Nice to meet you and very happy to finally unite you and your books!
I'll be in Brisbane from 12-15 July, travelling between Wishart (12-13th) & Taringa (14-15th). If you can possibly arrange for someone to pick them up from either of those places that would be great! Otherwise Monday 15 July is my most free day, so I could travel somewhere mutually convenient.
2024-07-09,13:00 UTC+10:
RECEIVER REPLY:Good morning, my name is J. I was texted regarding a book order at 041XXXXXXX. Can I ask what book this is?
第二次短信通知:「親愛的 J,我們一直想就你 2020 年訂購的一本書與你聯繫,但找不到你,請給我們發一個郵件! logistics[愛特]displaydistribute[點]com」
SECOND SMS ATTEMPT:dear j, we have been trying to contact you a long time about a book you ordered in 2020 but can't track you down. please e-mail us! logistics[愛特]displaydistribute[點]com
嘗試發郵件聯繫失敗後,通過短信聯繫收件人:「親愛的 JY,抱歉給您發這麼奇怪的信息,您幾年前向我們訂購了兩期《闖》,但我們一直無法與您取得聯繫。能否給我們發email到您的書目前在雪梨!非常感謝,展銷場」
RECEIVER contacted by SMS after failed e-mail attempts: Dear JY, apologies for the strange message, but you ordered two issues of Chuăng from us some years ago, and we haven't been able to get in touch with you. Would it be possible to email us at Your books are currently in Sydney! Thank you so much, Display Distribute
2024-03-04,16:26 UTC+11:
慢遞員TIAN更新:「到雪梨啦,完全忘記更新,抱歉!😅 書經由了廣州、惠州、韶關和開平終於到了雪梨——真是一次大旅行!4月份再往昆士蘭州 👍👍」
COURIER TIAN UPDATE:I've arrived in Sydney! Totally forgot to update, sorry! 😅 The books have arrived in Sydney after going through Guangzhou, Huizhou, Shaoguan and Huiping. They've been on quite the tour! I'll be going up to QLD in April 👍👍
李先生早上8:57準時出現在北角華美達盛景酒店的大堂,與前來探望106 歲爺爺為其慶生的TIAN小姐交接成功
Mr. SANDERSON shows up very promptly at 08:57 to the lobby of the Ramada Grand View Hotel in North Point to hand over to TIAN, who is in town for a few days to visit her grandfather for his 106th birthday
Courier Mr. SANDERSON, who works next door to the Display Distribute Tokwawan Relay Centre, is very kind to pick up another dispatch simultaneously to preparing another dispatch to the Philippines (HQL-579); it must be Valentine's Day!
2024-02-11,11:08 UTC+11:
TIAN 是「後勤」慢遞網絡的新成員,她將於2月17-20日在香港,然後在內地逗留幾個星期;3月3日從香港飛回雪梨;她還慷慨地表示,4月初去墨爾本也可以派送什麼的:「樂意為你們提供力所能及的幫助。新年快樂!🧧🐲🌸✨ 」
New to the LIGHT LOGISTICS network, TIAN joins with an upcoming travel from 17-20 February in Hong Kong, followed by some weeks in the mainland before flying back out of Hong Kong on the 3rd of March; she generously also offers to bring a dispatch to Melbourne later in early April, saying: Happy to help in any way I can. Happy new year! 🧧🐲🌸✨
達拉格國 Dharug Country
「哈哈哈哈,我最擅长打包,最不擅长拆包 🤣」 Hahaha I’m great at packing, the worst at unpacking🤣
廣州 Guangzhou
「書到了廣州停留了一小段時間才往澳大利亞的大旅行」 The books spent some time in Guangzhou before their big journey to Australia
韶關 Shaoguan
「之後,HQL-580前往韶關,這裡是諸暨古巷,有許多從北方到南方的家族的祖屋」 HQL-580 then travelled to Shaoguan. This is Zhuji ancient alley where there are ancestral houses of many family lines who travelled from the north to the south of China
惠州 Huizhou
「隨後,書被送往惠州,這是那邊的一個湖的照片,千百年來一直是文人墨客的勝地」 The books then went to Huizhou. This a pic of the lake, a scenic spot for writers for hundreds of years
北角 North Point
慢遞員李先生同時交給TIAN和拍紀錄 Courier Mr. SANDERSON simultaneously makes handover to TIAN and takes photo
「再繞去看看皇都戲院大樓的施工情況」 Plus quick detour to see the work on the State Theatre Building
慢遞員TIAN:「我爺爺,在香港的生日蛋糕」 Courier TIAN:My grandfather’s birthday cakes in hk