The receiver of dispatch HQL-480 is also a courier and friend; he is patient, therefore, with the slow three months it takes for this same-city journey, even kindly taking the time to inform the LIGHT LOGISTICIAN of bugs in the DIY online platform and write a review on Facebook; thank you for your support of semi-autonomous publishing!
荃灣 Tsuen Wan
收件人的表情,是什麼感受? What is the feeling of this receiver?
收件人在臉書上寫的書評 Receiver’s Facebook review of his new book
香港行動 Movements throughout Hong Kong
巴士上的風景 Views from the top of the bus
巴士上的風景 Views from the top of the bus
地鐵的地下極簡主義藝術 Minimalist art views from the MTR underground