2022-12-15,13:47 UTC+04
COURIER-RECEIVER UPDATE:The route to Tbilisi is finally established! I've been to Kassel recently and now returned to Georgia; we'll be happy to be one leg of the light bridge into the whole Caucasus region. Thank you very much and until next time.
2022-08-14,19:17 UTC+01:
慢遞員LEYA更新:「你好,我還是沒有收到收件人的回覆,但我估計都會親自跟他見面 ^^ 我所知道的,他下次來德國會是11月份,所以要等一段時間 🤞 ☺️」
COURIER LEYA UPDATE:Hi. I haven't heard back from the receiver yet, but I'm pretty positive it will be in person ^^ as far as I know the next time he's in Germany will be in November. So it will take some time 🤞 ☺️
2022-08-09,19:57 UTC+01:
LEYA小姐來到約好的Weser街26號交接地點,剛好進行一個有很多人的公共活動,所以她先發了一條信息給慢遞員易拎:「忘了問你怎麼認出你,我穿著一件印有一個老虎圖案的白T恤 🐅 ✌」;到了幾個小時後活動結束,LEYA才終於找到易拎小姐,交接成功;慢遞員易拎解釋了HQL-460號派件的包裝,其中包括一份茶餐廳菜單以及登巴薩小組的抗議巴釐島被填海的海報;慢遞員LEYA解釋了一點點關於她怎麼認識收件人,最後加上她認為收件人會喜歡這個海報
Ms. LEYA arrives to the scheduled meeting place at Weserstrasse 26 during a public event with many people. She sends a message to Ms. PORTABLE: "Didn't think to ask how to recognize you. I'm wearing a white shirt with a tiger print 🐅 ✌" — but it isn't until the end of the event a few hours later that Ms. LEYA finally locates PORTABLE for a successful handover; PORTABLE explains the packaging for dispatch HQL-460, which includes a chacaantang menu as well as a poster by Denpasar Kolektif to protest against land reclamation in Bali; courier LEYA explains a little bit about how she knows the receiver, and says that she thinks he will like the poster
2022-08-05,18:27 UTC+01:
收件人自己找了一個住在卡塞爾的朋友來接緩件號HQL-460;新的慢遞員LEYA小姐聯繫好易拎小姐:「你好,我是J (N)的朋友LEYA,他給了我你的聯繫號碼來取書;也許我可以週末到Weser街找你?新起義早上或者星期二傍晚也可以,你什麼時候方便?祝好,LEYA」
The receiver sources a friend in Kassel to help relay dispatch HQL-460; she gets in touch with courier Ms. PORTABLE: Hi, this is J (N)'s friend Ms. LEYA. He gave me your contact to pick up the books. I could come to Weserstr. Maybe on the weekend? Monday morning or Tuesday evening would work, too. When is a good time for you? Best, LEYA
出發前一晚,慢遞員何子看到了一家之前沒注意過的小印尼餐的攤位,決定去參加一個印尼團隊策劃的德國展覽前吃香港的印尼菜好玩,就訂了一份nasi uduk,應該是有炸雞翅、煎雞蛋還有tempeh(黃豆餅)配米飯和幾片青瓜,結果被騙了她最愛吃的tempeh是炸土豆🤮!難道他們要培訓她吃德國菜嗎?
The night before her departure, courier Ms. PORTABLE passes by a small Indonesian food stand that she hadn't noticed before and decides it's funny to eat Indonesian food made in Hong Kong before leaving to take part in an Indonesian-curated exhibition in Germany. She orders a nasi uduk, which is according to the description supposed to include fried chicken wings, a fried egg, and tempeh along with rice and a few slices of cucumber; she is extraordinarily disappointed to find that her favourite, the tempeh, is in this instance substituted for fried potatoes, and she wonders if it's a sign that she should prepare herself for German food...
After an e-mail exchange between courier Ms. PORTABLE and the receiver, an agreement is made for dispatch to Kassel, Germany, where PORTABLE can hand over to a friend of the receiver for taking care of the second leg of the journey. As part of this dialogue, he also gifts PORTABLE with a valuable travel tip:
Hi Portable,
yes, that's all perfect!
Have you heard about the €9 ticket? It's a flatrate-ticket for all regional transport in Germany introduced due to rising fuel-prices (instead of tackling war-speculation, I guess). It is valid from June to August and will be very suitable for your journey. You would be able to use all non-fast trains (no IC or ICE) and all buses, trams, S-Bahn, etc. as much as you like for €9 (per 3 months). You can buy it here: https://www.bahn.de/angebot/regio/9-euro-ticket
Looking forward to hear from you,
J (N)
第比利斯 Tbilisi
路上 in-transit
從德國去格鲁吉亚的火車 Train between Germany and Georgia
從德國去格鲁吉亚的火車 Train between Germany and Georgia
卡塞爾 Kassel
卡塞爾不同平台的通訊 Kassel communiqués via Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp
卡塞爾所見所聞 Seen in Kassel
易拎和LEYA小姐的卡塞爾交接 PORTABLE and LEYA’s handover in Kassel
法蘭克福 Frankfurt
在法蘭克福火車站轉車 Transfer at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof
多哈 Doha
國際旅行又復活了 The spectacle of travel again
成了其中一位收件人的意見買好德國的優惠公交系統9歐元月票 Following a tip from a receiver, getting a head start by buying the 9 EUR German DB monthly public transport pass
豪華多哈機場的另一個景 Another view from chic Doha
香港 Hong Kong
出發之前吃了很爛的印尼餐 Pre-departure meal: terrible Indonesian food in Hong Kong