2021-07-10,17:59 UTC+0
收件人評價:「終於收到啦,感謝大家 (> v <) 包裹沒有任何損壞,Stevphen,也謝謝可愛的貓咪 」
RECEIVER UPDATE:I got it! Finally! Thank you all (> v <)
And there is no damage on it, Stevphen. Thanks to you lovely cat
2021-07-07,10:42 UTC+0:
Courier Mr. SHUKAITIS brings dispatch HQL-306 to the university where he works in order to make use of the school's postal resources to mail the package to the receiver
2021-06-30,13:40 UTC+0:
Mr. SHUKAITIS' UPDATE:Did you hear that? We've totally won! We've set the record! We are the undisputed champions of veeeeeeeeeeery slow logistics. This is almost as good as when in 2014 I responded to a book that proposal that was sent to Autonomedia in 1996 (I had found it in the warehouse). Anyways, will get this in the post soon. Will send from the university so no need to worry about postal costs. Cheers, Stevphen
FROM THE TUEN MUN RELAY CENTRE:Dear all, yes, if it's okay for the sender to pay for the shipping costs, would be really fine by us as well, since we've had to make a lot of concessions during the pandemic period already. If at all possible, can the receiver send us a line and maybe an image when you've received the package so that we can document the closing of this route, which is now our SLOWEST ROUTE EVER! Congratulations, both! :) Warmest greetings from Hong Kong, PORTABLE
2021-06-20,10:32 UTC+0:
COURIER Mr. SHUKAITIS' UPDATE:Thanks for your message. Given the epochal delays involved here I'm more than fine with just putting the package in the post, and hope that wouldn't violate the rules of feral logisticality (or at least that such violation could be overlooked in the interest of the package arriving prior to the heat death of the universe). I also regret to tell you that in the meantime it does seem that occasionally a neighborhood cat has been coming into my house (to eat my cat's food) and has sometimes been, uhm, 'marking' territory on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. Though the upside here is that your package is well wrapped in plastic and thus hopefully has fared much better than other publications in the vicinity.
2021-06-18,15:46 UTC+0:
RECEIVER's UPDATE:Hi Stevphen, how are you? I hope you and your family are all well during this time. I have arrived in Southampton several days ago. When it is not convenient for us to meet in London because of Covid-19, can you send the package to me? I will pay the postage. Sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Thank you so much!
RECEIVER's UPDATE:Hi, I actually have come back to China (in a little bit chaotic condition) and not sure when can i be back again. But I will continue my postgraduate study in UK, maybe not in Liverpool anymore. Sorry for Stevphen need to keep books longer. I’ll contact you once I back to UK. Hope you all are safe and healthy.
2020-02-26,13:30 UTC 0:
Courier Mr. SHUKAITIS' Update:Ah crap. I was just in Liverpool for a day. I meant to write to coordinate bringing the package but forgot ('cause it's half term and so I've been running around doing the whole solo parenting thing, which has left me more than a bit tired). Will be going to Liverpool again for a few days in April. Does that work?
Courier Mr. SHUKAITIS' Update:Hellos... I tried to bring the package by the place you suggested when I was in Liverpool last week. Unfortunately it was already closed when I got there, and the mail slot was too small for putting the package through. Sorry about that. Not sure when I'll be in Liverpool again.
收件人回復:「Stevphen你好!很願意提供一個利物浦地址給你!就是下一個學期我會搬到一個新房子,現在還沒有收到正確的郵件地址。我一收到可以告訴你,也來謝謝你的慢遞 :D」
Reply from Receiver:Hi Stevphen! I’m very glad to provide my address in Liverpool for you! but next semester i’ll move to a new flat and i haven’t received the detailed address from the reception yet. once i get it, i’ll send an email to give thanks to your delivery :D
Courier Mr. SHUKAITIS' Update:Unfortunately my plan to try and get my 7 year-old son to bring the package with him to Liverpool has been rejected by his mum. So will have to see the next time I'll be heading that way (i.e., basically when i manage to get tickets for us to see Liverpool play a match).
Receiver informs the LIGHT LOGISTICS communications centre that she has just returned to China for the summer holiday period and will not go back to Liverpool until mid-September; information is relayed to courier Mr. SHUKAITIS that there is absolutely no need to rush, transfer patiently waiting
2019-07-15,可能早上 maybe 11:00:
在香港帶了一個星期之後,慢遞員SHUKAITIS先生和緩件HQL-306安全到達他科尔切斯特轉運中心(家);等待利物浦 轉運 Courier Mr. SHUKAITIS and dispatch HQL-306 finally arrive back at his Colchester relay centre (home) from the week-long work trip in Hong Kong; awaiting transfer to Liverpool
Second-time courier Mr. SHUKAITIS (see HQL-195) comes to Hong Kong for UK university recruiting fairs in Hong Kong and brings back home dispatch HQL-306 as well as a fair amount of stories about young Hong Kong students who want nothing more than to get out of HK and out of mum and dad's house
香港茶餐廳攬件 Hong Kong cha caantang diner pick-up
慢遞員SHUKAITIS先生偷拍慢遞員何子小姐和周小姐的HQL-304交接 Courier Mr. SHUKAITIS sneaks a pic of couriers Ms. HO and Ms. CHAO during the handover of dispatch HQL-304
利物浦派送失敗 Liverpool delivery failure
利物浦派送失敗 Liverpool delivery failure
HQL-306的2020年更新狀態 HQL-306 2020 status update from courier Mr. SHUKAITIS
「很刺激的一張帶包裹去學校郵寄出去的照片,還好他們表清楚BUSINESS,不然大家可能會忘記是一個」 Exciting photo of the package being taken to the business school to get sent. Good thing they put that sign there otherwise people might forget it’s a business school!