更新:「非常感謝妳的分享,希望《暗流體》能對你和你的中國科幻小說學生有所幫助!徐世琪一定會非常高興。我們今天已經寄出了你的包裹,應該在4月的課程前到達;隨時通過香港郵政查詢包裹的狀態 ☞ 追蹤號碼:EG005050525HK :)再次感謝您對 "半自主 "出版的支持,祝安~」
UPDATE:Thank you so much for sharing about your Chinese science fiction class, hope that Dark Fluid will be helpful for you and your students! Angela will be so pleased. We've posted your package today, should arrive well before the class in April. You can check the status of the package anytime via Hong Kong Post ☞ tracking number:EG005050525HK :)Thank you again for your support of 'semi-autonomous' publishing, and best wishes~
Thank you! I have just done the payment. Please see attached for my receipt from the webpage.
In answer to Angela’s question, I am teaching a Chinese SF course right now at CU Boulder. My book purchases are supported by my research fund, and I am personally very curious about this collection. I really wanted to have some SF from HK, but it turns out that not a lot is translated into English for my students. My plan is to show them the English excerpts and images from Dark Fluid as a way to start some discussions about HK and SF. By the way, I am not a Cantonese speaker myself, but I am a Taiwanese Hokkien speaker and I am very supportive of non-Mandarin cultural productions.
Hello, when can I expect this shipment to arrive?
Thank you for getting in touch! We’ve just replied to you by e-mail, please reply to logistics@displaydistribute.com at your earliest convenience. 📦☺️