletting from friends in Chai Wan on Hong Kong Island; the receiver is ironically working nearby at a metal and ceramics studio, final delivery complete
Handover in Paris at 25 Rue du Bouloi, exchanging 16 copies of the Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review for six copies of Tsuji Jun with courier Ms. LIN; having once fallen in love with a monk, courier Ms. BEDIR curiously reads Tsuji Jun on her way to Hong Kong, ends up keeping the copy as her courier bonus
Bus 18 from Rotterdam Slotervaart to Amsterdam West
2022-06-07,19:41 UTC+01:
COURIER Ms. BEDIR UPDATE:This correspondence roots back to the beginning of COVID, when I was in Ankara and courier Ms. PORTABLE was in Hong Kong. The idea was to print the first newsletter of Black Book Assembly in Wuhan, where the paper and the printing costs would be the least, but Wuhan, where the pandemic first broke out, was the eye of the storm then, and everyone was at home in full confinement. I checked about the costs of printing the newsletter in Ankara, which was almost the same as Wuhan, so we went for it. The idea was that I bring as many copies as possible with me to different places, eg, Madrid, Rotterdam, Tijuana/San Diengo, and Melbourne, then bring the rest to Hong Kong. The rest of the trip after Rotterdam was cancelled though, doing to worldwide COVID shutdowns. I had left a stack of copies with relay partners Amy S. Wu and Timmetje at the time, and many of them made it with HQL-364 to Bangkok, Mexico, and Hong Kong. Today, two years later I've finally picked up the mission again, taking back the majority of copies left and planning to bring them to Istanbul for relay with PORTABLE's stopover on her way back to Hong Kong. Unfortunately, PORTABLE's journey didn't happen becuase her flight was changed, and she had to re-route through Seoul. At the end of the day, the newsletters are now waiting tranfer in my room at Marina's house in Rotterdam; awaiting relay
2021-02-22,下午 afternoon UTC+08:
COURIER Mr. CRAMER's UPDATE:Most of the zines from HQL-364 went back to Amy today. I'm enclosing my visual documentation of the transfer (a distance of 1.6km)
2021-01-19,15:21 UTC+08:
COURIER Mr. KUAN's UPDATE:For more detailed information, I was flying with China airlines flight CL-74 and arrived at Taiwan at 7:02 am, 10th January. Indeed I'm still quarantined and will be free on 25th midnight. As the first doctor got COVID-19 a week ago, and 4 more colleagues of his were later infected, people here are more cautious with travellers from abroad, who are more likely to bring back the virus. The airport staff were all experienced and well-trained regarding the whole arrival processes. I went back to Taichung directly by a special taxi which only takes travellers from the airport to quarantine hotels. The hotel is located in a busy area in Taichung, not too far from the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, where I had worked for more than 4 years from 2014 to 2018.
2021-01-19,17:59 UTC+01:
慢遞員CRAMER先生的更新 COURIER Mr. CRAMER's UPDATE: HQL-364 is currently quarantined in a hotel in Taichung; I hope it's not a major letdown that we have only been able to bag 13 copies because of the bulkiness of Yenting's luggage. My agreement with Amy was that she would give me a large stack of copies and that I would return to her whatever wouldn't fit the luggage. The remaining 62 copies are currently at my home and still need to returned to Amy, who lives nearby. As a special detail, she gave me the copies in a bag of the German drug store chain DM, which was founded and is owned by an anthroposopher (and very popular among Taiwanese tourists visiting Germany, along with the German-made "China-Öl"/"China Oil" remedy on which we both, Yenting and me, are making a zine). Anthroposophy—which was also the belief system and ideology underlying Joseph Beuys' 'social sculpture'—has recently come under closer critical attention since anthroposophers are at the core of the Corona denier movement in Germany and have organized mass protests together with neo-Nazis; I will let you know as soon as the 62 copies have returned to Amy.
2020-06-15,16:10 UTC+01:
As social gatherings return to the Netherlands, small-scale distributions of the last 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 can be made by courier Ms. WU while in relay in Rotterdam
2020-04-29,下午 afternoon:
回到香港14日隔離完成了之後,慢遞員RHEA先生和van MEETEREN小姐疫情中帶著換件號HQL-364到香港大會堂,婚禮與派送成功!最後一批在羅特丹仍然等待轉運
After their return to Hong Kong and mandatory 14-day quarantine completed, couriers Mr. RHEA and Ms. van MEETEREN bring their 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 to their pandemic-period city hall wedding, complete with live streaming to relatives in the Netherlands—marriage and delivery successful! Final 1/3 of the dispatch still in relay in Rotterdam
Couriers have been hesitant to leave the house recently, so while the first 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 arrived in Hong Kong one month ago, it is only now that the final handover of Ms. BEDIR's batch could be made; a sidewalk chat with face masks on circles around epidemic related conversation, science fiction and the weird feeling of speaking to people in person...
Couriers Ms. MEETEREN and Mr. RHEA come back to Hong Kong in the first few hours that a newly imposed quarantine is put on all people entering Hong Kong (except from Macau or Taiwan); dispatch HQL-364 is, of course, to be in isolation as well, awaiting relay in two weeks
2020-03-14,14:31 UTC+1:
Courier Ms. BEDIR's previous travel plans have all been cancelled due to the shutting down of much of the western world; to LIGHT LOGISTICS' serendipitous advantage, courier Ms. BEDIR will come back to Hong Kong much sooner than expected—dispatch HQL-364 "about to take off to HK"
2020-03-11,12:41 UTC+1:
Courier Ms. BEDIR visits the home of courier Ms. WU to split the 1/3 of dispatch HQL-346 for Rotterdam relay and distribution, the last 1/3 for BEDIR to slowly bring herself back to Hong Kong under corona's uncertain circumstances
2020-03-10,13:43 UTC+7:
慢遞員MEETEREN小姐和RHEA先生到達曼谷的同一天立刻往外開始派送,第一個收件人是曾經當過慢遞員ANANTAWAT小姐(見HQL-198),Poop Press的女王;慢遞員WISSINK的觀察:「貌似黑書眾還分散的比新冠病快」
Same day arrival and immediate dispatch to Bangkok receiver Ms. Lee ANANTAWAT, a former courier for LIGHT LOGISTICS [see HQL-198] and also the queen poop of Poop Press; according to courier Mr. RHEA, 'Seems like Black Book Assembly is moving faster than Corona'
2020-03-10,11:21 UTC+7:
Dispatch HQL-364 safely arrives from Amsterdam to Bangkok
2020-03-09,21:13 UTC+01:
慢遞員Lara van MEETEREN的報告:「我們收到了父母給我們帶到阿姆斯特丹的報紙了,它們還找到目前的【家】(看黑色行李袋);希望不會到了泰國收到什麼有創意的旅行限制:)
UPDATE from Lara van MEETEREN:We received the newsletters and they now have a home. They’re in the plane to BKK; let’s hope we’re not hit by innovative Thai travel restrictions:)
2020-03-08,13:23 UTC+01:
在阿姆斯特丹呆了兩晚後,慢遞員BEDIR小姐早上到羅特丹然後呆了她行李箱到羅特丹的Katendrecht半島找Lara van MEETEREN小姐的父母(羅特丹的旅遊網:「早期羅特丹的唐人街,Katendracht原來吸引了不少海員和妓女——現在這個小半島變成了一個吃喝玩樂的文藝天堂!」);他們明天會送走他們女兒和RHEA先生,剛好也轉送HQL-364的差不多一半
After a brief stay in Amsterdam, courier Ms. BEDIR arrives to Rotterdam in the morning and heads with her suitcase to the Katendrecht peninsula (according to Rotterdam tourist information, 'Once Rotterdam’s Chinatown, attracting homesick sailors and lusty whores in equal measure, Katendrecht is now home to the hip and happening—and a dream destination for foodies!'), where the parents of courier Ms. Lara van MEETEREN live; she drops off less than 10 kilos of the dispatch for them in preparation for their send-off meeting with their daughter and Mr. RHEA the next day
Superwoman courier Ms. BEDIR initially planned to bring half of the 300 edition print of BBA newsletters with her, but in a spurt of energy lugs all 300 in the morning to Istanbul by train to begin distributing to readers in the afternoon, then in the evening boards a plane to Amsterdam
2020-03-03,13:07 UTC +03:
Because of certain sensitivities and the onslaught of COVID-19, the release of the first ever Black Book Assembly newsletter is put on indefinite delay, but the heroic moves of one contributor, from Ankara, leads to the unexpected turn of East and Southeast Asian updates being supported by a Turkish printing brother by the name of Muhammad Ali. Such outsourcing may seem uneconomical for an independent affair, but LIGHT LOGISTICS has it tracks already en route with new courier Ms. BEDIR's happenstance work jaunt to the Netherlands, scheduled for 7-9 March. Fuck you corona
安卡拉 Ankara + 伊斯坦堡 Istanbul
緩件號HQL-364在WhatsApp下單 The launch of dispatch HQL-364 as recorded via WhatsApp Messenger
安卡拉的印刷廠大哥 Printer Muhammad ALI of Ankara Matbaa printing company
黑書眾《半年多報》,剛從印刷廠出來 Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review fresh from the printer
印量300份的高塔 edition of 300 in tower form
300份一路走一路派送,慢遞員就慢慢輕鬆一些 300 copies slowly being distributed to lighten the load along the way
藝術家Yasemin ÖZCAN在伊斯坦堡,期中最快拿到手的讀者 One of the first readers of the newsletter, Yasemin ÖZCAN in Istanbul
另一個伊斯坦堡快手,藝術家Banu CENNETOğLU小姐 Another Istanbul resident who likes hot potatoes, Banu CENNETOğLU
在伊斯坦堡展開《半年多報》 Spreading out with the Black Book Assembly newsletter in Istanbul
羅特丹 Rotterdam
荷蘭的轉運慢遞員對 Netherlands relay couriers Ruud and Jeanette van MEETEREN
第一批在羅特丹成功收到 First batch received in Rotterdam
走私的經典黑行李袋被慢遞員MEETEREN一家從羅特丹帶HQL-364到全世界 The smuggler’s ubiquitous black duffle bag is employed in Rotterdam to carry dispatch HQL-364 to Amsterdam and beyond
人肉慢遞員BEDIR小姐和吳小姐 Couriers Ms. BEDIR and Ms. WU
HQL-364的最後一批也慢慢開始在羅特丹本地派送 Pieces from the last batch of HQL-364 also being distributed locally at Asian pow-wows in Rotterdam
一堆沒法離開羅特丹的報紙 A stuck stack in relay in Rotterdam
有了希望可以慢遞到台灣 Potential branch dispatch to Taiwan
最後有13份成功到了台中;隔離中的風景 13 copies successfully make it to Taiwan, here enjoying the scenery from quarantine in Taichung
剩下來的從慢遞員CRAMER先生家等著回到羅特丹的轉運站——慢遞員吳小姐家 The remaining copies wait at courier Mr. CRAMER’s home pending return to the relay centre in Rotterdam, the home of courier Ms. WU
準備退回羅特丹轉運中心 Preparing for return to the Rotterdam relay centre
準備退回羅特丹轉運中心 Preparing for return to the Rotterdam relay centre
CRAMER先生紀錄的1.6公里羅特丹市內人肉路線 A mini 1.6 km Rotterdam inner city route as recorded by courier Mr. CRAMER
CRAMER先生紀錄的1.6公里羅特丹市內人肉路線 A mini 1.6 km Rotterdam inner city route as recorded by courier Mr. CRAMER
CRAMER先生紀錄的1.6公里羅特丹市內人肉路線 A mini 1.6 km Rotterdam inner city route as recorded by courier Mr. CRAMER
CRAMER先生紀錄的1.6公里羅特丹市內人肉路線 A mini 1.6 km Rotterdam inner city route as recorded by courier Mr. CRAMER
CRAMER先生紀錄的1.6公里羅特丹市內人肉路線 A mini 1.6 km Rotterdam inner city route as recorded by courier Mr. CRAMER
CRAMER先生紀錄的1.6公里羅特丹市內人肉路線 A mini 1.6 km Rotterdam inner city route as recorded by courier Mr. CRAMER
CRAMER先生紀錄的1.6公里羅特丹市內人肉路線 A mini 1.6 km Rotterdam inner city route as recorded by courier Mr. CRAMER
CRAMER先生紀錄的1.6公里羅特丹市內人肉路線 A mini 1.6 km Rotterdam inner city route as recorded by courier Mr. CRAMER
CRAMER先生紀錄的1.6公里羅特丹市內人肉路線 A mini 1.6 km Rotterdam inner city route as recorded by courier Mr. CRAMER
曼谷 Bangkok
都還沒正式開始勞動⋯⋯ Before even getting to work…
黑書眾的報紙就已經放假了⋯⋯ The BBA newsletter seems to already be taking time off…
在曼谷旅行! On holiday in Bangkok!
《半年多報》的曼谷美麗景色 BBA newsletter panoramic views
《半年多報》的曼谷美麗景色 BBA newsletter panoramic views
曼谷的第一個收件人,riso出版社Poop Press的老闆娘Lee ANANTAWAT The first receiver of the BBA newsletter in Bangkok, Poop Press queen Lee ANANTAWAT
Lee在她的曼谷工作室閱讀黑書眾的《半年多報》 Lee reading the BBA newsletter in her Bangkok studio
另外一個曼谷讀者 Another Bangkok reader
羅特丹到巴黎 in-transit Rotterdam to Paris
HQL-447 在行李箱 in suitcase
香港 Hong Kong
HQL-364在曼谷機場準備走最後一段到香港 Dispatch HQL-364 on the last leg of journey from Bangkok to Hong Kong
慢遞員RHEA先生的隔離手鐲 Quarantine wristbands for couriers Mr. RHEA and Ms. MEETEREN
第一批在尖沙嘴交接成功 First batch received in Tsim Sha Tsui
第二批約定在婚宴交接 Appointment for a wedding handover
換件號HQL-364的第二批變成了慢遞員派送給展銷場的禮物 Second 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 as a wedding gift from couriers to Display Distribute
換件號HQL-364的第二批變成了慢遞員派送給展銷場的禮物 Second 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 as a wedding gift from couriers to Display Distribute
換件號HQL-364的第二批變成了慢遞員派送給展銷場的禮物 Second 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 as a wedding gift from couriers to Display Distribute
換件號HQL-364的第二批變成了慢遞員派送給展銷場的禮物 Second 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 as a wedding gift from couriers to Display Distribute
換件號HQL-364的第二批等著去擺酒 Second 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 waiting for the wedding party
Courier Ms. BEDIR is now back in Hong Kong after an extended period away, this time subletting from friends in Chai Wan on Hong Kong Island; the receiver is ironically working nearby at a metal and ceramics studio, final delivery complete
Handover in Paris at 25 Rue du Bouloi, exchanging 16 copies of the Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review for six copies of Tsuji Jun with courier Ms. LIN; having once fallen in love with a monk, courier Ms. BEDIR curiously reads Tsuji Jun on her way to Hong Kong, ends up keeping the copy as her courier bonus
2022-09-01,15:50 UTC+03:
When the recipient picks up HQL-465 from courier AK, she learns that courier AK was so confused about this whole courier delivery because she was super hungover and unsure about what was going on when she went to pick up the book
2022-08-16,07:35 UTC+01:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Your book came back to Helsinki from Belfast with my colleague AK who I have not had the chance to meet since I've returned from London. I will update you as soon as I do!
2022-07-30,00:26 UTC+01:
「包裹安全轉給AK啦!」慢遞員Vale Z也安全回到倫敦 "The package is safe in AK's hands!" and courier Ms. Vale Z is safe back in London
2022-07-28,23:54 UTC+01:
慢遞員Vale Z,貝爾法斯特更新:「你好AK!希望你喜歡這個討論會!我明天中午就要離開去機場,但是從早上8點半都會在我們的會議室,書會帶在身上;你會方便經過這裡去拿書嗎?」
COURIER Ms. Vale Z's BELFAST UPDATE:Hello Annastiina! Hope you've been enjoying the conference so far! I'm leaving tomorrow at around lunch time for the airport, I'll have the book with me, I'll be in our panel room as from 8:30am if you want to pass by to get it?
緩件號HQL-465與慢遞員Vale Z小姐轉到倫敦
Dispatch HQL-465 transfer with courier Ms. Vale Z to London; awaiting relay
2022-07-23,16:38 UTC+01:
一個突然的快速交接,緩件號HQL-465的收件人很厲害地安排好她自己的人肉:通過一個即將參加一個貝爾法斯特學術討論會,可以跟新慢遞員Vale Z小姐接力;Vale Z小姐這週末正好從倫敦來到卡塞爾看展覽;在展覽的免費Wi-Fi、WhatsApp和來自泰國Baan Noorg小組的泰國經典音樂背景下Vale Z攬攬件好;拍慢遞記錄照片前,她很謙虛地說她不上鏡,但是結果還是蠻可愛的
A suddenly quick handover turnaround as the receiver of dispatch HQL-465 hustles through circles to find that a friend of hers will be presenting in an academic conference in Belfast soon with new recruit courier Ms. Vale Z, who just happens to be visiting Kassel for the weekend; the pick-up is a brief and friendly encounter over Documenta Wi-Fi, WhatsApp, and classic Thai tunes from Baan Noorg collective; before being photographed for logistical documentation, Ms. Vale Z modestly claims that she doesn't look good in photographs but indeed the results are quite cute
赫爾辛基 Helsinki
赫爾辛基收件人 Happy Helsinki recipient
貝爾法斯特 Belfast
第二個交接地點:貝爾法斯特女王大學 Handover Location 2: Queens University Belfast
貝爾法斯特派送中 Belfast handover in waiting
貝爾法斯特交接成功 Belfast handover successful
臉書記錄 Facebook
卡塞爾 Kassel
慢遞員Vale Z在一個滑板U池攬件 Courier Vale Z and a skate ramp handover
COURIER NON's UPDATE:Evidence of what we ate for dinner (Thai kway chap). Interestingly I was in Bangkok on the previous weekend and had really bad food poisoning the day I got back. The chronology was uncanny.
COURIER NON's UPDATE:I reached out to the receiver, and we are meeting this coming Monday for dinner; we'll take a documentation shot there
Dispatches HQL-456 and HQL-457 join courier Mr. NON for his departure from Hong Kong after finishing a history degree; he will pass through Singapore in July before jumping on to a PhD in the United States on 16 August
新加坡 Singapore
慢遞員和收件人交接時一起吃的泰式粿汁 Delivery over Thai kway chap
九龍城 Kowloon City
緩件號HQL-456、HQL-457、自做的陶瓷和蜜瓜 Dispatches HQL-456 and HQL-457, handmade ceramics, and honeydew