Display Distribute is a point of sales located in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Wedged between a lighting shop and a dry goods store, the 100 square foot space hosts a roving cast of vendors, selling everything from fake designer handbags to life insurance. Taking the space, its vendors, wares and customers as its starting point, the project traces the wider networks defining its activities in order to examine themes of urbanisation and shifting modes of production and consumption.
攝影師 PHOTOGRAPHERS // 凌明 Ming LIN、何穎雅 Elaine W. HO、梁志剛 Michael LEUNG
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關於Modes Vu的「手册」系列 //
Modes Vu的「手冊」系列,是數碼圖像和完成度特別高的照片書之間的橋。
套路是「即買即印」。有人在網上下單了才會印,所以幾乎沒有前期出版的成本。你不用考慮成本了就能擺脫好多負面的影響和限制,有效的保護了創作自由。這樣,Modes Vu把該是什麼樣就是什麼樣的數碼圖像給印出來,放到你手裡。
「手冊」系列一般都是以4.5×6英吋的書面大小和48頁照片上限的規格出現的(也有例外)。Modes Vu主要關注的是那些之前沒出版過個人攝影集的人,然後和他們一起把書做出來
About the “Workbook” Series //
Modes Vu’s “Workbook” series is a bridge between the digital image and the printed photobook.
Being digitally printed, costs associated with print publishing are significantly lowered as the minimum print run is zero copies. By lowering costs, it is possible to evade the discipline introduced by the calculation necessary for all economic activity and to retain the creative freedom of the digital medium. This way, the quality of the digital image is passed into print and the hands of our viewers.
With a few exceptions, the Workbooks follow the format of books sized 4.5” x 6” with 48 pages of images. The focus is mainly on previously unpublished photographers, and Modes Vu works closely with them to develop the books.
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