• 內容 Contents

  • 出發點 Start Point

  • 到達點 End Point

  • 定量信息 Quantitative Data

  • 慢遞人員 Courier

  • 物流情況 Shipping Status

  • 附注 Notation

  • 媒體記錄 Tracking

  • HQL-640A
  • 『目錄 CATALOGUE』No. 04

    Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium

    Publishing as Method: Ways of Working Together in Asia
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 鹿特丹 Rotterdam
    烏特勒支 Utrecht
  • 每種一本
    1 copy each
  • 駿豪 ZOENHO
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-10-16,04:08 UTC+01:
    慢遞員駿豪更新:「嗨嗨:)!我這週四會去鹿特丹!可以跟tinE取包裹然後帶640A給HumDrum嗎?我大概下午四點到,計畫六點鐘去Garage Rotterdam參加一個分享會:)!過去之前很想跟你們好好聊一下!🫶🏻✨」
    COURIER ZOENHO UPDATE:Heyhey :)! I am visiting Rotterdam this Thursday! Would it be possible to pick up the package from tinE⁩ and bring the 640A to HumDrum? I will be in Rotterdam around 4pm and joining a presentation at Garage Rotterdam around 6pm:)! Would love to have a nice chat with you guys before I go for the presentation! 🫶🏻✨

    2024-10-11,14:33 UTC+01:
    慢遞員tinE安全抵達鹿特丹,而慢遞員駿豪則分享他最近在烏特勒支的一些活動,包括出席在Casco Institute for the Commons舉辦的lumbung kios工作會議,展銷場正好也有遠程參與,一時間,人肉與靈肉在屏幕世界交會,慢遞緩件成為一份拉近距離的伴手禮物
    COURIER tinE arrives back in Rotterdam, and COURIER ZOENHO shares some of his recent activities in Utrecht, including the attendings of a lumbung kios working session at Casco Institute for the Commons, where Display Distribute is also a participant, making human flesh coincide with virtual flesh for a brief moment, and with LIGHT LOGISTICS dispatches as a mini bridge in between

    COURIER ZOENHO is brought into the HQL-640 WhatsApp communiqué and immediately recognises COURIER tinE as well, very happy, gezellig, and cosy in line with LIGHT LOGISTICS social network maneuvering; plans are made for tineE and ZOENHO to have a handover celebration meal together in Rotterdam soon

    2024-10-08,大概 around 18:30:
    A new plan is made for a handover in Kwun Tong, and ANN moves from one industrial building to another with some public transport in between, successfully handing off dispatch HQL-640A/B to tinE, who is scheduled to depart for Holland on the 10th

    COURIER ANN UPDATE:Oh no, tinE, I've spontaneously decided to stay at home tomorrow and won't go to Tokwawan. Where will you be today? if it's convenient for you and can bring it to where you are?

    Since COURIER tinE is in out of town for the weekend and unable to pick-up the dispatch from the Tokwawan Relay Centre, COURIER ANN, who works in Tokwawan, comes to the rescue and can meet with her just before she departs for the Netherlands; it is soon discovered that the two already know one another before, making for a lucky opportunity for a friendly catch-up before tinE flies west

    tinE報名成為展銷場人肉慢遞員的同時,展銷場也在關注位於鹿特丹的獨立出版社HumdrumPress的傑出作品,因此似乎沒有比這更好的時機,由新任慢遞員tinE的剩餘承載空間的幫助,來發起一場團結的貿易;令人啼笑皆非的是,之前的讀者轉變為運送者的駿豪,最近也在聯繫、尋找關於出版理論與策略的閱讀與討論,並且在聽到有前往荷蘭的可用路線後,立即下了訂單;計畫已經開始動作,由tinE領取現成為緩件的HQL-640A到鹿特丹HumdrumPress,以及 HQL-640B到在烏特勒支的訂單WC-9207收件人駿豪
    tinE signs up to be a LIGHT LOGISTICS courier right around the same time that Display Distribute is looking at the critical and challenging work of independent publishers HumdrumPress, based in Rotterdam, so it seems like no better moment to initiate a solidarity trade with new COURIER tinE's surplus carrying space help; ironically, previous reader-turned-courier ZEONHO (HQL-461) has also been in touch recently, looking for readings and discourse around publishing theory and tactics, and upon hearing about the available route to the Netherlands, immediately places an order for Publishing as Method; plans are put into motion for tinE to pick up what has now become dispatch HQL-640A, to HumdrumPress in Rotterdam, and HQL-640B, to order WC-9207's RECEIVER in Utrecht
  • 3512PA 烏特勒支 Utrecht   動物園 Blijdorp   觀塘 Kwun Tong   土瓜灣 Tokwawan  
  • HQL-633
  • 工人美好生活百科
    A Better Life for the Workers

    Sharp Paradox:The Selected Work of a Young Ghostwriter

    Acts of Departure

    Cold Hearted

    『目錄 CATALOGUE』No. 04
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 阿姆斯特爾芬 Amstelveen
    經由 VIA
    廣州 Guangzhou
    深圳 Shenzhen
    成都 Chengdu
    法蘭克福 Frankfurt
    愛因荷芬 Eindhoven
  • 運輸時間

    74 days,17 hours,4 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each
  • 大王叫我來巡山
    The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain
    大雨相 lß
    何子 NANIKO
  • 到達


  • 2024-10-13,22:13 UTC+01:
    收件人評價:「遞送成功啦!謝謝 @大王叫我來巡山 這麼波折地把我的書帶到 ❤️ 輾轉不同地方都帶著包裹實在是辛苦了!!! 我今天早上先去了Utrecht的Casco看朋友的展覽,在現場買了給巴勒斯坦donate的手工小徽章送給大王答謝 💝 希望大王學業順利!之後如果需要來荷蘭借宿可以找我 我家一直開放接待沙發客(小床/沙發/睡袋)」
    RECEIVER REVIEW:Delivery successful! Thank you to @The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain for such a circuitous effort to bring the books ❤️, relaying through different places while carrying the dispatch is not easy!!! This morning I went to Casco in Utrecht to see a friend's exhibition, and I bought a small pin in support of Palestine as a thank you to The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain 💝 Hope that her studies will be smooth! If you ever need a place to stay in Holland, you can always contact me, my flat is always open to couch surfers (I've got a small bed/sofa/sleeping bag)

    2024-10-13,大概 around 18:00 UTC+01:
    RECEIVER doesn't appear at the scheduled handover time, and COURIER The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain calls a few times, but one hour later, RECEIVER resurfaces again explaining apologetically that she had missed the train from Utrecht and her phone had been out of battery; the bicycle she wanted to ride from one part of post code 5612 to another part of post code 5612 also seems not to be working today, so the 5-minute journey becomes 12 minutes, and dispatch HQL-633 finally meets its receiver around 6pm

    2024-10-12,23:31 UTC+01:
    RECEIVER UPDATE:I'm going to visit a friend in Eindhoven tomorrow also, and just realised that their house is just next to the address you gave me of your friend's house in the 5612 post code area, what a coincidence!!

    2024-10-10,16:10 UTC+01:
    收件人回覆:「可以問下週末方便嘛 我去埃因愛芬取~ 因為我有週末套餐週末火車可以不花錢 」;目前約好10月13號周天15:00-17:00在愛因荷芬5612片區的Kronehoefstraat交接
    RECEIVER REPLY:Would weekends work for you? I have a weekend train subscription and can ride for free on the weekends, so I can go to Eindhoven to pick up~;tentative plans are made for a final handover on Sunday, 13 October, between 15:00-17:00 in Eindhoven's 5612 area of Kronehoefstraat

    2024-10-01,13:19 UTC+01:
    The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain UPDATE:I'll land in Frankfurt and stay in Holland around 20 days, but without any plans to go to Amsterdam as of yet; wanted to ask, if you're not in a hurry, would you mind waiting a bit longer? Tomorrow after I arrive, I'll be storing most of my luggage in Cologne because it's really too much to lug around, and I'll be back in the Netherlands at the end of the year, so maybe we can catch another courier in this time? Otherwise, I will arrive to Eindhoven early evening on the 3rd, would like to ask if we can make the handover at the Flixbus stop then?

    The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain UPDATE:The books have stayed in Chengdu since I picked them up in Guangzhou, will go back to get them before travelling to Eindhoven on 10.2

    2024-08-25,午飯 lunch time:
    COURIER lß is as busy as can be, and she is only able to handover HQL-633 a couple days later, so this brief encounter is a bit rushed; she hopes that The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain doesn't question her doubt their high estimation of their friendship and the gratitude that COURIER The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain has given her in a time of crisis

    2024-08-24,午後 afternoon:
    COURIER The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain has come especially from scorching hot Chongqing to equally burning Guangzhou to visit her old friend lß and pick up dispatch HQL-633; afterwards, this beautiful woman with a strong sense of love and righteousness will travel to Shenzhen to visit another old friend who has just given birth to twins, and after that she'll continue to visit a several other cities in China while still on her graduating year summer break before returning to the Netherlands and Germany to continue her second masters studies

    COURIER NANIKO successfully hands over dispatch HQL-633 to COURIER lß at the Changzhou Island Relay Centre in Guangzhou; they forget to take a photograph of the handover, but lß makes a documentation at night before she goes to bed

    COURIER NANIKO travels by cross-border bus from Hong Kong to Guangzhou, and except for that one time she made the same journey on Dragon Boat Festival day and there was a traffic jam stretching the ride to around 6 hours, each time she goes by bus the route feels faster and faster; maybe it's because she's been trying out different bus companies with different drop-off points closer to the Changzhou Island Relay Centre, but maybe it's because the infrastructures of connection between China and Hong Kong feel stronger and stronger; this gives NANIKO many ambivalent feelings
  • 愛因荷芬 5612 Eindhoven   長洲島 Changzhou Island
  • HQL-638
  • 151個墩子
    151 Do-It-Yourself Stones

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 曼谷 Bangkok
    經由 VIA
    布吉島 Phuket
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • RISE & GRIND hana
    魚鰭 YU kei
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-10-11,13:24 UTC+07:
    慢遞員魚鰭i到了hana的RISE & GRIND,但遺憾沒碰見外出有事的hana;緩件HQL-638交給了店員,現在等待去曼谷的未知轉運
    COURIER YU kei arrives to hana's RISE & GRIND but unfortunately misses hana, who is out running errands; dispatch HQL-638 dropped off with staff, now waiting unknown relay to Bangkok

    2024-10-09,11:02 UTC+07:
    慢遞員魚鰭說:「我們到啦!!普吉島!我今天能過去嗎?」,但是普吉島轉運中心慢遞員RISE & GRIND hana告訴魚鰭:「我們今天因為普吉島素食節而快要關門,也叫Jae Festival或九皇齋——在泰國長達九天的道教節日。你能明天在來投遞嗎?今天普吉島的交通一定堵死,一點不推薦今天過來這邊」,等會有1萬人將路過普吉島老城,魚鰭決定改為週五去拜訪hana的café,在下一個整夜的遊行慶祝來臨前
    COURIER YU kei says, "We’re here!! Phuket! Can I come over today?", but Phuket Relay Centre courier RISE & GRIND hana informs YU kei: "We're gonna close soon today due to the the Phuket Vegetarian Festival, also known as the Jae/Jay Festival, or the Nine Emperor Gods Festival—a nine-day Taoist festival held in Thailand. Can you drop by tomorrow instead? The traffic in Phuket down is dead today not recommend coming in"; 10k people passing through Phuket old town later, YU kei decides to visit hana's café on Friday instead, before the next all-night-long festival parade

    COURIER paperbridgeee's dinner is with YU kei, a going away dinner of sorts before her upcoming diving trip in Phuket and before she goes away to Japan for a year on working holiday; handover successful, departure scheduled for the morning of 9 October

    Another attempt is made for PORTABLE and paperbridgeee to meet, this time Carousell-style inside the Jordan MTR station at 19:15 while paperbridgeee is on her way from the office to Kowloon Bay for a dinner; paperbridgeee is a bit late, and PORTABLE takes a dispatch photo while people-watching: a small, feisty child hangs from his mother's hand in resistance, most everyone holds a hand out to support only their mobile phone, and everyone looks the same, though somehow all these faces are unique, and we've learned to distinguish each one. Then paperbridgeee slides in from behind PORTABLE, and they chat for a short while about their history of couriering exchanges along with COURIER YU kei's exciting upcoming journey

    2024-10-02,晚上 evening:
    COURIER PORTABLE brings dispatch HQL-638 to Hong Kong island thinking that she should be able to meet up with COURIER paperbridgeee for a handover, but time and space rollercoaster in funny ways and PORTABLE returns from a friend's gig in North Point to the Tokwawan Relay Centre with HQL-638 still in her pocket
  • 老城區 Old Town  
      路途中 En route
    佐敦 Jordan
    鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay
  • HQL-639
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 東京
  • 三本
    3 copies
  • 豆芽
    bean SPROUT
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-10-07,00:18:
    COURIER bean SPROUT receives 100 CDs from a WACHI bandmate directly at the airport, along with a new luggage for especially carrying this extra load and nicely fit in dispatch HQL-639 as well; red-eye departure scheduled in a couple of hours

    2024-10-05,晚上 evening:
    展銷場已經有好一陣子沒有從日本進新書了,既然慢遞員聲帶姐已經提出願意攜帶,展銷場後台成員覺得現在是跟東京的老朋友IRA安排一次交換的好時機;雖然沒有時間給聲帶姐攜帶書籍從香港到東京,但慢遞員豆芽卻神奇地被邀請為聲帶姐的樂團攜帶100張CD到東京(他們忘了!); 在深水埗吃完晚飯後,豆芽走了很長的一段路回到她住的油麻地地點,並收到兩本《離開的舉動》給IRA和一本作為答謝
    It has been a while since Display Distribute has clocked in any new publications from Japan into the distro, and since courier VOCAL CHORD SISTER has offered to carry, the LOGISTICIANS are thinking it might be a good time to arrange a distro trade with their old friends from Irregular Rhythm Asylum in Tokyo; while there isn't time to give VOCAL CHORD SISTER books to bring from Hong Kong to Tokyo, it magically appears that COURIER bean SPROUT has been enlisted to carry 100 CDs to Tokyo for VOCAL CHORD SISTER's band (they forgot!), and there is a bit of space left to carrry a few books, too; so after dinner together in Sham Shui Po, bean SPROUT takes a long evening walk back to where she's staying in Yaumatei and receives one copy of Acts of Departure as a gratitude for her efforts along with two more copies to trade with IRA
  • 油麻地 Yaumatei
  • 空閒路線
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 鹿特丹
  • 高達 up to
    2 kg
  • tinE
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 已承運,缓件號HQL-640A/B
    PICKED UP as HQL-640A/B
  • 空閒路線
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 台北 Taipei
    和或者 AND/OR
    東京 Tokyo
    大阪 Osaka
  • 高達 up to
    5 kg
  • 聲帶姐
    Vocal Chord Sister
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「台北、高雄、大阪、東京的書呀 我這次可以帶一些;7號中午到東京,10號上午10點飛機去大阪。所以9號下午2點前都是自由活動時間;9號下午2點開始我們就要準備演出了,9號晚上演出」
    Can take books to/from Taipei, Kaohsiung, Osaka and Tokyo this time; arriving on the 7th to Tokyo, leaving for Osaka on the morning of the 10th; will have free time on the 9th before 2pm, after 2pm we'll start preparing the concert
  • HQL-601
  • 箭廠空間五年書
    Arrow Factory:The Last Five Years

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 倫敦 London
    經由 VIA
    蘇黎世 Zürich
    巴塞羅那 Barcelona
    阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • Hamish FORD
    Fanja BOUTS
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-09-30,11:04 UTC+01:
    慢遞員BOUTS小姐更新:「我會給收件人再發一次郵件,因為一個親戚生病了我就決定留在家裡,最後倫敦沒去成,好可惜。我會跟她講我現在沒在倫敦,真的很抱歉我也覺得很遺憾,要看一下下次什麼時候能去,真是個惡夢 😅」
    COURIER Ms. BOUTS UPDATE:I will send RECEIVER a mail again, because I couldn't go to London in the end as a family member got sick and I decided to stay home, very unfortunate. I will let her know that I'm not in London now in the end, I'm so sorry about this I'm really sad about it myself, now looking when I can go instead, god what a nightmare 😅

    2024-08-16,17:42 UTC+01:
    慢遞員BOUTS小姐更新:「哦,不,我在瑞士,幾乎沒有互聯網,FORD 先生也不在;那裡超級可愛,我看見了一些很棒的奶牛和很多山羊(我最喜歡的),FORD先生現在回來了,但他住得離King's Cross很遠,還有其他地方可以去嗎?也許在未來幾天?如果我自己在那裏,我可以更容易地做到這一點,但我在那裏只有九月,我當然可以把它,但也許是有點晚了?很抱歉,我一直都沒有上網。我會在 9 月的最後一周,從 23 號開始!否則,Peckham 周圍也許會是一個可能性?」
    COURIER Ms. BOUTS UPDATE:Oh no I was in Switzerland with hardly any internet, and Mr. FORD was out of reach, too; It was super lovely, I saw some great cows and a lot of goats (my favourite) Mr. FORD is back now but he lives quite far from King's Cross, is there another spot to go to? In the next few days perhaps? If I was there myself I could do it more easily but I'm there in September only, I could of course bring it then but maybe that is a bit late? I’m sorry again for this non-communication I’ve been completely in no internet zones. I would be there the last week of September, from the 23rd on! Otherwise, Would around Peckham be a possibility maybe?

    2024-06-19,00:27 UTC+02:
    慢遞員BOUTS小姐更新:「我一回到阿姆斯特丹就生病了,所以一直沒怎麼聯繫,我一直想給你發個信息!很抱歉這麼晚才回復。書在倫敦,但慢遞員FORD先生出差了一周,他一回來就會聯繫收件人 :)他走之前沒來得及聯繫;我會確保他回來後立即聯繫收件人,我們本想在他走之前聯繫上,但他沒趕上;我現在去問他具體哪天回倫敦」
    COURER Ms. BOUTS UPDATE:I got sick the moment I got back to Amsterdam so I have been a little off the radar, I've been meaning to send you a message! Sorry for the late response. So the book is in London, but courier Mr. FORD is away for one week on a residency, but he will get in contact with the owner of the book the minute he returns :)He didn't get the chance to do it before he left; I will make sure that he will do that immediately when he gets back to town, we wanted to make it happen before he had to leave but he didn't manage; I'm going to ask him now which date he will be back in London exactly

    2024-06-08,07:59 UTC+02:
    After a late night in the city with colleagues, Ms. BOUTS gets up for a morning train back to Amsterdam, to arrive just in time to celebrate Mr. FORD's birthday with a cute, edible souvenir from Spain; Mr. FORD will be departing for London the following Tuesday and should be able to transport dispatch HQL-601

    2024-06-05,下午 afternoon UTC+02:
    Ms. BOUTS comes to Barcelona from Amsterdam and will stay a few days in the same flat as courier Ms. PORTABLE; their temporary time together includes Greek salad, cheap white wine, and discussions about e-waste, the problems of large-scale exhibitions, and life between London and Amsterdam; the latter leads to an agreed handover of HQL-601 for her or her partner Mr. FORD to bring to the UK

    The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro SÁNCHEZ, confirms that the Council of Ministers have approved the recognition of the State of Palestine: This is a historic decision with a single objective: to help Israelis and Palestinians reach peace. Recognition of the State of Palestine is not only a matter of historical justice to the legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine. It is also an urgent necessity if we are all to achieve peace.

    2024-05-21,11:33 UTC+02:
    慢遞員易拎小姐與緩件HQL-601, HQL-602HQL-603,和行李裡的 HQL-604落地;HQL-606在她肩上的背包中的一個小紙盒裡;一些延誤後,她到了她將在接下來待三週的公寓,HQL-601 等待轉運至倫敦
    Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives with dispatches HQL-601, HQL-602, HQL-603, and HQL-604 in her luggage; HQL-606 is inside a small cardboard box which is inside a backpack which is on her shoulder; after a bit of delay, she arrives at the flat where she will stay for the next three weeks, HQL-601 awaiting relay to London

    2024-05-20,between 23:50 UTC+08 and 2024-05-21 08:50 UTC +02:
    在空中,何易拎小姐寫了9封電郵,其3靠蘇黎世的歪富愛發送,剩下則在到達巴塞羅那後送出;她還觀影了「美國小說」,一個作家諷刺玩笑般,在當前後-黑命攸關時代給白人的需好來寫作某種”黑“故事;當然書成為暢銷,他不能拒絕,因為他需要錢來幫助照顧他受苦於阿滋海默症的媽媽;期間何小姐並不真的認為這電影很好看,但她感激裡面許多聰明有理的對話 ——「我很感激他們在嘗試做」;她經常思考「如何解決」的問題,特別鑒於近來在她生活中出現的大量誤解和交流的小事故;當電影主角用手機跟他的出版社談話,試圖在一個後種族世界解決當代美國黑人生活的問題時,一個白人搶到他前面,攔走了他的出租車;易拎小姐看片時,她點了份牛肉米飯並被乘務員告知需要等待;她沒收到她的塑料餐盤(和意麵一起)直到其它人都吃完飛機餐並被收走他們的餐盤;這電影在繼續
    While in air, Ms. PORTABLE writes nine e-mails, three of which are sent with wi-fi in Zürich, and the rest to be sent after arrival in Barcelona; she also watches one film called American Fiction, which is about an author who, as a sarcastic joke, writes the kind of 'black' story that white people need to consume in the current post-Black Lives Matter era; of course, the book becomes a hit, and he cannot say no because he needs the money to help take care of his Alzheimer's-stricken mother; while Ms. PORTABLE does not actually think the film is excellent overall, she appreciates many of the clever and en pointe dialogues——"i appreciate what they were trying to do"; she thinks often about the question of 'how to address', especially in light of the great deal of misunderstandings and mishaps of communication that have been occurring in her life lately; as the protagonist of the film talks on his mobile phone to his publisher, trying to address contemporary Black American life in a post-racist world, a white man walks in front of him and takes his cab; as Ms. PORTABLE watches the film, she orders the meal of beef with rice and is told by the flight attendant to wait; she does not receive her plastic tray (with pasta) until after everyone else has already finished eating and their trays have been cleared; the movie continues

    Courier Ms. PORTABLE departs from Hong Kong on 15-hour SwissAir journey to Barcelona with a 55-minute layover in Zürich; upon check-in, she was quite downtrodden to discover that there were no more window or aisle seats available, and she would have to be squeezed between other passengers for the long flight; however, upon arriving at her assigned row 32, the man in the aisle asks if it would be possible to change seats with either himself or the woman seated next to the window, because they are travelling together; Ms. PORTABLE is so happy and chooses the window seat, leaning her head against the chilly, reinforced plastic window as the plane takes off
  • 恩典區 Gràcia
  • HQL-631
  • 我身體無鄉

    Pepe The Sad Frog Coloring Book and Chinese Language Guide

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 多倫多 Toronto
    經由 VIA
    東京 Tokyo
    布魯克林 Brooklyn
  • 運輸時間

    80 days,11 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each
  • Mr. LAW 先生
  • 到達



  • 2024-09-22,18:54 UTC-04:
    RECEIVER REPORT:I’ve received the package from Mr. LAW :) We didn’t get a photo together since it was past midnight by the time we met up, but I did take a photo of it the night i got it; dispatch HQL-631 completed

    2024-08-28,08:50 UTC-04:
    COURIER Y-chan UPDATE:Hello! Yesterday I was able to meet Mr. LAW to hand out the package! Mr. LAW kindly came into midtown Manhattan near my work and we had a nice chat over coffee. Thanks Mr. LAW, I loved this brief encounter with you! I hope all is well with everyone <3

    2024-08-20,14:29 UTC-04:
    RECEIVER joins the circular 'semi-autonomous' publishing economy by linking LIGHT LOGISTICS up with her own New York-Toronto courier friend, Mr. LAW, who promptly contacts COURIER Y-chan: Hi there, I live and work in Long Island City, but I have a car and can travel to other boroughs as needed. Y-chan, if you'd kindly give me an idea when and where might be more convenient for you, I'll try my best to accommodate. Are you available sometime this week for me to pick up J's package?

    2024-08-09,15:19 UTC-04:
    I just got the book and the Toronto package! (<-- pls send me info about that one when you can:))This morning we met up at KAT's fave place in Chinatown for yummy rice rolls and congee. A super humid day in nyc! So excited to read the book after hearing about it from KAT, too — but I'll enjoy admiring your packaging for another day before opening it haha. KAT, thank you again for bringing it to me, and for the lovely breakfast :) I loved chatting with you!

    2024-08-09,12:10 UTC-04:
    Y and I met in Chinatown and had a late breakfast together — we talked organizing & art & making things. I handed off the packages and am so excited for her to read The Last Emporium, which I started on my flight from Tokyo to NYC.
    RECEIVER Y-chan of dispatch HQL-628 becomes Brooklyn relay centre courier for HQL-631, awaiting relay




    Earlier today, I went to Wo Hop Shek cemetery to look for my po po’s grave. I’d been anxious about this all summer, inventing creative excuses that mostly centered on my bad Cantonese (how will I tell the taxi where to go? How will I ask for help locating the grave?) and the limited amount of information my Yi Ma could provide about her mother: the year she died, and her name. The last time my Yi Ma saw the grave was in 1969, before she left Hong Kong for the States. The only thing I knew growing up about my Po Po was that she died when my mom was only four, from uterine cancer. My Yi Ma told me a story about how every time she and my mother and their brothers visited the cemetery, my mother would become sick. As they climbed the giant hills of the cemetery, she would “get rid of everything in her body,” my Yi Ma put it, meaning she vomited. This was one of the few things I’d heard about my mother’s childhood; she died when I was a teenager. This story always confused me, until I found myself walking the grounds of one of the Wo Hop Shek Columbariums, sweating and feeling panicky and looking for anybody to ask for help. These were not hills; this was an actual mountain they had to summit. The metaphor was not lost on me.

    A man named Ricky in one of the offices helped me; this caption is getting long, so I’ll just skip ahead to the part where, sweating into the paper he printed off for me of my (maybe) Po Po’s grave, I hailed yet another taxi per his instructions to take me up the winding hills of the cemetery into some of the oldest sections.

    An hour later, weaving in and out of the rows of gravestones on the hillsides, I had found my Po Po.

    (Calling my Yi Ma afterward to tell her about this — me talking with my limited Cantonese and her with her limited English — felt like this summer was exactly as it should have been. Any guilt I had for not “writing enough” or “learning enough Cantonese” or “watching too much Sex in the City” (???What??? I don’t know either) had evaporated.)

    COURIER KAT 1st DISPATCH: I’m in a rush today packing and trying to gather up the life I’ve made here in Hong Kong these past two months. It’s a reminder of how much life can happen in a season, even if imperceptible. The person I’m cat sitting for is returning a day earlier than I expected; lots of frantic cleaning and trying to finish errands in Tai Po before I fly back to the states. It’s sweet to see the books I’ll be delivering mingling with the ones I brought to read this summer, the ones I bought from Display Distribute (like CHARIS, I also plan to read Acts of Departure on my flights) as well as the Cantonese textbooks. I’ve been teaching myself Cantonese so that I can feel more connected to my family, but also mostly, myself—I’ve been trying to parse what, exactly, language means to me. What it holds or swallows or frees us from. A friend reminds me that language is always tied to place, and that it is the architecture for our Archive. I love that.

    2024-08-03,around 16:30:
    Courier KAT has, like courier CHARIS of dispatches HQL-610 to 613, been recommended to the LIGHT LOGISTICS network by JC; toward the tail end of a 2-month sojourn with a cuddly cat in Tai Po, she drops by the Tokwawan Relay Centre to pick up dispatches HQL-628 and HQL-631 before heading back home next week to Washington, DC with a few days' to visit friends in New York in between
  • 市中心 Downtown   曼哈頓中城 Midtown   唐人街 Chinatown   和合石 Wo Hop Shek   大埔 Taipo  
  • 空閒路線
  • 鹿特丹
  • 柏林
  • 高達 up to
    10 kg
  • Amy GOWEN
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「我2024年10月9日會去柏林,行李箱有多餘的空間可以帶書。我去參加MissRead藝術書展,也可以帶一些書到那裡賣」
    I will be travelling to Berlin on October 9, 2024 and have extra room in my suitcase to take books. I will be travelling to MissRead bookfair so could bring and distribute the books there.
  • HQL-636
  • 露宿者空間使用指南
    Street Sleepers Guide: How to Use Space

    The Real Guide for Street Sleepers: How to Use Space

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 香港何文田
    Homantin, Hong Kong
  • 運輸時間

    9 days,19 hours,41 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each
  • 易拎的媽咪 PORTABLE's mum
  • 到達


  • 2024-09-19,大概 around 16:00:
    RECEIVER and courier PORTABLE make a loose appointment for Thursday afternoon, as RECEIVER says he will be at Hong Kong Metropolitan University and flexible to come down for a meet-up; as she is spending time with her mother these days, she thinks a walk could be nice from the nearby Tokwawan Relay Centre, and so they set off on what actually is probably not the best day for walking; it is sunny and humid, the kind that tells you a big storm is coming, when your body rains first; mum complains a lot along the way, especially because there are large sections of the journey that are uphill, and PORTABLE feels a bit regretful that they had not taken the MTR; today is mum's birthday, a walk could have been nice. As they approach the university area, PORTABLE crosses the street behind a young, skinny girl wearing 'daddy' shoes, especially light on her feet, almost a hop. Scores of students begin the litter the sidewalk, and even mum notices that most of the students speak Mandarin; but anyway, they have arrived, and mum is happy to duck into the campus café, called Mu, for air conditioning and an iced lemon tea; PORTABLE waits outside for RECEIVER, who apologises for coming down a bit late because he has just been chatting with Singaporean director Anthony CHEN; he offers to invite PORTABLE for a drink, but it's mum's birthday today and they are off to a family dinner, hopefully they can chat more soon.
  • 何文田 Homantin
  • HQL-600
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 紐約
    New York
  • 運輸時間

    105 days,17+ hours,45+ minutes

    6 copies
  • 蓝宝石喼汁
    sapphire KETCHUP
  • 到達



  • 2024-05-25,UTC-04:


    緩件HQL-600在Printed Matter的最終目的地(絕大因素)使得我們重聚。我的雙眼起霧。我想起那些不按線性移走的時光,但按著三維的螺旋,在一個主題上帶著細微差異循環往復。

    It’s 11am the morning after my only brother’s wedding, and I’m on the way to another emotional reunion with my group of college friends. We haven’t been all together in a decade. But first, an iconic NYC B.E.C. (bacon, egg & cheese) from the bodega. It arouses in me no feeling whatsoever.

    I first meet up with one of my first friends in university, Trevor. He was always a scholar and writer, but is now also a professor, living with his husband in West Virginia. We discuss the ways we seem the same and the ways we feel different than our more youthful selves.

    We are (mostly!) reunited at dispatch HQL-600's final destination of Printed Matter. My eyes were misty. I am reminded that time does not move in the straight line, but spirals three-dimensionally, looping back with slight variations on a theme.

    2024-04-21,14:16 UTC-04:
    COURIER sapphire KETCHUP UPDATE: Lots happening, I’ll be going to my brothers wedding first and then reuniting with a childhood friend to bring the package over on Sat

    Departure from Hong Kong International Airport on a red-eye flight to New York

    Courier sapphire KETCHUP arranges for her pick-up of dispatch HQL-600 in ShamShuiPo, where she is working an evening shift; this is fortunate, because the LIGHT LOGISTICIAN has made a run to Shenzhen earlier in the day and is quite late getting back to Hong Kong, but sapphire KETCHUP is chill and relaxed, enjoying a plate of homey fried dumplings while waiting after work; the handover is finally successful—HQL-600 in exchange for an under-the-table courier exchange of nukazuke bran from Japan.
  • 車路士 Chelsea   路上 En route   深水埗 Shamshuipo  
  • HQL-611
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 紐約布鲁克林
    Brooklyn, New York
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 copy
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-09-14,23:11 UTC-04:
    RECEIVER UPDATE:Amazing I’ll go check; I just got back to NYC

    2024-07-12,15:06 UTC-04:
    慢遞員CHARIS終於抵達她的送貨目的地,位於下東區的 Bungee Space,但不幸的是收件人S今天不在;取而代之的是,她與S的同事T會面,並享受「一場愉快的長談,他們還特別為我調製了番石榴咖啡飲料,這正是夏日午後應該喝的甜咸清爽飲料」;緩件號HQL-613派送成功, 另外HQL-611、HQL-610HQL-612等待轉運
    COURIER CHARIS finally makes it to her delivery destination at Bungee Space on the Lower East Side, but unfortunately RECEIVER S is not there; instead, she meets with T, the colleague of S, and enjoys "a lovely long chat and they made me a special guava coffee drink, which is exactly the kind of sweet and salty refreshing thing to have on a summer afternoon"; delivery of dispatch HQL-613 now complete, and HQL-610, HQL-611, and HQL-612 in relay

    2024-07-07,16:16 UTC-04:

    Hi dear S,
    Thanks for asking about coming today but I won’t be able to make it as a friend unexpectedly popped into Brooklyn. I’m thinking about Wednesday or Friday next week. Would you mind telling me when you won’t be in (or will be) whichever is easier to convey?

    Everything is well in New York, my days have been mostly catching up with friends and walking lazily around. Letting the summer heat slow my routine and mind down. Here’s a photo of the shop cat at Quimby’s in Williamsburg where I bought an armful of zines.

    我現在在香港國際機場給你寫郵件。很興奮去到紐約也很興奮拜訪交接的地方Bungee Space和見到你,S!謝謝你的接待。我在考慮週五,七月五號過去,如果對你也方便。





    I'm writing you from the Hong Kong International Airport now. Excited to be in New York and excited to see the drop-off location Bungee Space and to meet you, S! Thanks for your welcome. I'm thinking right now of coming by on Friday, July 5, if that works for you.

    It's funny, when I offered to courier some books from Hong Kong to New York, I didn't know or have any assumptions as to what the books would be. I actually own a copy of Acts of Departure but haven't read it yet and left it in my office at school by the time I picked up the books.

    So on Saturday afternoon I wound up deciding to go to Art and Culture Outreach to acquire another copy to bring with me on the plane to read. I was planning on swinging by to buy some books for other friends. I've been feeling anxiety about this long flight (not having done such a long flight since 2020 at the start of the pandemic) and thought perhaps the book's company and the synchronicity with the dispatch would bring me comfort.

    Below are images and captions of the journey so far.

    Take care,

    2024-06-30,22:10 UTC-04:
    與收件人建立聯繫,她說:「感謝這次遞送。我很期待與妳見面並進行交談!Bungee Space 週一休息。其它時間的營業時間為上午11:00至下午7:30。我們也很樂意充當臨時轉運站,也請通知其他接收方我們的開放時間,謝謝!」
    Contact established with RECEIVER, who writes: "Thank you for making this delivery. I am looking forward to meeting you in person and having a chat! Bungee Space is closed on Mondays. We are open from 11AM to 7:30PM on all other days. We are also happy to serve as a temporary relay centre. Please also notify the receivers about our opening hours, thanks!"

    經過快速的攬件安排,慢遞員CHARIS夠取走大量慢遞件: HQL-610、611、HQL-612HQL-613,全部前往紐約地區;她這次是臨時決定的行程,會停留兩周;『展銷場』先安排在曼哈頓下城的一個收件地點,希望不給CHARIS太大方便
    After very quick meeting arrangements, courier CHARIS is able to pick up and great number of dispatches: HQL-610, 611, HQL-612, and HQL-613, all headed for the New York City metropolitan area; it was a last-minute arranged trip, and she will stay for two weeks, but arrangements for a single drop-off point in Lower Manhattan hope to keep it easy enough

    A friend of a friend gets in touch with Display Distribute: Hi! I’m flying to NY on 1 July and JC mentioned to me that perhaps you would find it helpful if I couriered some things over? Let me know! I could carry about a duffel bag worth of things up to 10-12 kg, as I have quite a lot of baggage allowance
  • 下東區 Lower East Side   布鲁克林 Brooklyn   路途中 En route   灣仔 Wanchai
  • 空閒路線
  • 紐約
    New York
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 高達 up to
    1 kg
  • KOBE
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「9/29-10/12係NY 11/6番香港」
    In NY 9/29-10/12, back in HK on 11/6
  • HQL-629
  • 八家 Bajia
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 香港尖沙咀
    Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
  • 運輸時間

    28 days,5 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • トトロ TOTORO
  • 到達


  • 2024-08-26,16:00:
    In order to ease her frustration about being treated rudely by RECEIVER, PORTABLE invites an aquaintance for a coffee at the same place where CHP and PORTABLE met a few weeks back; newly enlisted courier TOTORO and PORTABLE have coffee and chat first before heading upstairs to make the delivery, which, not surprisingly, seems to be a shady international corporation with a virtually empty shell office; RECEIVER is not in when TOTORO and PORTABLE make the drop-off; bye-bye~

    Three weeks later, RECEIVER finally responds to courier PORTABLE's previous WhatsApp messages, suddenly in urgent need of the book which she's ordered; a subsequent phone call reveals a significant middle-class anxiety about inefficient delivery workers and demand that dispatch HQL-629 be brought door-to-door to her delivery address in Tsim Sha Tsui; courier PORTABLE feels a bit resistant, but will try her best for the following week

    PORTABLE and CHP meet at the entrance of the building listed as RECEIVER's shipping address; neither of them have been to this side of Mody Road before, and it feels commercial and foreign; there are several fancy cafés and restaurants at the streetside storefronts, and the first two levels of the building are a shopping centre while the upper floors are offices; CHP and PORTABLE venture up to a ghostly 9th floor and discover a mysterious looking tech office, from the looks of the name of the company; it's a weekday during office hours, but no one answers the doorbell; they go back downstairs and have overpriced espresso tonics together over a long chat about rice, urban gardening, and cultural diplomacy

    Courier PORTABLE decides to try again by WhatsApp to find the RECEIVER for a same day meet-up; still no reply, but since she is going to meet former courier CHP (HQL-563), who is passing through Hong Kong again for a few days after work in Guangzhou, in Tsim Sha Tsui, they try a cold-call couriering adventure together at the RECEIVER's listed shipping address

    2024-07-30,傍晚 early evening:
    RECEIVER never replies to PORTABLE's email, so PORTABLE takes the bus 171 directly from Wong Chuk Hang, skipping Tsim Sha Tsui

    Because the RECEIVER's location is less than thirty minutes away from the Tokwawan Relay Centre, courier PORTABLE attempts to arrange a spontaneous meet-up for the next day at the Tsim Sha Tsui midway point between her other engagements in Wong Chuk Hang (afternoon) and Sham Shui Po (evening)
  • 尖東 East Tsim Sha Tsui
  • HQL-621
  • 露宿者空間使用指南
    Street Sleepers Guide: How to Use Space
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 天津 Tianjin
    經由 VIA
    廣州 Guangzhou
    北京 Beijing
  • 運輸時間

    58 days,15 hours,18 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 徐子匡窮 xzkd
    波波爾午 Popol WUU
    何子 naniko
  • 到達



  • 2024-08-24,14:57:
    COURIER xzkd UPDATE:Met up with RECEIVER at 入門room!! Dispatch HQL-621 delivery successful, and we opened up the package together to read the comic before a "Waterweights in the Dark" event; athletes head to the street!!

    慢遞員筆管魚更新:「看演出pogo太用力受傷了,慢遞只能由稻草人一人送達了。恰好『入門room』空間組織了一場特別有意思的運動會討論會,收件人也來,大家一起討論討論吧✌🏻 雖然我對體育運動會什麼的一竅不通(ᇂ_ᇂ|||)」
    COURIER CUTTLEFISH UPDATE:Was pogo thrashing too hard during the festival in Beijing and got injured, so SCARECROW will have to make the final delivery alone; there is an upcoming Olympics discussion event at 入門room space, and even though we don't know the first thing about sports(ᇂ_ᇂ|||), both SCARECROW and RECEIVER are going

    2024-08-06,很早 very early:
    After a bit of communication delay, Display Distribute LOGISTICIANS finally contact RECEIVER, who also peddles books at a local market and is very supportive of slow couriering; handover coming soon

    COURIER xzkd UPDATE:The You and Me Festival goes on, but our two-day tour must come to an end; we're sad to leave Beijing, where the metro is super crowded!! We vaguely remember taking the subway in a small city when we were in primary school— thought the handrails were there just for show; dispatch will arrive in Tianjin shortly!

    慢遞員徐子匡窮更新:「演出開始前六個半小時,懵懵的,見到了人超級好的波波爾午₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑,雙胞胎有什麼區別呢?其實我們自己都沒太搞明白呢。收到了緩件HQL-621,會好好送達的!」
    COURIER xzkd UPDATE:Six hours before the start of our show, we were a bit confused, but then we saw the super Popol WUU ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑,who asked us, what's the difference between you two twins? Actually we don't really know either. Received dispatch HQL-621, will deliver!

    Less than 8 hours after her arrival in Beijing, courier Popol WUU has already met two Tianjin residents (twins!) who are in Beijing for the same music festival; relay established

    COURIER Popol WUU arrives in Beijing after the 22-hour journey after a hunger strike in refusal of exploitative and pre-fabricated state-run train catering businesses; it's hot and hungry in Beijing

    在她出發前往北京的當天,慢遞員波波爾午確認了 HQL-621 的派送情況,並為她在北京的「竹子什麼聲音!」工作坊做準備帶了兩捆新砍的竹子;她前一晚宿醉未醒,但勉強趕上了下午的列車
    The day of her departure to Beijing, courier Popol WUU confirms about dispatch HQL-621 and brings it along with 2 bundles of freshly cut bamboo in preparation for her bambúsic workshop in Beijing; she is hungover from the previous night, but manages just barely to make her train in the afternoon

    COURIER naniko is up late the previous night and rushes to gather several dispatches together for bringing to Guangzhou, one of which includes HQL-621, ironically originating from the mainland; after arrival she brings all the books to the Changzhou Island Relay Centre, not sure of who may be able to relay but confident it will work out; sure enough, it turns out one of the Changzhou Relay Centre residents and courier Popol WUU will be travelling up north very soon for a music festival and workshop; relay established
  • 河西區 Hexi District   路途中 En route   小店村 Xiaodian Village   朝陽區 Chaoyang District   火車上 On the train   長洲島 Changzhou Island
  • HQL-615
  • 絕情種
    Cold Hearted
  • 廣州
  • 香港元朗
    Yuen Long, Hong Kong
    經由 VIA
    Changzhou Island Relay Centre
    土瓜灣 Tokwawan
  • 運輸時間

    52 days,19 hours,14 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • SAM
    大雨象 lß
    廣州姑婆 Guangzhou GUPO
  • 到達



  • 2024-08-21,16:34:
    COURIER SAM meets with RECEIVER on the coincidental anniversary day of an important incident at Yuen Long station; handover successful outside of the gates of exit J, and RECEIVER reports: "delivery complete, thank you"; SAM says: Today there were especially a lot of cops because of 21 July"

    COURIER SAM makes an appointment with RECEIVER for a handover on Wednesday late afternoon 5:00 pm at the Yuen Long west rail MTR station

    2024-08-07,晚飯後 after dinner:
    So close and yet so far... no availability for couriers to Yuen Long from the Tokwawan Relay Centre for a whole month, but a dinner date with a Yuen Long resident finally helps put dispatch HQL-615 on the move again; SAM is at first wary about carrying packages to strangers, but after a thorough explanation of the ridiculous inefficiency of LIGHT LOGISTICS, he is on board to be a courier for dispatch HQL-615; transferring to Yuen Long this evening

    2024-07-05,下午 afternoon:
    Courier lß rocks into Hong Kong on a cross-border bus; as in the past, she carries dispatch HQL-615 in a tote bag with a manga illustration, ears open on the way. Arriving at MTR Tokwawan station exit A, it has been one month since her last handover to the Tokwawan Relay Centre, whose LOGISTICIAN walks through the crowd carrying bits of sunshine and a smile from previous Barcelona couriering duties; HQL-615 waiting in relay

    2024-07-02,晚飯時間 dinner time:
    Courier Guangzhou GUPO arrives from Guangzhou city centre to Changzhou Island and enjoys a meal of Szechuan food with courier lß and another friends of island; they chat and drank at the newly instated Changzhou Island Relay Centre before she returns home late at night; dispatch HQL-615 will be brought to the Tokwawan Relay Centre by courier lß in three days

    2024-07-01,晚間 evening:
    Courier GUPO messages courier lß:"Where are you now 😂", and when lß sees the message, she is most likely on a balcony looking at the view of this big city, in the direction towards her friend Guangzhou GUPO, messaging from the same city in another place; lß thinks that the city is really too big
    COURIER lß replies:"Still on Changzhou Island"; the two make plans to meet tomorrow for an out of the blue handover, but it is nice that they have the opportunity to meet each other
  • 土瓜灣 Tokwawan   長洲島 Changzhou Island
  • HQL-632
  • Resident, or Resident Evil, or This Minor Contextualisation of a Minor Temporality Known as Publishing on the Run
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 圖森 Tucson
    經由 VIA
    三藩市 San Francisco
  • 1 本 copy
  • 到達

  • 2024-08-19,12:31:
    LOGISTICIAN CORRECTION:Halloo ahhlooo, just checking in from the Hong Kong relay centre, hehe! Actually we made a mistake with the book! Since we've dispatched the wrong book out, how about we let CHRIS become the new receiver of HQL-632 instead?! To RECEIVER, we will find a way to get you a copy of Acts of Departure another time, will keep dreaming we can courier it to your ourselves one day...

    2024-08-16,22:37 UTC-05:
    COURIER CHRIS REPLY:No worries! Yes sadly I was past already! I was actually stuck on the freeway near Benson at a stand still for an hour because of a car fire so I couldn’t even turn around to meet you. I may be taking the same trip again in Dec/January so maybe we can make the handoff then…

    2024-08-16,15:14 UTC-07:
    RECEIVER UPDATE:I feel as if i failed because I didn’t respond earlier. And from what I understand CHRIS has already passed by. Apologies!! But just to confirm, yes it’s _Resident Evil_ that I have, right here next to me. I do not have Acts of Departure. The suspense built, and then I kinda….blew it. Drat.

    2024-08-15,11:11 UTC-07:
    COURIER CHRIS UPDATE:Hihi! I’m in San Francisco! Will be in AZ tonight and have to drive thru Tucson tomorrow for only an hour max (likely around noonish I’ll be there) Could you let me know the contact so I can arrange a meet? Phone may be best as I’m also transporting my doggy as well. Let’s hope the connection works!

    CHRIS meets with COURIER paperbridgeee for dinner and a handover at a private restaurant (they don't actually have a license to operate) in an undisclosed location in Kowloon; relay successful, and newly instated COURIER CHRIS also gifts paperbridgeee with a totebag from the Federal Store as hostage exchange

    2024-08-08,晚上 evening:
    A hopeful attempt for a three-way summit between COURIERS paperbridgeee, CHRIS and PORTABLE fails amidst ping-ponging back and forth between a full-time job in Central, familial duties in Mei Foo, and a book talk at Mount Davis followed by a birthday party in Wanchai; dispatch HQL-632, currently in PORTABLE's hands, may not meet CHRIS after all; but in the most odd bit of serendipity, COURIER paperbridgeee, who had planned to head to Kowloon after work, ends up on the west side of Hong Kong island and runs into PORTABLE in the MTR station as the latter is headed east to Wanchai; a first handover takes place, with the next relay between paperbridgeee and CHRIS to be determined

    COURIER paperbridgeee, a co-conspirator of CHRIS in another endeavour, introduced CHRIS to Display Distribute's wonderful world of LIGHT LOGISTICS some years ago, but it is only now during a whirlwind planned journey from Canada to Taiwan to Hong Kong, then to the US for a road trip from San Francisco to New Orleans; while the incoming leg of travel does not meet any matches for dispatches, there is one possible dispatch to bring to Tucson, where CHRIS will pass through for only one hour before continuing his journey; a suspenseful logistical maneuver awaits pick-up
  • 杜蘭大學 Tulane University   SFO 機場   九龍 Kowloon   地鐵 MTR
  • HQL-620
  • 馮火
    Fong Fo
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 金華東陽
    Dongyang, Zhejiang Province
    杭州 Hangzhou
    經由 VIA
    廣州 Guangzhou
    深圳 Shenzhen
    成都 Chengdu
    貴州 Guizhou
    麗水 Lishui
  • 運輸時間

    242 days,17 hours,6 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    7 期 issues
  • 葉子 YEZI
    葉子 YEZI
  • 到達



  • 慢遞員葉子(1)報告:「我和她們倆在杭州的一個咖啡店見面,收件人和轉交的快遞員都剛好在杭州,所以我們就一起見面啦。很神奇的是轉交的慢遞員和我都叫葉子,收件人的微信叫tea for two,就奇妙的形成了『葉子遇見葉子』變成tea, for us!和葉子有好多共同的朋友,聊的很開心!」
    COURIER YEZI (1) REPORT:I met YEZI and RECEIVER at a café in Hangzhou, the RECEIVER and initial relay COURIER YEZI both happen to be in Hangzhou now, so we decided to meet all together. It was quite amazing that the other relay courier is also named YEZI, and the RECEIVER's WeChat name is called "tea for two", and so our encounter became "YEZI meets YEZI" and then "tea, for us!" It turns out that YEZI and I have a lot of friends in common, and we had a really nice chat!

    Upon contacting RECEIVER, however, it is learned that the RECEIVER is actually now in Hangzhou and not at their originally posted receiving address in Dongyang; plans are made, and YEZI will meet YEZI anyway for fun

    Not sure if she'll be able to make it to Dongyang or not, a further relay is established in Hangzhou, and courier YEZI is hooked up with another relay courier named YEZI;This YEZI was live and work in Shenzhen, she opened a small bookstore and space which is forced closed. Hope that her life goes well in new city

    COURIER PORTABLE is up late the previous night and rushes to gather several dispatches together for bringing to Guangzhou, some of which include HQL-620's 7 copies of Fong Fo, ironically originating from Guangzhou; after arrival she brings all the books to the Changzhou Island Relay Centre, not sure of who may be able to relay but confident it will work out; sure enough, a visit from previous HQL-574 courier YEZI proves to be coincidentally fateful; YEZI has flown in from Amsterdam and take a post-graduation break, and she passes over her hometown in Zhejiang Province to visit friends in Guangzhou first, but plans to head back between the 6th and 10th of August; relay established
  • 工聯CC Mall   麗水 Lishui   貴州 Guizhou   成都 Chengdu   深圳 Shenzhen   越秀 Yuexiu District   長洲島 Changzhou Island  
  • HQL-438
  • Chuăng No. 1
  • 圣菲
    Santa Fe
  • 三藩市 San Francisco
    經由 VIA
    洛杉磯 Los Angeles
    聖塔克魯茲 Santa Cruz
    奧克蘭 Oakland
  • 運輸時間

    2 years,9 months,9 days,9 hours,21 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
    Mr. PARKS
  • 到達



  • 2024-08-17,22:52 UTC-07:


    I just wanted to thank you—I met up with the courier and picked up the book earlier tonight!

    I appreciate the time and logistical effort it took to get it to me—it's an incredible accomplishment considering the route the book took across multiple years and multiple continents. I'm really sincerely grateful to you, and to everybody else who was involved!

    2024-08-17,18:43 UTC-07:
    Delivery successful!

    2024-08-15,09:14 UTC-07:
    慢遞員BROMP TREB和收件人取得聯繫,告知他旅行的原因:他的樂團先在Santa Cruz進行小型巡迴之後再往北在奧克蘭的Tamarack演出;收件人很樂意從三藩市到奧克蘭回合;暫定約在下午6點左右,在樂團的閒晃、閒逛、卸貨、佈置、試音等等期間。(如果你不喜歡瘋狂嘈雜的即興搖滾,我也想給你一個清場的機會,所以你不會覺得有壓力去看演出,哈哈)
    COURIER BROMP TREB gets in touch with RECEIVER, informing about the reason for his travel, a mini-tour with his band Muscle Beach first in Santa Cruz, then at Tamarack in Oakland; RECEIVER is happy to travel from San Francisco to Oakland, and a tentative appointment is made for around 6pm, during the band's hangout, goof-off, unload, set-up, soundcheck, etc. (also i wanted to give u a clean out if crazy noisy improvised rock isn't your thing, so u wont feel pressured to check out the show haha)

    2024-08-15,22:05 UTC-07:
    慢遞員BROMP TREB更新:「就在 [取書] 之後,我參加每週一次的LAWWSS(洛杉磯木管樂技巧分享)聚會,這是一個沒有階級之分的木管樂學習活動;之後我去了在Leroy's(洛杉磯舊唐人街一家廢棄越南餐廳內的藝術家空間/畫廊/工作室) 舉行的LAWWSS的會」
    COURIER BROMP TREB UPDATE:After my k-town rendezvous and book pickup, i then went to my weekly LAWWSS (Los Angeles WoodWind SkillShare), meeting, a non hierarchical woodwind learning effort at Leroy’s (an artists space/gallery/studios in an an abandoned Vietnamese restaurant in LA’s old chinatown)

    2024-08-14,19:10 UTC-07:
    COURIER Mr. PFEIFER UPDATE:We made the exchange and the book is in good hands. I can’t believe this two year journey is coming to an end. Yes, on the roof of a Korean market. When someone suggests a place to meet in LA, the proper response is, “what’s the parking situation?”. When in K-Town, the only place with a decent parking situation are the markets.; awaiting relay to Oakland on 16 August

    2024-08-12,08:08 UTC-07:
    慢遞員PFEIFER先生更新:「我想我們可以在K-Town交接了。我和這本神秘的書一起生活了兩年,沒想到結局來得這麼快。照片會被拍下來的,會流眼淚。也希望可以頒發獎項。」即將到達的接力慢遞員BROMP TREB呼應:「太棒了!我很高興能把這本緩慢的書派送給下一位讀者」
    COURIER Mr. PFEIFER UPDATE:I think we’re set for a K-Town exchange. I’ve lived with this mysterious book for 2 years. I didn’t see the end coming this quickly. Pics will be taken. Tears will be shed. And hopefully awards will be awarded. Imminent relay courier BROMP TREB chimes in: Amazing! So happy i can ferry this slow book to its next reader

    2024-07-29,23:35 UTC-07:
    在幾個月或幾年之前,與收件人取得聯繫,雙方同意尋找從洛杉磯到三藩市中繼慢遞員,但直到994天、10小時、5分鐘,以及更多分鐘的計算,才終於找到一位慢遞員;新招募的Bromp Treb先生將與他的樂團從洛杉磯出發,於8月16 日在聖塔克魯茲演出,「接下來的17號晚上,我會到海灣地區,當晚會在奧克蘭演出......我希望能在8月16日當天的某個時間,到奧克蘭交接;轉運渠道建立成功
    Months or years before, contact was established with RECEIVER, and a mutual agreement made to look for relay couriers between LA and San Francisco, but it is not until 994 days, 10 hours, 5 minutes, and more minutes counting that a courier is finally found; newly recruited Mr. Bromp Treb will be travelling from LA to Santa Cruz on 16 August to play drums with a band called Muscle Beach for a little tour "and then the following night the 17th I will be in the Bay area and will be playing in Oakland that night… I am hoping that I might be able to do the hand-off sometime during that day to Oakland on 16 August; relay established

    2022-11-04,09:57 UTC-07:
    慢遞員PFEIFER先生更新:七個月後,「書還在這裡!在書架上過著舒適的生活,旁邊有一塊石頭、一些香、博爾赫斯和一個理察·普萊斯。剛從COVID癮中恢復過來。過了兩年半的清白生活,然後就 「砰 」的一聲,一下子就被打敗了。我接種了所有疫苗,但剛從東部回來,一定是在飛機上或機場感染的。真不好玩。」
    COURIER Mr. PFEIFER UPDATE:Seven months later, "The book is still here! Living a cosy life on the shelf next to a rock, some incense, Borges, and a Richard Price. Just getting over COVID. Two and a half years living clean and then boom. Put me on my ass. Fully vaccinated and boosted but just took a trip back east and must have contracted it on the plane or airport. Was not fun."

    2022-04-14,11:56 UTC-07:
    慢遞員PFEIFER先生更新:「我和M約了星期三(昨天)見面,但是後來一整天都沒有她的消息;前一天(星期二)她以為是星期三給我發了短信,但我那天都沒在家;所以只能再想Plan B啦」
    COURIER Mr. PFEIFER UPDATE:M and I agreed to meet on Wednesday (yesterday), but I didn't hear from her all day; at one point she texted me on Tuesday, thinking it was Wednesday, but I wasn't home all day; so yeah, on to Plan B for the delivery I think

    2022-04-07,11:38 UTC-07:
    COURIER Ms. M UPDATE:I am so sorry for the confusion and for not picking up the book; I had some trouble that in the car rental and by the time I sorted it out I had to leave LA immediately; I am coming back to LA between the 12th till the 17th of April; once I know exactly when I will contact you; I have rearranged my trip to go back to LA then San Francisco, so I can take the book :)

    2022-04-02,09:55 UTC-07:
    COURIER Mr. PFEIFER UPDATE:Never heard from M! Hopefully she'll reach out this weekend

    2022-03-29,13:32 UTC-08:
    New relay courier Ms. M contacts Mr. PFEIFER: Joe, if you are around your area of residence on April 1st from around 12:30 to 2 pm, I can pass by and pick up the book from you

    2022-02-24,17:25 UTC-08:
    Successfully transferred to courier Mr. PFEIFER in Hollywood

    2022-02-23,22:27 UTC-08:

    Before Mr. PARKS departs from Williams, Arizona, he goes to a Route 66 themed diner there. In the study of literature, there is an oft discussed trope of unreliable narrators. It is also sort of an implicit category of talk therapy, in the post-Freudian tradition. Most psychologists feel professionally obligated to not assume their client is a reliable narrator. The courier wonders how such an orientation might influence the patient's own sense of self, somewhat destructively, albeit innocuously so. Within his role as courier he wonders about the equivalent role for writing the logistics log, but here the unreliability would not emphasize narration in general but appropriate logistics log narration in particular. Williams Arizona is 60 miles south of the southern rim of Grand Canyon. The courier departed Williams Arizona finally at 12:05 pm. He drives somewhat slowly in his small car. He takes a long break outside 29 Palms at a pizzeria called $5 pizza from 8:15 to 9:12. As he ascends the mountains of San Bernardino National Forest towards Big Bear City, the courier begins to realize that he is actually ascending into a treacherous blizzard, snaking along windy snowy, slippery roads. Impossible at a certain point to turn back, the courier both embraces the extreme sport quality, and quietly begs for mercy from the forces of nature, under his breath cursing wimpishly — finding a practical balance between gameful bravado on one hand, and cowardly groveling before forces of nature on the other. He does not feel unreliable, in the sense of exaggerating the sense of danger he felt, for if anything its reality is a bit under articulated here. He accepts he is unreliable, of course, since as far as he knows all these bits of information are completely irrelevant to the actual task of logistics. He arrives in Big Bear at 9:43. He watches coverage of the storm on Los Angeles local news. He decides to stay an extra day in Big Bear City, hoping the descent from the mountain on Thursday is less terrifying. He plans to meet the next courier in Los Angeles between 3pm and 4pm. Six accumulative hours of HGTV and "Shark Tank" later Wednesday night, the courier keeps the TV on, only reducing volume slightly, approaching sleep in preparation for early Thursday morning departure.

    2022-02-22,14:25 UTC-08:
    Next overnight rest stop: Big Bear Lake Motel 6

    2022-02-21,20:05 UTC-07:
    Arrive Williams, Arizona

    2022-02-21,11:55 UTC-07:

    Receive item to be delivered by courier in Santa Fe, at parking lot of Santa Fe Art Institute. Courier is not well versed in language of logistics, so during his courier route towards the destination in California, he reflects on what might to suitable to record in the log once he arrives at his motel later and has time to complete a record. He was just telling his friend, one of the logisticians who set this project in motion, that he was interested in the ongoing relevance in art of appropriating formats and frameworks rather then some simplistic pedagogical fixation on the elementary art historical tic associating appropriation and objects as such. And then, that logistician, hands him a collaborative assignment in line with that interest, but already in this log he has deviated so far from emulating the language of logistics! So he assume the quota of allowed deviating, towards a non-logistical reflective log has lapsed too far even already. Other facts: the courier's car had new rear tires, stabilizing the next leg of the drive. The drive from Santa Fe, to a pet friendly motel in Williams Arizona was extremely windy. The car was a Smart car. The courier listened to conservative radio periodically. Since he, the courier, never hears about other left-leaning people, eaves dropping on right wing media strategies by listening to their radio, he thought he should mention that in this log. But not in the same depth as the courier thought, when he was driving. Along course of that leg of drive, many interesting things were discussed on the radio program of "Fresh Air" on the regional NPR broadcast and on the conservative radio programs, the courier listened to. If the editor of this log were to deem additional description as relevant, the courier has planned to make note of the subjects discussed in a separate log in greater detail. The courier is surprised to find himself concerned that current US president Biden may look weak as a statesmen in military contexts of international conflict. The courier had never imagined himself as advocating for demonstrations of military competence. Having been a teenager in the 90s, the courier is relieved to scan to a radio station playing Smashing Pumpkins, which seems to be such a majestic reprieve from the right wing media's predictable and possibly accurate estimation that Biden is a weak, risk averse president, in a moment where the Russian invasion of Ukraine seems imminent. The root meanings of words isn't a strong dimension of the courier's intellectual formation, but he assumes logos is root meaning in both logistics and ideology. The Smashing Pumpkins radio station announces itself using the passe, the courier assumed, or at best nostalgic, moniker he couldn't accurately remember aside from the word "alternative." Earlier in the day he had been wondering about the viability of drawing on 90s branding of alternatives, in order to advocate for alternative independent social media platforms in the current epoch. The courier imagines such a plug for that hypothetical trend could be a more forward thinking way to end his already deviated anyway reflective log. Landscape shifted from Santa Fe building code enforced pueblo style architecture, in Santa Fe, to then actually driving through Navajo indigenous reservations. At a gas station within reservation the courier noticed a Navajo publication, but did not purchase.

    This is a branch dispatch of HQL-431
  • 奧克蘭 Oakland   路途中 En route   韓國城 K-Town   洛杉磯 Los Angeles  
  • 空閒路線
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 廣州
  • 高達 up to
    1 kg
  • 形成一朵花
    becoming FLOWER
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「可能之後還有機會 」
    Possibly more opportunities later
  • HQL-612
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 紐約曼哈頓
    Manhattan, New York
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 copy
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-08-12,14:01:
    收件人更新:「我剛在中國,離開上海去首爾了 [...] 我還想要書!!九月初會再去紐約」
    RECEIVER UPDATE:I was just in China, we just left Shanghai for Seoul [...] Yes still would love the book!! I’ll be in NYC early Sept again

    2024-07-12,15:06 UTC-04:
    慢遞員CHARIS終於抵達她的送貨目的地,位於下東區的Bungee Space,但不幸的是收件人S今天不在;取而代之的是,她與S的同事T會面,並享受「一場愉快的長談,他們還特別為我調製了番石榴咖啡飲料,這正是夏日午後應該喝的甜咸清爽飲料」;緩件號HQL-613派送成功, 另外HQL-612、HQL-611HQL-610等待轉運
    COURIER CHARIS finally makes it to her delivery destination at Bungee Space on the Lower East Side, but unfortunately RECEIVER S is not there; instead, she meets with T, the colleague of S, and enjoys "a lovely long chat and they made me a special guava coffee drink, which is exactly the kind of sweet and salty refreshing thing to have on a summer afternoon"; delivery of dispatch HQL-613 now complete, and HQL-612, HQL-610, and HQL-611 in relay

    2024-07-07,16:16 UTC-04:

    Hi dear S,
    Thanks for asking about coming today but I won’t be able to make it as a friend unexpectedly popped into Brooklyn. I’m thinking about Wednesday or Friday next week. Would you mind telling me when you won’t be in (or will be) whichever is easier to convey?

    Everything is well in New York, my days have been mostly catching up with friends and walking lazily around. Letting the summer heat slow my routine and mind down. Here’s a photo of the shop cat at Quimby’s in Williamsburg where I bought an armful of zines.

    我現在在香港國際機場給你寫郵件。很興奮去到紐約也很興奮拜訪交接的地方Bungee Space和見到你,S!謝謝你的接待。我在考慮週五,七月五號過去,如果對你也方便。





    I'm writing you from the Hong Kong International Airport now. Excited to be in New York and excited to see the drop-off location Bungee Space and to meet you, S! Thanks for your welcome. I'm thinking right now of coming by on Friday, July 5, if that works for you.

    It's funny, when I offered to courier some books from Hong Kong to New York, I didn't know or have any assumptions as to what the books would be. I actually own a copy of Acts of Departure but haven't read it yet and left it in my office at school by the time I picked up the books.

    So on Saturday afternoon I wound up deciding to go to Art and Culture Outreach to acquire another copy to bring with me on the plane to read. I was planning on swinging by to buy some books for other friends. I've been feeling anxiety about this long flight (not having done such a long flight since 2020 at the start of the pandemic) and thought perhaps the book's company and the synchronicity with the dispatch would bring me comfort.

    Below are images and captions of the journey so far.

    Take care,

    2024-06-30,22:10 UTC-04:
    與收件人建立聯繫,她說:「感謝這次遞送。我很期待與妳見面並進行交談!Bungee Space 週一休息。其它時間的營業時間為上午11:00至下午7:30。我們也很樂意充當臨時轉運站,也請通知其他接收方我們的開放時間,謝謝!」
    Contact established with RECEIVER, who writes: "Thank you for making this delivery. I am looking forward to meeting you in person and having a chat! Bungee Space is closed on Mondays. We are open from 11AM to 7:30PM on all other days. We are also happy to serve as a temporary relay centre. Please also notify the receivers about our opening hours, thanks!"

    經過快速的攬件安排,慢遞員CHARIS夠取走大量慢遞件: HQL-610611、612 和 613,全部前往紐約地區;她這次是臨時決定的行程,會停留兩周;『展銷場』先安排在曼哈頓下城的一個收件地點,希望不給CHARIS太大方便
    After very quick meeting arrangements, courier CHARIS is able to pick up a great number of dispatches: HQL-610, 611, 612, and 613, all headed for the New York City metropolitan area; it was a last-minute arranged trip, and she will stay for two weeks, but arrangements for a single drop-off point in Lower Manhattan hope to keep it easy enough

    A friend of a friend gets in touch with Display Distribute: Hi! I’m flying to NY on 1 July and JC mentioned to me that perhaps you would find it helpful if I couriered some things over? Let me know! I could carry about a duffel bag worth of things up to 10-12 kg, as I have quite a lot of baggage allowance
  • 下東區 Lower East Side   布鲁克林 Brooklyn   路途中 En route   灣仔 Wanchai
  • HQL-610
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 紐約木邊
    Woodside, New York
  • 運輸時間

    151 days,9 hours,55 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 copy
  • 到達

    2024-08-10,17:37 UTC-04


  • 2024-08-10,17:37 UTC-04:
    收件人通過IG story通知已從Bungee Space收到HQL-610,雖然晚了一個多星期,但是特別成功
    RECEIVER sends an Instagram story notification of receiving her package a Bungee Space, a week later than expected but still successful nonetheless

    2024-07-24,10:10 UTC-04:
    收件人更新:「很樂意到Bungee Space領取我的書。我下週過去,大概星期三下午。期待與《離開的舉動》重逢」
    RECEIVER UPDATE:I'm happy to pick up my book at Bungee Space. I will stop by next week, perhaps Wednesday afternoon. Looking forward to my reunion with Acts of Departure

    2024-07-12,15:06 UTC-04:
    慢遞員CHARIS終於抵達她的送貨目的地,位於下東區的 Bungee Space,但不幸的是收件人S今天不在;取而代之的是,她與S的同事T會面,並享受「一場愉快的長談,他們還特別為我調製了番石榴咖啡飲料,這正是夏日午後應該喝的甜咸清爽飲料」;緩件號HQL-613派送成功, 另外HQL-610、HQL-611HQL-612等待轉運
    COURIER CHARIS finally makes it to her delivery destination at Bungee Space on the Lower East Side, but unfortunately RECEIVER S is not there; instead, she meets with T, the colleague of S, and enjoys "a lovely long chat and they made me a special guava coffee drink, which is exactly the kind of sweet and salty refreshing thing to have on a summer afternoon"; delivery of dispatch HQL-613 now complete, and HQL-610, HQL-611, and HQL-612 in relay

    2024-07-07,16:16 UTC-04:

    Hi dear S,
    Thanks for asking about coming today but I won’t be able to make it as a friend unexpectedly popped into Brooklyn. I’m thinking about Wednesday or Friday next week. Would you mind telling me when you won’t be in (or will be) whichever is easier to convey?

    Everything is well in New York, my days have been mostly catching up with friends and walking lazily around. Letting the summer heat slow my routine and mind down. Here’s a photo of the shop cat at Quimby’s in Williamsburg where I bought an armful of zines.

    我現在在香港國際機場給你寫郵件。很興奮去到紐約也很興奮拜訪交接的地方Bungee Space和見到你,S!謝謝你的接待。我在考慮週五,七月五號過去,如果對你也方便。





    I'm writing you from the Hong Kong International Airport now. Excited to be in New York and excited to see the drop-off location Bungee Space and to meet you, S! Thanks for your welcome. I'm thinking right now of coming by on Friday, July 5, if that works for you.

    It's funny, when I offered to courier some books from Hong Kong to New York, I didn't know or have any assumptions as to what the books would be. I actually own a copy of Acts of Departure but haven't read it yet and left it in my office at school by the time I picked up the books.

    So on Saturday afternoon I wound up deciding to go to Art and Culture Outreach to acquire another copy to bring with me on the plane to read. I was planning on swinging by to buy some books for other friends. I've been feeling anxiety about this long flight (not having done such a long flight since 2020 at the start of the pandemic) and thought perhaps the book's company and the synchronicity with the dispatch would bring me comfort.

    Below are images and captions of the journey so far.

    Take care,

    2024-06-30,22:10 UTC-04:
    與收件人建立聯繫,她說:「感謝這次遞送。我很期待與妳見面和聊天!Bungee Space 週一休息。其它的營業時間為上午11:00至下午7:30。我們也很樂意充當臨時轉運站,也請通知其他接收方我們的開放時間,謝謝!」
    Contact established with RECEIVER, who writes: "Thank you for making this delivery. I am looking forward to meeting you in person and having a chat! Bungee Space is closed on Mondays. We are open from 11AM to 7:30PM on all other days. We are also happy to serve as a temporary relay centre. Please also notify the receivers about our opening hours, thanks!"

    經過快速的攬件安排,慢遞員CHARIS取走大量慢遞件: HQL-610、HQL-611HQL-612HQL-613 ,全部前往紐約市市區;這次是她臨時決定的行程,會停留兩周;『展銷場』先安排在曼哈頓下城的一個收件地點,希望給CHARIS多些方便
    After very quick meeting arrangements, courier CHARIS is able to pick up and great number of dispatches: HQL-610, HQL-611 , HQL-612 , and HQL-613 , all headed for the New York City metropolitan area; it was a last-minute arranged trip, and she will stay for two weeks, but arrangements for a single drop-off point in Lower Manhattan hope to keep it easy enough

    A friend of a friend gets in touch with Display Distribute: Hi! I’m flying to NY on 1 July and JC mentioned to me that perhaps you would find it helpful if I couriered some things over? Let me know! I could carry about a duffel bag worth of things up to 10-12 kg, as I have quite a lot of baggage allowance
  • 下東區 Lower East Side   布鲁克林 Brooklyn   路途中 En route   灣仔 Wanchai
  • HQL-628
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 布魯克林 Brooklyn
    經由 VIA
    東京 Tokyo
  • 運輸時間

    31 days,17 hours,38 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • KAT
  • 到達



  • 2024-08-09,15:19,UTC-04:
    I just got the book and the Toronto package! (<-- pls send me info about that one when you can:))This morning we met up at KAT's fave place in Chinatown for yummy rice rolls and congee. A super humid day in nyc! So excited to read the book after hearing about it from KAT, too — but I'll enjoy admiring your packaging for another day before opening it haha. KAT, thank you again for bringing it to me, and for the lovely breakfast :) I loved chatting with you!

    Y and I met in Chinatown and had a late breakfast together — we talked organizing & art & making things. I handed off the packages and am so excited for her to read _The Last Emporium_, which I started on my flight from Tokyo to NYC.

    Earlier today, I went to Wo Hop Shek cemetery to look for my po po’s grave. I’d been anxious about this all summer, inventing creative excuses that mostly centered on my bad Cantonese (how will I tell the taxi where to go? How will I ask for help locating the grave?) and the limited amount of information my Yi Ma could provide about her mother: the year she died, and her name. The last time my Yi Ma saw the grave was in 1969, before she left Hong Kong for the States. The only thing I knew growing up about my Po Po was that she died when my mom was only four, from uterine cancer. My Yi Ma told me a story about how every time she and my mother and their brothers visited the cemetery, my mother would become sick. As they climbed the giant hills of the cemetery, she would “get rid of everything in her body,” my Yi Ma put it, meaning she vomited. This was one of the few things I’d heard about my mother’s childhood; she died when I was a teenager. This story always confused me, until I found myself walking the grounds of one of the Wo Hop Shek Columbariums, sweating and feeling panicky and looking for anybody to ask for help. These were not hills; this was an actual mountain they had to summit. The metaphor was not lost on me.

    A man named Ricky in one of the offices helped me; this caption is getting long, so I’ll just skip ahead to the part where, sweating into the paper he printed off for me of my (maybe) Po Po’s grave, I hailed yet another taxi per his instructions to take me up the winding hills of the cemetery into some of the oldest sections.

    An hour later, weaving in and out of the rows of gravestones on the hillsides, I had found my Po Po.

    (Calling my Yi Ma afterward to tell her about this — me talking with my limited Cantonese and her with her limited English — felt like this summer was exactly as it should have been. Any guilt I had for not “writing enough” or “learning enough Cantonese” or “watching too much Sex in the City” (???What??? I don’t know either) had evaporated.)

    2024-08-03,around 16:30:
    Courier KAT has, like courier CHARIS of dispatches HQL-610 to 613, been recommended to the LIGHT LOGISTICS network by JC; toward the tail end of a 2-month sojourn with a cuddly cat in Tai Po, she drops by the Tokwawan Relay Centre to pick up dispatches HQL-628 and HQL-631 before heading back home next week to Washington, DC with a few days to visit friends in New York in between
  • 唐人街 Chinatown   和合石 Wo Hop Shek   大埔 Taipo
  • HQL-602
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 紐約 New York
    巴塞爾 Basel
    經由 VIA
    蘇黎世 Zürich
    巴塞羅那 Barcelona
  • 運輸時間

    146 days,17 hours,6 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 朱曉蔚 Hiuwai CHU
  • 到達



  • 2024-08-07,19:42 UTC-04:
    COURIER Ms. CHU UPDATE:Just a brief note to let you know I delivered the book today to O and we had a nice conversation :)

    2024-07-30,14:33 UTC-04:
    Hi Hiuwai,

    Thank you so much for bringing the book to New York! I'm looking forward to meeting you in person too.
    I'm living in Forest Hills, Queens and can come over to Brooklyn for the meeting. 1st and 4th August in afternoon work for me, please suggest the exact time and place.
    My cell phone is +1 (347)XXX-XXX

    2024-07-29,06:59 UTC-04:
    It’s wonderful to connect virtually and looking forward to meeting you in person.
    I’m in town until the 11th. It’s best for me to meet next week because I’m here with my son until the 5th.

    Here’s my mobile for WhatsApp, which is more agile for communicating than email (which I’m trying not to check too often while I’m on holiday): +34 XXX XXX XXX.

    I’m staying in Crown Heights, but I’m flexible about where to meet.


    2024-06-22,18:01 UTC+02:
    Courer Ms. PORTABLE spends her last day in Barcelona visiting tourist sites with mum, slipping in the final handover of HQL-602 to its new courier and destination, via the front desk of her workplace; the attendants working report that it will be a holiday on Monday, therefore courier CHU should be able to pick it up on Tuesday

    2024-06-22,09:01 UTC+02:
    新招的慢遞員朱曉蔚立刻回覆易拎的請求:「我很樂意參加,只是希望書不會太重 ;-)。把書留在美術館前台是很理想的辦法」
    New courier recruit Hiuwai CHU replies quickly to PORTABLE's request: "I’d be happy to participate. I hope it’s not too heavy of a book ;-). Leaving the book at the museum reception for me would be ideal."

    2024-06-21,中午 noon UTC+02:
    慢遞員易拎小姐的母親前來探望,工作和假期招待媽媽的雙重任務讓易拎很難安排慢遞業務;起初,她可以拉著母親一起去 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat地區送紡織品,想著之後可以去收件人推薦的Malpais投遞地點,但計劃並不順利,易拎在最後一刻嘗試重新安排HQL-602的路線,換了一位住在巴塞羅那的慢遞員
    COURIER Ms. PORTABLE's mother has come to visit, and the double duties between work and entertaining mum on holiday make it difficult to plan couriering engagements; at first, she is able to drag mum along to the L’Hospitalet de Llobregat area for a textile delivery, thinking that a visit to RECEIVER's recommended drop-off location at Malpais could happen afterwards, but unfortunately the plan does not work out so well, and PORTABLE tries a last-minute re-routing of HQL-602 with a different courier who lives in Barcelona

    2024-06-02,20:18 UTC-04:




    No worries :) It takes the time it needs. Thank you for your message. How are you?
    I know a person yes. Are you still in Barcelona? You should also meet my friend M if you are still there. Otherwise there is this project space Malpais, J who is running it comes to Basel every now and then because his partner lives there. I can put you in contact with them.

    Abrazos, J

    2024-05-24,01:30 UTC+02:


    Courier Ms. PORTABLE contacts RECEIVER:
    just wanted to share with you that the book you ordered has arrived in the EU! in the end, it was me that brought it, hahah, arrived so close to you, in Zürich airport, but only a quick transfer so could only say grüezi and then onwards to Barcelona, where I am now... do you know anyone traveling in this direction soon that could help get it back to Switzerland?

    hope this finds you well, looking forward to more conversation, and wishing for time to slow down...

    西班牙政府總統佩德羅・桑切斯確認,部長會議已批准承認巴勒斯坦國: 「這是一項歷史性決定,其唯一目標是幫助以色列人和巴勒斯坦人實現和平。承認巴勒斯坦國不僅是對巴勒斯坦人民合法願望的歷史公正。如果我們要實現和平,承認巴勒斯坦國也是當務之急」
    The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro SÁNCHEZ, confirms that the Council of Ministers have approved the recognition of the State of Palestine: This is a historic decision with a single objective: to help Israelis and Palestinians reach peace. Recognition of the State of Palestine is not only a matter of historical justice to the legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine. It is also an urgent necessity if we are all to achieve peace.

    2024-05-21,11:33 UTC+02:
    慢遞員易拎小姐與緩件HQL-602, HQL-601HQL-603,和行李裡的 HQL-604落地;HQL-606在她肩上的背包中的一個小紙盒裡;一些延誤後,她到了她將在接下來待三週的公寓,HQL-602等待轉運返回巴塞爾
    Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives with dispatches HQL-602, HQL-601, HQL-603, and HQL-604 in her luggage; HQL-606 is inside a small cardboard box which is inside a backpack which is on her shoulder; after a bit of delay, she arrives at the flat where she will stay for the next three weeks, HQL-602 awaiting relay back to Basel

    2024-05-20,between 23:50 UTC+08 and 2024-05-21 08:50 UTC +02:
    在空中,何易拎小姐寫了9封電郵,其3靠蘇黎世的歪富愛發送,剩下則在到達巴塞羅那後送出;她還觀影了「美國小說」,一個作家諷刺玩笑般,在當前後-黑命攸關時代給白人的需好來寫作某種”黑“故事;當然書成為暢銷,他不能拒絕,因為他需要錢來幫助照顧他受苦於阿滋海默症的媽媽;期間何小姐並不真的認為這電影很好看,但她感激裡面許多聰明有理的對話 ——「我很感激他們在嘗試做」;她經常思考「如何解決」的問題,特別鑒於近來在她生活中出現的大量誤解和交流的小事故;當電影主角用手機跟他的出版社談話,試圖在一個後種族世界解決當代美國黑人生活的問題時,一個白人搶到他前面,攔走了他的出租車;易拎小姐看片時,她點了份牛肉米飯並被乘務員告知需要等待;她沒收到她的塑料餐盤(和意麵一起)直到其它人都吃完飛機餐並被收走他們的餐盤;這電影在繼續
    While in air, Ms. PORTABLE writes nine e-mails, three of which are sent with wi-fi in Zürich, and the rest to be sent after arrival in Barcelona; she also watches one film called American Fiction, which is about an author who, as a sarcastic joke, writes the kind of 'black' story that white people need to consume in the current post-Black Lives Matter era; of course, the book becomes a hit, and he cannot say no because he needs the money to help take care of his Alzheimer's-stricken mother; while Ms. PORTABLE does not actually think the film is excellent overall, she appreciates many of the clever and en pointe dialogues——"i appreciate what they were trying to do"; she thinks often about the question of 'how to address', especially in light of the great deal of misunderstandings and mishaps of communication that have been occurring in her life lately; as the protagonist of the film talks on his mobile phone to his publisher, trying to address contemporary Black American life in a post-racist world, a white man walks in front of him and takes his cab; as Ms. PORTABLE watches the film, she orders the meal of beef with rice and is told by the flight attendant to wait; she does not receive her plastic tray (with pasta) until after everyone else has already finished eating and their trays have been cleared; the movie continues

    Courier Ms. PORTABLE departs from Hong Kong on 15-hour SwissAir journey to Barcelona with a 55-minute layover in Zürich; upon check-in, she was quite downtrodden to discover that there were no more window or aisle seats available, and she would have to be squeezed between other passengers for the long flight; however, upon arriving at her assigned row 32, the man in the aisle asks if it would be possible to change seats with either himself or the woman seated next to the window, because they are travelling together; Ms. PORTABLE is so happy and chooses the window seat, leaning her head against the chilly, reinforced plastic window as the plane takes off
  • 布魯克林 Brooklyn   巴塞一天遊 Touring Barcelona   恩典區 Gràcia
  • 空閒路線
  • 廣州
  • 法蘭克福 Frankfurt
    和或者 AND/OR
    深圳 Shenzhen
    成都 Chengdu
    重慶 Chongqing
    恩荷芬 Eindhoven
  • 高達 up to
    2 kg
  • 大王叫我來巡山
    The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 已承運,缓件號HQL-633
    PICKED UP as HQL-633

    Coming to the Changzhou Island Relay Centre in Guangzhou on 24 August, Frankfurt and Eindhoven in October
  • 正招遞送員
  • 八家 Bajia
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 香港尖沙咀
    Hong Kong
    Tsim Sha Tsui
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 慢遞招募發布
  • 已承運,缓件號HQL-629
    PICKED UP as HQL-629
  • 空閒路線
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 曼谷
  • 高達 up to
    4 kg
  • Jayne RUSSELL
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 空閒路線
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 紐約 New York City
    和或者 AND/OR
    Washington, DC
  • 高達 up to
    4 kg
  • KAT
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 已承運,缓件號HQL-628
    PICKED UP as HQL-628

    Hi! I’m friends with J and C. I’m usually based in the US but am here in Hong Kong for the summer. I’ll be flying back to the US on 7 August. I’ll be in NYC from 8-10 August, then Washington DC from 10 August onward.
  • 空閒路線
  • 墨爾本
  • 曼谷 Bangkok
    和或者 AND/OR
    清邁 Chiangmai
  • 高達 up to
    1 kg
  • 小番茄
    little tomato
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「8月17號飛之前都在Melb,在曼谷呆到20號去清邁,然後8月24號飛回Melb」
    Will be in Melb until flying on 17 August, staying in Bangkok until the 20th, then Chiangmai, and back to Melb on 24 August
  • HQL-599
  • 「二(手)山(寨)」系列第10+14本
    SECOND(hand)MOUNTAIN(fortress) Series Volumes No. 10+ 14

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 香港觀塘
    Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
  • 運輸時間

    3 years,4 months,22 days,3 hours,38 minutes

    1 copy each (2 books)
  • paperbridgeee
    南亞何 Lamma HO
  • 到達



  • 2024-07-25,01:33:
    繼嘗試在某演出場地碰面的計劃失敗後終於在親愛的顧客的工作室與其碰面並成功慢遞了她兩年前向展銷場提出想要購買但信息被塵埃淹沒了而暫時沒有成功但現在成功購買了的書書書書書; 親愛的顧客向慢遞員表達了他對展銷場的喜歡及愛戴並與其中一個工作室夥伴一起向在場其他人士推介推薦並推送關於慢遞的服務和展銷場的概念呢呢呢讓慢遞員有點受寵若驚並感到非常甜蜜.同場加映觀塘牛頭角地區喊叫k**ta食物外送服務很是便宜配搭啤酒是絕佳的」
    COURIER paperbridgeee REPORT:garp dou garp ng dou~
    moving on from a failed delivery attempt at a performance venue: finally met up with our dear customer to deliver the book to her studio. she had initially made an inquiry two years ago but the message got lost. Upon handover, dear customer expressed great admiration for Display Distribute as her and her studio mate explain to the rest of the room what DD is. it is ho sweet. *ee** food delivery is really cheap in the area (Kwun Tong/ Ngau Tau Kok), and it is nice to have good cheap food with beer.

    COURIER paperbridgeee UPDATE:Haven't handed over yet, the last time we spoke we said we'd make another appointment for June but still hasn't been confirmed

    慢遞員paperbridgeee披露她曾在一個活動時遇見過收件人,所以她可以帶這條線路;慢遞員易拎要在paperbridfeee工作的城中心附近參加別的工作,於是提出將緩件HQL-599傳給她,但paperbridegeee那天不在,就由她的同事Lamma Ho做慢遞員慷慨交接,收留出版物緩件直到paperbridgeee回來
    COURIER paperbridgeee reveals that she has met the RECEIVER before at an event, so she can pick up the route; courier PORTABLE, attending to other work matters in the vicinity, offers then to bring dispatch HQL-599 to paperbridgeee's workplace in Central, but paperbridgeee is not there on the day PORTABLE arrives, so COURIER Lamma HO, a colleague of paperbridgeee, serves as a generous bridge, holding onto the books until paperbridgeee comes back to work

    RECEIVER mistakenly sends a link to LIGHT LOGISTICS via a social media direct message, and the LOGISTICIANS see a previous message inquiring about purchasing two publications; when asking about delivery details, RECEIVER reveals that the inquiry was actually made 3 years, 1 month, 18 days, 17 hours and 54 minutes earlier, but since the price has not gone up, they would still like to receive two copies of the SECOND MOUNTAIN series; order finally placed, and a slow exchange for common meeting space and times among busy Hong Kong people commences
  • 觀塘 Kwun Tong   中環 Central   維多利亞港 Victoria Harbour   網上 Internet
  • 空閒路線
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 首爾 Seoul
    和或者 AND/OR
    台北 Taipei
  • 高達 up to
    1 kg
  • paperbridgeee
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「我9月中旬會在首爾&台北!(9月8-18日)需要我慢遞什麼告訴我」
    I will be in seoul & taipei mid-sep! (sep 8-18) Let me know if you want me to slow deliver anything~
  • HQL-618
  • 「二(手)山(寨)」系列第10-11、21本
    SECOND(hand)MOUNTAIN(fortress) Series Volumes No. 10-11, 21

  • 阿姆斯特丹
  • 倫敦
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each (3 books)
  • carwyn
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-07-24,13:38 UTC+0:
    COURIER carwyn UPDATE:Yes, am in London, will deliver on Friday. Should have taken pics in the park after i got the package, i was with two other artists who were intrigued by my package

    2024-07-17,18:38 UTC+01:
    COURIER carwyn takes the metro from Amsterdam Zuid to Centraal, with careful documentation of HQL-618 packaging by SENDER Copyshop THEETAT; handover successful, awaiting relay to London on 21 July

    2024-07-16,12:30 UTC+01:
    慢遞員carwyn、發件人「THEETAT複印店」和收件人在IG群組中聚一聚,很快就發現carwyn和收件人原來已認識彼此,carwyn 說:「反正我們注定要喝咖啡的😂」; 慢遞員通知THEETAT複印店,他會在7月16-19 日到阿姆斯特丹自由大學參加一個會議,可是那裡離複印店工作室有點遠,所以改約第二天晚上6點半左右到中央車站;carwyn有興趣在學術講座或論文中討論他的慢遞經驗🤔,「也希望編輯一本關於亞文化和圈子與中國的書。期待成為一名慢遞人員☺️」
    COURIER carwyn, SENDER Copyshop THEETAT and RECEIVER gather in a chat group, and it is soon revealed that carwyn and RECEIVER already know one another, as carwyn says, "We were meant to have coffee anyway 😂"; COURIER informs Copyshop THEETAT that they'll be in Amsterdam from 16-19 July at a conference at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, which is a bit far from the Copyshop studio, so an appointment is made instead for the next day at Centraal Station around 18:30; carwyn is interested to discuss the courier "experience in an academic talk or an essay 🤔, also hoping to edit a book on subcultures, scenes, and china. Looking forward to being a courier ☺️."
  • 中央車站 Centraal  
  • 空閒路線
  • 阿姆斯特丹
  • 香港 Hong Kong
    和或者 AND/OR
    廣州 Guangzhou
  • 高達 up to
    1 kg
  • FAYE
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「11月初」
    Beginning of November
  • HQL-617
  • Anonymous Writers Club

    Berita Gunung Berapi: Planetary Politics in a Volcano Age
  • 日惹
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 3 本《Anonymous
    4 本《Berita
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-07-16,21:45:
    COURIER ZIMU invites RECEIVER to collect dispatch HQL-617 and why not also attend a small gathering of filmmakers that she is organising the next evening

    慢遞員ZIMU更新:「我這裡有三本火山的,Timmy幫我拿四本Anonymous Writers回港,我會找他要書的,然後一起遞送;另外我想謝謝KUNCI的Fiky,那麼有耐心等我們,他跟另外一個小組成員Ap一起很棒地向我們介紹KUNCI」
    COURIER ZIMU UPDATE:I've got now three copies of the Volcano book on me, and TIMMY brought four copies of Anonymous Writers back to Hong Kong; I'll get them from him and deliver them together; also want to thank Fiky from KUNCI who waited for us so patiently and gave us a wonderful introduction of their collective together with other KUNCI member Ap

    2024-07-12,更晚點 later at night UTC+7:
    慢遞員ZIMU更新:「不過晚上稍後我和朋友們去當地餐館吃東西,實在太累了,把書忘記在那裡...但我已經在第二天大早飛走。所以不得不請求朋友TIMMY和Jiahui幫我聯繫那餐館取書。經過相當地努力想出一個最容易的取回方式(另一些朋友也提供了幫助,太謝謝你們了-Alice,Connie,Ma Ran,David!),謝謝你Tiyan Jaya Jogja保護《匿名作者俱樂部》的安妥!」
    COURIER ZIMU UPDATE:But later at night I went to eat at a local eatery with friends, got too tired, and forgot some of the books there… but I’m already flying next early morning. So have to ask another friend TIMMY and Jiahui to help me contact the eatery and pick up. After quite some effort to figure out the easiest pick up (quite a few other friends helped out also, thank you so much—Alice, Connie, Ma Ran, David!) thank you Tiyan Jaya Jogja for keeping the Anonymous Writers Club safe!

    2024-07-12,22:22 UTC+7:
    慢遞員ZIMU:「七月十二號晚拜訪KUNCI Study Forum & Collective,從Fiky那裡拿到書。我有些遲到因為我們在一個直到黃昏的緊張的觀光導覽。我們在會議碰到的所有其它朋友都先去到KUNCI,並等著我們開始一個恰逢的介紹。最後面對面的和他們分享學習到替代學校的去/方法!」
    PUBLISHER:i just gave ZIMU 3 Volcano books and 4 Anonymous Writers Club
    COURIER ZIMU:July 12 evening visited KUNCI Study Forum & Collective, got the books from Fiky. I was a bit late coz we went to do an intense sightseeing tour until sunset. All other friends we met here at the conference went to KUNCI first and waited for us to start a proper introduction. Finally learned about the alternative school (de)methods from their sharing face to face!
  • Mantrijeron
  • 空閒路線
  • 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
    和或者 AND/OR
    鹿特丹 Rotterdam
  • 倫敦
  • 高達 up to
    20 kg
  • carwyn
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 已承運,缓件號HQL-618
    PICKED UP as HQL-618

    I regularly travel between Netherlands and UK.
  • HQL-613
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 紐約曼哈頓
    Manhattan, New York
  • 5 本 copies
  • 到達

    2024-07-12,15:06 UTC-04
  • 2024-07-12,15:06 UTC-04:
    慢遞員CHARIS終於抵達她的送貨目的地,位於下東區的Bungee Space,但不幸的是收件人S今天不在;取而代之的是,她與S的同事T會面,並享受「一場愉快的長談,他們還特別為我調製了番石榴咖啡飲料,這正是夏日午後應該喝的甜咸清爽飲料」;緩件號HQL-613派送成功, 另外HQL-610HQL-611HQL-612等待轉運
    COURIER CHARIS finally makes it to her delivery destination at Bungee Space on the Lower East Side, but unfortunately RECEIVER S is not there; instead, she meets with T, the colleague of S, and enjoys "a lovely long chat and they made me a special guava coffee drink, which is exactly the kind of sweet and salty refreshing thing to have on a summer afternoon"; delivery of dispatch HQL-613 now complete, and HQL-610, HQL-611, and HQL-612 in relay

    2024-07-07,16:16 UTC-04:

    Hi dear S,
    Thanks for asking about coming today but I won’t be able to make it as a friend unexpectedly popped into Brooklyn. I’m thinking about Wednesday or Friday next week. Would you mind telling me when you won’t be in (or will be) whichever is easier to convey?

    Everything is well in New York, my days have been mostly catching up with friends and walking lazily around. Letting the summer heat slow my routine and mind down. Here’s a photo of the shop cat at Quimby’s in Williamsburg where I bought an armful of zines.

    我現在在香港國際機場給你寫郵件。很興奮去到紐約也很興奮拜訪交接的地方Bungee Space和見到你,S!謝謝你的接待。我在考慮週五,七月五號過去,如果對你也方便。





    I'm writing you from the Hong Kong International Airport now. Excited to be in New York and excited to see the drop-off location Bungee Space and to meet you, S! Thanks for your welcome. I'm thinking right now of coming by on Friday, July 5, if that works for you.

    It's funny, when I offered to courier some books from Hong Kong to New York, I didn't know or have any assumptions as to what the books would be. I actually own a copy of Acts of Departure but haven't read it yet and left it in my office at school by the time I picked up the books.

    So on Saturday afternoon I wound up deciding to go to Art and Culture Outreach to acquire another copy to bring with me on the plane to read. I was planning on swinging by to buy some books for other friends. I've been feeling anxiety about this long flight (not having done such a long flight since 2020 at the start of the pandemic) and thought perhaps the book's company and the synchronicity with the dispatch would bring me comfort.

    Below are images and captions of the journey so far.

    Take care,

    2024-06-30,22:10 UTC-04:
    與收件人建立聯繫,她說:「感謝這次遞送。我很期待與妳見面並進行交談!Bungee Space 週一休息。其它時間的營業時間為上午11:00至下午7:30。我們也很樂意充當臨時轉運站,也請通知其他接收方我們的開放時間,謝謝!」
    Contact established with RECEIVER, who writes: "Thank you for making this delivery. I am looking forward to meeting you in person and having a chat! Bungee Space is closed on Mondays. We are open from 11AM to 7:30PM on all other days. We are also happy to serve as a temporary relay centre. Please also notify the receivers about our opening hours, thanks!"

    經過快速的攬件安排,慢遞員CHARIS夠取走大量慢遞件: HQL-610HQL-611HQL-612 和 613,全部前往紐約地區;她這次是臨時決定的行程,會停留兩周;『展銷場』先安排在曼哈頓下城的一個收件地點,希望不給CHARIS太大方便
    After very quick meeting arrangements, courier CHARIS is able to pick up and great number of dispatches: HQL-610, HQL-611, HQL-612, and 613, all headed for the New York City metropolitan area; it was a last-minute arranged trip, and she will stay for two weeks, but arrangements for a single drop-off point in Lower Manhattan hope to keep it easy enough

    A friend of a friend gets in touch with Display Distribute: Hi! I’m flying to NY on 1 July and JC mentioned to me that perhaps you would find it helpful if I couriered some things over? Let me know! I could carry about a duffel bag worth of things up to 10-12 kg, as I have quite a lot of baggage allowance
  • 下東區 Lower East Side   布鲁克林 Brooklyn   路途中 En route   灣仔 Wanchai
  • 無號碼的灰緩件

  • Anonymous Writers Club

    Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium

    穿 wear #02

    穿 wear #03

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 維多利亞州不倫瑞克
    Brunswick, Victoria
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each
  • ☹︎
    Hong Kong Post
  • 到達

    2024-07-10,10:46 UTC+10


  • 2024-07-10,10:46 UTC+10




    Sorry for such a delayed reply! I got back from the northern hemisphere and it's taken me a while to find my feet and get over the jet lag 🙃

    I did receive the shipment! Really enjoying reading through everything and spending some time with the publications, the publishing and distribution work that you are doing is truly refreshing.

    Big hello from Melourne and hoping you are very well.



    哈囉 L,




    我有為你額外列入一出版物HomeShop,稱作《我的負能量是你的正能量, or 或者, The Grin Without the Cat》,其中的迷你故事集基於家作坊暫停後一些模擬人類學博物館的呈現,作為一份對當時許多事物和簡史的導覽指南...


    Hallo L,

    Just posted! Changed the box but the price stayed the same, unfortunately :(...

    Attached are the receipt/tracking info, you can link here for viewing the tracking with item number: EA363229760HK.

    If you happen to have a Wise account for transferring the cost directly in HKD would be great, but if not, PayPal is also fine. Please do not send it marked as goods/services, as PayPal will take a fee if so.

    I've included one extra HomeShop publication for you, called 《我的負能量是你的正能量, or 或者, The Grin Without the Cat》, which includes mini stories based upon a sort of mock-anthropology museum presentation of HomeShop after it closed, acting as a guide for viewing a lot of objects and ephemera from that time...

    Hope you enjoy the reading, and thanks again for your support of our minor, 'semi-autonomous' publishing endeavours!
  • HQL-580
  • Chuăng No. 1

    Chuăng No. 2
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 澳大利亞布里斯班
    Coopers Plains
    經由 VIA
    中國大陸 Mainland China
    雪梨 Sydney
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each
  • TIAN
    李蔼德 Edward SANDERSON
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-07-09,14:22 UTC+10:

    我將於7月12日至15日在布里斯班,往返於Wishart(12-13日)和 Taringa(14-15日)之間。如果妳能安排人從這兩個地方來取,那就太好了!否則,7月15日星期一是我最空閒的一天,所以我可以去相互都方便的地方。


    Hi J,

    Nice to meet you and very happy to finally unite you and your books!

    I'll be in Brisbane from 12-15 July, travelling between Wishart (12-13th) & Taringa (14-15th). If you can possibly arrange for someone to pick them up from either of those places that would be great! Otherwise Monday 15 July is my most free day, so I could travel somewhere mutually convenient.


    2024-07-09,13:00 UTC+10:
    RECEIVER REPLY:Good morning, my name is J. I was texted regarding a book order at 041XXXXXXX. Can I ask what book this is?

    第二次短信通知:「親愛的 J,我們一直想就你 2020 年訂購的一本書與你聯繫,但找不到你,請給我們發一個郵件! logistics[愛特]displaydistribute[點]com」
    SECOND SMS ATTEMPT:dear j, we have been trying to contact you a long time about a book you ordered in 2020 but can't track you down. please e-mail us! logistics[愛特]displaydistribute[點]com

    嘗試發郵件聯繫失敗後,通過短信聯繫收件人:「親愛的 JY,抱歉給您發這麼奇怪的信息,您幾年前向我們訂購了兩期《闖》,但我們一直無法與您取得聯繫。能否給我們發email到 logistics@displaydistribute.com?您的書目前在雪梨!非常感謝,展銷場」
    RECEIVER contacted by SMS after failed e-mail attempts: Dear JY, apologies for the strange message, but you ordered two issues of Chuăng from us some years ago, and we haven't been able to get in touch with you. Would it be possible to email us at logistics@displaydistribute.com? Your books are currently in Sydney! Thank you so much, Display Distribute

    2024-03-04,16:26 UTC+11:
    慢遞員TIAN更新:「到雪梨啦,完全忘記更新,抱歉!😅 書經由了廣州、惠州、韶關和開平終於到了雪梨——真是一次大旅行!4月份再往昆士蘭州 👍👍」
    COURIER TIAN UPDATE:I've arrived in Sydney! Totally forgot to update, sorry! 😅 The books have arrived in Sydney after going through Guangzhou, Huizhou, Shaoguan and Huiping. They've been on quite the tour! I'll be going up to QLD in April 👍👍

    李先生早上8:57準時出現在北角華美達盛景酒店的大堂,與前來探望106 歲爺爺為其慶生的TIAN小姐交接成功
    Mr. SANDERSON shows up very promptly at 08:57 to the lobby of the Ramada Grand View Hotel in North Point to hand over to TIAN, who is in town for a few days to visit her grandfather for his 106th birthday

    Courier Mr. SANDERSON, who works next door to the Display Distribute Tokwawan Relay Centre, is very kind to pick up another dispatch simultaneously to preparing another dispatch to the Philippines (HQL-579); it must be Valentine's Day!

    2024-02-11,11:08 UTC+11:
    TIAN 是「後勤」慢遞網絡的新成員,她將於2月17-20日在香港,然後在內地逗留幾個星期;3月3日從香港飛回雪梨;她還慷慨地表示,4月初去墨爾本也可以派送什麼的:「樂意為你們提供力所能及的幫助。新年快樂!🧧🐲🌸✨ 」
    New to the LIGHT LOGISTICS network, TIAN joins with an upcoming travel from 17-20 February in Hong Kong, followed by some weeks in the mainland before flying back out of Hong Kong on the 3rd of March; she generously also offers to bring a dispatch to Melbourne later in early April, saying: Happy to help in any way I can. Happy new year! 🧧🐲🌸✨
  • 達拉格國 Dharug Country   廣州 Guangzhou   韶關 Shaoguan   惠州 Huizhou   北角 North Point   土瓜灣 Tokwawan
  • 正招遞送員
  • 馮火
    Fong Fo

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 河南南陽
    Nanyang, Henan
  • 訂單 ORDER

    8 issues
  • 慢遞招募發布

  • HQL-609
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 東京
  • 運輸時間

    39 days,2 hours,45 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 小船一家
  • 到達



  • 2024-07-06,22:13 UTC+09:
    COURIER Small BOAT FAMILY REPORT:This evening, Small BOAT and her daughter Small OCEAN met RECEIVER at Futako-tamagawa station, and the delivery was successful! It started to rain heavily just as we got on the bus. We were so lucky! RECEIVER is a shy young lady. She was surprised to learn that her book was delivered this way and mentioned that she is also interested in being a courier one day. She gave me a zine called のぼり made by her and her classmates. We had a pleasant talk over melting ice cream soda; hope you enjoy the report.

    2024-07-04,09:14 UTC+09:
    妳有時間見面是一起在車站附近的this cafe 喝個咖啡嗎?

    來不及也沒關係,我們就在站前碰面就好。 消息我!

    x Boat

    /. _)
    . ^ ^ / /
    __/ /
    ﹤__ . l _|-| _|

    2024-07-04,09:14 UTC+09:
    Dear H
    yes! OK! Do you use any SNS? maybe more convenient for contact on that day.
    my messenger: bXXXXXXX
    my phone number: 0804XXXXXXX
    if you have time to have a coffee how about meet in this cafe near the station?

    or if you don’t have time it’s ok we can meet in front of the station. let me know!

    x Boat

    /. _)
    . ^ ^ / /
    __/ /
    ﹤__ . l _|-| _|

    2024-07-01,00:47 UTC+09:
    祝好, 小船
    Dear H
    where do you live? i live near 多摩川駅(東横線)、大田区。 as I have to take care of a 6 months old baby, so if you can meet me somewhere near 東横線 like 自由が丘or 渋谷駅 that would be helpful!
    actually the best place for me to meet is 二子玉川駅 as i can go there by bus.
    but yes tokyo is very big and let me know where you are and let’s find a good place to meet!

    TOKWAWAN LIGHT LOGISTICIAN REPLY:"Your first recorded dispatch was HQL-154 in 2017!"

    2024-06-28,02:13 UTC+09:
    COURIER Small BOAT FAMILY UPDATE:"hahah we arrived home!! To Tamagawa, Tokyo. I'm trying to remember when I first worked as a LIGHT LOGISTICS courier"

    Small BOAT has couriered for LIGHT LOGISTICS on more than one occasion, but it has been a while since she has traveled to Hong Kong, and now she has a young family to courier with together as a team; after first landing in Shanghai, the family went to Small BOAT's hometown in Zhejiang to introduce the new baby family to relatives, then the threesome passed through Hong Kong for work matters, picking up HQL-609 just before their flight back to Tokyo
  • 二子玉川 Futako-tamagawa   路途中 En route   大田區 Ōta   香港國際機場 Hong Kong International Airport   灣仔 Wanchai  
  • HQL-577
  • 消失點:如何在中國無跡可尋
    Vanishing Point: How to Disappear in China Without a Trace

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 布魯克林 Brooklyn
    經由 VIA
    溫哥華 Vancouver
    蒙特利爾 Montréal
    達拉斯 Dallas
  • 運輸時間

    13 months, 8 days, 18 hours, 25 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 閃爍的塵埃~
    twinkling dust~
  • 到達



  • 2024-07-03,17:30 UTC-04:
    After a few SMS and e-mail confirmations, COURIER twinkling dust~ is finally able to make an appointment to meet RECEIVER, and final handover is made at the corner of Wooster and Broome Streets in Soho

    2024-06-20,11:27 UTC-04:
    COURIER twinkling dust~ has been holding on to dispatch HQL-577 since courier PORTABLE's departure from New York; time passes quickly, and suddenly it's June; twinkling dust~ asks: "When will the LIGHT LOGISTICS package RECEIVER contact me for the small package? I’m gonna leave early July

    2024-03-01,15:32 UTC-05:
    After sending two emails and receiving no reply, courier PORTABLE tries with WhatsApp to contact the RECEIVER, but unfortunately still no response; dispatch HQL-577 waiting for a sign

    Courier Ms. PORTABLE is part of the millions moving during the Lunar New Year festival, though a COVID era ticket cancellation voucher means that she's traveling early and with a tiring two layovers inefficiently rounding across Canada; she will stay with family for a few weeks before heading back north to New York for a publication-related event; HQL-577 awaiting relay
  • 蘇豪 Soho   曼哈頓 Manhattan   達拉斯北 North Dallas   加拿大路途中 Canada in-transit
  • HQL-614
  • แบล๊ค-บุ๊ค-แอซเซมบลี่ รีวิวนานนานทีมีหน
    Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review
    第三期 Issue 03

    Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review Issue 01

    Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review Issue 04

    Publishing as Method: Ways of Working Together in Asia

    Zines of Production
    (白領版本 White Collar Version)
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 倫敦
  • 運輸時間

    3 days,21 hours,27 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each
  • 南丫何
    Lamma HO
  • 到達

    2024-07-02,14:48 UTC+01


  • 2024-07-03,07:40 UTC+01:
    當香港慢遞轉運中心報告緩件HQL-614可能是展銷場經手的最快慢遞之一時,慢遞員南丫何回覆到:「Person-to-person delivery is actually the fastest!我確實完成了曾經從上海去到布達佩斯給一個公司【快過快遞】的服務,LOL;這像是稱之為【艙上遞送專差】」
    When the LIGHT LOGISTICS relay centre in Hong Kong reports that dispatch HQL-614 may be one of the fastest Display Distribute has ever completed, courier Lamma HO replies:「人肉速遞其實係最快架 I actually have done this “faster than courier” service once from Shanghai to Budapest for a company LOL; there is a name for this, like “on board courier”

    2024-07-02,14:48 UTC+01:
    慢遞員南丫島何十分高效的管理著他的時間,宣布他將在他到達倫敦後一天的週二拜訪收件人在Mosaic Rooms的辦公室;他在下午到了伯爵宮226克倫威爾,但「似乎沒有應門」,他沒能進入;好運的是,IG一些消息後,一切順利,收件人的同事能夠為這將辦的小型出版節及時接手緩件HQL-614
    Courier Lamma HO is very efficient with his time, announcing that he'll visit the RECEIVER's office at Mosaic Rooms on Tuesday already, the day after his arrival to London; he arrives to 226 Cromwell in Earl's Court in the afternoon, but "seems like people aren’t answering the doors", and he is unable to enter; fortunately, a few IG messages later, all goes well and RECEIVER's colleague is able to take on dispatch HQL-614 well in time for the upcoming small press fest

    一個對慢遞非常突發的時間扭動,展銷場這訂單下達前轉送就開啟了;因由黑書眾通訊邀請的巧合機會與The Mosaic Rooms的小型出版節團結一致,正好慢遞員南丫島何將從一個熱的島去一個冷的島度假,甚至沒有時間恰當的包裹緩件HQL-614;從香港離開去倫敦諷刺地安排在了七月一日,香港主權從大不列顛交回中國政府週年日的一天
    A very sudden time-twist for LIGHT LOGISTICS, this relay begins before the Display Distribute order is even placed; because of the chance coincidence of an invitation for Black Book Assembly newsletters to stand in solidarity with The Mosaic Rooms' small press fest and courier Lamma HO's upcoming holiday from a hot island to a cold one, there is not even time to properly wrap and package dispatch HQL-614; departure from Hong Kong to London ironically scheduled for 1 July, the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover from Great Britain back to China
  • 伯爵宮 Earl's Court   中環 Central  
  • HQL-498
  • 補貨 ADDED:

    The Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community

    Si Lit and the Everyday: Notes on the Hong Kong Anti-Extradition Bill Movement

    Social Contagion

    Chuăng No. 2
  • 香港屯門轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tuen Mun Relay Centre
  • 齊齊哈爾 Qiqihar
    經由 VIA
    東莞 Dongguan
    廣州 Guangzhou
    香港 Hong Kong
    上海 Shanghai
    大連 Dalian
  • 運輸時間

    2 years,6 months,1 day,17 hours,9 minutes

    訂單 ORDER
    部分 partial

    1 copy each
  • KE
    Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO
  • 到達



  • 2024-07-01,19:22:
    RECEIVER UPDATE:I'm now in Qiqihar, received! I'll go to Hangzhou in a few days... In August I go to Iran and then back to Russia; will you all come north soon?

    The receiver's friend KE has already picked up dispatch HQL-498 from SISSI's parents and will hold onto it until they return to Qiqihar; the receiver looks forward to seeing them when he returns from St. Petersburg for the Spring Festival holiday

    After a busy, short trip back in her home town of Dalian, courier SISSI reports to the receiver that she's already left and returned to Shanghai, but has stored the dispatch safely at her parents' home in the development zone of Dalian; awaiting receiver's friend to relay at their convenience

    Courier SISSI is a Dalian native, a bit closer to the final destination of Qiqihar; she plans to go back to Dalian in autumn, probably the end of September or beginning of October, and she informs the receiver that she will contact him again then; because of the sensitivity of one of the publications, the receiver is also informed that the book in question will be delivered to Russia instead, where the receiver has just moved for continuing studies

    After the period of unsuccessful relay from Guangzhou, dispatch HQL-498 is returned to Hong Kong and restocked with the formerly missing volume from independent publisher Fuben, then redressed for relay to courier SISSI, who is visiting Hong Kong from Shanghai to watch the holiday period dragon boat races

    2023-06-18,晚上 evening:
    Courier Ms. YY successfully arrives in Hong Kong with dispatch HQL-498, to stay in Mongkok for two nights before moving to another hotel in Tinhau on the 20th; handover scheduled for Tuesday, 20 June at 3pm

    An old Display Distribute friend and courier from the northeast who lives in the Jiangnan region is coming to Hong Kong soon; in order to prepare a suitable delivery for her, dispatch HQL-498 is sent back to Hong Kong from Guangzhou with courier YY, first to add the previously missing title The Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community and secondly to wait for another trip back into the mainland

    Arrival at the Guangzhou Relay Centre in Haizhu District

    Courier Mrs. Z and her husband depart from Hong Kong to spend the Lunar New Year Festival with family in the north; they depart from the West Kowloon high-speed rail station, but unfortunately face delays due to stringent checks of her husband's identity by border officials, resulting in a missed train; their only recourse is to take a different train to a different station four hours later without having any food available on site 🥲; dispatch HQL-498 handover planned for after the holiday when courier Z passes through Guangzhou on her way back to Hong Kong
  • 齊齊哈爾 Qiqihar   新收件地點 NEW RECEIVER ADDRESS   大連 Dalian   徐匯區 Xuhui District   退回香港 Returned to Hong Kong   廣州 Guangzhou   香港-東莞 Hong Kong - Dongguan
  • HQL-608
  • 刪不了的符號
    Unerasable Characters

    ZARA (Ocean No Nothing

    Work is Work 2.0
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 倫敦 London
    經由 VIA
    蘇黎世 Zürich
    巴塞羅那 Barcelona
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each
  • Christina SCHULTZ
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-06-30,10:12 UTC+01:
    RECEIVER NOTIFICATION:Thank you for the message! No problem at all, you're welcome! I know the tarot card receiver Z and look forward to the new slow delivery. I'll be in London starting from July 6th, and I'm available to meet anytime. Also, I'd be happy to hold on to the tarot cards that Christina will bring. It sounds amazing! I'll watch the updates, and thank you for your support!

    2024-06-22,13:00 UTC+02:
    慢遞員易拎慶幸她住在距新的慢遞員Christina SCHULTZ的工作室只有七分鐘的腳程的Grácia;她帶著她母親在去桂爾公園的遊客行程前去見面Christina,Christina給易拎的媽媽分享了她的作品;媽媽對Christina在紡織品上的縫紉畫難以置信的著迷,她們在易拎打包轉運去倫敦的三本出版物時交談了一會兒
    Courier PORTABLE is fortunate that she is staying in Grácia just 7 minutes' walk away from new courier recruit Christina SCHULTZ's studio; she brings her mother to meet Christina before a touristic journey to Park Guell, and Christina shares her artwork with PORTABLE's mother; mother is incredibly fascinated by Christina's sewn drawings on textile, and they talk for a while while PORTABLE packages the three publications for relay to London

    2024-06-16,17:00 UTC+02:
    慢遞員易拎依然帶著需要轉運去歐洲別處的書,同時思考著如何做,她發現居住在巴塞羅那的藝術家Christina SCHULTZ將因一個戲劇商演項目和女性同居者在七月前往倫敦;這般幸運,SCHULTZ也會帶著她的迷你自出版塔羅牌遞送給一位8月份會去倫敦的收件人,就很樂意地多帶幾本了;預約了轉交時間,在慢遞員易拎離開巴塞羅那前
    Courier PORTABLE is still carrying books that need to be relayed to other locales in Europe, and while thinking about what to do, she finds out that Barcelona-based artist Christina SCHULTZ will be traveling to London in July for a project with a theatre company working with female inmates; what luck, SCHULTZ will also bring her own mini publication of artist-made tarot cards to a RECEIVER in London and is more than happy to bring a few books as well; an appointment is made for a handover before PORTABLE's departure from Barcelona

    The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro SÁNCHEZ, confirms that the Council of Ministers have approved the recognition of the State of Palestine: This is a historic decision with a single objective: to help Israelis and Palestinians reach peace. Recognition of the State of Palestine is not only a matter of historical justice to the legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine. It is also an urgent necessity if we are all to achieve peace.

    2024-05-21,11:33 UTC+02:
    慢遞員易拎小姐與緩件HQL-608, HQL-602HQL-603,和行李裡的 HQL-604落地;HQL-606在她肩上的背包中的一個小紙盒裡;一些延誤後,她到了她將在接下來待三週的公寓,HQL-608等待轉運至倫敦
    Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives with dispatches HQL-601, HQL-602, HQL-603 and HQL-606 in her luggage; HQL-605 is inside a small cardboard box which is inside a backpack which is on her shoulder; after a bit of delay, she arrives at the flat where she will stay for the next three weeks, HQL-608 awaiting relay to London

    2024-05-20,between 23:50 UTC+08 and 2024-05-21 08:50 UTC +02:
    在空中,何易拎小姐寫了9封電郵,其3靠蘇黎世的歪富愛發送,剩下則在到達巴塞羅那後送出;她還觀影了《美國小說》,一個作家諷刺玩笑般,在當前後-黑命攸關時代給白人的需好來寫作某種”黑“故事;當然書成為暢銷,他不能拒絕,因為他需要錢來幫助照顧他受苦於阿滋海默症的媽媽;期間何小姐並不真的認為這電影很好看,但她感激裡面許多聰明有理的對話 ——「我很感激他們在嘗試做」;她經常思考「如何解決」的問題,特別鑒於近來在她生活中出現的大量誤解和交流的小事故;當電影主角用手機跟他的出版社談話,試圖在一個後種族世界解決當代美國黑人生活的問題時,一個白人搶到他前面,攔走了他的出租車;易拎小姐看片時,她點了份牛肉米飯並被乘務員告知需要等待;她沒收到她的塑料餐盤(和意麵一起)直到其它人都吃完飛機餐並被收走他們的餐盤;這電影在繼續
    While in air, Ms. PORTABLE writes nine e-mails, three of which are sent with wi-fi in Zürich, and the rest to be sent after arrival in Barcelona; she also watches one film called American Fiction, which is about an author who, as a sarcastic joke, writes the kind of 'black' story that white people need to consume in the current post-Black Lives Matter era; of course, the book becomes a hit, and he cannot say no because he needs the money to help take care of his Alzheimer's-stricken mother; while Ms. PORTABLE does not actually think the film is excellent overall, she appreciates many of the clever and en pointe dialogues——"i appreciate what they were trying to do"; she thinks often about the question of 'how to address', especially in light of the great deal of misunderstandings and mishaps of communication that have been occurring in her life lately; as the protagonist of the film talks on his mobile phone to his publisher, trying to address contemporary Black American life in a post-racist world, a white man walks in front of him and takes his cab; as Ms. PORTABLE watches the film, she orders the meal of beef with rice and is told by the flight attendant to wait; she does not receive her plastic tray (with pasta) until after everyone else has already finished eating and their trays have been cleared; the movie continues

    Courier Ms. PORTABLE departs from Hong Kong on 15-hour SwissAir journey to Barcelona with a 55-minute layover in Zürich; upon check-in, she was quite downtrodden to discover that there were no more window or aisle seats available, and she would have to be squeezed between other passengers for the long flight; however, upon arriving at her assigned row 32, the man in the aisle asks if it would be possible to change seats with either himself or the woman seated next to the window, because they are travelling together; Ms. PORTABLE is so happy and chooses the window seat, leaning her head against the chilly, reinforced plastic window as the plane takes off
  • 恩典區 Gràcia
  • HQL-606
  • 「二(手)山(寨)」系列第1、8、12、19-21本
    SECOND(hand)MOUNTAIN(fortress) Series Volumes No. 1, 8, 12, 19-21

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 倫敦 London
    經由 VIA
    蘇黎世 Zürich
    巴塞羅那 Barcelona
  • 運輸時間

    95 days,12 hours,0 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each (6 books)
  • MAY
  • 到達

    2024-06-28,12:28 UTC+01


  • 2024-06-28,12:28 UTC+01:
    慢遞員MAY和收件人在國王十字地鐵站附近的Medway Court藥店碰面,MAY無意被一個叫子杰的狗仔拍攝——他是收件人的搭檔也是緩件號HQL-605中一些書籍的合作者,同是這到倫敦緩件的收件人;派送成功
    Courier MAY and RECEIVER meet in front of a pharmacy at Medway Court in King's Cross, and MAY is unknowingly observed by a paparazzo known as June LEE, the partner of the RECEIVER and collaborator of some of the books from dispatch HQL-605, also part of the same order to London RECEIVER; dispatch HQL-606 successfully received

    2024-06-23,19:28 UTC+01:
    慢遞員MAY和收件人暫定6月28日下午3點後在國王十字路口的 UCL校園附近進行最後交收
    Courier MAY and RECEIVER schedule a tentative appointment for a final appointment around the UCL campus at King's Cross on the 28th of June, some time after 3pm

    2024-06-21,11:07 UTC+01:
    COURIER MAY UPDATE:Safe and sound in London!

    2024-06-18,15:00 UTC+02:
    As predicted, couriers MAY and PORTABLE spot one another easily and sit down together in the shade at the back of the bookshop; PORTABLE packages dispatch HQL-606 while the two engage in a blind conversation about one another's work, Barcelona, love, and asking many questions at the dentist; MAY drinks sparkling water, and PORTABLE takes a café solo; when commiserating the hand-me-down stress of the working environment, MAY shares two bits of crucial knowledge which PORTABLE will not soon forget: "Your lack of planning is not my urgency" and "We are not saving lives"; she thinks about her breath slowing down, and dispatch HQL-606 is successfully relayed; new courier MAY then heads from the bookshop to her dentist appointment

    2024-06-18,10:24 UTC+02:
    在她們預定約會的那天早上,新報名的慢遞員MAY選擇Libreria Finestres書店的露台咖啡廳作為她們的會面地點;她還提出可以戴一頂白帽子,以便更容易辨認,儘管她在IG上的肖像已經很容易辨認了;易拎報告說她是亞洲人,可能不難認出來
    On the morning of their scheduled date, newly joined courier MAY selects the patio cafe of Libreria Finestres as their meeting point; she also offers to wear a white hat to make it easier to recognise, though her portraits on IG make it easy enough; PORTABLE reports that she is Asian and probably not difficult to spot

    2024-06-11,21:03 UTC+02:
    COURIER MAY UPDATE:Hey, I’ll be in Sonar, so i think the best will be the following week: Monday (17th) or Tuesday (18th) evening?

    2024-05-24,09:25 UTC+02:
    一個名叫MAY的人關注展銷場的IG,她的bio上寫道:「• whatever 研究 ••• 設計即藝術 •••• 觸摸植物 •••••• 關掉手機跳舞 📍 倫敦 - 巴塞羅那」;慢遞員易拎仍在尋找前往倫敦接力,跳水抓住機會跟一個陌生人聯繫,驚奇地發現MAY真的在倫敦和巴塞羅那之間穿行,她計劃下一次6月12日從英國到加泰羅尼亞,逗留約一周後返回倫敦——一場欣喜若狂的見面之約開始
    A person by the name of MAY follows Display Distribute's Instagram, and her bio reads: "• Whatever research ••• Design as art •••• Touch the plants •••••• Turn off the phone & dance 📍London • Bcn"; as courier PORTABLE is still looking for relay couriers to London, she takes a chance to message a stranger and is amazed to find out that MAY is truly criss-crossing London and Barcelona, with her next trip from the UK to Cataluña planned for the 12th of June, to stay for approximately one week before returning to London; an ecstatic engagement to meet is set in motion

    The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro SÁNCHEZ, confirms that the Council of Ministers have approved the recognition of the State of Palestine: This is a historic decision with a single objective: to help Israelis and Palestinians reach peace. Recognition of the State of Palestine is not only a matter of historical justice to the legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine. It is also an urgent necessity if we are all to achieve peace.

    2024-05-21,11:33 UTC+02:
    慢遞員易拎小姐與緩件HQL-601, HQL-602HQL-603,和行李裡的 HQL-604落地;HQL-606在她肩上的背包中的一個小紙盒裡;一些延誤後,她到了她將在接下來待三週的公寓,HQL-606等待轉運至倫敦
    Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives with dispatches HQL-601, HQL-602, HQL-603 and HQL-606 in her luggage; HQL-605 is inside a small cardboard box which is inside a backpack which is on her shoulder; after a bit of delay, she arrives at the flat where she will stay for the next three weeks, HQL-606 awaiting relay to London

    2024-05-20,between 23:50 UTC+08 and 2024-05-21 08:50 UTC +02:
    在空中,何易拎小姐寫了9封電郵,其3靠蘇黎世的歪富愛發送,剩下則在到達巴塞羅那後送出;她還觀影了《美國小說》,一個作家諷刺玩笑般,在當前後-黑命攸關時代給白人的需好來寫作某種”黑“故事;當然書成為暢銷,他不能拒絕,因為他需要錢來幫助照顧他受苦於阿滋海默症的媽媽;期間何小姐並不真的認為這電影很好看,但她感激裡面許多聰明有理的對話 ——「我很感激他們在嘗試做」;她經常思考「如何解決」的問題,特別鑒於近來在她生活中出現的大量誤解和交流的小事故;當電影主角用手機跟他的出版社談話,試圖在一個後種族世界解決當代美國黑人生活的問題時,一個白人搶到他前面,攔走了他的出租車;易拎小姐看片時,她點了份牛肉米飯並被乘務員告知需要等待;她沒收到她的塑料餐盤(和意麵一起)直到其它人都吃完飛機餐並被收走他們的餐盤;這電影在繼續
    While in air, Ms. PORTABLE writes nine e-mails, three of which are sent with wi-fi in Zürich, and the rest to be sent after arrival in Barcelona; she also watches one film called American Fiction, which is about an author who, as a sarcastic joke, writes the kind of 'black' story that white people need to consume in the current post-Black Lives Matter era; of course, the book becomes a hit, and he cannot say no because he needs the money to help take care of his Alzheimer's-stricken mother; while Ms. PORTABLE does not actually think the film is excellent overall, she appreciates many of the clever and en pointe dialogues——"i appreciate what they were trying to do"; she thinks often about the question of 'how to address', especially in light of the great deal of misunderstandings and mishaps of communication that have been occurring in her life lately; as the protagonist of the film talks on his mobile phone to his publisher, trying to address contemporary Black American life in a post-racist world, a white man walks in front of him and takes his cab; as Ms. PORTABLE watches the film, she orders the meal of beef with rice and is told by the flight attendant to wait; she does not receive her plastic tray (with pasta) until after everyone else has already finished eating and their trays have been cleared; the movie continues

    Courier Ms. PORTABLE departs from Hong Kong on 15-hour SwissAir journey to Barcelona with a 55-minute layover in Zürich; upon check-in, she was quite downtrodden to discover that there were no more window or aisle seats available, and she would have to be squeezed between other passengers for the long flight; however, upon arriving at her assigned row 32, the man in the aisle asks if it would be possible to change seats with either himself or the woman seated next to the window, because they are travelling together; Ms. PORTABLE is so happy and chooses the window seat, leaning her head against the chilly, reinforced plastic window as the plane takes off
  • 國王十字 King's Cross   肯蒂什镇 Kentish Town   加泰隆尼亞廣場 Plaça de Catalunya   社交媒體 Social Media   恩典區 Gràcia
  • 空閒路線
  • 三藩市
    San Francisco
  • 阿姆斯特丹
  • 高達 up to
    1 kg
  • ZEE
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「七月十号出发」
    Departing on July 10th
  • 正招遞送員
  • 撒尿詩
    Pee Poems

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 香港觀塘
    Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 慢遞招募發布

  • 「剛剛在你們網頁下單了《撒尿詩》,後面發現你們的更新時間好像不是近期,想確定看看是否還能正常下單呢!」
    I just purchased _Pee Poems_ from your website, but discovered it doesn't seem to update immediately, would like to confirm if my order was well received or not!
  • HQL-605
  • 「二(手)山(寨)」系列第2-7、9、13-18、23本
    SECOND(hand)MOUNTAIN(fortress) Series Volumes No. 2-7, 9, 13-18, 23

    相機食先 Camera Eats First

    A Better Life for the Workers

    Dark Fluid

    A Manual: How to Bribe a Cop in Columbia

    The Manual for Domestic Robot: Keana-35® (Hong Kong)

    『目錄 CATALOGUE』No. 04

    Socialist Realism

    Black in Asia

    ZARA (Ocean No Nothing)
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 倫敦 London
    經由 VIA
    蘇黎世 Zürich
    巴塞羅那 Barcelona
  • 運輸時間
    2 months,20 days,18 hours,39 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each (23 books)
  • 廖文熙 Wenxi LIAO
  • 到達

    2024-06-14,20:22 UTC+01


  • 2024-06-14,17:00 UTC+01:
    慢遞員廖先生定下出席參加放映活動作為最後的慢遞目的地,在Asymmetry基金會的總部; 活動後他去空間辦公室放緩件HQL-605,卻發現這辦公室正在裝修,所以他交給辦公室員工代之
    COURIER Mr. LIAO decides to attend one of the screenings at the final delivery destination, headquarters of the Asymmetry Foundation; after the event he goes to space's office to leave dispatch HQL-605 but discovers that the office is under renovation, so he hands over to office staff instead

    2024-06-07,18:30 UTC+01:
    After arrival in London, Mr. LIAO promptly begins scheduling an appointment with RECEIVER in order to arrange final delivery; unfortunately, she is now away, but informs Mr. LIAO of two events where he may drop off the books instead

    2024-06-07,早上 morning UTC+02:
    Courier Mr. LIAO has endured a 6-hour endurance challenge at the airport in Barcelona, successfully making his flight back to London

    2024-06-06,21:15 UTC+02:
    Back in Barcelona for one evening, courier Mr. LIAO is free in the evening and accepts the invitation from courier Ms. PORTABLE to make a handover at a k-pop dance performance in Auditorio ONCE near Plaza de España; neither of them have a ticket, but manage with their charm to get in for free; handover successful

    2024-06-02,17:39 UTC+02:
    Couriers Ms. PORTABLE and Mr. LIAO meet outside of Lesseps station in the Gràcia neighbourhood where Ms. PORTABLE is staying so that Mr. LIAO can view the publications and decide what he would be able to bring to London when flying with only carry-on luggage capacity; during their meeting, Mr. LIAO shares that he will be visiting Valencia before returning, so in order to avoid excess carrying, they decide to postpone the handover until Mr. LIAO returns to Barcelona for his flight; the two enjoy their first seafood paella instead

    2024-05-24,15:10 UTC+01:
    RECEIVER finds a first courier for dispatch HQL-605, which is big enough that it will most likely need to be branch dispatched later; for now, RECEIVER introduces new courier Mr. LIAO, who is a courier and operator of Pidigin Library in London; Mr. LIAO will arrive to Barcelona on the Friday the 31st; plans are made for a courier handover to happen over the weekend

    The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro SÁNCHEZ, confirms that the Council of Ministers have approved the recognition of the State of Palestine: This is a historic decision with a single objective: to help Israelis and Palestinians reach peace. Recognition of the State of Palestine is not only a matter of historical justice to the legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine. It is also an urgent necessity if we are all to achieve peace.

    2024-05-21,11:33 UTC+02:
    慢遞員易拎小姐與緩件HQL-601, HQL-602HQL-603,和行李裡的 HQL-604落地;HQL-606在她肩上的背包中的一個小紙盒裡;一些延誤後,她到了她將在接下來待三週的公寓,HQL-601 等待轉運至倫敦
    Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives with dispatches HQL-601, HQL-602, HQL-603 and HQL-606 in her luggage; HQL-605 is inside a small cardboard box which is inside a backpack which is on her shoulder; after a bit of delay, she arrives at the flat where she will stay for the next three weeks, HQL-601 awaiting relay to London

    2024-05-20,between 23:50 UTC+08 and 2024-05-21 08:50 UTC +02:
    在空中,何易拎小姐寫了9封電郵,其3靠蘇黎世的歪富愛發送,剩下則在到達巴塞羅那後送出;她還觀影了《美國小說》,一個作家諷刺玩笑般,在當前後-黑命攸關時代給白人的需好來寫作某種”黑“故事;當然書成為暢銷,他不能拒絕,因為他需要錢來幫助照顧他受苦於阿滋海默症的媽媽;期間何小姐並不真的認為這電影很好看,但她感激裡面許多聰明有理的對話 ——「我很感激他們在嘗試做」;她經常思考「如何解決」的問題,特別鑒於近來在她生活中出現的大量誤解和交流的小事故;當電影主角用手機跟他的出版社談話,試圖在一個後種族世界解決當代美國黑人生活的問題時,一個白人搶到他前面,攔走了他的出租車;易拎小姐看片時,她點了份牛肉米飯並被乘務員告知需要等待;她沒收到她的塑料餐盤(和意麵一起)直到其它人都吃完飛機餐並被收走他們的餐盤;這電影在繼續
    While in air, Ms. PORTABLE writes nine e-mails, three of which are sent with wi-fi in Zürich, and the rest to be sent after arrival in Barcelona; she also watches one film called American Fiction, which is about an author who, as a sarcastic joke, writes the kind of 'black' story that white people need to consume in the current post-Black Lives Matter era; of course, the book becomes a hit, and he cannot say no because he needs the money to help take care of his Alzheimer's-stricken mother; while Ms. PORTABLE does not actually think the film is excellent overall, she appreciates many of the clever and en pointe dialogues——"i appreciate what they were trying to do"; she thinks often about the question of 'how to address', especially in light of the great deal of misunderstandings and mishaps of communication that have been occurring in her life lately; as the protagonist of the film talks on his mobile phone to his publisher, trying to address contemporary Black American life in a post-racist world, a white man walks in front of him and takes his cab; as Ms. PORTABLE watches the film, she orders the meal of beef with rice and is told by the flight attendant to wait; she does not receive her plastic tray (with pasta) until after everyone else has already finished eating and their trays have been cleared; the movie continues

    Courier Ms. PORTABLE departs from Hong Kong on 15-hour SwissAir journey to Barcelona with a 55-minute layover in Zürich; upon check-in, she was quite downtrodden to discover that there were no more window or aisle seats available, and she would have to be squeezed between other passengers for the long flight; however, upon arriving at her assigned row 32, the man in the aisle asks if it would be possible to change seats with either himself or the woman seated next to the window, because they are travelling together; Ms. PORTABLE is so happy and chooses the window seat, leaning her head against the chilly, reinforced plastic window as the plane takes off
  • 倫敦田 London Fields   堡門貝利 Bromley-by-Bow   路途中 En route   聖安托尼 Sant Antoni   恩典區 Gràcia
  • HQL-607
  • 絕情種
    Cold Hearted

  • 廣州海珠區轉運站
    Haizhu District Relay Centre
  • 首爾
  • 運輸時間

    1 month,22 days,17 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 陳逸飛 CHEN Yifei
    子野人驚詫 Surprised Savage
    Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO
  • 到達

    2024-06-13,16:49 UTC+9


  • 2024-06-13,16:49 UTC+9:
    Dispatch HQL-607 successfully delivered; RECEIVER brings the package to join the reference library of Seoul Museum of Art

    2024-06-13,14:40 UTC+9:
    在等待與收件人取得聯繫的指示期間,慢遞員陳先生提出他也可以放HQL-607在比如Book Society書店,以防沒有足夠的時間分開見收件人交收;然而,他發現他收件人實際上是Book Society的創始人 😂
    While waiting for instructions about reaching his RECEIVER, COURIER CHEN Yifei offers to leave the book at Book Society in case there isn't enough time for him to make a proper meeting; he founds out, however, that his RECEIVER is in fact the founder of Book Society 😂

    Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO:COURIER Yifei has already arrived to Seoul

    慢遞員逸飛微信慢遞員子野人驚詫:「到廣州了~」;老楊「歡迎回家:)我在地鐵裡,還有十多站」;逸飛「好的👌我還在滑行,還沒出飛機」;07:28 逸飛「我在出發層三樓,國際港澳台這邊值機的P和N之間」;07:39 子野人驚詫 「我走過來了」;子野人驚詫與逸飛聊天到08:05分手,逸飛去等候登機,子野人驚詫於09:59返回到深井村,路過荷花池的時候偶遇廣州難得的陽光灑照,池中荷葉正初長
    COURIER CHEN Yifei messages COURIER Surprised Savage, "Arrived in Guangzhou~"; Surprised Savage says "Welcome home :)I am in the subway, there are more than ten stops left"; Yifei says, "Okay 👌 I am still coasting through, have not gotten off the plane yet"; 07:28 Yifei says, "I'm on the third floor of the departures level, between aisles P and N at International check-in for Hong Kong, Macao ,and Taiwan"; 07:39 Surprised Savage says, "I'm here”; Surprised Savage chats with Yifei until they parted ways at 08:05, and Yifei heads back in for boarding his flight to Seoul, and Surprised Savage returns to Shenjing Village by 09:59; when passing by the lotus pond, he encounters a rare sunshine in Guangzhou, and discovers lotus leaves in the pond just beginning to grow

    Surprised Savage leaves a message on Instagram to Yifei: "Finally verify the slow delivery information: Guangzhou time on the 11th, 8 a.m., meet at Baiyun Airport? Terminal No.? location"; Yifei says, "Okay, yes, Terminal 2, meet at the security checkpoint on the departure floor. I need to board the 9:30 flight before 9:00, so it’s safer to go through security before 8:30”; Surprised Savage sees that the first subway does not depart until almost 6:30, so it won’t arrive before 8 o’clock; he decides to take a taxi to Wansheng so that he can arrive on time

    Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO UPDATE:Okay, I will contact you when I arrive to Changzhou"; at about 16:30, she arrives to Surprised Savage's home, finishes handing over dispatch HQL-607, visiting Prickly Paper partners along the way

    Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO contacts Surprised Savage: "Hello, Surprised Savage! Are you at home this afternoon? I will courier the book to you", and Surprised Savage replies, "Hello Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO, this afternoon I’m home, and two of my friends will be here as well

    2024-06-08, 01:51:
    Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO UPDATE: "I'm here~ Confirming with COURIER Yifei"

    慢遞員子野人驚詫群里發消息:「確認一下要送去廣州機場給陳逸飛的慢件內容、交接地點、包裝物等」,16:59,土瓜灣轉運站回:「書在廣州轉運站姑婆那裡」;19:40 子野人驚詫:「廣州轉運站姑婆近日在廣州嗎,可以請她打包好給我?展覽很近了,我可以11日起早去機場,但沒有另一個小半天時間進城取書了」
    COURIER Surprised Savage sends a message to the Display Distribute group: "Please confirm the content, handover location, packaging, etc. of the dispatch to be sent to Guangzhou Airport for courier CHEN Yifei"; at 16:59, Tokwawan Relay Centre picks up with: "The book is with Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO"; at 19:40, Surprised Savage replies, "Is Guangzhou Relay Centre GUPO in Guangzhou these days? Can you please pack it for me? I have an exhibition soon, so quite busy; I can get up early on the 11th to deliver at the airport, but I'm afraid I won't have another half day to go into the city to pick it up.
  • 鐘路區 Jongno-gu   路途中 En Route   廣州白雲機場 Baiyun Airport   深井 Shenjing   海聯路 Hailian Road
  • 空閒路線
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 廣州 Guangzhou
    和或者 AND/OR
    北京 Beijing
  • 高達 up to
    3 kg
  • 黃燜雞
    Braised Chicken
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • HQL-604
  • Publishing as Method: Ways of Working Together in Asia
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 波多 Porto
    經由 VIA
    蘇黎世 Zürich
    巴塞羅那 Barcelona
    里斯本 Lisbon
    馬賽 Marseilles
  • 運輸時間

    75 days,14 hours,36 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • Filipa OLIVEIRA
  • 到達

    2024-06-08,17:19 UTC+02


  • 2024-06-09,17:53 UTC+02:
    大家好, 你們這本書很好,昨天已經送到我手上了。我再次向你們表示感謝。我也給你們發一張這本書在波爾圖家中的照片
    Dear all,
    Your great book was delivered to me yesterday. Once again, I thank you all. I'm also sending you an image of the book at home, in Porto.
    It was great to meet you.
    All the best,

    2024-06-08,17:19 UTC+02:
    緩件號HQL-604派送成功,慢遞員OLIVEIRA女士還透露,途中還經過馬賽轉運: 「該書於6月3日從巴塞羅那運往里斯本,6日從里斯本運往馬賽,8日從馬賽運往波爾圖,並在波爾圖交付給A (M)」
    Dispatch HQL-604 successfully delivered, with a bonus reveal from courier OLIVEIRA that a relay through Marseilles had happened along the way: "The book traveled from Barcelona to Lisbon on the 3rd of June, from Lisbon to Marseilles on the 6th and from Marseilles to Porto on the 8th where it was delivered to A (M)"

    2024-06-08,10:39 UTC+02:

    我會在到達時聯繫你。我會去看在Serralves的展覽然後去Portus Call酒店。


    Dear M

    I will call you when I arrive. I will go to see the exhibitions at Serralves and then will go to Portus Calle hotel.

    All the best

    2024-06-08,09:35 UTC+02:


    Dear Filipa,
    Thank you for your email. Yes, I'll be in Porto today and we can meet to receive the book. I'll be with family during the afternoon without a specific place yet. But if you tell me where you will be I can make arrangements in order to meet you. You can also use my phone number to make it easier.

    See you later.
    All the best,

    2024-06-08,00:42 UTC+02:
    慢遞員OLIVEIRA與收件人之間的聯繫已成功建立,慢遞員並提供轉運詳細信息: 「我明天(週六)到波多,周日早上離開。我可以把書派送給你嗎? 我將在下午1點半到達」;交流中也發現收件人像好多慢遞員一樣有多個名字
    Contact between courier OLIVEIRA and RECEIVER successfully established, along with pending relay details: "I’ll be in Porto tomorrow (Saturday) and will Leave Sunday morning. Could I deliver the book to you? I arrive at 1.30 in the afternoon"; it is also revealed that RECEIVER, similar to many LIGHT LOGISTICS couriers, has multiple names

    2024-06-03,早上 morning UTC+02:
    Due to her early morning departure for the office, courier OLIVEIRA picks up dispatch HQL-604 in the kitchen of her temporary residence in Barcelona, where it has been slipped in for her by courier PORTABLE; she will be leaving for Porto directly from the office after work

    西班牙政府總統佩德羅・桑切斯確認,部長會議已批准承認巴勒斯坦國: 「這是一項歷史性決定,其唯一目標是幫助以色列人和巴勒斯坦人實現和平。承認巴勒斯坦國不僅是對巴勒斯坦人民合法願望的歷史公正。如果我們要實現和平,承認巴勒斯坦國也是當務之急」
    The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro SÁNCHEZ, confirms that the Council of Ministers have approved the recognition of the State of Palestine: This is a historic decision with a single objective: to help Israelis and Palestinians reach peace. Recognition of the State of Palestine is not only a matter of historical justice to the legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine. It is also an urgent necessity if we are all to achieve peace.

    2024-05-21,11:33 UTC+02:
    Courier Ms. PORTABLE lands in Barcelona with dispatches HQL-604, HQL-601, HQL-603, and HQL-602 in her luggage; HQL-606 is inside a small cardboard box which is inside a backpack which is on her shoulder; after a bit of delay, she arrives at the flat where she will stay for the next three weeks, HQL-604 awaiting relay to Porto

    2024-05-20,between 23:50 UTC+08 - 2024-05-21 08:50 UTC +02 之間:
    在飛機上,易拎小姐寫了九封電子郵件,其中三封是在蘇黎世機場用無線網絡發送的,其餘的將在抵達巴塞羅那後發送;她還看了一部名為《美國小說》的電影,這部電影講述的是一位作家,作為一個諷刺性的笑話寫了白人在當前後Black Lives Matter的時代需要消費的那種「黑人故事」;當然,這本書大受歡迎,他無法拒絕,因為他需要錢來幫助照顧他患有老年痴呆症的母親;雖然慢遞員實際上並不認為這部電影整體上非常出色,但她欣賞許多巧妙而到位的對話:「很欣賞他們的努力」;她經常思考「如何面對」這個問題,尤其是考慮到最近生活中出現的大量誤解和溝通失誤; 當影片主人公用手機與他的出版商通話,試圖探討後種族主義世界中的當代美國黑人生活時,一個白人男子從他面前走過,搶走了他的出租車;當易拎觀看影片時,她點了一份牛肉飯,空乘人員讓她稍等——直到其他人都吃完了,托盤都已被收走,多問了兩位空乘人員,她才拿到塑料托盤(裝著意大利面);影片繼續進行
    While in air, Ms. PORTABLE writes nine e-mails, three of which are sent with wi-fi in Zürich, and the rest to be sent after arrival in Barcelona; she also watches one film called American Fiction, which is about an author who, as a sarcastic joke, writes the kind of 'black' story that white people need to consume in the current post-Black Lives Matter era; of course, the book becomes a hit, and he cannot say no because he needs the money to help take care of his Alzheimer's-stricken mother; while Ms. PORTABLE does not actually think the film is excellent overall, she appreciates many of the clever and en pointe dialogues——"I appreciate what they were trying to do"; she thinks often about the question of 'how to address', especially in light of the great deal of misunderstandings and mishaps of communication that have been occurring in her life lately; as the protagonist of the film talks on his mobile phone to his publisher, trying to address contemporary Black American life in a post-racist world, a white man walks in front of him and takes his cab; as Ms. PORTABLE watches the film, she orders the meal of beef with rice and is told by the flight attendant to wait; she does not receive her plastic tray (with pasta) until after everyone else has already finished eating and their trays have been cleared; the movie continues

    Courier Ms. PORTABLE departs from Hong Kong on 15-hour SwissAir journey to Barcelona with a 55-minute layover in Zürich; upon check-in, she was quite downtrodden to discover that there were no more window or aisle seats available, and she would have to be squeezed between other passengers for the long flight; however, upon arriving at her assigned row 32, the man in the aisle asks if it would be possible to change seats with either himself or the woman seated next to the window, because they are travelling together; Ms. PORTABLE is so happy and chooses the window seat, leaning her head against the chilly, reinforced plastic window as the plane takes off
  • 博阿维斯塔 Av. da Boavista   路途中 En route   恩典區 Gràcia
  • 空閒路線
  • 溫哥華
  • 台北 Taipei
    和或者 AND/OR
    香港 Hong Kong
  • 高達 up to
    3 kg
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「7月21從溫哥華出發,23號到台北,在香港留到8月15日」
    Leaving on July 21 from Vancouver, arriving Taipei July 23, staying in HK 'til Aug 15
  • 空閒路線
  • 上海
  • 阿姆斯特丹
  • 高達 up to
    5 kg
  • 一娃
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「9月初左右」
    will make the trip in the beginning of September
  • HQL-576
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 柏林 Berlin
    經由 VIA
    倫敦 London
  • 五本
    5 copies
  • Suvi RAUTIO
    小孫 SiuSOON
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT

  • 2024-05-24,19:42 UTC+01:
    慢遞員RAUTIO更新:「現在在海牙!有關於我到達柏林後如何處理這些書的信息嗎?理想情況下,我希望在抵達後的頭幾天(即5月27 日或28日)將書快遞出去」
    COURIER RAUTIO UPDATE:In the Hague now! Do you have any info on what I can do with the books when I arrive in Berlin? Ideally I'd like to courier the books sometime over the first few days after my arrival (ie, on May 27 or 28)

    2024-05-10,14:00 UTC+01:
    After a few scheduling hurdles, couriers JOY and Ms. RAUTIO make a successful London handover: We had delicious Thai lunch on a surprisingly hot London day and discussed many themes primarily linked to home and belonging

    2024-04-25,13:22 UTC+01:
    COURIER Ms. RAUTIO UPDATE:Turns out we were living very close to one another, but I moved out of that flat yesterday and we were both too busy to meet

    2024-04-18,20:49 UTC+01:
    慢遞員RAUTIO小姐來信息說她5月22日將從倫敦去荷蘭和柏林出差,可以接緩件號HQL-576並跟慢遞員JOY聯絡:「你好JOY!我在倫敦北部,在Camden,Gospel Oak旁邊。可是我下個禮拜要搬到東部West Ham,你住在哪裡?期待你的來信!~suvi」
    Courier Suvi RAUTIO reports that she will be leaving 22 May from London to go to Holland and Berlin for work, available for picking up dispatch HQL-576; she makes contact with courier JOY to arrange a handover: "Hello JOY! I am in North London, in Camden right next to Gospel Oak. However, I am moving to the east end to West Ham next week. Whereabouts do you live? I look forward to hearing from you! ~suvi"

    2024-03-22,08:11 UTC+0:
    Courier SiuSOON INQUIRY:Met JOY yesterday and talked about what's the next step. Just want to double-check the next step. JOY would need to pass the parceI to me, and then I pass to the people in Berlin? I will go there in June, is that ok? So if I am the courier next time then I will meet her again for getting the package.

    下午在紅磡辦完事,在土瓜灣著名的甘露甜品下午茶後,JOY拜訪了展銷場的土瓜灣轉運中心,再和小孫報告:「我收到了一本關於這個項目的書,回到倫敦同你分享;)很高興見到慢遞員;我接下來的行程是:曼谷 30/1-5/2、吉隆坡 21-25/2、新加坡 25-28/2,然後三月初返回倫敦
    After a meeting in Hung Hom and then an afternoon dessert at nearby Kam Lo, JOY visits the Tokwawan Relay Centre and reports back to SiuSOON: "I received a book about the project. Let me share with you when I'm back in London ;)Great meeting the LIGHT LOGISTICIAN; my upcoming travel dates are BKK 30/1-5/2, KL 21-25/2, SG 25-28/2, then heading back to London early March

    新「後勤」慢遞員JOY,是曾經做過展銷場收件人後變身成慢遞員的小孫(HQL-488HQL-490HQL-522)介紹過來的,並且當JOY將 HQL-576慢遞回倫敦時,所有力量都將聯合起來:JOY將分享她在土瓜灣轉運中心的收穫,也會直接把慢遞交給小孫來轉到柏林
    New LIGHT LOGISTICS courier JOY is connected by previous RECEIVER turned COURIER Siusoon (HQL-488, HQL-490, HQL-522), and it turns out that all forces will unite when JOY brings dispatch HQL-576 back to London: she will share her Tokwawan Relay Centre harvest and relay the dispatch to SiuSOON for further couriering to Berlin
  • 大罗素街 Great Russell Street   卡姆登區 Camden Town   土瓜灣 Tokwawan  
  • HQL-533
  • Chuăng No. 1
  • 香港屯門轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tuen Mun Relay Centre
  • 休斯敦 Houston
    經由 VIA
    曼谷 Bangkok
    艾哈邁達巴德 Ahmedabad
    孟買 Mumbai
    紐約 New York
    達拉斯 Dallas
  • 運輸時間

    11 months, 21 days, 10 hours, 33 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 傻麗 sawLAI
    Elaine W. HO
  • 到達

    2024-04-28,20:02 UTC-05


  • 2024-04-28,20:14 UTC-05:
    COURIER sawLAI UPDATE:Just met L and gave him the book. Other pictures will be tomorrow, it’s been raining all evening

    2024-04-24,11:32 UTC-05::
    RECEIVER and COURIER sawLAI finally establish contact, and as COURIER is only passing through Houston for the night on her way to Galveston, RECEIVER kindly offers: If the courier prefers I can come to them, they can set up a meeting favorable to them and the area of Houston they’ll be at; handover point subsequently scheduled for the lobby of COURIER sawLAI's hotel at 8 pm on 28 April

    在前兩次嘗試無果後,再次聯繫收件人,告知慢遞員傻麗即將會有新旅行到休斯敦可以派送HQL-533: 「哇,時間過得真快,我們還在試著聯繫你!」;派送仍處於達拉斯的邊緣狀態
    RECEIVER is contacted again with news of courier sawLAI's upcoming travel to Houston again after two previous attempts without reply: "Wow, time passes so fast, still trying to get in touch with you!"; dispatch still in Dallas limbo

    2023-08-01,21:44 UTC-05:




    Dear L,

    Finally some updates on your order, see here! We have one courier who will travel from Dallas to Houston around the end of September - beg October, but if you know anyone else who may make the journey before that, we can arrange a relay, just let me know!

    Hope you are keeping hydrated this summer!

    Best wishes, PORTABLE

    2023-07-31,18:52 UTC-5:
    Touch down at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, courier Ms. HO is very tired

    2023-07-31,07:25 UTC-4:
    Arrival at New York's JFK airport with an unusually smooth entry through US customs, followed by an airport train from terminal 1 to terminal 8, where there are no chairs to rest upon until after she checks in for the last leg towards Texas

    2023-07-30,17:35 UTC+5:30:
    Departure via Air India from Ahmedabad to New York, with a 6.5-hour layover in Mumbai

    2023-07-26,半夜 late night UTC+5:30:
    Courier Ms. HO's first trip to India has been made possible by a Hong Kong Arts Development Council sponsorship of a panel presentation at the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference in Ahmedabad; unfortunately, sour relations between China and India mean that 6-7 other co-presenters for her panel are unable to obtain visas to India, so Ms. HO is left alone, flustered at a crowded airport with hundreds of eyes staring at the out-of-place, yellow-skinned visitor; thankfully, she runs into a few Thai passengers from her flight who will be attending the same conference, and they offer to share their airport pick-up car with her to take her to her hotel

    2023-07-25,下午 afternoon UTC+7:
    Courier Ms. HO's transit flight to Bangkok is delayed, creating a bit of stress in anticipation of a short layover jaunt into the city for a work meeting before catching the next flight to Ahmedabad; this is made doubly stressful by the very contemporary anxiety of not having a proper internet connection upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi Airport

    RECEIVER REPLY:I would absolutely love to get the last copy regardless of its condition, I’m so grateful and appreciative of your support and response regarding the order. Thank you and take all the time you need to arrange the delivery of the book. If this is all still not possible, I can just content myself with the PDF documents on Chuăng’s website. Thank you so much and have a good a day.

    您好 親愛的L,






    您好 dear L,

    We received your order, thank you very much! Unfortunately, it turns out to be a bit of awkward timing, because a few extra copies of Chuăng had only just been discovered in our backstock a couple of weeks ago, and we sold them all at the art book fair in Hong Kong just the weekend before your placed your order, before we had time to update the website to list them as sold out again.

    So we don't have any copies available! I remember that you were interested to purchase Chuăng 1 way back when you ordered number 2, so in apologies for our not very operable distro, I'd like to ask if you would be interested to have the last remaining copy of Chuăng 1 (from our own archive), the cover of which is sun faded and damaged. The inside pages are all fine.

    If you don't mind to wait for LIGHT LOGISTICS feral couriering, we may have a travel to Texas over the summer and can arrange to get it to you then free of cost. But because we really don't make money with this distro, if you'd like to have it shipped directly from Hong Kong, I will have to ask you to cover the postage costs.

    Let us know what you think, and thank you for checking in with us again!

    Greetings from your friendly LIGHT LOGISTICIAN,
  • 西北 NW/Willowbrook
      路途中 En route   肯尼迪國際機場 JFK Airport   孟買 Mumbai   艾哈邁達巴德 Ahmedabad   曼谷 Bangkok   香港 Hong Kong
  • HQL-589
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 柏林 Berlin
    經由 VIA
    深圳 Shenzhen
    珠海 Zhuhai
  • 運輸時間

    32 days, 1 hour, 40 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    2 copies
  • 到達

    2024-04-12,17:20 UTC+01


  • 2024-04-25,18:25 UTC +01:
    慢遞員~DONALD回覆詢問:「Hello 東西早就交給她啦,忘記跟你們說了😂。4月12日下午5點20遞送成功」
    COURIER ~DONALD UPDATE:hello, the dispatch has already been delivered to her, just forgot updated you 😂. It was successfully handed over on 12 April at 5:20 in the afternoon

    2024-04-11,10:44 UTC + 02:
    慢遞員~DONALD更新:「4月9update 帶著慢遞吃了頓自助,算是給它上路前的送行飯了;4月10,11 從廣州飛往北京,在飛往柏林,平安落地。不過在柏林被海關開箱了,他們還盯著這本奇怪包裝的書看了半天😂。 目前慢遞平安到達,只差最後一步派送交接了」
    COURIER ~DONALD UPDATE:9 April update, I brought the dispatch to eat seafood buffet together, something like a goodbye dinner. On the 10th-11th of April I flew from Guangzhou to Beijing, and then onwards to Berlin, have now safely arrived. My luggage was opened by customs in Berlin, however, and they stared at this strangley packaged dispatch for a long time 😂. For now, everything is safe, and the only step left is to make the final handover

    慢遞員~DONALD更新:「不是特別瞭解慢遞的這個類似於日誌一樣的東西該怎樣去寫,於是就乾脆把東西帶在身上,這樣也算是一個奇妙的慢遞之旅,和其他從寄出到簽收大多數時間只能呆在黑漆漆的集裝箱或貨運工廠的包裹不同,它算是一個見過世面的慢遞了。下面的照片是 在玻璃防護罩上睡覺的海牛 得了白化病的魚 鋪天蓋地的蝠鱝 以及似乎得了抑鬱症 漫無目的轉圈圈的北極熊」
    COURIER ~DONALD UPDATE:Not totally sure if this kind of diary update is suitable for this slow delivery, but I've simply just carried dispatch HQL-589 on me, so it's like a wonderful trip different from other packages which stay for most of the time in a dark shipping container or relay warehouse; this dispatch can see the world. Below are a picture of a manatee sleeping on the glass barrier, a school of albino fish, an overwhelming number of manta rays, and a polar bear wandering aimlessly around seemingly depressed.

    COURIER ~DONALD UPDATE:Have arrived in Shenzhen on a sweltering hot day with no rain, but the icy blue colour of this package strap is a little bit cooler 🩵💙; will depart on the evening of the 10th

    New LIGHT LOGISTICS courier ~DONALD has arrived to the relay centre at the behest of the RECEIVER of HQL-589; he happens to be in Hong Kong to do some shopping and passes through Tokwawan to pick up the dispatch after strolling in Mongkok; scheduled to return to Shenzhen later in the evening
  • 微信 WeChat   柏林某處 Somewhere in Berlin   廣州 Guangzhou   長龍海洋世界 Chimelong Ocean Kingdom   珠海横琴港口 Hengqin Port   南山區 Nanshan District   土瓜灣 Tokwawan
  • HQL-587
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 布魯克林 Brooklyn
    經由 VIA
    上海 Shanghai
    北京 Beijing
  • 運輸時間

    21 days, 3 hours, 5 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • Danielle A. JACKSON
    大雨相 lß
  • 到達

    2024-04-16,15:19 UTC-04


  • 2024-04-16,15:19 UTC-04:
    RECEIVER REPORT:Apologies for the delayed response but yes, I got the book!! Thanks so much again for working that out and meeting with Danielle :) Best, N

    在遞送緩件號HQL-586的同一天,慢遞員大雨相和易拎,當天的慢遞團隊,在港島度過一個休閒的下午;在前往Empty畫廊參加藝術家表演夜之前,她們先逛了幾家書店,晚上去香港仔找新慢遞員 Danielle A. JACKSON會面;JACKSON小姐是收件人的同事,她剛好來到香港參加Empty的活動並轉道中國拜訪幾位藝術家;Empty畫廊空間相當昏暗,但有氣泡酒為交接儀式增添光彩
    On the same day as delivering HQL-586, couriers lß and PORTABLE, on team duty, spend a casual afternoon on Hong Kong island visiting a few bookshops before heading to an evening of artist performances at Empty Gallery, where they are scheduled to meet new courier Danielle A. JACKSON, who has been enlisted by her colleague, the RECEIVER of HQL-586; courier JACKSON is visiting Hong Kong for the first time for the Empty Gallery event and to make studio visits around Hong Kong and the mainland; the space is quite dark and atmospheric, but there's sparkling wine to light up the handover
  • 曼哈頓下城 Lower Manhattan   田灣 Tin Wan   上環 Sheung Wan
  • 空閒路線
  • 香港 Hong Kong
    和或者 AND/OR
    吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
  • 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
    和或者 AND/OR
    香港 Hong Kong
  • 高達 up to
    2-3 kg
  • CLAR
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「我即將4月23日往吉隆坡出發,5月2日回香港。有什麼需要帶的跟我說一下,我應該可以帶3本左右(1-2公斤)」
    I will be leaving for KL on the 23rd of April, and coming back to Hong Kong on May 2. Let me know if there is anything that needs to moving, I can probably do up to 3 volumes ( 1-2 kg)
  • HQL-457
  • 招牌

  • 香港屯門轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tuen Mun Relay Centre
  • 馬薩諸塞州劍橋
    Cambridge, MA
    經由 VIA
    新加坡 Singapore
    紐約 New York
    纽黑文 New Haven
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each
  • นนท์
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-04-13,03:23 UTC-04:
    收件人更新:「我還沒有見到 NON 😅,他當時忙於參加的討論會。我們原計劃在我工作的地方(新開的韓國餐廳和酒吧)見面,但他沒能成行。我想,NON 有很多事情要做,而且他反正也沒有帶上書。新店開張後,我也忙得不可開交。我計劃本月底或五月初去一趟紐約,所以希望能在路上經由康涅狄格州,也許到時候能見到 NON。一旦對自己的日程安排和出城能力有了更多瞭解,我會再聯繫!」
    RECEIVER UPDATE: I did not meet NON yet 😅 they were very busy with the conference. We planned to meet at my work place (new Korean restaurant and cocktail bar) but they weren’t able to make it. I think there was quite a lot going for NON and they didn’t have the package with them in any case. I’ve also been so busy with this new place opening. I plan to head to NYC end of the month/beginning of May so I hope to stop along the way in CT and maybe see NON then. I’ll be in touch once I know more about my schedule and ability to leave town!

    2024-03-26,22:10 UTC-04:

    很遺憾聽到你的工作情況,LY。希望你現在的情況有所好轉。我這週末要去劍橋參加一個會議,可以把你的訂單轉給你。請隨時通過 Whatsapp 聯繫我: +1 929 XXX XXXX。

    Hi LY,

    Sorry to hear about the job situation, LY. Hope you are in a better place now. I'm headed to Cambridge for a conference this weekend and can pass you your order. Feel free to Whatsapp me: +1 929 XXX XXXX.

    Thanks and hope you are well,

    2023-08-28,00:04 UTC-04:


    9月6-11日要離開 ,9月12-30日又在波士頓。



    Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. I was laid off at the end of July and still looking for a job. Very stressful times and trying to find solutions… and also find my head again!

    I am in Boston right now and will be here for another nine days.

    I’m out of town: 06/09 to 11/09.
    In town again 12/09 to 30/09.

    Will you be in Boston within this window?
    I will message you on WhatsApp tomorrow!


    2023-07-05,UTC +08 + UTC-12:
    WeChat communique established between one of the Display Distribute LIGHT LOGISTICIANs and the receiver, seems like a new friendship in the works

    COURIER NON UPDATE:I am now briefly in Singapore (like on weekends), I just moved from Jakarta/Bandung to Bangkok for fieldwork, and will be here for a month; will be back in New Haven in August







    After extended delay, contact finally established with receiver, who writes:
    Oh my goodness! What a good sign! Wow wow, that’s amazing. Thank you so much for taking my book on such a traveling adventure! I will live vicariously through my book, I miss Hong Kong so much... have not been home in a really long time now!

    I am still in Cambridge... unfortunately I won’t be in New Haven any time soon.

    I do have a friend in New Haven... and maybe he will be so kind as to keep my book safe and pass it on to me at some point. You see, I’m traveling to Iceland in a few days and won’t be back until 8/9.

    I will ask my friend if he can hold my book for me. He works at DAE New Haven, a nonprofit arts education space. The space is at 770 Chapel St. Let me just confirm that he wants to help me before you drop it off there. How long will the courier-friend be in New Haven? I see some notes about a PhD August 16. Is that in New Haven? Even if the courier-friend might be able to drop off my book with my (soon to be courier-)friend (ha) I would really like to meet this international courier-friend sometime, and treat them to a meal.

    I am so touched that they carried my book on such a journey! Thank you so much for trying forever to get in touch with me.

    A million thank yous and hope we meet some day

    2022-12-22,11:44 UTC-05:
    慢遞員นนท์更新:「我好像把它 [HQL-457] 留在香港了,但是我一月份還會去拜訪一下,到時候可以帶」
    COURIER NON UPDATE:I think I left [dispatch HQL-457] in HK but I am visiting in January and will bring it then

    2022-08-29,22:50 UTC-04:
    慢遞員นนท์更新:「抱起一直沒有我的消息,我這幾個星期一直在路上:香港 —> 新加坡 —> 紐約 —> 纽黑文;我現在已經在紐黑文安頓好了」
    COURIER NON UPDATE:So sorry for the radio silence, I have been moving between HK —> SG —> NY —>NH the past few weeks and it has been rather intense; I am all settled now in New Haven

    Dispatches HQL-456 and HQL-457 join courier Mr. NON for his departure from Hong Kong after finishing a history degree; he will pass through Singapore in July before jumping on to a PhD in the United States on 16 August
  • 劍橋 Cambridge   微信 WeChat   九龍城 Kowloon City
  • HQL-583
  • 《致朋友 To My Friends

    Shifting the Angle of Shine
  • 紐約
    New York
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 運輸時間

    44 days, 22 hours, 28 minutes

    1 筒 tube
    1 本 copy
  • 到達



  • 2024-04-09,23:13:
    PORTABLE has loitered long enough with dispatch HQL-583 and is determined to finally meet with RECEIVER Jiney before she heads to Beijing for other couriering duties; while placing dispatch HQL-583 in her backpack, she realises that there is another dispatch request for Jiney, a special tube named To My Friends, and packs it it together with Shifting the Angle of Shine; this Tuesday evening, PORTABLE will be in Sham Shui Po for a monthly reading group session, and Jiney will be in Tai Kok Tsui for a bit of work; they settle on meeting near Dragon Centre at the border between Sham Shui Po and Cheung Sha Wan, but somehow miss one another and Jiney ends up at the Sham Shui Po Black Window reading group space after PORTABLE has already left; fortunately it's all a nice evening walk, and courier PORTABLE, Jiney, and another friend enjoy late-night dessert in Cheung Sha Wan as their handover point; by closing time at the dessert shop, they are still talking and head over to a nearby late-night Thai snacks stall for a post-dessert meal of fried rice and skewers

    RECEIVER Jiney invites courier PORTABLE to a meeting with guests from Shanghai to talk about self-organised community spaces, which seems to be the perfect opportunity for PORTABLE to bring dispatch HQL-583 to her, and she does, but the meeting is quite full and PORTABLE and Jiney don't really get a chance to talk with one another, so PORTABLE thinks she can hold on to the book for a few more days to finish reading some of the texts

    Courier PORTABLE lands in Hong Kong, RECEIVER will be contacted soon after sneaking a first peek at the contents of HQL-583

    2024-02-29,18:52 UTC-05:
    慢遞員CLOUDY小姐到慢遞員易拎在唐人街舉辦的活動,快速地轉了一圈後就找到易拎並把HQL-583給她;兩位稍微聊了一下,CLOUDY也介紹了yáo collaborative在世界各地的小組和他們在布魯克林合租的小空間;轉接成功,等待轉運
    Courier Ms. CLOUDY makes a quick spin into courier PORTABLE's event, tracking her down and handing over dispatch HQL-583 over a quick chit-chat introducing yáo collaborative and their shared workspace in Brooklyn; courier PORTABLE hopes she will have a chance to visit while she is in New York; handover successful, awaiting journey to Hong Kong

    2024-02-26,15:00 UTC-5:


    yáo collaborative member and new COURIER CLOUDY's reply:

    I can come this Thursday at 6pm to bring the book for Jiney—so thankful you can help us bring it over! Congrats on the event and see you soon.


    2024-02-25,11:52 UTC-5:
    你好囉 觸及膩、Q,





    Hallo ahlo Jiney and Q,

    thanks for putting us in touch! yes, i am here for a small book launch event and also couriering Display Distribute books as always, haha

    I've attached the information about the event here, if you would like to come would be lovely, but if not free, perhaps i can also pick up jiney's book from you next week, as i will be more free after the opening, staying in New York until the 11th.

    I will add a new route for this dispatch, Jiney, happy to courier back to you since you have carried for us so many times, hehe


    「嗨 Q,







    Writer-courier-now-receiver JINEY puts courier PORTABLE in touch a member of yáo collaborative:
    hi Q,

    I'm sorry for being so late in replying to this email, the reason I didn't leave a shipping address on Kickstarter is because I was trying to see if there was any chance of getting the book in a p2p (person-to-person) way.

    Luckily, my friend PORTABLE will be in New York until March 10th working on an exhibition, so she can help me bring the book back to Hong Kong.

    Therefore, I write this mail to both of you to discuss a convenient way to pick up the book. Many thanks for allowing me to buy the book via p2p.

    NY-HK #Shifting the Angle of Shine

    And a big thank you to PORTABLE! Congratulations on the exhibition and book launch!


    展銷場作者和一級「後勤」慢遞員觸及膩(HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494)發現慢遞員易拎正在紐約執行派送任務,於是她請求易拎從紐約慢遞一本從yáo collaborative訂購的出版物回香港: 「這麼巧哈哈沒有我只是隨意問問你方不方便幫我慢遞一本書回來,不方便也沒關係~~是爻 yáo collaborative的出版物,你知道她們喔?哈哈我不認識他們的人,不過前陣子因為沒有及時聯絡上他們杭州的印書團隊,所以他們現在把書都寄去歐美了(雖然也會再寄回來,不過我在想如果可以有人帶回來也可以,這樣帶回來的人也可以翻看看」
    When star LIGHT LOGISTICS courier and distro author Jiney CHU (HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494) finds out that courier PORTABLE is in New York on dispatch duties, she makes a request for her own dispatch from New York back to Hong Kong for a publication she ordered from yáo collaborative: What a coincidence ha ha, just wanted to ask if it would be convenient for you to courier one book back? If not, no worries~~It's a publication from yáo collaborative, do you know them? I don't know them haha, but I didn't contact them on time on time after the books were printed in Hangzhou and now they've already shipped everything to Europe and America (they would post it back to me, but I thought maybe it's nice if someone brings it back they can also have a read
  • 深水埗和長沙灣 Sham Shui Po and Cheung Sha Wan   油麻地 Yaumatei   土瓜灣 Tokwawan   路途中 En route   唐人街 Chinatown
  • HQL-568
  • Chỉ Bàn Lộn: Từ Điển Queer Và Tính Dục
    Queer & Sexuality Lexicon

  • 香港屯門轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tuen Mun Relay Centre
  • 墨爾本 Melbourne
    經由 VIA
    雪梨 Sydney
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-04-07,大概 around 11:45 UTC+11:
    慢遞員TIAN穿著注目的黃色雨衣抵達約瑟夫街保護區公園;她和收件人即刻交收就忘記拍照紀錄,但收件人回到家開心地分享了一張有她的 HQL-569和現在等待運的HQL-568 ;派送成功
    Courier TIAN arrives at Joseph Street Reserve park wearing an easy-to-spot yellow raincoat; she and RECEIVER have a swift exchange and forget photo documentation on site, but RECEIVER happily returns home and shares one image of both their own dispatch HQL-569 plus the now waiting relay HQL-568 ; handover successful

    2024-04-06,12:01 UTC+11:
    看到慢遞員TIAN滿滿的日程表,收件人選擇星期日早上在Box Hill碰面;兩位約好早上11:30在約瑟夫街保護區公園交收,TIAN會在巴士上發消息
    Checking courier TIAN's full schedule, courier GRACE opts for a Sunday morning meeting in Box Hill; they agree for 11:30 am at Joseph Street Reserve park, and TIAN will message when she's on the bus en route

    2024-04-04,21:13 UTC+11:

    星期日:白天Box Hill, 晚上Coburg


    Hey GRACE just wanted to check in about the books. My general movements over the next few days:

    Fri: North Melbourne
    Sat North Melbourne; Fed Square in the evening
    Sun: Box Hill during the day, Coburg in the evening
    Mon: Monash in the morning, then North Melbourne
    Tues: North Melbourne, then Brunswick East in the evening

    Not sure after that. I depart on Friday 12th

    2024-03-25,20:48 UTC+11:
    While HQL-568 was not intended as a relay for courier TIAN, the petite sizes of HQL-568 and HQL-569 along with the gracious generousity of the RECEIVER of HQL-569 means that TIAN can cover the journey of both dispatches to Melbourne, with HQL-569's RECEIVER becoming a future courier for the last leg of HQL-568 to another RECEIVER in Melbourne

    2024-03-23,12:24 UTC+11:
    Courier CAT and courier TIAN plan to meet up for a handover of HQL-569, but a small misunderstanding leads to both HQL-569 and HQL-568 being dropped off at the gallery TIAN works at, with CAT's disclaimer: Yay!!! also please ignore the pencil notes on the post-it, it’s some course notes from a reading 😂🙈

    2024-03-14,13:58 UTC+11:
    RECEIVER UPDATE:Hi I’m waiting for my order arriving Melbourne, Australia, and I'm sorry that I need to change my address for delivery, please let me know how can I make the changes? Also this LIGHT LOGISTICS seems a really interesting project! Can I apply to be part of the local courier? (if it’s needed) Cheers!

    2023-12-29,10:09 UTC+11:
    慢遞員更新:「你好!我正準備給你發郵件,因為我意識到由於時間衝突,我可能無法在一月份前往墨爾本——如果我接下來遇到比我更早去墨爾本的人,我可以安排這個人遞送嗎? 如果更方便的話,也可以通過IG聯繫到我」
    COURIER UPDATE:hello! i was about to email you since i realised i might not be able to make my trip to Melbourne in January due to schedule clashes - is it ok if i arrange for someone else to deliver if i next meet a person who will go to Melbourne sooner than me? also, i can be reached on IG as well if that’s more convenient

    Courier CAT is at the airport awaiting her flight to Sydney

    2023-12-04,after 22:00 後:
    展銷場作者和長期慢遞員觸及膩(HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494)介紹住在澳大利亞的CAT;CAT回到香港待一段時間再返雪梨,也打算1月份去墨爾本,所以很方便攬兩件慢遞,HQL-568還有HQL-569;交接的時候,觸及膩帶了一個肉桂捲來分享,把新的朋友都黏在一起了
    Display Distribute author and longtime courier Jiney CHU (HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494) introduces Australia-based courier CAT, who is back in Hong Kong for a spell before returning to Sydney; she plans to visit Melbourne in January, so picking up a double dispatch of HQL-568 and HQL-569 is as easy as the cinnamon roll that Jiney brings to connect everyone together
  • 盒子山 Box Hill   巴拉馬打 Parramatta   土瓜灣 Tokwawan  
  • HQL-569
  • Chỉ Bàn Lộn: Từ Điển Queer Và Tính Dục
    Queer & Sexuality Lexicon

  • 香港屯門轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tuen Mun Relay Centre
  • 墨爾本布伦斯威克西
    Brunswick West,
    經由 VIA
    雪梨 Sydney
  • 運輸時間

    192 days, 18 hours, 31 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • TIAN
  • 到達

    2024-04-07,大概 around 11:45 UTC+11


  • 2024-04-07,大概 around 11:45 UTC+11:
    慢遞員TIAN穿著注目的黃色雨衣抵達約瑟夫街保護區公園;她和收件人即刻交收就忘記拍照紀錄,但收件人回到家開心地分享了一張有她的HQL-569和現在等待運的HQL-568 ;派送成功
    Courier TIAN arrives at Joseph Street Reserve park wearing an easy-to-spot yellow raincoat; she and RECEIVER have a swift exchange and forget photo documentation on site, but RECEIVER happily returns home and shares one image of both their own dispatch HQL-569 plus the now waiting relay HQL-568 ; handover successful

    2024-04-06,12:01 UTC+11:
    看到慢遞員TIAN滿滿的日程表,收件人選擇星期日早上在Box Hill碰面;兩位約好早上11:30在約瑟夫街保護區公園交收,TIAN會在巴士上發消息
    Checking courier TIAN's full schedule, RECEIVER opts for a Sunday morning meeting in Box Hill; they agree for 11:30 am at Joseph Street Reserve park, and TIAN will message when she's on the bus en route

    2024-04-04,21:13 UTC+11:

    星期日:白天Box Hill, 晚上Coburg


    Hey GRACE just wanted to check in about the books. My general movements over the next few days:

    Fri: North Melbourne
    Sat North Melbourne; Fed Square in the evening
    Sun: Box Hill during the day, Coburg in the evening
    Mon: Monash in the morning, then North Melbourne
    Tues: North Melbourne, then Brunswick East in the evening

    Not sure after that. I depart on Friday 12th

    2024-03-25,20:48 UTC+11:
    While HQL-568 was not intended as a relay for courier TIAN, the petite sizes of HQL-568 and HQL-569 along with the gracious generousity of the RECEIVER of HQL-569 means that TIAN can cover the journey of both dispatches to Melbourne, with HQL-569's RECEIVER becoming a future courier for the last leg of HQL-568 to another RECEIVER in Melbourne

    2024-03-23,12:24 UTC+11:
    After a bit of schedule wrangling, it turns out that CAT and TIAN geographically intersect on Saturday, the 23rd in Parramatta; CAT has class in the WSU Parramatta south campus that day, but her class runs over and she isn't able to meet TIAN before TIAN's train at 12:20; dispatch HQL-569 along with HQL-568 are dropped off at the gallery TIAN works at instead, with CAT's disclaimer: Yay!!! also please ignore the pencil notes on the post-it, it’s some course notes from a reading 😂🙈

    2024-03-14,14:23 UTC+11:
    帶著緩件 HQL-580的慢遞員TIAN,提及她很快也會在四月去昆士蘭旅遊前去到墨爾本;她親切的答應從慢遞員CAT那裡取HQL-569:「嗨 CAT!很高興認識妳。我住在威斯特米德,在帕拉馬塔工作。現在會去市中心應酬。妳在哪裡?」
    Courier TIAN, carrier of dispatch HQL-580, reveals that she is also travelling to Melbourne soon before the Queensland trip in April; she graciously agrees to pick up HQL-569 from courier CAT:Hi CAT! Nice to meet you on here. I'm based in Westmead and work in Parramatta but go into the inner city now and then for social things. Let me know where you're at?

    2024-01-03,13:06 UTC+11:
    RECEIVER in Melbourne is contacted with apologies about the routing delay; HQL-569 waiting transfer

    2023-12-29,10:09 UTC+11:
    COURIER UPDATE:hello! i was about to email you since i realised i might not be able to make my trip to Melbourne in January due to schedule clashes - is it ok if i arrange for someone else to deliver if i next meet a person who will go to Melbourne sooner than me? also, i can be reached on IG as well if that’s more convenient

    Courier CAT is at the airport awaiting her flight to Sydney

    2023-12-04,after 22:00 後:
    展銷場作者和長期慢遞員觸及膩(HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494)介紹住在澳大利亞的CAT;CAT回到香港待一段時間再返雪梨,也打算1月份去墨爾本,所以很方便攬兩件慢遞,HQL-568還有HQL-569;交接的時候,觸及膩帶了一個肉桂捲來分享,把新的朋友都黏在一起了
    Display Distribute author and longtime courier Jiney CHU (HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494) introduces Australia-based courier CAT, who is back in Hong Kong for a spell before returning to Sydney; she plans to visit Melbourne in January, so picking up a double dispatch of HQL-568 and HQL-569 is as easy as the cinnamon roll that Jiney brings to connect everyone together
  • 盒子山 Box Hill   巴拉馬打 Parramatta   土瓜灣 Tokwawan  
  • HQL-588
  • 151個墩子
    151 Do-It-Yourself Stones
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 台南 Tainan
  • 運輸時間

    3 months, 22 days, 11 hours, 55 minutes

    訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 彭奕軒 PENG YiHsuan
    大雨相 lß
  • 到達



  • 2024-04-08,21:16:
    RECEIVER UPDATE:Got it~ Really thank you all, and sorry for troubling you. I'll leave my contact for you all, will probably move to Taipei after June. If there are any books that need to pass through Taiwan I can help deliver haha

    Courier PENG reports that he has successfully retrieved dispatch HQL-588 from hotel reception; awaiting transfer to Tainan

    After a delicious meal and extended dialogue between couriers, lß and PORTABLE cannot find the right bus to get from Sham Shui Po to Central, so dispatch HQL-588 travels by MTR instead, and they reach the Mini Central hotel easily from exit G; the receptionist seems hesitant to take the package, but after checking for hotel guest Mr. PENG, the dispatch is accepted and placed on top of a photocopy machine

    2024-03-28,下午 afternoon:
    Couriers lß and PORTABLE are on the move together to have lunch with courier Jiney CHU in Sham Shui Po, and it is only well after the meal is finished and PORTABLE begins packaging HQL-588 at the table that the realise the cute coincidence that JINEY is also the author of the book being dispatched; courier-author JINEY signs HQL-588

    2024-03-28,早上 morning:
    關於慢遞員大雨相和易拎與彭先生見面的具體時間和地點,雙方進行了一番 「乒乓」式的信息溝通:彭先生從在北角吃早餐、下午在浸會大學客座演講,到晚上在旺角一家名為90s Lazy的餐館;大雨相和易拎的计划是上午在土瓜湾,下午在深水埗,晚上在中环,这使得地理匹配相当困难;最後,彭先生說他住的酒店位于中环,因此调度緩件號HQL-588改道,以便在傍晚时分将其送到迷你中環酒店的前台
    A bit of messaging ping-pong about exactly where and when lß and PORTABLE can meet Mr. PENG takes place, with choices ranging from a breakfast in North Point, afternoon at Baptist University before Mr. PENG's guest lecture, or evening at a restaurant in Mongkok called 90s Lazy; lß and PORTABLE's plans involve morning in Tokwawan, afternoon in Sham Shui Po, and evening in Central, making a geo-match quite difficult; Mr. PENG's hotel, however turns out to be in Central, so dispatch HQL-588 is diverted for a front desk drop-off early evening

    2024-03-27,下午 early afternoon:
    慢遞員大雨相和易拎正在上環運送HQL-586和HQL-587時,遇到了2023年3月份最佳慢遞員JINGJING;她們進行了一次小型物流閒聊,發現 JING不僅認識將遇慢遞員彭奕軒 ,而且他正好也在場;不巧的是,要派送的HQL-588不在慢遞員易拎和大雨相手上,所以得按計劃進行,第二天再移交給慢遞員彭先生
    Couriers lß and PORTABLE are in the midst of delivering HQL-586 and HQL-587 in Sheung Wan when they run into JING, one of LIGHT LOGISTICS' couriers-of-the-month; they have a small logistics chit-chat, where it is discovered that JING not only knows scheduled courier PENG YiHsuan, but he happens to also be on-site; unfortunately, dispatch HQL-588 is not on hand, so plans continue as scheduled to handover to courier PENG the next day

    HQL-588 RECEIVER gives their friend and now new courier Mr. PENG's contact to courier PORTABLE, meeting arrangements for the 28th of March in progress

    收件人更新:「慢遞員 你好,這個月底我朋友剛好會去香港,能夠拜託他與你們拿我所訂購的書嗎?或是到展銷場?謝謝」
    RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello COURIER, I have a friend who will travel to Hong Kong at the end of this month, would it be possible for him to pick up the book I ordered? Maybe at Display Distribute? Thank you
  • 台南 Tainan   中環 Central   深水埗 Sham Shui Po
  • HQL-570
  • 家作坊幾週年筆記
    Anniversary Party Essays by HomeShop Party Members
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 蒙特利爾 Montréal
    經由 VIA
    杭州 Hangzhou
    溫哥華 Vancouver
  • 5 本 copies
  • 芝麻
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT

  • 2024-03-19,10:40 UTC-04:
    RECEIVER has replied to courier SESAME's sweet invitation, plans currently being made for a meeting

    2024-03-06,17:05 UTC-05:




    Hi E,

    I am in Montreal now and available most of the days from afternoon and evenings as long as i'm booked in advance.

    I live in the village area, near metro Beaudry & Berri-uqam. I would love to meet up for a more lengthy hangout or just for an instant for the delivery. For a more lengthy out, i like taking a walk together in parks or in different neighborhoods, doing some engaging, active sports together, or visiting/working on community gardens/urban agricultural projects (although now might not be the season?), or propose what you're interested!

    My phone number is 514-220-XXXX and i can be reached by iMessage, signal, discord, IG, too!
    Also as a side note, i use they / them pronouns or TA/㐌 in Chinese. Please share with me your pronouns too!


    2024-02-06,12:49 UTC-05:
    COURIER SESAME UPDATE:I've arrived in Montréal now; actually because I got COVID my plans were delayed, and I stayed for a bit in Vancouver to recover

    COURIER SESAME UPDATE:I'm in the mainland

    芝麻多年後第一次回國路過香港,在香港唯一認識的人是展銷場的一位作者兼慢遞員(HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494)觸及膩,及膩很快向芝麻介紹了「後勤慢遞」;一次糖水宵夜和一次下午閒聊之後,芝麻就成功成為了緩件號HQL-570的慢遞員,目的地是『家作坊』前成員現在位於的蒙特利爾
    SESAME is passing through Hong Kong on her first trip back to China after some years, and the only person she knows in Hong Kong is Display Distribute author and sometimes courier Jiney CHU (HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494), who quickly introduces SESAME to LIGHT LOGISTICS; one midnight dessert and an afternoon chitchat later, SESAME becomes courier for dispatch HQL-570, destined for former members of HomeShop now based in Montréal
  • 土瓜灣 Tokwawan
  • HQL-575
  • 『目錄 CATALOGUE』No. 02
  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 天津 Tianjin
    武漢 Wuhan
    經由 VIA
    廣州 Guangzhou
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 本 copy
  • 子傑 June LEE
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2023-03-17,15:20:
    After the Spring Festival holiday period, courier Mr. LEE is silent for a while, returning again in March to report: "Apologies, I arrived in Wuhan at the end of February but then left again for ten days or so for work; only returned back to Wuhan these last couple of days, where are you, let me see how I can bring the dispatch to you"

    Courier Mr. LEE picks up dispatch HQL-575 from the Changzhou Island relay centre storage unit and departs for Wuhan the next day

    Before her return to Hong Kong, PORTABLE checks-in with RECEIVER to learn of his whereabouts and the final destination for HQL-575; RECEIVER has moved to Wuhan, and luckily a Wuhan resident, Display Distribute author and sometimes courier June LEE, also happens to be in Guangzhou, so while they are unable to make a personal handover, PORTABLE leaves dispatch HQL-575 in the Changzhou Island relay centre for Mr. LEE to retrieve at his convenience

    2024-01-13,大概中午 around noon:
    快遞員易拎因個人原因前往廣州,但總是隨身攜帶派件——這一次是 HQL-575的輕型慢遞,最終目的地尚不清楚
    Courier PORTABLE travels to Guangzhou for personal reasons, but always with dispatches in tow—this time the light dispatch of HQL-575, with an as of yet unknown final destination

    RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello. I saw the book that night and after reading half of it think it's really great, so I ordered one, haha; not in a hurry at all for the book though, I'd like to try your human-meat slow couriering; oh yeah, we might not be in Tianjin though, we will move soon to the south, maybe Hangzhou, Wuhan or so
  • 長洲島 Changzhou Island
  • 空閒路線
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 清邁
    Chiang Mai
  • 高達 up to
    1 kg
  • paperbridgeee
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「我4月頭都會去清邁!!見到少少你啲message,Apr 5-9」
    I'm also going to Chiang Mai at the beginning of April!! Saw a few of your messages, April 5-9
  • HQL-584
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 清邁
    Chiang Mai
  • 5 本 copies
  • 小鴿子
    Little PIGEON
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-03-12,23:29:
    Courier Little PIGEON, previously encountered in dispatch HQL-453, is making another trip, this time a short holiday with friends to Chiang Mai; the night before her departure, she finds a way to pack in five copies of Acts of Departure to bring with her; "of course I like to visit bookshops"

    2024-02-27,08:30 UTC+07:
    After previous dispatch HQL-581 of ten copies to Nowhere, more couriers sought

    Nowhere bookshop in Chiangmai places an order of 20 copies of Acts of Departure after the first batch has sold out; Display Distribute makes note to find a courier from Hong Kong to Chiang Mai, but Nowhere also reports that their friend yamei just so happens to be passing through Hong Kong on the 20th and leaving the next day, so motions begin imediately for dispatch HQL-581
  • 土瓜灣 Tokwawan
  • HQL-578
  • 워커스 WORKERS

    Publishing as Method: Ways of Working Together in Asia

    LUMBUNG schwag pack

    Dari Ruang Keseharian: Penerbitan Zine dan Pengarsipan

    Also-Space, From Hot to Something Else: How Indonesian Art Initiatives Have Reinvented Networking

    Resident, or Resident Evil, or This Minor Contextualisation of a Minor Temporality Known as Publishing on the Run


    แบล๊ค-บุ๊ค-แอซเซมบลี่ รีวิวนานนานทีมีหน
    Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review
    第三期 Issue 03

    Handbook for Youth: How to Build a Heterotopia

    A Manual: How to Bribe a Cop in Columbia

    Social Contagion

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 紐約州金斯頓
    Kingston, NY
    經由 VIA
    溫哥華 Vancouver
    蒙特利爾 Montréal
    達拉斯 Dallas
    紐約城 New York City
  • 訂單 ORDER

    1 copy each
  • N
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-03-07,17:18 UTC-05:
    After walking up and down the street a bit looking for the right house number, courier PORTABLE arrives at the relay address and sits down at a bench conveniently just outside; a young man arrives at nearly the same time, looking back briefly before entering the building; PORTABLE wonders if she should have approached him, but already too late, decides to wait for a moment, and before long, the same young man emerges from the building again, now with his jacket off, and asks PORTABLE if she is the one carrying the books; handover successful

    2024-03-04,11:51 UTC-05:
    快遞員易拎收到了收件人朋友 N 的聯繫方式,希望他能加入展銷場慢遞網絡;雙方就見面的方式和時間進行了緩慢的WhatsApp交談,最終確定於3月7 日星期四下午5:30在收件人共享的布魯克林Prospect Heights地址進行交接
    Courier PORTABLE receives RECEIVER's friend N's contact for new enlisting into the LIGHT LOGISTICS network; a slow WhatsApp conversation about how and when to meet up ensues, finally landing on Thursday, 7 March at 5:30 pm at the Prospect Heights address shared by the RECEIVER for a handover appointment

    2024-03-04,18:56 UTC-05:
    A SIGN:Hi!! Oh my god I'm so sorry I haven't responded sooner. I've been neglecting my email. I have someone in the city that can meet you to pick up the books. Let me e-mail them and get back to you ASAP. Where are you staying in the city?

    2024-03-01,15:37 UTC-05:
    發了兩封郵件沒有回覆後,慢遞員易拎用WhatsApp試試聯絡收件人, After sending two e-mails and receiving no reply, courier PORTABLE tries with WhatsApp to contact the RECEIVER, but unfortunately still no response; dispatch HQL-578 waiting for a sign

    Courier Ms. PORTABLE is part of the millions moving during the Lunar New Year festival, though a COVID era ticket cancellation voucher means that she's traveling early and with a tiring two layovers inefficiently rounding across Canada; she will stay with family for a few weeks before heading back north to New York for a publication-related event; HQL-578 awaiting relay
  • 布魯克林 Brooklyn   曼哈頓 Manhattan   達拉斯北 North Dallas   加拿大路途中 Canada in-transit
  • 空閒路線
  • 新加坡 Singapore
    和或者 AND/OR
    廣州 Guangzhou
    香港 Hong Kong
  • 廣州 Guangzhou
    香港 Hong Kong
    和或者 AND/OR
    新加坡 Singapore
  • 高達 up to
    1 kg
  • CHP
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「我下週三又到廣州出差啦,要待幾個星期然後3月底4月初會在香港停幾天;你可以發佈看一下又什麼人需要從新加坡帶書到廣州/香港或者帶回新加坡也行;對了,我會3月13號飛往廣州」
    I’m traveling to GZ next Wednesday for another work trip. I’ll be there for a few weeks and then I’ll be in HK for a few days at the end of March/early April. You can post to see if I can help to bring any publications from Singapore to GZ/HK or vice versa; I’m flying to GZ on 13 March FYI
  • HQL-582
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 廣州長洲島轉運中心
    Changzhou Island Relay Centre
  • 廣州前台
  • 運輸時間

    less than 24 hours

    1 本 copy
  • 子野人驚詫 Surprised Savage
    波波爾午 Popol WUU
  • 到達



  • 2024-02-27,下午 afternoon:
    RECEIVER is leaving Guangzhou for Hangzhou soon, but fortunately Popol WUU has other couriering duties in the city centre and can meet with courier Surprised Savage in Haizhu District during a weekly martial arts practice session; after packaging dispatch HQL-582, RECEIVER and COURIERS sweat together; dispatch HQL-582 unusually fast

    2024-02-26,晚上 evening:
    RECEIVER visits the Changzhou Island Relay Centre and requests a copy of Acts of Departure, but the relay centre LOGISTICIAN Popol WUU falls asleep and RECEIVER is unable to complete the order
  • 海珠區 Haizhu District
  • HQL-581
  • Acts of Departure: Dispatches from The Last Emporium
  • 香港
    Hong Kong
  • 清邁
    Chiang Mai
  • 運輸時間

    10 days, 10 hours, 19 minutes

    10 本 copies
  • yamei
    李蔼德 Edward SANDERSON
  • 到達

    2024-02-27,08:30 UTC+07


  • 2024-02-27,08:30 UTC+07:
    Yamei isn't heard from after her departure from Hong Kong, but the RECEIVER at Nowhere reports that they received the books already a few days ago

    Seasoned courier Mr. SANDERSON meets Ms. yamei at the Kubrick bookstore and café near his home in Yaumatei; he is wearing a black t-shirt, she a white skirt; handover successful

    Nowhere bookshop in Chiangmai places an order of 20 copies of Acts of Departure after the first batch has sold out; Display Distribute makes note to find a courier from Hong Kong to Chiang Mai, but Nowhere also reports that their friend yamei just so happens to be passing through Hong Kong on the 20th and leaving the next day, so motions begin imediately for dispatch HQL-581
  • 油麻地 Yaumatei
  • HQL-579
  • Chuăng No. 1

    Chuăng No. 2

    Social Contagion

  • 香港土瓜灣轉運站
    Hong Kong
    Tokwawan Relay Centre
  • 菲律賓卡馬哩那斯蘇兒
    Camarines Sur
    經由 VIA
    馬尼拉 Manila
  • WC-4510運輸時間

    3 years, 7 months, 28 days, 2 hours, 55 minutes


    2 years, 30 months, 22 days, 51 minutes

    訂單 ORDERS

    1 copy each
  • 收件人 RECEIVER
    邁克 MIKE
    李蔼德 Edward SANDERSON
  • 到達



  • 2024-02-26,大概 around 18:30:
    在與收件人再次取得聯繫後,他確認自己能夠親自前往馬尼拉取回緩件號HQL-579;慢遞員轉告他們主要住在菲律賓大學校園(UP Diliman),那裡恰好是收件人的母校;收件人25號星期日抵達,他們於第二天晚上在菲律賓大學NISMED宿舍會面,收件人贈送MIKE和李先生一個甜點和當地蒜仁美食;交接成功
    After getting in touch again with RECEIVER, he confirms that he will be able to travel to Manila himself to retrieve dispatch HQL-579; the couriers relay that they will be staying mostly on the University of the Philippines campus (UP Diliman), which happens to to be RECEIVER's alma mater; RECEIVER arrives on Sunday, the 25th, and they meet the next evening at the University of Philippines NISMED Hostel, and RECEIVER gifts MIKE and Mr. SANDERSON with a tart and the local delicacy of garlic nuts; handover successful

    COURIER MIKE UPDATE:If Edward finds the package too heavy he can split some of it with me

    2024-01-25,早上 morning:
    Courier Dr. SANDERSON picks up dispatch HQL-579 at his studio in Tokwawan in preparation for his first trip to the Philippines; together with MIKE, the two will travel to Manila on the 23rd to participate in a sound camp from 24-27 February
  • 奎松市 Quezon City   土瓜灣 Tokwawan
  • 空閒路線
  • 新加坡
  • 柏林
  • 高達 up to
    5 kg
  • TEO xiao ting
  • 發佈 POSTED:
  • 「我2024年11月份會去柏林!」
    i will be heading to berlin in november 2024!