八過卦 Dated Gossip

#LIGHTLOGISTICS harvested by the lumbung Kios working group for a learning session on 5 August 2021, now published as part of the second edition of the lumbung Kios catalogue (Kassel, August 2022)
Download PDF here https://displaydistribute.com/greyeconomy/lumbungKIOS_2ndEdition-2022-08.pdf


Display Distribute mentions in “The Art Book Fair as temporary book space”, by LIM Kyung Yong
IDEA Magazine No. 397, February 2022


 “Chatty Publishing” walk-in workshop with Hackers and Designers, Florian Cramer, and Jatiwangi Art Factory at Documenta Fifteen, for the launch of Making Matters, A Vocabulary for Collective Arts (Valiz) and gossiping about Documenta (Kassel, 27-28 July 2022)
View the on-going lexicon here https://chatty-pub.hackersanddesigners.nl/making-matters-lumbung


Display Distribute takes part in the Art in Action Research Workshop
co-hosted by FOA-FLUX and Jatiwangi Art Factory’s Terracotta Embassy at Documenta Fifteen (Kassel, 17 July 2022)


BULLET TEXT discussion with : INDISCZINEPARTIJ、NAMKHEUN、境外生權益小組 Taiwan International Student Movement、NEW PESSIMISM、BUKU JALANAN Shah Alam + 刺紙 PRICKLY PAPER,moderated by 陸思培 Stephanie LU Sipei + 展銷場 Display Distribute
網上 online, 16 January 2022,19:30 UTC +8
💤oom  967 5847 4150  |  passcode  059238 


Panel Presentation “Art & Resistance from the Mainland to the Diaspora
by Mai CORLIN for Powers of Truth: China, Tech, Art and Resistance (Berlin, October 2021)


Artistic Research – dead on arrival? Research practices of self-organized collectives vs. managerial visions of artistic research”,by Florian CRAMER in The Postresearch Condition (Metropolis M Books, 2021)


『展銷場』x 女子天團 參加廣東時代美術館 “無用之用”展覽
Display Distribute in collaboration with NZTT Sewing Co-op for “Uselessness as Usage” at Guangdong Times Museum
2021年7月17日 – 8月29日


ในห้องที่มีหน้าต่าง : In a Room with a View”, interview with Display Distribute LIGHT LOGISTICIAN 何穎雅 Elaine W. Ho by BOOKMARK magazine issue 8


Favourites from BOOKED:2021” 幾個點 to Display Distribute distro publishers 楚吉妮 Jiney CHU劉斐 LIU Fei、and 翁维 WENG Wei


『카탈로그 CATALOGUE』No. 03
(a 🍄 mycorrhizally 🍄 distributed publication)


Reliable Display Copy Distribute No. 1
A conversation between 何穎雅 Elaine W. HO and Nihaal FAIZAL for MARCH journal of art & strategy


Reliable Display Copy Distribute No. 2
A conversation between 何穎雅 Elaine W. HO and Nihaal FAIZAL for BKKABF CO-OP Open Access


PACKAGING as PROPAGANDA: On circulation, new psychogeographies, and the discursiveness of boxes
Performance dialogue at “Collective Material Practices in Critical Times” Making Matters online symposium, Sat, 2020 November 21, 19:30 UTC+8


out of isolation: artists respond to covid-19”,by CHU Hao Pei


Circulation as Form”,wallpaper flows with Rhode Island School of Design Department of Architecture


On camaraderie, propaganda and the Black Book: Recent thoughts from Hong Kong”,Šeleppūtu Issue 01


Slow Logistics”,by Alex TELL for Places Journal


Interview with Object Lessons Space for Singapore Art Book Fair


Eating Bitter as Gratitude for Hard Work: In Anticipation of Independent Publishing Practices on Slow Down”,
A conversation between 八家 Bajia、展銷場 Display Distribute + soi | ซอย