柏林 Berlin 經由 VIA
深圳 Shenzhen +
香港 Hong Kong +
莫斯科 Moscow
180 copies
展銷場新一期的《目錄》到達柏林成功不動。 Durational Installation and Market Intervention.
Display Distribute is a thematic investigation, distribution service, exhibition space and sometimes shop based in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Exportation to Berlin is not necessarily a question of movement but rather in this instance a durational tactic of merely staying in place. Incoming packages, crates and parcels build up, turning the museum into a port of entry, docking ground and 11-day sublet. Artistic services and logistics gone awry engage the administrative and institutional as a question of multi-functionality. From the midst of a Festival into the middle of a Fair, this anti-spectacular moment of stasis traces the grey subjectivities behind bottom-up processes and mass production as a negotiation in movement.
緩件HQL-178武漢攬件 Dispatch HQL-178 picked up in Wuhan
到達武漢天河國際機場 Arrival at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport
深圳寶安國際機場轉運 Dispatch transferred at Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport
深圳寶安國際機場轉運中心 Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport transfer centre
緩件安全第一 Dispatch safety is of greatest concern
柏林「漢堡火車站美術館」派送成功 Dispatch successfully delivered to Hamburger Bahnhof Museum in Berlin
The Essential and Incomplete Sade for Sade's Sake
北京 Beijing
香港 Hong Kong
2 copies
泡泡 Paopao +
曾明俊 Billy TANG +
陳思穎 Hera CHAN
2017-12-10,大概 around 17:45
Display Distribute smuggling on the side
Strange, unrelated smuggled object found inside dispatch
2017年12月10日,大概 around 17:45
Final handover to Display Distribute LIGHT LOGISTICIANS in Wong Chuk Hang
Handover to Hong Kong Quarry Bay transfer centre
Beijing inner city transfer from inside Second Ring Road to 798
出版社交流紀錄 Publisher communication log
緩件HQL-177北京藝術空間交接 Dispatch HQL-177 Beijing art space handover
香港藝術空間交接 Hong Kong art space handover
緩件多帶的小禮物 Found object upon receipt
No Base, Stop Rape
2016 Rio Anti-Olympics Report
东京 Tokyo
香港 Hong Kong
# WC-320b
5 copies each
方韻芝 Vangi FONG +
彭灼楹 Angel PANG
Dispatch successfully received in Hong Kong
Dispatch HQL-176 successfully handed over in Yoyogi Park
Departing from Hong Kong International Airport on 21 August 2017 at 11:20 AM
緩件HQL-176成成功交接,代々木公園 HQL-176 successful handover in Yoyogi Park
香港交接 Hong Kong handover
香港 Hong Kong
深圳 Shenzhen 與 AND/OR
廣州 Guangzhou
Frequently travelling between Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Slow courier Swallow guarantees delivery!
Display Distribute new title acquisition mình takes a month-long journey as courier Ms. TRAN travels around Europe after arriving from Melbourne. Coordination between a shy courier and a shy receiver results in a meeting between two people wearing the same outfit.
A mistaken routing brings books from Hong Kong to Beijing when they should have simply crossed the harbour. Fortunately, Hong Kong sound artist-courier Miss LEE is in Beijing to exhibit for the first time, and her quick trip makes for a smooth return to Hong Kong.
HQL-173 在北京首都機場的打開佐行李箱裡邊 open suitcase at Beijing Capital Airport
HQL-173 2017-06-16聊天記錄 chat log
緩件HQL-173交接成功 Dispatch HQL-173 received in Hong Kong successfully
紐約 New York
香港 Hong Kong 經由 VIA
廣州 Guangzhou
3 本 copies
Xiaoshi Vivian Vivian QIN
Arrival back in Hong Kong, handover successfully made in the Wong Chuk Hang district of south Hong Kong Island .
Arrival in Guangzhou for transfer.
Arrival in Hong Kong for transfer only, handover missed.
Courier Ms. QIN meets co-publisher of Abracadabra, Ms. REES some time before 4 pm at a bakery in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, called Bakeri (spelled with an i)—"even pronounced bah-kery, which is kind of annoying haha, but I think it's because the owner is Norwegian."
Courier Ms. QIN arrives in New York after a mid-American roadtrip with friends through the Rocky Mountains.
慢遞員覃小姐領件前跟朋友一起開車穿美國猶他州 Courier QIN’s trip to Utah prior pick-up
猶他州的一個鬼城廢墟 Car in Utah ghost town
David Field, 21 years of age as of 1767, scratched his name next to an Native American wall painting
慢遞員覃小姐報告了她在猶他州看見的兩千多年前畫的壁畫 Ms. QIN reports that the wall paintings in Utah are “from 2000 years ago or something”.
慢遞員覃小姐報告了她在猶他州看見的兩千多年前畫的壁畫 Ms. QIN reports that the wall paintings in Utah are “from 2000 years ago or something”.
緩件HQL-172 交接前 pre-handover
HQL-172 交接報告 dispatch report
HQL-172到達香港Spring工作室交收成功 Dispatch arrives safely to Hong Kong at Spring Workshop in Aberdeen
Almost exactly three months after placing an order with Display Distribute, LIGHT LOGISTICS courier Ms. NG is able to greet the happy and shy receiver of books from Hong Kong.
Comic book artist June LEE reprints new sets of his “How to Use Space” series to update Display Distribute stock, catching curator-writer-courier Ms. YAO just before her short trip to Beijing to visit friends and participate in a talk. One of those friends is Mr. QU, former colleague of Ms. HO. She will arrive in Beijing a few days later to visit friends, too, maybe also to participate in a lecture-performance.
Courier-artist LI will be embarking from the beginning of June upon a north-south cross-country trip with her 2 year-old daughter and 13 year-old nephew, final time of arrival uncertain but with a long awaited return to Lijiang Studio as the final destination. There, she will be reconvening with her husband, who will take go by car from their home in Changchun, and her parents, who live in Shenzhen. LI curated a two-year long mural project at Lijiang Studios several years ago, culminating in the book
Lijiang Studio Mural Stories.
慢遞員李的慢遞條件 Dispatch restrictions stipulated by courier LI
Artist-courier team CHEUNG and CHENG, more commonly known as C&G, travel to San Francisco on 10 May to take part in an exhibition at the Chinese Cultural Center of San Francisco. Dispatch HQL-170 is to be delivered to CCC curator Abby CHEN.
緩件從C&G藝術空間開始,兩位創始人張嘉莉和鄭怡敏(阿金)是HQL-170的人肉慢遞 Dispatch begins from C&G Artpartment, founded by artist-courier duo Clara CHEUNG and Gum CHENG
HQL-170早晨到達收件人家 Morning arrival at the receiver’s home
Fellow independent publisher-courier Ms. PANG visits her friends at the Fong Fo publishing studio in Guangzhou for the weekend, making the formidable cross-border smuggle of two full sets of Fong Fo back to Hong Kong.
HQL-169剛從北京返廣州,準備去香港 back from Beijing, headed to HK
《馮火》包裝皮的廢貼紙 Sticker backing remnants of packaging Fong Fo
Travels in China
北京 Beijing 經由 VIA
上海 Shangai +
廣州 Guangzhou
Hong Kong
1 本 copy
申安君 SHEN Anjun +
趙坤方 ZHAO Kunfang +
凌明 Ming LIN
《Travels in China》(中國旅行)的作者杜過牽線朋友申先生攬件HQL-168,申先生經常去上海出差看女朋友,本次得以將HQL-168轉運給人肉慢遞員趙小姐。趙小姐4月22日因其大牌市場研究/廣告公司去廣州出差,之後去香港玩幾天,順便完成包裹投遞
Friend of Travels in China author Feiman DU, Mr. SHEN travels often to Shanghai for work and to visit his girlfriend. This is convenient for dispatch HQL-168, which will meet the hands of Miss ZHAO, who is travelling on the 22 of April to Guangzhou for her work with a major marketing and brand strategy company, but plans to make a trip to Hong Kong thereafter to visit friends
慢遞人員申在北京去取緩件中路過拍的照片 Courier SHEN takes a photo in Beijing en route to pick up HQL-168
慢遞人員申在上海派送緩件中路過拍的照片 Courier SHEN takes a photo in Shanghai en route to deliver HQL-168
HQL-168 派送中,慢遞員申先生拍照跟趙小姐確認交接地點 En route to delivery, courier SHEN photo-confirms the drop-off location with courier ZHAO
信使趙小姐的出差表 Courier ZHAO’s work-travel schedule
信使趙小姐的出差計畫突然有變化,緩件停留了上海 Courier ZHAO’s travel schedule faces last minute changes, dispatch is left in Shanghai.
The under-construction Old Bailey Galleries in Hong Kong builds its upcoming art book library by collecting several publications from Display Distribute's roster. Courier HO makes a personal delivery to the Art Basel HK art fair, where they preview the beginnings of their collection.
HQL-165 派送中 en route
展銷場的“二(手)山(寨)“《香港農民曆》捐給奧卑利美術館 an extra copy of The HK FARMers’ Almanac is donated to Old Bailey Galleries’ collection
HQL-165 到達奧卑利美術館的巴塞爾攤位 HQL-165 arrival at the Old Bailey Galleries’ booth at Art Basel HK
HQL-165 上了奧卑利美術館工作人員的instagram Dispatch documented via the instagram account of an Old Bailey Galleries art worker
漕港河議踐 Cao Gang River Meeting Practice
London 經由 VIA
Tokyo +
Kolkata +
Hong Kong
1 本 copy
White Conduit项目設計師(和藝術家的房東)從倫敦去東京、加爾各答和廷布出差,預計5月24-28日之間到達香港。
Founder of White Conduit Projects, bag designer—and the artist's landlady—traveling to Hong Kong after passing through Tokyo, Kolkata and Thimbhu graciously agrees to transport some leaflets. Anticipated arrival in 香港 from 24-28th of May.
《漕港河議踐》藝術家山田健二和他的房東-信使 Cao Gang River Meeting Practice artist Kenji YAMADA with his landlady-courier
くまモン在緩件HQL-164路途中 A Kumamon greets courier in Kumamoto
緩件HQL-164到達加爾各答轉運 Package arrives in Kolkata
HQL-164到達廷布 Dispatch in Thimpu
廷布第二景 Thimpu second view
HQL-164經由39度的加爾各答 Dispatch relay through 39° Kolkata
The remainder of Mr. SERRES' order not delivered with initial dispatch HQL-155 is due a reprinting of comics illustrator June LEE's zines on urban culture. Based in Shanghai, June is able to deliver to Mr. SERRES himself, and the two converse about zines and urban exploration, agreeing to go rooftopping together at a later date.
HQL-163 派送中 en route
HQL-163 路過的綠門 passes a mysterious green door
HQL-163 到達上海目的地 Arrival at Shanghai destination
讀者SERRES先生與慢遞人員子傑分享他的獨立出版物 The encounter between reader Mr. SERRES and courier June LEE develops into a zine exchange meeting
讀者SERRES先生與慢遞人員子傑分享他的獨立出版物 The encounter between reader Mr. SERRES and courier June LEE develops into a zine exchange meeting
讀者SERRES先生與慢遞人員子傑分享他的獨立出版物 The encounter between reader Mr. SERRES and courier June LEE develops into a zine exchange meeting
讀者SERRES先生與慢遞人員子傑分享他的獨立出版物 The encounter between reader Mr. SERRES and courier June LEE develops into a zine exchange meeting
《自然與政治》Nature & Politics
HQL-163 紀錄的紀錄 documentation of documentation
ZARA: (Ocean No Nothing)
倫敦 London 經由 VIA
格拉斯哥 Glasgow +
蘇黎世 Zürich
St. Gallen
二 本
2 copies
Annie GOH +
Dispatch arrives in St Gallen via a very hands on delivery.
2017/04/10 :
Dispatch HQL-166 arrives back in Zürich, the home city of courier TRUONG; awaiting transfer to St. Gallen by boyfriend who works there.
2017/04/05 :
Courier TRUONG travels to Glasgow for work.
2017/04/04 :
Dispatch picked up by courier TRUONG from relay node GOH.
2017/03/31 :
Dispatch awaits pickup in Hackney. Courier MARIBUT to designate convenient transaction point.
HQL-166 交接 handover
HQL-166 臉書紀錄 Facebook communications
還件HQL-166是一小本書 Dispatch HQL-166 consists of one small book
ZARA: (Ocean No Nothing)
Hong Kong
1 pack ZARA 1包
an unnamed courier
2017-03-23, 20:26
倫敦The Royal Oak酒吧,已攬件。
Dispatch launched from The Royal Oak.
Arrival in Hong Kong, awaiting pick-up.
The unnamed courier runs into the dispatch recipient unplanned. Dispatch is not completed.
The following day, the unnamed courier delivers to a Display Distribute event in Sham Shui Po, knowing that the receiver will be present.
算是信使何子最失敗的一條路線:坐了45分鐘的巴士後坐過站,返轉頭救命又坐過,發現新界的站距離很奇怪,坐過的站同之前一站差幾百米,從錯過的站到下一站要21.6公里。慢遞人員一路罵自己,罵司機,到最後聽到旁邊一個小朋友同佢爸爸傾偈先開啟自己笑: 「爸爸睇睇大船!佢地去邊啊?」
The biggest disaster of a dispatch for experienced courier HO began with a 45 minute bus ride from the New Territories towards City U, but a missed stop resulted in a highway turnaround that only led to missing the stop again. In this moment HO learns that New Territories buses have oddly planned distances between stops: from the missed stop and its previous stop, only a few hundred meters apart; but from the missed stop to the next, a cursed 21.6 km. Cursing for another hour or so, until she overhears a lovely conversation from a little boy and his father on the bus:
「Papa, look at the giant ship! Where is it going?」
「To make deliveries.」
「Where do they deliver?」
「To foreign countries.」
「What do they do in foreign countries?」
「They do business.」
「That must take a long time!」
信使的燒賣加辣油午餐可能讓脾氣火起來了 Perhaps it was the hot oil on the courier lunch which sparked her temper
《馮火》在公交車上 Fong Fo on the bus
HQL-160 路上經過的大貨船 passes huge freighter ships on its journey
HQL-160 出發之後,過了三個小時快到 nearly three hours after dispatch
王小姐在她的學校邵逸夫創意媒體中心收貨 Ms. Wong receives her dispatch at her university’s Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre
Sanxing Village,
Minxiong Township
Chiayi County
Taiwan 經由 VIA
高雄 Kaohsiung
# WC-817
1 本 copy
2017-03-27, 10:02
Dispatch is left at the front desk of Popeight Salon in Hong Kong's Central, where courier Jair works.
HQL-160 boards flight CI934 en route to Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
HQL-160 receiver Ms. YANG is contacted, revealing that she in fact lives in Kaohsiung and delivery can be made there. Arrangements are made for Monday, 27 March delivery.
Display Distribute receives thank-you letter from Ms. YANG.
HQL-160 派送中 en route
HQL-160 派送中在中環參考的老式導航 seeking geographic guidance in Central
緩件 Dispatch HQL-160
HQL-160 在鄒怀杰工作的理髮店交接 hand-off at the hair salon Popeight where courier Jair works
HQL-160 在Popeight前台上 at the front desk
HQL-160 在香港國際機場等待上飛機 waiting for departure at Hong Kong International Airport
Dispatch HQL-167 received with a cup of coffee and cigarettes together near Angel Station, London.
Dispatch arrival in London.
Dispatch HQL-167 departs Beijing en route to Athens via Kiev on its courier's annual holiday leave.
慢遞員曾跟慢遞員楊在北京的試驗音樂吧fRUITYSPACE回合,緩件接受成功 。
Courier TANG meets courier YANG for a handover during a gig at local experimental music venue fRUITYSPACE.
Arrival in Beijing, waiting for transfer.
HQL-167 Picked up at by courier TANG during the course of a late night rendezvous at Hong Kong's famed chacaantang chain Tsui Wah after his long day's work at the eminent Art Basel art fair.
HQL-167和茶餐廳 HQL-167, courier TANG and Tsui Wah
HQL-167享受著藝博會人工的酒店住宿 Dispatch HQL-167 enjoying the view from an Art Basel worker’s accomodation
人肉慢遞楊小姐在北京fRUITYSPACE Courier YANG at fRUITYSPACE, Beijing
HQL-167聽gig HQL-167 at a gig
緩件安全到達北京轉運中心 Dispatch safely arrived in Beijing, awaiting transfer
HQL-167 在基耶夫機場轉機 HQL-167 layover in Kiev Airport
HQL-167 雅典假日 Athens holiday
HQL-167快樂收件人 Dispatch HQL-167 happy receiver
HQL-167快樂慢遞員 Dispatch HQL-167 happy courier
慢遞員+收件人=快樂新朋友 Courier and Receiver happy new friends
漕港河議踐 Cao Gang River Meeting Practice
倫敦 London
香港 Hong Kong
3 copies
Ming LIN
On the occasion of the artist Kenji YAMADA's exhibition preview, three copies of a Zhujiajiao developer's PR material and three of the artist's pirated version bearing the collected sentiments of locals are donated to Display Distribute.
緩件HQL-161在藝術家大和日英資金展覽開幕攬件 Dispatch received over celebratory drinks at the artist’s exhibition preview at the Daiwa Foundation
(右) 豪華房地產宣傳單,(左) 藝術家出版物
(right) Official luxury real estate developers PR material , (left) artist publication
1 pack ZARA 1包
3 本 copies of 《流泥》CF #03
3 本 copies of 《流泥》CF #04
1 each of other titles
Nikkie TO
2017-03-25, 13:42
Dispatch HQL-153 courier TANG conveniently works very close to the workplace of courier TO. They agree to meet at what Billy describes as "the defacto waterhole for the weirdos of the artworld" for the handover.
Courier TO departs Beijing for Toronto
Back in Asia, HQL-157 stops for a few days in Hong Kong to visit family and attend to affairs for Art Basel.
Courier TO finally returns to her current resident city of Beijing.
新信使杜小姐 NEW COURIER Miss TO
緩件HQL-157 package
HQL-157的包裝原來也當過HQL-109和HQL-153,好環保 HQL-157 packaging was once HQL-109 and HQL-153, very environmentally friendly
HQL-157 從信使Billy(HQL-153)手準備轉給Nikkie啦 en route from courier Billy to courier Nikkie
HQL-157 交接地點,一個酒吧 handover point, a bar
HQL-157 展示一下交接 displaying the handover process
HQL-157 人肉慢遞杜佩怡 LIGHT LOGISTICS courier Nikkie
HQL-157 交接也是happy hour | HQL-157 meeting after a drink
酒吧的服務員也被拉上當「後勤」模特 Barstaff sometimes moonlight as LIGHT LOGISTICS models
酒吧的服務員也被拉上當「後勤」模特 Barstaff sometimes moonlight as LIGHT LOGISTICS models
酒吧的服務員也被拉上當「後勤」模特 Barstaff sometimes moonlight as LIGHT LOGISTICS models
HQL-157 準備進入慢遞人員杜佩怡的行李箱 preparing to be packed
緩件HQL-157的多倫多轉運 Dispatch HQL-157 transfer sights in Toronto
緩件HQL-157的多倫多轉運 Dispatch HQL-157 transfer sights in Toronto
緩件HQL-157的多倫多轉運 Dispatch HQL-157 transfer sights in Toronto
緩件HQL-157的多倫多轉運 Dispatch HQL-157 transfer sights in Toronto
緩件HQL-157的多倫多轉運 Dispatch HQL-157 transfer sights in Toronto
緩件HQL-157的多倫多轉運 Dispatch HQL-157 transfer sights in Toronto
緩件HQL-157的多倫多轉運 Dispatch HQL-157 transfer sights in Toronto
緩件HQL-157的多倫多轉運 Dispatch HQL-157 transfer sights in Toronto
緩件HQL-157的多倫多的一家德州BBQ餐廳轉運 Dispatch HQL-157 transfer sights in Toronto (at a Texas BBQ restaurant)
HQL-157的西營盤交接,到達目的地 HQL-157 final handover in Sai Ying Pun, where courier TO is dining with family
幾件走私貨物(茶葉和全家福照片)在靜件HQL-157被發現! Smuggled goods (tea and family portraits) discovered amidst dispatch HQL-157
8-hour long distance coach transfer from Yulin to Shenzhen Yinhu station
Arrival in Yulin transfer house
Picked up from Fong Fo studio in Guangzhou
HQL-156 在馮火印刷社攬件 picked up at Fong Fo pr
HQL-156 往廣西玉林轉運 routing through Yulin, Guangxi
HQL-156 往廣西玉林轉運 routing through Yulin, Guangxi
玉林市內的各種物流項目 Various logistics projects in Yulin city
玉林市內的各種物流項目 Various logistics projects in Yulin city
從玉林到深圳的汽車路上還要停下來物流 And a logistics stop on the bus ride from Yulin to Shenzhen
緩件HQL-156 經由深圳銀湖汽車站到達香港 Arrives at Shenzhen’s Yinhu intercity coach station en route to Hong Kong
東京 Tokyo 經由 VIA
神奈川 Kanagawa +
上海 Shanghai +
北京 Beijing
Hong Kong
10 本 copies
Elaine W. HO
2017-03-19, 10:12
Picked up from publisher in Tokyo
Arrival in Shanghai, awaiting transfer
Handover to middlewoman YE Hui who has plans to have dinner with courier YIN
Courier YIN drops-off dispatch for courier HO at Yang Art Museum in Beijing, the two do not meet.
HQL-154 is prepared to depart Beijing, but faces a five hour delay for the flight to Shenzhen.
Arrival in Shenzhen transfer station, but after the the midnight border closure to Hong Kong. Courier HO has no recourse but to wait in Bao'an Airport until the following morning.
19 hours after HQL-154's departure from Beijing, dispatch finally arrives at its final destination in Hong Kong.
Display Distribute's LIGHT LOGISTICIANS are not too good at doing business, having completely misplaced the accounting of a book that reader Mr. LEUNG paid for and left in Tokyo. Fortunately Mr. LEUNG lives in Hong Kong, so it was convenient for Hong Kong-based LOGISTICIAN HO to deliver it to him in Yaumatei.
Picked up by courier in Guangzhou
Received by Shanghai transfer courier Bruce DING
Received at final destination
"Jason and me had a really nice talk and beer in a cafe in Utrecht. I realised after we parted ways that we forgot to photograph the handoff. Here are some photos taken just after our meeting."
HQL-147 東京交接 Tokyo handover
HQL-147 從東京地鐵開始出發 begins its journey on the Tokyo metro
HQL-147 on an evening in Utrecht, by recipient Mr. KNEGTEL 攝影/收件人
issues from 第
Arrival in New York dispatch relay apartment, awaiting delivery to Miss ZHANG
2016-09-16: "I ran into my friend Jessie who was on set (working on a strange James Franco tv show called The Deuce) so there the package took a little detour but the route was suitcase —> New, INC —> bike —> movie set —> Miss ZHANG's apt :)"
HQL-142 到達紐約 getting unpacked
HQL-142 遞送中 in transit
HQL-142 接力中 relay
HQL-142 到達目的地 arrives at destination
Display Distribute catalogue
上海 Shanghai 經由 VIA
東京 Tokyo
2 copies
CE Zhenhao
展銷場在東京的「No Limit節」終於有機會同《馮火》月刊編輯部的幾個成員見面。後者在準備時代美術館舉辦的「榕樹頭路行社」項目邀請了展銷場做為香港站的導遊。為了準備,展銷場先給他們送了幾本剛印好的展銷場目錄。
Display Distribute finally meets some of the members of Fong Fo monthly's editorial team in Tokyo, where a pan-Asian gathering of "Asian dumbasses" called the No Limit Festival brings comrades together from Seoul, Taipei, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur. The handover is carried out at the Nantoka Bar, one of the headquarters of No Limit organisers Amateur Revolt.
HQL-144 在東京なんとか酒吧交接 handover at Tokyo’s Nantoka Bar
Picked up from WORKERS office in Seoul
Arrival at Manuke Guesthouse Tokyo dispatch center
交接給荷蘭慢遞人員與策展人Jason WAITE
Shinjuku handover to courier Jason WAITE
HQL-145 picked-up at WORKERS office in Seoul
Stephen and WORKERS at Manuke Guesthouse handover location
After being delayed for some time, dispatch HQL-146 makes it to Sissi LI just in time for the goodbye drinks toasted in her honour at a bar in Jingan District. Ms. LI, a Dalian native, finished her degree earlier this year in Nancy and spent several months in Shanghai participating in a postgraduate exchange programme which offers the unique opportunity for young French practitioners to work in China. This late night delivery must have clouded LIGHT LOGISTICS over, however, and Sissi points out that her dispatch is incomplete, missing several of the books she requested. The remainder will have to be re-routed to Lyon where she currently resides.
Previous logistical engagements mean that weighty dispatch HQL-141, including the infamous 1 kg publication from Beijing artist-run space HomeShop, must be routed through Pudong before entering the old industrial neighbourhood of Yangpu. Thankfully, the dark alleys of Dinghaiqiao are suddenly lit up with the pungent waft of sticky rice, coconut milk and durian, a Guangdong dessert delight especially stewed by researcher Ms. DENG, who has ordered the HomeShop journal wear to read the essay from her PhD advisor Jeroen de KLOET.
The unresolved extraterritorial dispatch of Hangzhou-based Ms. QING is aided by the G20 security onslaught in her city. Along with the city on total virtual lock-down from unsightly traffic, terrorists and incoming/outgoing post, a holiday is imposed upon offices during the week-long meeting of global economic badasses. Such encouragement to clear the city sends Ms. QING down to Shanghai, so she is very conveniently able to make most of the 168.9 km journey for HQL-140 herself. The remaining 1.9 km from the Display Distribute summer dispatch station to the Hengshan Road and Tianping Road handover point is covered by our LIGHT LOGISTICS courier, who cools off after a sweaty, running late walk with an iced coffee and chat about technology, logistics and the start-up with Ms. QING.
Back issues of Concrete Flux have been waiting patiently in Beijing for dispatch to Shanghai, and at the end of August, China Residencies director Kira Simon-Kennedy's periodic China update travel brings her from New York City to Beijing and Shanghai. After picking up HQL-138 from Meridian Space behind on Meishuguan Back Street, she successfully transports Concrete Flux to the temporary Display Distribute relay centre at the Zendai Zhujiajiao Art Museum.
HQL-138 在時差空間攔件 picked up at Meridian Space
HQL-138 明信片景 postcard portrait
HQL-138 朱家角相遇 Zhujiajiao Village encounter
Artist at Work
(Second Mountain Edition)
10年北歐藝術節開放工作營 (二(手)山(寨)版) 2010 NO+CH Open Studio Camp
(Second Mountain Edition)
Miss SU just started working at Rockbund Art Museum, and she comes out from the exhibition space to greet her LIGHT LOGISTICS courier, elegantly dressed yet in a slight flurry amidst the Museum's preparations for an upcoming event. During the short exchange, she received a large package of publications indicating broad interests extending far beyond the white cube, but she invites her courier to step inside it as well for Rockbund's upcoming retrospective of the work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres.
HQL-137 在路上 en route
HQL-137 在路上 en route
HQL-137 收件人蘇小姐 reader Miss SU
HQL-137 “procuratorial”
青少年異度空間營造手冊 Handbook for Youth: How to Build a Heterotopia
An afternoon date with Mr. NG, editor of LOST magazine, becomes an in-depth exchange on the ins-and-outs of survival in independent publishing, extending into a WeChat and e-mail multi-channel bulleting of links to follow, dates to remember.
Arrival in Kowloon Tong dispatch relay office at Hong Kong Baptist University, awaiting pick-up
Picked up in Hanoi
HQL-139 河內交接 Hanoi handover
慢遞人員SHEA先生提供的香港浸會大學地圖 Hong Kong Baptist University map provided by courier Mr. SHEA
HQL-139 在表了紅色的浸大樓收貨 picked up in the Baptist University building marked in red
Forest Books, a new independent bookstore for Suzhou, collects publications from Display Distribute to prepare for its September opening. Agnes and Gary return to Gary's hometown of Suzhou for his grandmother's birthday party and the opening of a relative's new bakery.
Miss YIP is a Guangdong native currently studying in Shanghai, and her interest in design and social practice is fronted by a street corner conversation with a publication courier on the limited possibilities of independent practice as a young graduate. After finishing her term, she is now considering to work for Display Distribute, maybe later going to Japan.
HQL-134 派送交通方式——地鐵 transport method—metro
HQL-134 收件人-讀者葉小姐 Receiver-courier Ms. YIP
慢遞人員後悔高峰期坐地鐵 Courier regret for taking metro during rush hour
Ms. JIANG graduated last year from Royal College of Art in the UK and is now embarking on her first collection under the label Bachelor Manner. Dispatch HQL-134 is delivered to her studio, housed on the 19th floor of a residential high-rise just south of the Xujiahui computer & electronics area and eyeglasses city. An extended chat with the LIGHT LOGISTICS courier covers topics such as trade secrets, the precarity of labour for young people and the fashion environment in Shanghai.
HQL-133 交通方式,小龜電動車 transportation of choice—Little Turtle electric scooter
Ms. XIE is a writer and creative director based at the Undefine M50 space, and her meeting with our LIGHT LOGISTICS courier opens a notch on the expanded friends network, as it turns out she is a colleague of graphic designer LU Rui, friend and participant in the 2015 Display Distribute project Parallel Trade.
This first-time tour of Songjiang District is backdropped by the wide skies of Chinese suburbia, including the spectacle of passing the Guangfulin archaeological site and relics park. After getting off the bus too early and waiting for a second bus, it is discovered that Songjiang buses cost an economical 1 yuan compared to 2 yuan in the city, and the leisurely stroll inside the Biyuan Villa compound is ironically noted via WeChat messages as coinciding with friends' stroll through Bishan village (same 碧) in Anhui Province. When meeting Ms. LI, arrangements are made to have the missing copies of the full set of Fong Fo sent directly from the editors to her university address in Guangzhou.
HQL-131 經過的广富林遗址 passing the Guangfulin Relics Park on delivery route
Mr. WU mysteriously works at number 88 in a housing community that is listed as only having house numbers 1-34. LIGHT LOGISTICS courier Elaine fails to find it, so Mr. Wu comes out to the front gate and invites her to coffee for the valiant effort.
Sasa was casually dressed at home, and the combination intimacy of opening a door into one's kitchen, her shy demeanor and what looked like a person flashing past in a shower cap in the background made it hard to look her in the eyes.
HQL-128 派送中 delivery en route
HQL-128 交接 house call
上海靜安區 長樂路/常熟路
Shanghai, Jingan District
Changle Road near Changshu Road
上海長寧區 民生現代美術館
Shanghai, Changning District
Minsheng Art Museum
issue 第7期 x 1本
issue 第9期 x 1本
electric scooter
A young creative labourer by the name of "les Fauves" spends her 9-7 in Shanghai's Red Town, the former compound of the Shanghai No. 10 Steel Factory and one of the earlier creative districts to emerge in the city. She works for the Minsheng Art Museum located at building F and is interested in grassroots resistance, anti-oppression politics, and the philosophies surrounding these movements.
HQL-127 讀者“野獸派” Reader “les Fauves”
靜件HQL-127上面的天空 The sky above HQL-127
Shanghai, Xuhui District
Shanghai Library Station
Shanghai, Jingan District
Changle Road near Changshu Road
Dispatch HQL-121 courier Dong Dong flips through Spring Workshop's publication A Fictional Residency and falls in love with the sentence, “... I felt very electric. I had the sensation that I would explode in a thousand pieces whenever somebody touched me.”
Shanghai, Xuhui District
Shanghai Library Station
Shanghai, Yangpu District
Jiangpu Road Station
攬件 Picked Up
Same day arrival in Shenzhen
Courier fails to arrange encounter with reader Miss GUO
Slow-courier resorts to use of fast-competitor service Zhongtong
HQL-122 的慢遞紀錄 slow-courier communication
靜件HQL-122終於走快遞 HQL-122 resorts to fast courier competitor ZT
靜件HQL-122從快遞機器被領取 picked up at the fast courier automat
SHEamless zines from Tokyo arrive to Shanghai just in time for Display Distribute's participation in the abc/f book fair to be held at Minsheng 21st Century from the 19-21st August. High school teacher Dong Dong moonlights as a LIGHT LOGISTICS courier during a class trip to Japan. On her free day, she meets with SHEamless editor MIYAKE Aya from No Lady Swears in Sangen-chaya, picking up not only dispatch HQL-121, but dinner and drinks as well.
Shanghai-based artist and translator Bruce DING returned recently to his hometown of Guangzhou to visit family. Also a friend of the editors of local zine Fong Fo, Bruce serves as human intemediary between Fong Fo and Display Distribute, delivering two full sets of their 40 issue oeuvre back to Shanghai.
Anonymous Writers Club
Made in Commons
日惹 Yogyakarta 經由 VIA
柏林 Berlin +
格拉茨 Graz +
維也納 Vienna
Syafiatudina and Elaine meet in Berlin for the recording of a “Politics of Sharing” podcast programme by Radio KUNCI. Yogjakarta-based KUNCI's publications then travel back with Elaine to Austria, where she is on residency for three months before heading back to Shanghai.
HQL-111:《Anonymous Writers Club》和《Made in Commons》
HQL-111 在維也納機場準備回亞洲 at Vienna Airport preparing to return to Asia
Courier-pastor Luke is a friend of the editorial office of WORKERS, and he is a long-term resident of Hong Kong. His office is conveniently located in Aberdeen, very near to the final drop-off point at Spring Workshop in Wong Chuk Hang.
靜件HQL-119 躺在床上 portrait on the bed
HQL-119 邏輯 Landing in Hong Kong
HQL-119 過關 entering State
HQL-119 在香港國際機場 at Hong Kong International Airport
HQL-119 進城 Entering the city
信使朴暎夑自拍 Courier Luke underarm selfie
HQL-119 香港轉運 awaiting Hong Kong transfer
HQL-119 到達香港Spring工作室目的地 Arrival at Spring Workshop, Hong Kong
Despite temporarily lost luggage, dispatch HQL-114 containing publications from Spring Hong Kong arrives just in time for a Display Distribute presentation at Gasworks in London, courtesy of Qinyi Lim—who travelled from Aberdeen to Beijing for massages, tea and fulfilling a promise—and WANG Wei & Rania HO, making artistic labour travel from Dongcheng District to West Sussex for an exhibition at the Cass Sculpture Foundation...and finally, zhajiangmian.
Brexit may deter the transit of other goods, labour and services, but will not stop the flow of LIGHT LOGISTICS dispatches to London, rest assured. Courier Stephanie Sin made a quick drop-in to the Victoria and Albert Museum to handover HQL-116 during her trip to London from Hong Kong for the wedding of a fellow member of the Rental United collective.
Arrived in New York for transfer
攬件 Picked up
信使PRENDERGAST小姐去東京辦展覽,順便取No Lady Swears出版的《SHEamless》zine。靜件6月29日接著往東到紐約,有讀者-信使-“走私”者從紐約到上海或者倫敦的話,請及時跟展銷場聯絡。
Courier Ms. PRENDERGAST's journey to Tokyo is made on account of her illustration exhibition "Konnichiwa from Japan" in Shibuya. The spare time of this journey is briefly appropriated by a LIGHT LOGISTICS pick-up of SHEamless zines published by the label No Lady Swears.
Courier Zikri continues his holiday journey from dispatch HQL-112, picking up books from Boat in Shanghai and traveling to Hong Kong and finally Taipei, delivering copies of HomeShop publications to Mr. SHIH.
HQL-117 收件人石先生 Reader-receiver Mr. SHIH
HQL-117 北京家作坊空間的出版物 Contents from project space HomeShop
Our "courageous and upright" LIGHT LOGISTICS courier Zikri travels to mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan for summer holidays, making a double dispatch on his way. After Beijing, he meets Boat in Shanghai to drop off zines from Kuala Lumpur.
HQL-112從吉隆坡起飛 HQL-112 departing Kuala Lumpur
靜件HQL-112包括:吉隆坡的一本《ZINE PERCUMA》 HQL-112 includes 《ZINE PERCUMA》from Kuala Lumpur
HQL-112 visiting the Forbidden City Palace Museum
靜件HQL-112在北京走特慢線 HQL-112 stuck in Beijing traffic
HQL-112從北京坐火車到上海 HQL-112 travels by train to Shanghai
Courier Lulu LI lives in Beijing, attends the Venice Architecture Biennale for work. LIGHT LOGISTICS courier Ming LIN lives in London, attends the Venice Architecture Biennale to visit the miniature plumes at the presentation of Forensic Architecture. They meet in the shadow of the Lion of Venice.
Viet-Taiwanese-Chinese food comes to London in the form of several artist editions by June Lee, yoko nono, DREAMERfty, Yunyu "Ayo" Shih, Yaumatei Gardener and independent journals by Ajar Press and HomeShop.
With meetings arranged with META project space in Shanghai, Arrow Factory lady boss Rania brings her own publications down south by high-speed rail.
HQL-110 在上海META空間等收貨 Waiting for pick-up in Shanghai
何穎雅 Elaine W. HO
1 anonymous courier
在Shepherds Bush多西特酒店簽收,感謝使用「後勤」慢運
HQL-106 is picked up at the Dorset Hotel in Shepherds Bush.
A timely flight back to Berlin from Beijing brings artist-courier Nina and HQL-106 back to the capital, where it is handed off somewhere in the hutongs of the Gulou area to an anonymous courier traveling to London for meetings.
Dispatch HQL-106 containing Sub Jam publications from Beijing is accidentally misrouted to Shanghai.
靜件HQL-106包括兩本撒把芥末的CD出版 HQL-106 includes two volumes from the Miji series of Beijing-based SubJam
LIGHT LOGISTICS HQL-107 arrives in Shanghai from Yau Ma Tei by way of a handover in Sai Ying Pun by Irene to an unnamed courier coming to the mainland for a few days for meetings. Pitt Street Riot now available inside the firewall.
HQL-107 在香港地鐵牌送終 in the Hong Kong MTR en route to handover
HQL-107 在香港地鐵牌送終 in the Hong Kong MTR en route to handover
A meeting in Beijing's Apple Community is arranged with the Concrete Flux publisher's brother to pick up copies of the magazine for dispatch to Shanghai.
靜件HQL-108 在北京攬件 Pick-up in Beijing Apple Community
雅克‧洪席耶的《美學的政治》 (二(手)山(寨)版) Politics of Aesthetics
(Second Mountain Edition)
HQL-104 ARRIVAL: Picked up on 22 April 2016 at the Leicester Square W Hotel from courier Mr. CASTRO after slow-route from Shanghai through Kunshan, New York City, Buenos Aires, São Paolo and Rio de Janeiro.
Pitt Street Riot zines relayed from Hong Kong via Zürich and Birmingham to London (by a nearly missed connection at Victoria Station), courtesy of couriers LEE Chun Fung and Krystie NG.
慢遞信使李蔼德順利携帶了北京家作坊的《附錄》和 《我的負能量是你的正能量,or 或者,The Grin Without the Cat》出版物到倫敦「後勤」終點。
Courier Edward SANDERSON makes it to LIGHT LOGISTICS London endpoint node in the net, bringing Beijing HomeShop publications Appendix and 我的負能量是你的正能量,or 或者,The Grin Without the Cat》for upcoming display and distribution.
2016/03/31:靜件HQL-101往北京首都機場去 HQL-101 on the way to Beijing Capital Airport
2016/03/31:HQL-101 準備起飛 HQL-101 prior to take-off
2016/03/31:静件HQL-101到達倫敦,感謝慢遞人員李蔼德 HQL-101 arrives in London, courtesy of Edward Sanderson
2016/04/13:慢遞人員Edward跟展銷場的倫敦展銷點工作人員交接 Courier Edward meets with Display Distribute’s London logistician
LIGHT LOGISTICS dispatch HQL-102 is tracked by patternmakers of a major Swedish clothing brand who travel twice annually to Shanghai for factory visits. Two months after returning to Stockholm, a friend's wedding instigates travel to the tropical environs of London and a brief rendezvous at the Barbican Art Centre.
Display Distribute dispatch HQL-102 begins route from Wuyuan Road in Shanghai to Stockholm, expected arrival in London beginning May 2016.
HQL-102 在上海五原路攬件 Picked up on Wuyuan Road, Shanghai
HQL-102 在斯德哥尔摩機場準備出發 Ready for departure in Stockholm