The “How to Use Space” comic series includes five volumes for reading at your leisure. Street Sleepers Guide: How to Use Space is number one of this series.
三毛是上海大眾和漫畫的連接點,其都市遊蕩者的身份及經歷正好可以借為現世法外之徒(bande à part)的形象:夾在警棍和示威人群之間,是永遠的第三類人;翻身後到學校到公園也是一種“疏離”的觀察,對“安全”的公共活動的沈默質疑。這是偏軌看待因古老而持固化觀點的漫畫作品使其再生,以探尋當下更多的可能性。
The character SanMao represents the conjunction between the Shanghai public and comics. His identity and experience as a city drifter can be transformed into the image of the bande à part——between protesters and police batons, forever a third party. After the “revolution”, his visits to a school and a public park are alienated observations that silently question the supposed peacefulness of public gatherings. By re-examining long hardened public opinions of SanMao, the artist seeks to explore contemporary possibilities of the street sleeper figure.
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