A Manual: How to Bribe a Cop in Columbia


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105 x 150 mm, 88頁/pages
四色傳統印刷  4/4 colour offset
無線膠訂  perfect bound

語言 LANGUAGE  //  西班牙、英、繁體中文  Spanish, Traditional Chinese, English
出版日期 PUBLICATION DATE  //  2015年12月4日
出版社 PUBLISHER  //  4-18.org (波哥大 Bogotá)
創刊號 ISBN  //  978-958-59560-0-1

限量500本  /  Edition of 500

1 in stock





There are two parts of this book, the tutorial and the appendix. We provide complete information on how to socialize with the police at different stages of conversation during such an encounter. We also provide various case studies which help you recognize the cop’s intention to ask for a bribe, as well as verbal terms and body languages often used during the process. In the appendix, we list common wordplay in the glossary, and the “Bill Info” section includes stories of different bills as well as their nicknames. By the end of the book, we add up to 30 bribe stories that comprise a diverse number of contexts and situations within the limited pages of this manual.

In this book, we focus on traffic violations and police pulling over drivers, and the stories are mostly from Bogotá. But the manual can be easily applied to different situations in Columbia.


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施昀佑1985年生於台灣彰化,畢業於台灣大學歷史學系(2007),芝加哥藝術學院雕塑創作碩士(MFA, 2014)。施昀佑的作品形式一直與其身處的空間密切相關:他在台北以一棟歷史建築為媒材進行創作,而身處長期的移動狀態時,他的作品也進入行李箱,成為檔案、文件與書冊,講述著一則又一則的故事。在創作中,他經常使用不同的形式探索紀念碑和記憶的樣貌,同時也總是納入他和國家機器以及機構之間的互動,但相對於一種對抗的姿態,施昀佑更傾向於使用一種共存或滲透的手法來探索這中間的模糊地帶。
施昀佑的作品曾獲台北美術獎、芝加哥新藝術家協會新藝術家獎以及台灣文化部駐村獎金。曾受邀參與史勾西根繪畫雕塑學校、北極圈藝術家進駐計畫、4-18哥倫比亞駐留計畫與台北藝術村駐村計畫。作品曾於廣州時代美術館,香港Para Site,台北北師美術館,上海當代美術館,武漢剩餘空間,台北當代藝術中心,紐約PRACTICE藝術空間,哥倫比亞4-18藝術空間,北京長征,貝爾格勒國家文化中心等地展出。
Yunyu Ayo SHIH (b. 1985) currently lives and works in Taipei. He graduated from National Taiwan University with a BA in History in 2007 and School of The Art Institute of Chicago with an MFA in Sculpture in 2014. Shih’s work has always related closely to the space he is situated. In Taipei, a city he lived in for ten years, he turn a whole building into the subject of his art. While he is constantly moving and relocating, his works are stored in suitcases and become archives, documents, and books that tells different stories. He frequently explores different appearances of memorial and memory while at the same time involving interactions between himself and state apparatus. Instead of posing a confrontational gesture, he tends to choose co-existent or penetrated attitudes to explore gray areas.
Shih’s work has been exhibited at Para Site, Guangdong Times Museum, MoNTUE Taipei, Power Station Art Museum in Shanghai, Taipei Contemporary Art Center, VT Artsalon (Taiwan), Practice Space (NY), 4-18 Space (Bogota), Long March Space in Beijing, Cultural Center Belgrade and many other spaces. He has been the recipient of the New Artist Society Award, Taiwan National Cultural Affair Grant, and The National Culture and Arts Foundation Award, and has participated in the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, the Arctic Circle Residency, and 4-18 Residency in Colombia.


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A Manual: How to Bribe a Cop in Columbia”

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