RECEIVER FEEDBACK:"It's not that LIGHT LOGISTICS isn't convenient, I just don't think the website is very convenient for shopping; when I clicked in for the first time, I was worried about whether I could buy book with renminbi, because it's all in traditional Chinese and English." In the end, however, the receiver wants to make another order for her friend: "Ah, the address she gave me is her school, but maybe she won't be at school next year; that's okay, because you all will also contact her by SMS later."
COURIER lß UPDATE:I will go to Chongqing around September or October, will you be there then? Will contact you beforehand; but before that, if you or anyone you know may come to Shenzhen or Guangzhou, we can also do a handover that way, ha
RECEIVER UPDATE:Ah, hallo, yes that's me, but I'm on holiday now and not in Chongqing
COURIER lß SMS:Hello, I am a courier of Display Distribute, may I ask if you are the Chongqing receiver?
2023-06-12,全天 all day:
Courier Ms. HO makes a multi-dispatch run across the border to Shenzhen, picking up HQL-516 and delivering HQL-518, meanwhile relaying HQL-519 and HQL-520 to courier lß, who is in Shenzhen for a few weeks and planning some future travels; she suspects her mother may be able to assist with the delivery of HQL-519, awaiting updates
重慶 Chongqing
老君洞,拜拜,一路平安🤟 goodbye wishes to Lao Jundong Taoist Temple 🤟
工作證與城市 employee cards in the city
重慶式陰雨天,在某地鐵站下 Chongqing-style rainy day, under a subway station
深井村 Shenjing Village
在深井刺高聯找Wi-Fi CGL studio in Shenjing Village, looking for wi-fi
在深井光腳部找Wi-Fi The Barefoot Club zine display in Shenjing Village
在長洲午廳,Wi-Fi很強 The internet is fast at the Changhou Island community hall
深圳 Shenzhen
從香港過橋往深圳灣口岸 Crossing Shenzhen Bay from Hong Kong to Shenzhen
到了深圳等待90路往世界之窗 Arrival at Shenzhen Bay checkpoint waiting for bus 90 to Windows on the World
龍崗區文具店的橡皮筋 Longgang District stationery shop selection
龍崗區的小希臘 Greece in Longgang District
慢遞員大雨相在深圳龍崗區乘一輛摩托車 Courier lß rides moto-taxi in Longgang District