費城 Philadelphia 經由 VIA
台北 Taipei +
卡加利 Calgary +
多倫多 Toronto +
紐約 New York City +
新澤西州愛迪生 Edison, NJ
2 copies
2023-10-26,14:12 UTC-04:
Courier BPPC is travelling with dispatch HQL-544 from New York Penn Station to Edison, NJ by NJ transit train No. 3849
2023-10-17,07:23 UTC-04:
Courier BBPC is on her way to Pearson Airport for the flight departing to New York La Guardia Airport. She took a hard fall when chasing the streetcar headed to Union Station and now her pocket is full of smashed banana
2023-10-12,13:25 UTC-04:
COURIER BPPC UPDATE:Hello from Toronto; good to be back to a 12-hour-behind timezone
Courier BPPC has been planning this break from Hong Kong for a long time, but only two days before her scheduled departure, she realises that she can include the crucial task of couriering for LIGHT LOGISTICS among her large suitcase full of snacks and gifts for the North American friends she will visit along the way; a last minute airport pick-up ensues, and dispatch HQL-544 is headed for Acts of Departure contributors based in Philadelphia; as it will be her first visit to the city, BPPC's handover will surely be a tasty, fatty, philly exchange
愛迪生 Edison
「到愛迪生第一件事:跟阿姨一齊去H Mart」 First thing in town: H Mart with my aunt
紐約 NYC -> 紐澤西州 NJ
Because the US spends all of its money on war or funding war, they don’t have money for soap to clean windows
紐約城 New York City
「入拉瓜迪亞真的讓我唸返香港的老啟德機場;好鍾意飛機轉過來就滑落黎!」 Entering La Guardia reminds me so much of the old Kai Tak Airport of Hong Kong. Enjoyed so much how the plane turned and slid in!
「到我來做一張新金剛電影海報」 My turn to recreate the King Kong film poster
「昨天看到兩幅Banksy作品,這個靠近CN大廈」 Managed to see two Banksy works yesterday, this one is close to CN Tower
「這是Banksy作品背面的介紹,放了在一個高級商場」This is the description behind this Banksy work kept in a high-class mall
查爾斯•狄更斯用女兒的貓爪製作的紙刀 Charles Dickens’ letter opener, made with his daughter’s cat’s paw
Times Square is truly the most capitalist place i have ever been to
The mixture of tourists, opportunists from around the world and struggling new immigrants just gave me a very bizarre feeling
YYZ Toronto Pearson
「來自多倫多問候」 Hello from Toronto
「在多倫多太陽下耍懶」 Lazying under Toronto sun
一啲血汗不可避免」 Some blood and sweat are inevitable
卡加利 Calgary
飛往卡加利 Flying into Calgary
雙十節的國民黨卡加利支部沒有半分喜慶感覺 門口擺著10蚊一件的清倉衣服 更是冷清 The Calgary branch of the Kuomintang didn’t look like it was celebrating the Double Ten Chinese National Day holiday, and it felt even more standoffish with the 10 dollar-a-piece clothes for sale at their doorstep
從卡加利飛走 Flying out of Calgary
從台北往三藩市 from Taipei to San Francisco
台北 Taipei
「與黃大仙水漫相比相當⋯⋯」 The content is quite something compared to the flooding in Wong Tai Sin
香港國際機場 HKG
在光猛的早晨和香港告別 A sunny morning departure from Hong Kong
緩件號HQL-544跟鮑魚撈麵一起準備起飛 HQL-544 entering courier BPPC’s luggage next to abalone noodles