2023-11-28,22:33 UTC+01:
收件人更新:「慢遞員Geeky KIKI剛派送HQL-547到鹿特丹轉運中心;照片紀錄已保存需要處理」
RECEIVER UPDATE:HQL-547 has just been delivered by courier Geeky KIKI to Rotterdam Relay Centre; images were taken and still need to be processed
2023-11-14,19:22 UTC+01:
慢遞員Geeky KIKI更新:「19:20 在布魯塞爾康西爾街從詩樂 (曹的朋友)那裡收到了緩件號HQL-547。她在包裹里放了一根羽毛,是她住的地方附近的公園裡撿到的。我很喜歡包裹里的這一慷慨而溫柔的小行為。這讓我想起了學生時代母親會在包裹里留下信件和錢給我的情景」
Geeky KIKI UPDATE:I got HQL-547 at 19:20 from Happy Poem (a friend of CAO) at rue du Conseil, Brussels. She left a feather in the package that she found at a park close to her place. I liked this small generous tender gesture marked in the package. It reminds me of how my mother would leave a letter and money in a package when I was a student
2023-11-12,21:06 UTC+01:
我把書留在我朋友這了 ,Geeky KIKi她回頭來拿;因為比利時這兩天一直下雨,我就給它套了個袋子;我朋友的名字叫詩樂
Because she can only stay in Brussels for two days and is unable to find a time to meet courier Geeky KIKI, CAO leaves dispatch HQL-547 with a friend called Happy Poem; it has been raining these days, so CAO takes care to place the dispatch in an extra bag
2023-11-03,20:51 UTC+01:
慢遞員TONG和慢遞員CAO在科隆成功交接好HQL-547後,CAO回家打開換件說:「第一次這樣拆包裹 感覺很奇妙…本來想把那個綁的繩子直接拆開成一條線,結果考慮再三還是把它從那個包裹外退出來…」;看完內容之後自己試圖再包一下可是沒有很完美:「下次和你學一下打這個繩結好了,我打的不好」
Courier TONG and CAO successfully relay HQL-547 in Cologne, and curious CAO cannot help but open the dispatch, reporting: "The first time I unwrapped a package like this, it felt amazing... I wanted to unwrap the tied rope into a line, but I thought twice about it, but I just pulled it out of the package...“; after perusing the contents, she attempts to restore the packaging, with her own twist
I also had the following epiphany: I suddenly realised that even at 10,000 metres in the air, you can't escape shopping (the captain kept recommending duty-free products).
Singapore airport is very upscale.
I heard a lot of travelers speaking German at the airport in Singapore, and at the first restaurant I had gone to in Thailand, the customers sitting next to me were also speaking German. It is true that "Germans love to travel". Along the journey, more and more people spoke German! (As it should be—after all, we are going to Germany.)
The train was actually not late today, and the weather was good.
After successfully running HQL-543, courier Mr. TONG makes a purchase from the Display Distribute distro and picks up two other dispatches to bring all back with him to Europe; the handover takes place in the afternoon of the last day before departure; in between visiting an island bookshop and looking for tasty beef noodles, dispatches HQL-547, HQL-548, and HQL-549 are transferred from one backpack to another while enjoying dessert and strolling conversation about receiving e-mail from the boss while still on leave, dark patterns, the inescapability of capitalism at the root of most societal problems
letting you know that there will be a copy of a new book in the dispatch that is on its way to you. the courier lives in Köln, so we will still need to find a relay, but details to follow. that new book will hopefully temporarily pacify you for the misadventure that I wasn't able to find copies of Letters: The classroom is burning, let’s dream about a School of Improper Education when we were packing your order, because everything in the new relay centre is all still quite a mess! Apologies for that, but there are certainly still copies somewhere, so will have to separately dispatch that to you in the future. Regarding the LUMBUNG schwag pack , what is left from that may not be so interesting for you (guessing you have most of it already), but were you able to get all the digital downloads this time? the books from that pack have already been claimed so only PDFs left.
伊克塞勒 Ixelles
曹和時樂的微信紀錄 WeChat communiqué between CAO and Happy Poem
A suitable rain protection fitted by CAO for HQL-547
科隆 Köln 往 en route 布魯塞爾 Brussels
WhatsApp 紀錄communiqué with courier Geeky KIKI
WhatsApp 紀錄communiqué with courier Geeky KIKI
慢遞員Happy Poem取件後回去 Courier Happy Poem after taking on dispatch
科隆 Köln
「這圖片里那句話含義是:土耳其烤肉卷餅+科隆當地的一款啤酒=best life 😂」 The meaning of the sign in the photo is “Turkish döner + Cologne beer = best life 😂
「到科隆啦!」 Arrived in Cologne!
法蘭克福機場的「黑暗模式」 “Dark patterns” of Frankfurt Airport
「下飛機後的天氣」 The weather after landing
新加坡機場的「黑暗模式」 “Dark patterns” of Changi Airport
九龍 Kowloon + HKG
緩件號 Dispatches HQL-547、HQL-548、HQL549
緩件號 Dispatch HQL-547
送給慢遞員-收件人TONG的蛋撻 Egg tarts for courier-receiver TONG