paperbridgeee更新 UPDATE:「終於出返黎去到我隔離住嘅地方 Finally back and now already in quarantining quarters」
2020-08-07,10:45 UTC-5:
paperbridgeee更新 UPDATE:NYC (LGA) -> TOR (YYZ),TOR (YYZ) -> VCR (YVR),Hong Kong flight delayed TBC
2020-08-06,15:00 UTC-5:
paperbridgeee更新 UPDATE:hui dou arm arm ho. picked up from fei in between her class/work breaks gun ju hui jor mai cheesecake bei zi gei sik
2020-08-06,14:09 UTC-5:
paperbridgeee更新 UPDATE:sold a pan on fb marketplace on my way to pick up gum chi gor mission. sell yuen gok duc i should move my legs soh yi walked over (mo lum gor jit gor bin jor the last time w walk on the streets….pretty much) instead of wait for bus
paperbridgeee更新 UPDATE:約ed(水貨) +1/combine all the 約s(pepe+水貨) into one meet up
Frequent flyer (less now) courier paperbridgeee rescues this long stalled route (the originally planned relay through Berlin never able to go), scheduled to pick up from Fei on Thursday 6 August, flying back to Hong Kong the following day via an extended layover in Canada
2020-03-14,10:40 UTC-5:
《mình》的作者去年從墨爾本來到紐約駐地,她帶了幾本過去,剩下的最後兩本留下給展銷場。慢遞員-作者劉小姐準備轉她自己出的第二期《傷心到變種》給一個往柏林去的朋友,順便也可以取一下《mình》一起走。劉小姐的報告:「我們在她駐地的Union Docs門口見的,早上10:40。她當時剛洗完澡,穿著一雙很妙的拖鞋出來的」
The maker of mình zine had brought several copies with her from Melbourne to New York, where she has been on residency for the last months. Courier-author Ms. LIU had just finished making a special second edition of Pepe and was preparing to hand over copies to a friend who will be travelling to Berlin soon. Brooklyn locations for all make it convenient for Ms. LIU to pick up the copies of mình to make a dispatch together. Courier Ms. LIU's Update:We met in front of Union Docs where she is a resident, and at 10:40 am. She just took a shower and came out in her wonderful slippers
在威廉斯堡攬《mình》 Williamsburg pick-up of mình
臨走前一日,布魯克林交接 Brooklyn handover just a day prior to departure