Thank you all so much for this little psychogeographic journey and family networking together! I updated the link for your route so it will show up prominently at the top of our log, haha: HQL-507
And yes, as Florian mentioned, we feature some fun routes on IG from time to time, those updates usually even slower than our couriering, but know efficiency is not our forté!
Hope Billy and Neil can find a not too inconvenient middle ground to meet up for a handover, and thank you all again for your support of semi-autonomous publishing!
warmest regards from Hong Kong
2023-08-26,01:36 UTC+01:
COURIER Tomi HILSEE UPDATE : Great, he will get in touch. Here's one more transit photo for the LIGHT LOGISTICS diary. Ms. HILSEE said, "Here are my photos of package at Schiphol airport They’re not very good 😬 Billy took photos this morning of the handover of package to him, outside on my street. It was fun to be a part of this!!! 💕"
2023-08-25,14:39 UTC-04:
Hello Tomi et al,
It's very exciting that our package is making its way down to NC! Thank you for this.
Please send me an email or a text/Signal message (804-XXX-XXXX) when you'd like to connect. I live in Hillsborough, which is northwest of Raleigh and not quite on the way from Raleigh to Denton; maybe we can meet up somewhere in between? Just let me know.
2023-08-21,18:36 UTC+01:
The package is now in the US and shortly on its way down to NC
First photo of me handing the package to my mother in Haarlem at the end of her Netherlands vacation, on her way to Schipol airport. Second photo is a selfie of my brother receiving the package from my mother on W 79th St NYC.
My brother will be driving back to Denton NC via surroundings of Raleigh in the coming week or two I believe. I can put you two in touch, he is cc’d in this email.
2023-07-22,18:09 UTC+01 :
COURIER MR. CRAMER [混合業務 Mixed Business] UPDATE: Good news: HQL-507 will be delivered to NC this August. The dispatch has been taken over by Tomi Hilsee (who in the past worked as Bike Messenger Roffa for Fictional Dispatch) and will be brought to Raleigh, NC by their brother
One day before leaving the Netherlands, courier Ms. PORTABLE goes on a roundabout route from Rotterdam to the medieval northern village of Naarden for a daytrip; on her way back, she and relay courier Mr. CRAMER are able to schedule an impromptu last Dutch meal of Sichuan noodles as perfect backdrop to an Americas-bound dispatch handover
2023-04-06,10:03 UTC-04:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello! Thank you for letting me know. :)To be honest, I didn't know about LIGHT LOGISTICS until after I had placed my order – I guess I wasn't paying attention to the delivery details! Now that I do know about it, though, I'm actually happy to leave the delivery of my books in the hands of "love and volunteers". I think that's wonderful. If that means my package won't arrive for a long time, that's just fine – it will feel like a treat when it eventually gets here.
上西城 Upper West Side
Messenger Billy HILSEE receives HQL-507 from messenger Ms HILSEE, New York City
史基浦機場 Schiphol
Messenger Ms. HILSEE carrying HQL-507 through Schiphol Airport
羅特丹 Rotterdam
鹿特丹地鐵中生物危險物品的運輸 transport of biohazardous item in Rotterdam’s metro
鹿特丹DIY工作坊 Do-It-Yourself Workshop Rotterdam
鹿特丹DIY工作坊 storage of package at a DIY studio
Messenger 官無名 Florian CRAMER handing over HQL-507 to courier Tomi HILSEE
Courier Tomi HILSEE handing over HQL-507 to messenger Ms. HILSEE
官先生交換他自己出的小出版物拿到了緩件號HQL-507 Handover exchange of one dispatch for one zine made by courier Mr. CRAMER