Courier Mr. MATSUMOTO goes on a southern China tour with friends from Tokyo bands THE天國畑JAPON and Punk Rocker Labor Union, passing briefly through Hong Kong for a hidden gig in Kwai Hing, where he is able to pick up dispatch HQL-200, an order for Tokyo infoshop Irregular Rhythm Asylum.
「THE天國畑JAPON」主唱 Lead singer of THE天國畑JAPON
「パンクロッカー労働組合」的主唱閱讀《目錄》Lead singer of Punk Rock Labor Union reading 『CATALOGUE』
慢遞員松本先生開始出發 Courier MATSUMOTO en route
收件人拍慢遞員 Receiver photographs courier
HQL-200 派送成功 Dispatch received successfully at Koenji District’s Manuke Guesthouse