Courier lß returns to the city centre for the final handoff to the receiver; a short handover and goodbye later, lß hopes she's safe, and that they will have a chance to run around naked in a nice place together when she returns
Mr. Surprised Savage met courier lß by an ancestral hall after lß's visit to a movie festival that showed independent films about the pandemic in China—the total distance of which is reported by an app to be two hours and 18 minutes by public transport; It's hot as hell. Courier lß is grateful for Mr. Surprised Savage's welcome to his surburban village with watermelon and lemonade; he also shares Grandma WU's paintings with her, and since there aren't many real museums left these days, she thinks it would be nice to see them on a website if not in person; lß wants to gaze at the paintings again, just like the women gazing out from Grandma WU's paintings.
Courier lß establishes contact with Mr. Surprised Savage and they begin coordinating a handover:I will be in Shenzhen until 3 August, and then from the 4th-8th in Guangzhou, when would be more convenient for you to meet?
COURIER Surprised Savage UPDATE:Arrived home. With a little bit of a twist, that mysterious turn I was telling you about... I'm finally in bed, back to reality
2023-07-24,早上 morning:
Courier Surprised Savage ends a few days' sojourn to Hong Kong to visit friends and support an event hosted by other Guangzhou friends who have come to town; it is his first visit since 2019, and despite all the changes in the city, Hong Kong, the "silent island in the boiling sea", is for him "still a pearl that flashes into the clouds of the present from the vault of the future; the dark clouds cannot hide her splendour, but rather polish our hearts' perception
廣州 Guangzhou
HQL-351在島上,牛皮附件曾在夜穿城市時被遺忘在出租車後座··· HQL-531 on lsland. The bonus craft paper package was left behind in the taxi while traveling through the city at night, but luckily, smart society made it easily retrievable
HQL-351在車中 HQL-531 riding the Guangzhou MTR
HQL-351在手裡 HQL-531 in our hands, take care…
九龍 Kowloon + 新界 New Territories
緩件號 Dispatch HQL-531
香港路線 Hong Kong routes
從油麻地乘搭巴士到廣州 Taking the cross-border bus from Yaumatei to Guangzhou