2025-01-23,下午 afternoon UTC+11:
Courier CARRIE and RECEIVER finally meet and RECEIVER reports: Thank you so much team !!!! 🩷🩷🩷
2025-01-20,15:32 UTC+11:
Courier CARRIE has already arrived to Brisbane, but with busy schedules, she and RECEIVER haven’t managed to find a time yet; the two plan to try for a final handover later in the week
2024-12-30,13:54 UTC+11:
僅三小時後,慢遞員 Penguin 在Flinders Street站的同一地點與新慢遞員CARRIE會合;CARRIE跟隨小明發的照片線索走到樓梯前方,數秒後回報:「收到包裹」;接力成功,緩件號HQL-647等待轉運
Only three hours later, courier Penguin is able to meet up with new courier CARRIE at the same location of Flinders Street station; CARRIE follows Penguin's photo clue and walks to the front of the stairs, reporting back seconds later, "package acquired"; HQL-647 awaiting relay
2024-12-30,12:37 UTC+11:
在她們預定會面之前,新慢遞員Saro.RARO向慢遞員小明報告:「我就在馬路對面廣場的Time Out咖啡廳,妳差不多到了跟我說一聲我可以過去」;她耐心地等待著,但是直到12:37也沒有收到小明的回覆,最後:「非常抱歉,我睡過頭了。我十分鐘後可以到,妳還在嗎?或者我可以去找你」;但這時Saro.RARO已經離開往墨爾本去了;幸好人脈很廣的收件人馬上報告:「沒關係,我有另一個朋友會在13號從墨爾本飛到布里斯本,所以我們還有多一點時間來安排」;展銷場收件人棒棒的!
Before their scheduled meeting, new courier Saro.RARO reports to courier Penguin that "I am just across the road at Time Out cafe in the square. Let me know when you are close by and I’ll round it we can meet here if you are nearby"; she waits patiently, but there is no reply from Penguin until 12:37: "I’m so so sorry I overslept. I could be there in 10 are you still around? Or i could go find you"; but Saro.RARO is already off to Melbourne by this time, though thankfully well-connected RECEIVER reports immediately, "It’s ok, I have another friend that will be flying from Melbourne to Brisbane on the 13th, so we will have a bit more time to organise that"; hurrah for a kind and understanding and well-connected Display Distribute RECEIVER!
2024-12-29,16:30 UTC+11:
小明和收件人開通了小群聊,ig故事即刻呼喚慢遞員,幾分鐘後,收件人的朋友Saro.RARO攬件,他將在1號從墨爾本飛往布里斯本;見面交接很快就安排在了明天中午的Flinders Street站
A group chat is established between Penguin and RECEIVER, which immediately results in an Instagram story call for a courier and, minutes later, a pick-up by RECEIVER's friend Saro.RARO, who will be flying to Brisbane from Melbourne on the 1st; a meet-up is quickly arranged for noon the next day at Flinders Street station
2024-12-27,16:54 UTC+11:
展銷場慢遞員與小明和收件人開通聊天室,小明報告:「嗨 我回墨爾本啦 🙂」
Group chat established between Display Distribute LOGISTICIANs, courier Penguin and RECEIVER; Penguin reports: Hii I’m back in Melbourne 🙂
Dispatch HQL-647 route change; Penguin updates: I've gone to Hong Kong again to visit friends... heading back to Australia in four days
2024-11-24,下午 afternoon 18:00:
小明更新:「在佛山跟朋友吃貝類火鍋,等飯的時候讀完了何子分享的“小說的手提包理論”,真是太喜歡了⋯⋯很直覺地想到,打架的身體和作為容器的身體是不太兼容的,要打架,攜帶/容納的東西就都變成最好丟掉的「累贅」,而要作為容器,打架就比較會有不方便和顧慮。這麼想的話,好像當衝突必須發生時,純粹打架的身體更有優勢,但我又想到指環王里Sam對Frodo說的那句話:I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you」
I finished reading “The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction” shared with me by PORTABLE while waiting for a shellfish hotpot with friends in Foshan, it's so good... Intuitively, I had the thought that the fighting body and the body as container are not exactly compatible. Within struggle, the things that you carry and take in become the burdens best to get rid of. Struggle brings about inconvenient worries, how do you carry those? When conflict is inevitable, the fighting body takes precedence. But then I think of what Sam said to Frodo in The Lord of the Rings: I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you.
2024-11-21,下午 afternoon:
看了HQL-646那麼輕,慢遞員小明很慷慨地說她回墨爾本沒有很多東西要帶可以多帶一點;雖然展銷場目前沒有目的地墨爾本的訂單——HQL-646是要往悉尼去然後HQL-647要去更遠的布里斯班——但至少越發靠近在澳大利亞中部的目的地;她將從長洲島出發去佛山拜訪朋友,再去杭州待些時日;慢遞員禾子給小明發去厄休拉·勒古恩(le GUIN)的《小說的手提包理論》,恰如其分的為企鵝送行
After seeing lightweight dispatch HQL-646, Penguin generously offers to take on one more dispatch, saying she won't have much to bring back with her to Melbourne; while there are currently no Melbourne-bound orders, HQL-646 bound for somewhere near Sydney, and HQL-647, needing to go even further north close to Brisbane, can slowly inch their way closer; Penguin sets off from Changzhou Island for Foshan, where she will visit a friend before going to Hangzhou for a few weeks; courier PORTABLE sends 'Guin off with an apropos reading of "The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction" by Ursula le GUIN
2024-11-19,大概 around 17:00:
Penguin arrives to Guangzhou and will stay on Changzhou Island at a friend of a friend's place; the world shrinks again, and PORTABLE and Penguin find out that Penguin has contacted the housemaster of the Changzhou Island Relay Centre for couchsurfing; this relay will be super easy
New courier Penguin signs up to carry a dispatch since she's passing through Hong Kong for a few days to catch the 20th anniversary show of Hong Kong indie band My Little Airport, but since it's rainy and typhoony these days, it turns out to be easier to arrange a pick-up of dispatch HQL-646 from Guangzhou instead, where Penguin will hang out for a few days before going back to her hometown in Hangzhou; LIGHT LOGISTICIAN PORTABLE picks up the relay between Hong Kong and Guangzhou on her frequent route, but she hits her head along the way
阿爾格斯特 Algester
社交媒體 Social Media
收件人的慢遞員招募 RECEIVER’s call for couriers
長洲島轉運站 Changzhou Island Relay Centre
給HQL-646點個愛心 Hearts out to dispatch HQL-646
長洲島轉運站管理員貓咪檢查好兩件慢遞交接好 The Changzhou Island Relay Centre kitty manager oversees sending off two dispatches
香港路上 En Route Hong Kong
慢遞員何子路上受傷 While on the run, COURIER PORTABLE incurs a bit of collateral damage
出發前處理一下銀行的問題和補充一點咖啡因 Taking care of money and refueling with free coffee at the bank before departure
上巴士前吃飽港式的重慶粉 Cheap Chongqing noodles before the journey
推車上的各種要慢遞的物品,包括緩件號HQL-646和HQL-647還有一放台磁帶的收音機 Among dispatches and other items to carry, an old boombox
HQL-646和647在這裡面 Dispatches HQL-646 and HQL-647 in here