A new Display Distribute co-conspirator reveals her enthusiasm by making a sale to a colleague at her day job—collusions above and under the table; courier Ms. HO reciprocates her enthusiasm with an unusually fast dispatch run across the border to pick up dispatch HQL-516
and deliver HQL-518 in Longgang District
龍崗區 Longgang District
派送成功 delivery successful
路途中 In transit
從香港過橋往深圳灣口岸 Crossing Shenzhen Bay from Hong Kong to Shenzhen
到了深圳等待90路往世界之窗 Arrival at Shenzhen Bay checkpoint waiting for bus 90 to Windows on the World
到達深圳歡樂谷等轉M486路往華僑城創意文化園去取緩件號HQL-516 Arriving at Happy Valley and waiting for bus M486 to OCAT district to pick up HQL-516