2025-03-25,早上 morning:
COURIER PORTABLE REPORT: I had originally planned to deliver this dispatch to you during office hours next week, in line with another appointment near your workplace, but your gentle inquiry prompts a re-routing, and we decide to meet earlier over the weekend, at your other workplace, in another, more tightly fitted identity. You moonlight as a fitness instructor, information which I had heard about you from your colleagues before knowing you, and when I come up to the first floor after your Saturday morning class, you are glamorously sweatless in spandex, with long, long eyelashes that look confusedly at the large box I have wheeled in on my trolley. I tell you that is for another delivery afterwards, and then pull out the more compactly wrapped dispatch HQL-656 from my backpack before handing it to you. You don't open it, but we chat for a while at the threshold of the now quiet gym, and you tell me that these books will be sent to Kyrgyzstan as a contribution to a mobile library project there. I am happy for the authors who will surely will be very pleased to know their publications will make it to far-reaching places, an extra apt on-going journey for our books. And then our conversation meanders back to Hong Kong, where you tell me that this week will not only be buzzing with Art Basel happenings, but also the Hong Kong Sevens rugby matches. I make a cynical remark about the two 'markets' maybe not being so different, and your slight pause hints that either the joke has been lost or perhaps that you don't agree. Most of us, most of the time, avoid confrontation with those we don't know well, and perhaps it becomes a really rare and precious thing to really know what someone else is thinking. This is a linguistic question, but it is also one of time and feeling as they seep through all the pauses of our conversation. We say that we hope to see one another again. Dispatch HQL-656 delivery completed.
中西區 Central and Western District
路上看到的 Seen en route
伴隨著HQL-656的貨物,到達讓慢遞員停頓一下的台階 Loads to accompany HQL-656, reaching the single stair step which warrants a pause