BUG handed the package to the receiver at the Home Inn budget hotel branch at 12 Wuqueqiao Road in the Gusu District of Suzhou
2021-06-06 11:10:
After a bit of fiddling with schedules and meeting locations, courier Ms. BUG and Mr. ZHANG agree to meet at 11:00 am at Changshu Lu metro station; upon arrival, BUG walks from Exit 1 to Exit 8, looking for Mr. ZHANG who is wearing a hat
2021-06-04 11:40 - 13:55:
航班號 FLIGHT HU7231
廣州白雲國際機場 - 上海浦東國際機場
Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport - Shanghai Pudong International Airport
COURIER Mr. ZHANG's REPORT:Earlier reports stated that all the restaurants and public facilities of the area I live in in Guangzhou were all shut down, and in conjunction with all the digital clamour about the emergency around Victoria Park today, I feel like this slow-courier trip is something like a scene from Taxi Driver or The Transporter. Even though I don't know for sure what is inside the package, I haven't been to Gwangju (South Korea), have never even been (since babyhood) to Hong Kong, nor have I ever even gotten off at the famed Beijing Muxidi metro stop. My participation is purely limited to however much data I have left with my VPN provider. So this trip is something more like being transported in a Mi-go carried brain cylinder.
The plane arrives in Shanghai at around 1:30 in the afternoon. I find a way to go through all the checks quickly, then make an appointment to hand off the dispatch to the relay courier for Sunday (6 June). She says she's not sure yet about her schedule, hopefully it will work out.
COURIER Mr. ZHANG's REPORT:Could make an appointment with a hospital to do the nucleic acid test, but when I arrived there was an enormously long queue. I had thought being in Lingnan (the Cantonese speaking areas of China) would be so different to the north where I'm from, that there wouldn't be anything like the screaming security guards or those rude nurses I've encountered before, but actually it's all the same. Later I noticed that they were much more pleasant to two visitors who spoke Cantonese, so I guess the problem is me then, or at least it's the problem of my northern accent. Afterwards, I took a taxi back and the driver told me that the area where I live is considered a moderately risky zone (the protocol in China right now is to rate pandemic risk levels by calculating the density of cases for every area), so he would not be able to take me all the way there. I ignored him and managed to find a way to get back home. Now I've finally got my negative test results in hand.
In the two months since I've picked up dispatch HQL-399, I've finished two bottles of e-cigarette liquid. One bottle was Sub Zero from the brand Halo, and the other was the pineapple flavour from Ice Lab. I smoke them together. Both bottles I had purchased online when I was back in my home town of Taiyuan, choosing the menthol flavours because I imagined the weather in Guangzhou must be super hot. They turned out to be not so cooling though, but when I asked the seller answered, "Halo products are definitely not cooling, why don't you go smoke some meth instead?" Just now I've picked up a new bottle from Fruit Lab, but without too many high hopes. Right before bed, I find out that the flight on the 5th has been cancelled, so I immediately change it for the 4th.
The resourceful receiver adds new courier BUG to relay HQL-399; she and Mr. ZHANG agree to meet when he arrives to Shanghai in a few days
慢遞員張先生的報告:「訂六月五日機票去上海,最近廣州又有新的COVID cases。所以我一直擔心能否順利抵達。新的政策是離開廣州必須提供72小時内核核酸檢測證明。今日去社區做檢測,大雨,趕到時被通知已經截至。出門看廣州人習慣披雨衣,心想我也需要一個。」
COURIER Mr. ZHANG's REPORT:I booked a plane ticket to Shanghai for June 5th, but recently there have been new cases of COVID in Guangzhou, making me worry about whether or not I'll be able to go. The latest policy requires all those leaving Guangzhou to prove they have tested negative for the virus within 72 hours of their departure. Today I went to the community testing centre to take the nucleic acid test, but it was raining heavily, and by the time I arrived they told me they already stopped receiving people for the day. I've noticed that people in Guangzhou often carry a raincoat with them when they go out; I think I should probably learn to do the same.
2021-05-18,晚飯時間 dinnertime:
Ms. PORTABLE skips another Tuesday martial arts practice but joins the crew for dinner at a restaurant nearby Soeng Joeng Toi; funnily enough, by coincidence Mr. ZHANG has also joined for Chongqing noodles without having participated in the exercise part; the two exchange their logistical updates: Ms. PORTABLE is preparing to return to Hong Kong in a few days; dispatch HQL-399 is still in Mr. ZHANG's care in Guangzhou, but he is planning to visit Shanghai soon, where he can arrange another handover for relay to Suzhou
While she feels she learns a lot from martial arts practice, courier Ms. PORTABLE's real motivation to join the session is because one of the participants is also a potential actor for a film she is preparing to shoot; she arrives at Soeng Joeng Toi at 15:48 to prepare a screen test, sending Mr. ZHANG a photo to the HQL-399 logistical chat group; Mr. ZHANG is a bit late because the bus he is on has a flat tire; a little over one hour later, a successful handover is made
The receiver in Suzhou gets in touch with LIGHT LOGISTICS with news that a friend of hers is moving to Guangzhou and can help courier her dispatch; after several missed connections due to busy work schedules and different sleeping patterns, new courier Mr. ZHANG and PORTABLE finally make an appointment to meet at the Guangzhou space Soeng Joeng Toi during their weekly group martial arts practice
For details of Hong Kong - Guangzhou leg of this dispatch, please visit HQL-382
緩件HQL-399在廣州等待交接 Dispatch HQL-399 waiting for handover in Guangzhou
PORTABLE’s shitty mobile phone checks in at the Guangzhou handover point
慢遞員張先生成功接好貨 Courier Mr. ZHANG
慢遞員長先生往上海前的出發點 Courier Mr. ZHANG’s starting point before relaying to Shanghai
緩件號HQL-399和空煙油瓶 Dispatch HQL-399 and two empty bottles of e-liquid
上海機場關於防疫的表示均爲黃色或者橘黃色,讓我想起納粹對猶太人的標記(一種强行libido) All of the signs about combatting the virus at Shanghai Airport are yellow or orange, making Mr. ZHANG think of the coding system the Nazis used to mark Jews (a courier’s libidinal thinking)
慢遞員黃老闆成功攬件 Courier Ms. BUG successfully picks up HQL-399
從蘇州廉價酒店天台拍的風景 The view from the balcony of a Suzhou budget hotel