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On view from May 2024 at the Seoul Museum of Art “Future Orientations” Archive:

Display Distribute reads for MOVING and HUSTLING

Movements make and break worlds. This fluctuation is what some would call economy, for better or worse. They are relations and circulations—sometimes vicious, like defense spending and imperialist occupations; at other times counter-hegemonic, aiming to tip scales of inequality; and, perhaps most often, simply a-meal-a-day—the motions of merely trying to survive. All are place-based, specific, and mark sociopolitical relations on maps that we hope to bend and reconfigure.

Our work is often fluid, hard to track, and cross-border. Next to smugglers, migrant workers, and wanderers, we carry our bodies and other goods as an exercise in economy and geography. Global logistics is one manifestation of that (as we have all experienced during pandemic slow-downs), but so are the small-scale movements of knowledge sharing, mutual support, and following in the footsteps of coincidence.

This varied collection of recommendations from Display Distribute co-conspirators hopes to move similarly: under-recognised, sometimes lonely, but not without great and lofty ambitions. Whether picking up temp work all across China, Southeast Asia, or the United States, while hungry in Japan, or amidst a forlorn departure from Hong Kong, all of these publications speak of movement and parallel flows of economy through various aesthetic and narrative lenses. Making and breaking worlds. So let slow-down be a call for these worlds-in-print to occupy us differently, from the trees to the paper and all the stories contained therein. A luta continua!

  1. 孤獨的美食家 Solitary Gourmet》;QUSUMI Masayuki + 谷口 ジロー TANIGUCHI Jirō
  2. 我在北京送快遞》;胡安焉 HU Anyan
  3. The Word for World is Still Forest》; a paginated exhibition co-edited by Anna-Sophie SPRINGER + Etienne TURPIN
  4. Acts of Departure》; edited by 何穎雅 Elaine W. HO with contributions from KAYFA-TA
  5. 绝情种 Cold Hearted》;陳嘉露 CHEN Jialu
  6. Art, Engagement, Economy》; Caroline WOOLARD
  7. DISHWASHER: One Man’s Quest to Wash Dishes in All Fifty States》; Pete JORDAN
  8. 盜亦有道 Theory of the Fake》; Ackbar ABBAS recommended by “The Orphaned Objects”


2024年2月度最佳慢遞員 COURIER-of-the-MONTH !


Display Distribute presents 『CATALOGUE』No. 3 COVER: Reading While Walking at the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Biennial Conclave “Placemaking/Homemaking cluster”, convened by 瞿暢 QU Chang (Lingnan University)
Ahmedabad University
314 (Black Box), School of Arts and Sciences,27 July 2023, 1.30-4.30 PM

Display Distribute interview with LIM Kyung Yong for Publishing as Method
[韓文 KR / 英文 EN,PDF 4.1 mb]
Published by mediabus, April 2023

展銷場 x lumbung Kios 吹水會:「米倉……」:文獻展後的KIOS」
Display Distribute x lumbung Kios nongkrong session:
LUMBUNG… : On the Kios and Lumbung of Publishers after documenta”
BOOKED 2023,2023年4月29星期六
Saturday, 29 April 2023

展銷場 x lumbung Kios 參加「BOOKED: 香港藝術書展」,2023年4月28日-5月1日
Display Distribute x lumbung Kios at BOOKED Art Book Fair 2023
Hong Kong, 28 April – 1 May 2023

Display Distribute co-presenting for the Hong Kong city panel of the 7th annual conference of the  Institute of Network Society:
instilling an undertow:  micro-autonomous art practices and inquiries around P2P
時間 TIME(UTC+08):2022年11月28日 19:00-22:00
💤OOM参会:850 6792 3634(原聲道,設有中英文同聲傳譯 CN/EN)
直播 Live Stream:🔗 B站直播 BiliBili (中文 CN)|🔗 YouTube直播 (英文 EN)

Display Distribute participates in Supply Chain, curated by Antonie ANGERER, Anna ESCHENBACH and 李筱天 LI Xiaotian as part of Empowerment
Kunstmuseum Wolfburg, 10 September 2022 – 8 January 2023

[… 更多 more …]



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