RECEIVER REVIEW:^^What a happy experience! It's amazing one person can connect to another and share experiences with one another! I'm so happy!
I receive a little card and gift of purple taro cakes from C. He happily finishes them before realising that maybe they were intended to share with other Display Distribute colleagues, and he is a bit embarrassed...... The very touching message on the card reads: "The world is bound by friendship".
We sat down and chatted together. Although it was the first time we met, we got along naturally. RECEIVER C, gave full trust to me, courier SS, sharing her feelings, thoughts, and actions about her time in high school and being shocked by the news about the "Xuzhou Chained Woman" incident. This instantly brought SS back 34 years, when he was 18 and had seen one brutal and tragic news incident on TV. It was at the cusp of spring and summer, and he was a lost young man then, of similar age and experience to C before him now. So much empathy... It was as if something magical was triggered, and carefully sealed incidents of 34 years ago—wounds buried deep in his heart, doubt, questions, pain, trembling, and loneliness—were today, after hanging in suspense for so long, finally heard.
On the way back to the metro station, I saw a girl of almost the same age as C wearing a shirt with the words "Dead Inside" on her back; she was smiling while playing games on her phone, walking around while waiting for the train. She boards the car, and later gets off at her stop without a pause, completely immersed in her own closed world as if there were no one else around her. What C and I had talked about earlier, and what she chooses to do, are completely the opposite: to have heart and compassion towards the people around her, and to always look at her surroundings. She is always reaching out around her, trying to make things better.
慢遞員野人驚詫與收件人商量交接時間和地點,收件人:「我在廣州天河區上大學 家在從化 工作日在天河週末在從化 你看看什麼時候方便 我應該都可以!」
RECEIVER negotiates a meeting time and place with courier Slow Savage:"I go to college in Tianhe District, and I live in Conghua, so weekdays I'm in Tianhe and weekends in Conghua; have a look about when would be convenient for you, I am flexible!"
Courier PORTABLE travels to Guangzhou for the first time in a couple of years, this time to do some work with other Display Distribute co-conspirators who happen to be on Changzhou Island; between three of them, the one volume The Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community which has been out of stock in Hong Kong, is replenished and added to dispatch HQL-545, finalising the last step before delivering to the RECEIVER
收件人下單附註:「非常感謝願意幫忙運送我的包裹 🥺 希望在寄出前能再次確認我的訂單條目及包裹外觀以確保全部發出及包裝嚴實 🙏 再次感謝幫助運送的慢遞員 希望經手這個包裹的人都能順心如意!祝各位錢夠花 愛夠愛 💓」
RECEIVER NOTE:Thank you so much for your willingness to deliver my package 🥺 I hope that before it's sent out you can double-check the order and that everything is securely packaged 🙏 Thank you again to the slow-courier, and happy wishes to all those whose hands the package passes through! May you all have enough love and money to spend💓
從化 Conghua
慢遞員野人驚詫和收件人在金拱門食紫薯芋泥餅 COURIER Surprised Savage and RECEIVER eat mashed taro cakes together at McDonald’s
在麥丹勞派送成功 Successfully received at McDonald’s
收件人小紙條:「世界系於友愛」 RECEIVER’s NOTE:The World Connects with Friendship and Love
廣州地鐵站內在死 “Dead Inside” the Guangzhou metro
長洲島 Changzhou Island
食色性也 By nature we desire food and sex.
慢遞員易拎和野人驚詫交接 Handover sign-off between couriers PORTABLE and Surprised Savage
換件號HQL-545準備派送 Dispatch HQL-545 ready for delivery