2024-04-07,大概 around 11:45 UTC+11:
慢遞員TIAN穿著注目的黃色雨衣抵達約瑟夫街保護區公園;她和收件人即刻交收就忘記拍照紀錄,但收件人回到家開心地分享了一張有她的 HQL-569和現在等待運的HQL-568 ;派送成功
Courier TIAN arrives at Joseph Street Reserve park wearing an easy-to-spot yellow raincoat; she and RECEIVER have a swift exchange and forget photo documentation on site, but RECEIVER happily returns home and shares one image of both their own dispatch HQL-569 plus the now waiting relay HQL-568 ; handover successful
2024-04-06,12:01 UTC+11:
看到慢遞員TIAN滿滿的日程表,收件人選擇星期日早上在Box Hill碰面;兩位約好早上11:30在約瑟夫街保護區公園交收,TIAN會在巴士上發消息
Checking courier TIAN's full schedule, courier GRACE opts for a Sunday morning meeting in Box Hill; they agree for 11:30 am at Joseph Street Reserve park, and TIAN will message when she's on the bus en route
2024-04-04,21:13 UTC+11:
星期日:白天Box Hill, 晚上Coburg
Hey GRACE just wanted to check in about the books. My general movements over the next few days:
Fri: North Melbourne
Sat North Melbourne; Fed Square in the evening
Sun: Box Hill during the day, Coburg in the evening
Mon: Monash in the morning, then North Melbourne
Tues: North Melbourne, then Brunswick East in the evening
Not sure after that. I depart on Friday 12th
2024-03-25,20:48 UTC+11:
While HQL-568 was not intended as a relay for courier TIAN, the petite sizes of HQL-568 and HQL-569 along with the gracious generousity of the RECEIVER of HQL-569 means that TIAN can cover the journey of both dispatches to Melbourne, with HQL-569's RECEIVER becoming a future courier for the last leg of HQL-568 to another RECEIVER in Melbourne
2024-03-23,12:24 UTC+11:
Courier CAT and courier TIAN plan to meet up for a handover of HQL-569, but a small misunderstanding leads to both HQL-569 and HQL-568 being dropped off at the gallery TIAN works at, with CAT's disclaimer: Yay!!! also please ignore the pencil notes on the post-it, it’s some course notes from a reading 😂🙈
2024-03-14,13:58 UTC+11:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hi I’m waiting for my order arriving Melbourne, Australia, and I'm sorry that I need to change my address for delivery, please let me know how can I make the changes? Also this LIGHT LOGISTICS seems a really interesting project! Can I apply to be part of the local courier? (if it’s needed) Cheers!
2023-12-29,10:09 UTC+11:
慢遞員更新:「你好!我正準備給你發郵件,因為我意識到由於時間衝突,我可能無法在一月份前往墨爾本——如果我接下來遇到比我更早去墨爾本的人,我可以安排這個人遞送嗎? 如果更方便的話,也可以通過IG聯繫到我」
COURIER UPDATE:hello! i was about to email you since i realised i might not be able to make my trip to Melbourne in January due to schedule clashes - is it ok if i arrange for someone else to deliver if i next meet a person who will go to Melbourne sooner than me? also, i can be reached on IG as well if that’s more convenient
Courier CAT is at the airport awaiting her flight to Sydney
2023-12-04,after 22:00 後:
展銷場作者和長期慢遞員觸及膩(HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494)介紹住在澳大利亞的CAT;CAT回到香港待一段時間再返雪梨,也打算1月份去墨爾本,所以很方便攬兩件慢遞,HQL-568還有HQL-569;交接的時候,觸及膩帶了一個肉桂捲來分享,把新的朋友都黏在一起了
Display Distribute author and longtime courier Jiney CHU (HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494) introduces Australia-based courier CAT, who is back in Hong Kong for a spell before returning to Sydney; she plans to visit Melbourne in January, so picking up a double dispatch of HQL-568 and HQL-569 is as easy as the cinnamon roll that Jiney brings to connect everyone together
盒子山 Box Hill
緩件上IG HQL-568 and HQL-569 on IG
收件人轉慢遞員GRACE的紀錄 RECEIVER-turned-COURIER GRACE documents HQL-568 and HQL-569
巴拉馬打 Parramatta
星期六中午十二點開門 Opens at 12 on Saturday
兩件慢遞都被送到TIAN管的Pari畫廊 Two dispatches delivered to Pari, the gallery that courier TIAN runs