Pepe The Sad Frog Coloring Book and Chinese Language Guide


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220 x 140 mm,16頁/pages
黑白激光打印  B/W laser print
繩子綁訂  twine bound

語言 LANGUAGES  //  英、中文  English、Simplified Chinese
出版日期 PUBLICATION DATE  //  Second Edition, 2020年

限量100本  /  Edition of 100

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Pepe The Sad Frog Coloring Book and Chinese Language Guide is a coloring-book zine about the Chinese adoption of the US-based Pepe meme, and what potentials there are to explore and encourage bilingual and cross-cultural political dialogue within this phenomenon. This second edition includes an additional contribution, “The Duality of Pepe as a Hong Kong Citizen” by Stephanie Yee Kay CHAN.


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Fei LIU is a New York-based Chinese designer, artist, writer and DJ exploring digital empathy and the narrative potential of interfaces. She is an adjunct professor at Parsons MFA Design and Technology and a Digital Solitude fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany. She has mid-to-average combined student debt from an undergraduate as well as a master’s degree, with no health insurance, car or house.


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Pepe The Sad Frog Coloring Book and Chinese Language Guide”

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