2025-01-12,晚間 evening:
Courier Zhuoya is an old friend of one of Display Distribute's LOGISTICIANs, and she's come to Guangzhou with her small daughter from the west coast of France for a visit before going back to family during the holiday season; the small girl is slow to acclimate and not adjusted to these surroundings, so other than her mother, she doesn't engage with anyone else on this island in Guangzhou city; with the reunion, however, it is as if the various encounters in each of their lives come all together and overlap; nearing the full moon, LOGISTICIAN shares her recent pressures and obstacles, and Zhuoya tells about how her life has become fixed with the family; LOGISTICIAN is reminded of that time many years ago that she had planned to visit Zhuoya in France, where there is a small town with its blue-green sea and each taking care of themselves and a young mother laying across winter moss. Everything has changed and yet nothing has changed.
長洲島 Changzhou Island
慢遞員和她的小女兒在泡養生腳 Courier and her daughter pick up dispatch HQL-650 while getting footbaths
COURIER Popol WUU visits Hong Kong again to shorten long-distance relationship distances, and after her 7-day limit in the SAR, agrees once more to parallel trade-like bring dispatch HQL-624 from Tokwawan to Guangzhou, where she hands over to Changzhou Island Relay Centre LOGISTICIAN lß; lß informs RECEIVER, who takes an after dinner stroll to the relay centre to pick up her book; slow delivery handover successfully blends in with Changzhou Island daily life!
2024-07-23,晚 evening:
RECEIVER first visits the Changzhou Island Relay Centre to share the new community map that she and her team has made, a printed directory that labels active indie spaces of various scales in many cities; later that same evening, RECEIVER runs into LIGHT LOGISTICIAN lß at the birthday party of a mutual friend in what is jokingly known as the most beautiful flat on the island; after a chat, RECEIVER places an order for another kind of directory, which just so happens to be a CATALOGUE as well!
長洲島 Changzhou Island
廣州塔 Guangzhou Tower
Tourist detractions in Guangzhou before heading to Changzhou
2 copies Xenofeminism and 1 copy each of other titles
廣東黃 CANTON Yellow + 麥師傅 Master MAI +
AP Project +
代收慢遞員AP Project和慢遞員廣東黃不知怎麼的,也和慢遞員易拎同在之前交手的水果店空間碰面;緩件號HQL-596補貨成功
COURIER CANTON Yellow and COURIER AP Project somehow also end up meeting at fRUITYspace, the same location where courier Ms. PORTABLE had met AP Project one month before; dispatch HQL-596's missing book fulfilled with success
慢遞員廣東黃和代收件人慢遞員AP Project在密集的行程互通中,穿梭在北京不同的藝術或別的場合,碰面的商榷不詳。
COURIER CANTON Yellow and COURIER AP Project the collaborator of RECEIVER, try to find a meeting place via and long back-and-forth sharing of mutually intensive itineraries, with both shuttling intensively to different art or other events in Beijing and no luck meeting at an unspecified number of locations
COURIER Master MAI, now no longer a courier to Beijing but baby courier to new COURIER CANTON Yellow, who lives about ten minutes away. COURIER CANTON Yellow will be travelling to Beijing in the next few days and happens to know the RECEIVER well; but both seem to be quite busy this period, so for now they just agree to meet on the 23rd somewhere in Beijing
慢遞員麥師傅更新:「剛接到消息,我不一定能去成北京了 😭😭😭😭😭」;緩件HQL-596補貨,等待轉運」
COURIER Master MAI UPDATE:I just received notice that the trip to Beijing will be cancelled 😭😭😭😭😭;dispatch HQL-596 awaiting further relay
展銷場收款時發現HQL-596派送中少了一本訂單中的書:제노페미니즘:소외를 위한 정치학 Xenofeminism:A Politics for Alienation;展銷場易拎及時安排補貨,收件人欣然接受;補送慢遞員很快由經常出沒在長洲島轉運站的麥師傅,也是在一音樂現場「各演各的」時承接,他將在五月某日去往北京幹活;HQL-596補貨,等待轉運
When the Display Distribute RELAY CENTRE discovers that actually one copy of Xenofeminism had been missing from HQL-596, PORTABLE offers to return the cost to RECEIVER, but soon enough, the final copy of Xenofeminism is found among distro stock and RECEIVER is happy to wait for the completion of the dispatch instead; luckily a new courier is discovered soon enough, and nearby the Changzhou Island RELAY CENTRE lives Master MAI, who will soon travel to Beijing for ten days for work
慢遞員AP Project 選擇直接從機場進城,推著小行李箱進到水果店空間,集合地是慢遞員易拎今晚幹活地方;當他到達,而易拎正在隔壁幾街吃北京烤鴨,一收到他的消息,她沖過去再拉他進到餐館,一邊吃完她的晚餐一邊一起和另一個電影迷聊天;AP Project,之前也在義大利讀書,暴露後的臆測是,他喜愛的導演是米開朗其羅·安東尼奧尼
COURIER AP Project opts to head into the city directly from the airport, pulling a small suitcase to FRUITY space, the venue where courier PORTABLE is attending tonight's gigs; when he arrives, however, PORTABLE is a few doors down eating Peking roast duck, so upon his message, she runs out and pulls him into the restaurant to finish her dinner and chat together with other film lovers; AP Project, having also studied before in Italy, reveals after a bit of guessing that his favourite director is Michelangelo ANTONIONI
2024-04-12,19:20 :
慢遞員易拎坐很懷舊的22小時慢火車從廣州往北京捧「雜草」音樂節場和見老朋友,也終於有機會慢遞這次兩年前下單的訂單;聯絡好收件人之後發現原來他在義大利,但是他的合夥人和朋友AP Project可以先接收,等到5月份收件人回北京會見到他;因此慢遞員易拎和AP Project進行談一談,看何時在大大的北京哪裡可以小小碰碰面
Courier PORTABLE takes a nostalgic ride on the 22-hour slow train from Guangzhou to Beijing to support friends for the Wildgrass music festival, also finally able to slow-deliver dispatch HQL-596 which was dropped already two years ago; after getting in touch with RECEIVER, she discovers that he's actually in Italy, but RECEIVER's partner and friend AP Project will be able to pick it up; RECEIVER will return to Beijing in May and book-dispatch and people can all catch-up then; as a result, PORTABLE and AP Project begin engaging in a short ping-pong about where and when in big big Beijing to make a small small meeting
東城區 Dongcheng District
多手聯合 A book handover via more than four hands
讀點東西 Someone reading something
貼紙效率在水果店空間 Stickers at fRUITYspace in Beijing
長洲島轉運站 Changzhou Island Relay Centre
慢遞員麥師傅回眸一笑 COURIER Master MAI glances back and smiles:)
慢遞員麥師傅被取消北京行後發出 Courier Master MAI sends notice after his trip to Beijing is cancelled
2024-04-01, 13:57 UTC+02:
One copy is branch distributed by RECEIVER to a different receiver over a very Berlin freelancers' coffee/brunch on a Monday afternoon in Kreuzberg; mission accomplished
2024-03-05, 15:00 UTC+01:
慢遞員子娴更新:在Mano Cafe交件完成
COURIER ZZ UPDATE:Successfully received at Mano Cafe
I met with ZZ on March 5th at Cafe Mano. That day just happened to be the first anniversary of my moving to Berlin, and ZZ was saying her final goodbyes as she was moving back to Taiwan after seven years in Germany. ZZ said she had always wanted to go to this cafe, which was recommended by a friend, but had never been able to. It's right next to where I used to live and where I used to meet my friends when I first came to Berlin, and on the 5th of March right before international Women's Day, it was where I was busy with partners from the Mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan writing a collective open letter from Chinese queers and feminists in support of Palestine. ZZ had originally asked me to meet her at 2pm, but since I had a meeting with the March 8 group on Zoom at 2pm, I had to postpone it until 3pm. I arrived at Cafe Mano at 2 only to find out that due to the time zone difference with UTC+08, I got the meeting time was wrong and had missed it. I sent a message to ZZ telling her to come earlier. As I waited, I saw a Chinese girl walk in. This place has a hippie vibe in bohemian neighbourhood of Berlin, and Chinese people are not commonly seen here. Seeing her looking around for someone, I thought of course it must be ZZ so walked over to her, only to be embarrassed that I was mistaken. At three o'clock ZZ arrived and she handed over the books. We chatted for two hours, shared our frustrations about Germany, and then said goodbye at this small crossroads of both of our lives.
2024-02-19, 10:37 UTC+01:
Courier ZZ has arrived in Berlin and is as busy as the RECEIVER, so she asks to meet up next week; RECEIVER shares that she's been busy catching up with the Berlinale Film Festival, so ZZ takes the opportunity to ask for film recommendations. RECEIVER suggests What did you dream last night, Parajanov?, and after watching it, ZZ is interested to learn more about Iranian history; RECEIVER warmly recommends some books and they agree to continue their discussion offline
2024-02-03, 08:59:
COURIER ZZ UPDATE:Dispatch HQL-571 is still with me in Kaohsiung, I will be back in Berlin on 16 February
2024-01-09, 11:11:
COURIER IRENE to COURIER THOMAS:Mission accomplished?
2024-01-08, 15:31:
Courier THOMAS makes an appointment at 10 pm with Kate, who has a ceramic studio turned temporary relay centre for dispatch HQL-571 in Taipei
2024-01-05, 19:06:
Courier IRENE hands over dispatch HQL-571 to COURIER THOMAS, who will travel to Taipei from Hong Kong in the next day or two
克羅伊茨貝格 Kreuzberg
「很高興終於拿到了這本書,我期待著讀完它~」 Great to finally get hold of the book, i look forward to reading through~
高雄 Kaohsiung
高雄的窗戶。子娴問裡面是什麼書:「關於離開和開始。和妳一樣」 Kaohsiung window. ZZ asked what kind of book was inside, and heard: “about departures and beginnings, just like you”
冰店對面的巷子裡 Across the street from Kakigori Toshihiko
在凱特台北工作室拍了一張HQL-571 Documentation at NOT YOUR TRUE LOVE’s Taipei studio
灣仔 Wanchai
Natural Beauty Basic轉送給THOMAS “Natural Beauty Basic” relay to THOMAS
After listening to a lecture from a famous art collective, couriers PORTABLE and lß in hopes of seeing the RECEIVER who is affiliated with the venue, they follow through with post-activity socialising but fail to make the delivery; now hungry, they leave the institution and stop for lunch in a nearby alleyway, whereupon the RECEIVER walks elegantly right past them; while PORTABLE's eyes had not been so keen upstairs, lß remembers having met eyes with the RECEIVER during the event without realising she was the correct recipient of HQL-586; smiles and hugs are exchanged, delivery successful
上環 Sheung Wan
乘巴士從土瓜灣到上環 From Tokwawan Relay Centre to Sheung Wan by bus
RECEIVER REVIEW:^^What a happy experience! It's amazing one person can connect to another and share experiences with one another! I'm so happy!
I receive a little card and gift of purple taro cakes from C. He happily finishes them before realising that maybe they were intended to share with other Display Distribute colleagues, and he is a bit embarrassed...... The very touching message on the card reads: "The world is bound by friendship".
We sat down and chatted together. Although it was the first time we met, we got along naturally. RECEIVER C, gave full trust to me, courier SS, sharing her feelings, thoughts, and actions about her time in high school and being shocked by the news about the "Xuzhou Chained Woman" incident. This instantly brought SS back 34 years, when he was 18 and had seen one brutal and tragic news incident on TV. It was at the cusp of spring and summer, and he was a lost young man then, of similar age and experience to C before him now. So much empathy... It was as if something magical was triggered, and carefully sealed incidents of 34 years ago—wounds buried deep in his heart, doubt, questions, pain, trembling, and loneliness—were today, after hanging in suspense for so long, finally heard.
On the way back to the metro station, I saw a girl of almost the same age as C wearing a shirt with the words "Dead Inside" on her back; she was smiling while playing games on her phone, walking around while waiting for the train. She boards the car, and later gets off at her stop without a pause, completely immersed in her own closed world as if there were no one else around her. What C and I had talked about earlier, and what she chooses to do, are completely the opposite: to have heart and compassion towards the people around her, and to always look at her surroundings. She is always reaching out around her, trying to make things better.
慢遞員野人驚詫與收件人商量交接時間和地點,收件人:「我在廣州天河區上大學 家在從化 工作日在天河週末在從化 你看看什麼時候方便 我應該都可以!」
RECEIVER negotiates a meeting time and place with courier Slow Savage:"I go to college in Tianhe District, and I live in Conghua, so weekdays I'm in Tianhe and weekends in Conghua; have a look about when would be convenient for you, I am flexible!"
Courier PORTABLE travels to Guangzhou for the first time in a couple of years, this time to do some work with other Display Distribute co-conspirators who happen to be on Changzhou Island; between three of them, the one volume The Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community which has been out of stock in Hong Kong, is replenished and added to dispatch HQL-545, finalising the last step before delivering to the RECEIVER
收件人下單附註:「非常感謝願意幫忙運送我的包裹 🥺 希望在寄出前能再次確認我的訂單條目及包裹外觀以確保全部發出及包裝嚴實 🙏 再次感謝幫助運送的慢遞員 希望經手這個包裹的人都能順心如意!祝各位錢夠花 愛夠愛 💓」
RECEIVER NOTE:Thank you so much for your willingness to deliver my package 🥺 I hope that before it's sent out you can double-check the order and that everything is securely packaged 🙏 Thank you again to the slow-courier, and happy wishes to all those whose hands the package passes through! May you all have enough love and money to spend💓
從化 Conghua
慢遞員野人驚詫和收件人在金拱門食紫薯芋泥餅 COURIER Surprised Savage and RECEIVER eat mashed taro cakes together at McDonald’s
在麥丹勞派送成功 Successfully received at McDonald’s
收件人小紙條:「世界系於友愛」 RECEIVER’s NOTE:The World Connects with Friendship and Love
廣州地鐵站內在死 “Dead Inside” the Guangzhou metro
長洲島 Changzhou Island
食色性也 By nature we desire food and sex.
慢遞員易拎和野人驚詫交接 Handover sign-off between couriers PORTABLE and Surprised Savage
換件號HQL-545準備派送 Dispatch HQL-545 ready for delivery
Recently hui jor goh dung ging trip hui jor 5 yat. Red eye flight soh yi day one ksud hai zombie mode jor cant do anything. And then day 2 chut jor moon hau sin sing hei mo dai cui (📦) chut gai. Soh yi day 3 chung yu hui jor ira to deliver. Hui dou goh chan gei geng cui ng hoi moon. And then read the notice more carefully gin dou hai later back and shorter hours jeh jau fong sum jor
Ho qq. Arrive yuen gin dou notice jau jor hui fu gun walk around. And then 160x went back to wait and saw a couple waiting too. And then ngo dei hai gum “hahahah should we ring the bell” but there was no bell, just a light switch for that floor. At the end (by this time there’s already 6 of us waiting at the door) finally decided to knock. We heard noises inside but no one was opening the door gun ju boss jau came back and gomenasai opened the door~ while person inside 探頭出來 at the same time ✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿*⁂((✪⥎✪))⁂*