「後勤」慢遞員Ms. PAPERBRIDGEEE剛送達完了HQL-365到香港,其中一本書就要想好怎麼轉給廣州的收件人,但是她也差不多時間通知我們她要來香港開始讀研究生,PAPERBRIDGEEE隔離完之後沒多久收件人也解放了,跟慢遞員何子小姐在太子的一個放映會交接成功
LIGHT LOGISTICS courer Ms. PAPERBRIDGEEE had just successfully delivered dispatch HQL-365, crucially containing one publication intended for a receiver in Guangzhou, when about the same time, the receiver informs LIGHT LOGISTICS that she will be coming to Hong Kong herself for beginning her masters studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong; she gets out of quarantine not long after PAPERBRIDGEEE, and she and courier Ms. PORTABLE meet at a film screening in the Prince Edward neighbourhood of Kowloon
緩件號HQL-383從屯門往太子的路上 HQL-383 en route from Tuen Mun to Prince Edward