2024-10-17,17:21 UTC+01:
As suggested by tinE and ZOENHO, a joint handover and exchange happens at cake shop NOiAA in Rotterdam, which so happens to be HQL-640A's RECEIVER's new favourite place; even while still jetlagged, tinE arrives first and revs up with a matcha latte and a matcha cake, and both receivers come in a few minutes later for a cute and lovely chat and another successful handover
2024-10-16,04:08 UTC+01:
慢遞員駿豪更新:「嗨嗨:)!我這週四會去鹿特丹!可以跟tinE取包裹然後帶640A給HumDrum嗎?我大概下午四點到,計畫六點鐘去Garage Rotterdam參加一個分享會:)!過去之前很想跟你們好好聊一下!🫶🏻✨」
COURIER ZOENHO UPDATE:Heyhey :)! I am visiting Rotterdam this Thursday! Would it be possible to pick up the package from tinE and bring the 640A to HumDrum? I will be in Rotterdam around 4pm and joining a presentation at Garage Rotterdam around 6pm:)! Would love to have a nice chat with you guys before I go for the presentation! 🫶🏻✨
2024-10-11,14:33 UTC+01:
慢遞員tinE安全抵達鹿特丹,而慢遞員駿豪則分享他最近在烏特勒支的一些活動,包括出席在Casco Institute for the Commons舉辦的lumbung kios工作會議,展銷場正好也有遠程參與,一時間,人肉與靈肉在屏幕世界交會,慢遞緩件成為一份拉近距離的伴手禮物
COURIER tinE arrives back in Rotterdam, and COURIER ZOENHO shares some of his recent activities in Utrecht, including the attendings of a lumbung kios working session at Casco Institute for the Commons, where Display Distribute is also a participant, making human flesh coincide with virtual flesh for a brief moment, and with LIGHT LOGISTICS dispatches as a mini bridge in between
COURIER ZOENHO is brought into the HQL-640 WhatsApp communiqué and immediately recognises COURIER tinE as well, very happy, gezellig, and cosy in line with LIGHT LOGISTICS social network maneuvering; plans are made for tineE and ZOENHO to have a handover celebration meal together in Rotterdam soon
2024-10-08,大概 around 18:30:
A new plan is made for a handover in Kwun Tong, and ANN moves from one industrial building to another with some public transport in between, successfully handing off dispatch HQL-640A/B to tinE, who is scheduled to depart for Holland on the 10th
COURIER ANN UPDATE:Oh no, tinE, I've spontaneously decided to stay at home tomorrow and won't go to Tokwawan. Where will you be today? if it's convenient for you and can bring it to where you are?
Since COURIER tinE is in out of town for the weekend and unable to pick-up the dispatch from the Tokwawan Relay Centre, COURIER ANN, who works in Tokwawan, comes to the rescue and can meet with her just before she departs for the Netherlands; it is soon discovered that the two already know one another before, making for a lucky opportunity for a friendly catch-up before tinE flies west
tinE報名成為展銷場人肉慢遞員的同時,展銷場也在關注位於鹿特丹的獨立出版社HumdrumPress的傑出作品,因此似乎沒有比這更好的時機,由新任慢遞員tinE的剩餘承載空間的幫助,來發起一場團結的貿易;令人啼笑皆非的是,之前的讀者轉變為運送者的駿豪,最近也在聯繫、尋找關於出版理論與策略的閱讀與討論,並且在聽到有前往荷蘭的可用路線後,立即下了訂單;計畫已經開始動作,由tinE領取現成為緩件的HQL-640A到鹿特丹HumdrumPress,以及 HQL-640B到在烏特勒支的訂單WC-9207收件人駿豪
tinE signs up to be a LIGHT LOGISTICS courier right around the same time that Display Distribute is looking at the critical and challenging work of independent publishers HumdrumPress, based in Rotterdam, so it seems like no better moment to initiate a solidarity trade with new COURIER tinE's surplus carrying space help; ironically, previous reader-turned-courier ZEONHO (HQL-461) has also been in touch recently, looking for readings and discourse around publishing theory and tactics, and upon hearing about the available route to the Netherlands, immediately places an order for Publishing as Method; plans are put into motion for tinE to pick up what has now become dispatch HQL-640A, to HumdrumPress in Rotterdam, and HQL-640B, to order WC-9207's RECEIVER in Utrecht
鬆餅街 Pannekoekstraat
慢遞員tinE先到,「嘿嘿嘿 👍🏻✨」
Courier tinE arrives at NOiAA first, heheheh 👍🏻✨
收件人/慢遞員駿豪從火車站走過去,需要15分鐘 Courier-receiver ZOENHO walking to the meet-up location, takes 15 minutes
緩件號HQL-640B Dispatch HQL-640B
打開HQL-640B Unboxing dispatch HQL-640B
駿豪也順便淘了一本Humdrum的書 ZOENHO also picks up a copy of a Humdrum publication for himself
Post-matcha overdose portrait of courier tinE with HumDrum RECEIVER
3512PA 烏特勒支 Utrecht
Casco今日嘅event Today’s event at Casco
lumbung kios 的經濟圈在荷蘭延續
Continuation of lumbung kios economic model in the Netherlands
「昨天harvest嘅mapping由Marianna同埋Aline一齊記錄下來的」 Yesterday’s harvest mapping was written by Marianna and Aline
動物園 Blijdorp
「到啦」 Arrived
觀塘 Kwun Tong
在觀塘的一棟樓上電梯 Up an elevator in Kwun Tong
慢遞員tinE和慢遞員ANN合影 Couriers tinE and ANN together again