Happy update today: yesterday lovely HAY and I (and HAY’s lovely friend) met, where the exchange took place along with a sense of enjoyment and connection I feel fortunate to have come across! HAY holds the photo evidence of the exchange, hehe
On my end, HQL-428 has been proudly received; meanwhile HQL-427, HQL-429 are safe in my hands for now and the raffia string is a source of enjoyment to domestic lord Pumpkin the cat (photo evidence attached); and so these bundles excitedly await to meet their respective recipients
Met up with TURTLENECK outside of Library@Orchard, which happens to also be distributing some free zines at the moment by local artists. My friend SCARF is with me today, but is struggling with the automated checkout machine so she's taking some time to make it out. After the initial hello the three of us get to chatting at a matcha restaurant, which turns into a five hour hangout, which turns into us all swapping numbers and now we are text-and-image based friends <3
I am now in Singapore alongside the three packages, which I have attached a photo of in this email. I'm with one of my closest friends and her family, which has entailed many conversations so far about a) the types of food that are good during this time of the year b) who out of Lee Kwan Yew's sons should have been primed for governance, and also predictably a lot of talk about the various treatment of COVID between our two regions.
I'll be in Singapore until January 2nd so if there's a way to get in touch with the receiver that would be amazing! Would really love to get a chance to chat with them as well as what they're up to. My only request would be to plan out a socially distanced gathering for this exchange, as my close friend is immuno-compromised and we're trying to reduce risk as much as possible.
It's very rainy in Singapore at the moment. Wishing you the best, HAY
COURIER Ms. ÖZGE UPDATE:Gave the books to HAY today; she’s off to Singapore later this week
2021-12-06,夜晚 evening:
Courier Ms. ÖZGE picks up a houseplant, one gin cocktail and dispatches HQL-427, HQL-428 and HQL-429 in the Sai Ying Pun area of Hong Kong island
新加坡 Singapore
HAY:「書放了我現在住的地方的工作台上(右上角可以看見我目前忙的鉤針編織)」 HAY:Here’s the books on my desk where I’m staying at the moment (also seen in the corner my current crochet project)
收件人變慢遞員烏龜新拍的HQL-427、428和429 New portrait of HQL-427, 428 and 429 as taken by receiver turned courier TURTLENECK
害羞的收件人收自己HQL-428,也另外接HQL-427和HQL-429 A shy receiver picks up her dispatch HQL-428 along with two other dispatches for relay
香港 Hong Kong
HQL-428的內容 Contents of dispatch HQL-428
Plant friends, one of which picked up with dispatches HQL-427, 428 and 429, say hi 👋🏽
12月20號,慢遞員ÖZGE把三分緩件一起交給HAY小姐 Handover from courier Ms. ÖZGE and Ms. HAY at an office in Sheung Wan, 20 December