A former courier for LIGHT LOGISTICS has been away from Hong Kong for some months, and upon her return is subject to mandatory 21-day quarantine in a Hong Kong hotel; thus while we prefer personal encounters for our deliveries, pandemic exceptions require an impersonal handover via quarantine hotel staff; delivery is still successful, however, enabling quarantine-time reading over lychees and beer.
緩件HQL-405加特別送的荔枝禮品,在巴士上的路上 Dispatch HQL-405 with bonus bundle of lychees en route
屯門和九龍灣之間的風景 Views between Tuen Mun and Kowloon Bay
經由九龍灣休息一下,在一個茶餐廳下午茶再出去送貨 Stopping for a teatime break in Kowloon Bay before headed back to delivery route
4點半!下午茶! 4:30 pm, tea time!
香港新聞馬賽克 HK news glitch
到達目的地 Arrival at final delivery destination
因為隔離政策,最後只能交接給酒店工作人員 Due to quarantine regulations, a final handover goes through hotel staff