forgive this small detour (not sure if you are an e-mail-y type person or not, but i've been trying to log more thoughts down lately as on-going writing exercise, and have found that the epistolary form makes it work best):
i guess signage would be a good example of a widespread and complex infrastructure that guides societies, from which you can read the nature of acts both encouraged and prohibited within any given locale. Some of us also serve as signposts, reading and reacting to the environment around them and trying in these small ways to guide the direction of flows around them, maybe for some thought of care or public safety or financial gain or because of a believe in something known as 'right'. When I flew to New York, the plane was full and i of course got squeezed into a middle seat between two men, and the configuration of our legs all together made an funny M — more like \ /||\ / perhaps — rendered even further greasy by the fact that the middle-aged brown man on the left kept trying to turn his data on to receive messages, my sideways glance at one point noticing included a photo of the back of a blonde woman's head sucking on a very chiselled white man's dick. so i think the radius of awareness of the 'average male' person's space must be equally limited both in terms of their own body parts as well as extending into devices and digital, virtual spaces. I guess there are plenty of meme pages that address this and it's not my point to say that artists can be positive contributions to society by their observations and denunciations of manspreading, but maybe it's something more like the complexity and complicity in a poem as 'fresh material for writing' — like that 19 year-old writes about in 'Fricatives'...
that poem made me tear up.
and there is another story about the people i was sideways observing quite carefully in seats A and C next to me on the return flight, but i guess that is a dérive for another day
2022-02-21,11:55 UTC-07:
Branch dispatch of Chuăng No. 1 to Los Angeles via HQL-438
2021-12-29,11:29 UTC +07:
七本《MARCH》和三本《A Cookbook of Invisible Writing》分別以緩件號HQL-432派送到新加坡
Branch dispatch of seven copies of MARCH and three copies of A Cookbook of Invisible Writing with HQL-432 to Singapore
2021-12-18,18:42 UTC+07:
從西邊Phra Nakhon走了一個小時多,經由唐人街到了一個叫『快速婆婆』的空間找我離開香港前一個小時下單的《闖》2讀者,恰好展銷場的一個合作者『浪潮』小組成員也在場可以順便送她一本《目錄》;原來大家都來了這空間的屋頂上燒烤和唱戶外K,再次爽
Over one hour walk from Phra Nakhon on the west side of Bangkok to the edge of Chinatown to meet with a reader-buyer of Chuăng 2, who had luckily placed his online order just one hour before I left Hong Kong for Thailand; by coincidence, a Display Distribute collaborator from the น้ำขึ้น NAMKHEUN collective and several other familiar faces have gathered on the rooftop of this meeting place known as Speedy Grandma; courier crash to a barbecue and open-air karaoke, double-refreshing
2021-12-17,21:29 UTC+07:
乘搭了Bolt APP打的摩托車,派送了第一批分件,五本《MARCH》「藝術與策略」雜誌送到沙通地區的『書店圖書館』——爽
First delivery of five copies of MARCH: Journal of Art & Strategy made to the Bookshop Library in the Sathorn area, travel by Bolt hired motorbike very refreshing
德州東北部 Northeast Texas
慢遞員德州風景 A Courier’s Views
心中的慢遞方法 Courier Dream Ride
新墨西哥北 Northern New Mexico
曼谷 Bangkok
曼谷12月16日日出到達 Bangkok sunrise arrival 16 December at 06:44
第一件曼谷派送 Bangkok Delivery Number 1
第二和三件曼谷派送 Bangkok Deliveries Number 2 + 3
2012-12-18,18:42 UTC+07:น้ำขึ้น NAMKHEUN 浪潮小組 成員 member
2012-12-18,20:44 UTC+07:《闖》讀者 Chuăng reader
新年好!閉眼開緊車、聽緊Portishead、食緊烤椰子洛米 Roasted coconut sticky rice in coconut leaf, while driving and listening to Portishead with eyes closed; happy new year everyone
海島轉運 Island Stopover
12月7日20:33到達的月亮 The moon on arrival, 7 December 20:33