2022-12-18,下午 afternoon:
Finally out of quarantine and finished with her work, courier 大憨 is free to meet with the receiver, who travels himself from Foshan to pick up his dispatch HQL-485, visit the Shenzhen Urbanism and Architecture Bi-City Biennale, and enjoy an afternoon tea with the courier and another friend
HQL-485 receiver and courier 大憨 plan for a handover date in Shenzhen; while she will get out of quarantine on the 13th of December, she is still handling school paper deadlines so will not be available until after the 16th
RECEIVER NOTE:Looks like courier 大憨 may be the last group to suffer 5+3 quarantine restrictions
慢遞員大憨更新:「剛剛坐上去酒店的車 折騰了一天… 太多想吐槽的了」
COURIER大憨UPDATE:Just sat down in the bus on its way to the quarantine hotel... so much of this makes me want to puke
More than one year after placing his order, the receiver of HQL-485 has moved from Shenzhen to Foshan and is able to find his own courier, Ms. 大憨 who is returning to the mainland after completing a big set of deadlines as part of her study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong; after picking up her final PCR test results in preparation to cross the border the following morning, Ms. 大憨 successfully picks up dispatch HQL-485, an adjustment from the initial order but with promises for future fulfillment
佛山 Foshan
深圳 Shenzhen
交收成功 Delivery successful
網上 WeChat
北京解放 Beijing quarantine rules changed to 0+3
上海浦東解放 Quarantine rules at Shanghai Pudong airport loosen
Getting ready to open the Futian checkpoint, too?
關於深港開關的P圖假信息 Fake news about border opening between Shenzhen and Hong Kong
九龍 Kowloon
HQL-485 微信記錄 communiqué
大灣區宣傳在大灣區行動中 Greater Bay Area propaganda shared with Greater Bay Area movements
大灣區宣傳在大灣區行動中 Greater Bay Area propaganda shared with Greater Bay Area movements