2022-09-12,早上 morning UTC+1:
在預定的交接日,慢遞員ZEONHO向收件人O坦白,從烏特勒支到阿姆斯特丹的慢遞會導致他缺課,於是收件人O慷慨地提出代替慢遞員出行,經過更多火車上的糾纏,又一次交接和一個星巴克約會都成功;收件人O的評論:「非常感謝 🤩 我非常期待閱讀這些書:)」
On the scheduled day of handover, courier ZEONHO confesses to receiver O that a delivery to Amsterdam from Utrecht will result in his missing class, so receiver O generously offers to travel to the courier instead; after more train wrangling, a coffee date and handover are both successful; RECEIVER O's REVIEW: Thanks so much 🤩 I'm really looking forward to reading them :)
2022-08-07,全日 all day UTC+1:
展銷場的讀者轉慢遞員駿豪離開卡塞爾後跟朋友又玩去,「最後仲好叛逆咁帶埋啲書逃票上咗ICE翻柏林嘅車;真係坐到第6個鐘頂唔順 睇嗮德國中部嘅森林鄉村」
Display Distribute reader turned courier ZEONHO departs Kassel for another adventure, smuggling dispatch HQL-461 along with himself and a companion on an ICE train to Berlin; their seven-hour journey offers scenic views of the central German landscape
2022-08-07,大概中午 around noon UTC+1:
突然有了幸運消息——出現了一個可以從卡塞爾帶書到荷蘭的慢遞員員,交接立即約好在卡塞爾的Weserstrasse 26號,有一點匆忙但總是還有足夠時間一起喝一杯咖啡和在新朋友之間交換一些好玩的禮品
Sudden lucky news of a courier from Kassel to the Netherlands emerges, and a hasty handover is arranged immediately at Weserstrasse 26 in Kassel — but always still enough time for coffee and free swag exchanged between new friends
No worries, thanks so much for the update! I will be in Amsterdam on the 12. September shortly in the morning (an 8h flight stopover, will be in town until midday). Apart from that, I don't know anyone in Kassel, Berlin, Amsterdam or Rotterdam, unfortunately.
I might visit Berlin or Amsterdam some time next year. I'll be in London from the 12.11-14.11.
Kind regards,
2022-08-02,01:14 UTC+1:
慢遞員Jofa el JEFE更新:「我和伴侶決定不去卡塞爾了;計畫全亂了所以這次可能不是最好選擇;非常感謝~ 祝好 🫂」;轉運計畫取消,等待新慢遞員
COURIER Jofa el JEFE UPDATE:Anyway my couple and I just take the decision to not go there (Kassel); it’s been a total mess try to go so not the best option for us; thanks for everything ~Greetings 🫂;relay cancelled, awaiting new courier
2022-07-06,11:48 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives in Kassel 9 minutes later than the usual German timeliness due to a train delay, though completely worth it for the bargain €9 price of the Deutsche Bahn public transport month pass she's purchased, thanks to the kind advice of the receiver of dispatch HQL-460; awaiting transfer to courier Jofa el Jefe later in the month
出發前一晚,慢遞員何子看到了一家之前沒注意過的小印尼餐的攤位,決定去參加一個印尼團隊策劃的德國展覽前吃香港的印尼菜好玩,就訂了一份nasi uduk,應該是有炸雞翅、煎雞蛋還有tempeh(黃豆餅)配米飯和幾片青瓜,結果被騙了她最愛吃的tempeh是炸土豆🤮!難道他們要培訓她吃德國菜嗎?
The night before her departure, courier Ms. PORTABLE passes by a small Indonesian food stand that she hadn't noticed before and decides it's funny to eat Indonesian food made in Hong Kong before leaving to take part in an Indonesian-curated exhibition in Germany. She orders a nasi uduk, which is according to the description supposed to include fried chicken wings, a fried egg, and tempeh along with rice and a few slices of cucumber; she is extraordinarily disappointed to find that her favourite, the tempeh, is in this instance substituted for fried potatoes, and she wonders if it's a sign that she should prepare herself for German food...
乌特勒支 Utrecht
Contacting the receiver 聯絡收件人
Reader-turned-courier attracts another reader-turned courier
讀者往慢遞員去 Reader towards courier
定位的交流中 Textual-locating
集合地點 Meeting Point
接送成功 Handover successful
收件人 O Receiver O
德國中部 Central Germany
卡塞爾和柏林之間 Between Kassel and Berlin
卡塞爾和柏林之間 Between Kassel and Berlin
德國火車的夏季遊戲 Deutsche Bahn’s summer adventures
卡塞爾 Kassel
卡塞爾所見所聞 Seen in Kassel
卡塞爾不同平台的通訊 Kassel communiqués via Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp
去卡塞爾交接地點的路線 route to Kassel handover location
「ook好似冇開,所以我地係門口」 br ook seems closed, so we’re waiting at the front gate
開心的交接 a happy handover
法蘭克福 Frankfurt
在法蘭克福火車站轉車 Transfer at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof
多哈 Doha
國際旅行又復活了 The spectacle of travel again
成了其中一位收件人的意見買好德國的優惠公交系統9歐元月票 Following a tip from a receiver, getting a head start by buying the 9 EUR German DB monthly public transport pass
豪華多哈機場的另一個景 Another view from chic Doha
香港 Hong Kong
出發之前吃了很爛的印尼餐 Pre-departure meal: terrible Indonesian food in Hong Kong