慢遞員Lara van MEETEREN順利到了曼谷,也很順手到Prachachee圖書館遞送HQL-501給漲潮小組的一個成員;漲潮不僅僅是慢遞的收件人,也是內容的作者;派送成功
Courier Lara van MEETEREN has successfully made it to Bangkok and promptly brings HQL-501 to Prachachee Library, where she meets one member of the NAMKHEUN collective, not only recipient of the dispatch but author of its contents; delivery successful
On her way from Taikoo, courier YU asks Lara for to change their meeting spot to elsewhere inside the station because she's changed her mind to go swimming in Sai Ying Pun; since Lara actually lives in Sai Ying Pun, Lara jumps aboard YU's train and the two meet on the platform at Sai Ying Pun; handover complete
慢遞員Lara van MEETEREN這週五就要去曼谷啦,因此她和宇先約好星期四晚上在上環地鐵站E出口附近見面
Courier van MEETEREN is travelling to Bangkok at the end of the week, so she and YU arrange to meet Thursday at Sheung Wan MTR station near exit E
Courier YU visits the Tuen Mun Relay Centre for the first time for a party, brings champagne and snacks and returns with dispatch HQL-501; she works in Taikoo and can easily meet courier van MEETEREN, who lives on Hong Kong island, after she gets out of the office
ถนนเจริญกรุง Soi Charoen Krung
ห้องสมุดประชาชี Prachachee Library
Lara贈送多一張圖書館裡面的照片,有一個民族紀念牌碟子 A bonus photo from inside Prachachee Library, with a nice Democracy Monument souvenir plate
Audi of NAMKHEUN Collective with friends
打開 HQL-501 unboxing
上環 Sheung Wan
慢遞員Lara van MEETEREN到達上環地鐵站月台 Courier Lara van MEETEREN documenting her arrival to the Sheung Wan MTR station platform