The handover went really, really well. I was almost about to be late, caught in the middle of the chaos of family dinner, but as I live very close to the cafe, where we had agreed to meet, I got there just in time. I have attached a photo from my bike ride to the cafe in Copenhagen North-West after dark.
Klara and Villads were waiting for me at the cafe. We sat down and had a cup of tea and talked about Display Distribute and the Banana School that Klara and Villads have been involved with. It was really interesting to hear more about the Banana School for me. I only knew about it through Goodiepal, it was super interesting to hear some of the thoughts behind this idea of an alternative, self-organized approach to schooling. We also opened the book package and took a look at all the amazing books. I was really happy when I biked home afterwards, so nice to know that there are people like Klara and Villads in Copenhagen doing and thinking about good things :-). And also really nice to be reminded of Hong Kong, I miss being there. I have attached some photos from the cafe, of Klara and Villads and of the book package.
Thanks to everyone on the route who made this delivery happen!!
2021-09-15,12:14 UTC+01
慢遞員CRAMER先生:「緩件號HQL-406已經移交給BananSkolen/Goodiepal & Pals的Klara Sif KARLSON和Villads SCHOU;他們並不熟悉『展銷場』,但有趣的是,他們把慢遞員吳小姐當成他們工作的重要靈感;另外,KARLSON小姐和SCHOU先生仍然需要收件人的詳細聯繫方式,到目前為止,我們只知道他是一個在哥本哈根的人」
COURIER Mr. CRAMER:HQL-406 has been handed over to Klara Sif KARLSON and Villads SCHOU from BananSkolen/Goodiepal & Pals. They haven't been familiar with Display Distribute before, but interestingly name [former courier] Ms. WU as an important inspiration for their own work; Ms. KARLSON and Mr. SCHOU still need the contact details of the receiver. So far, we only know that it is a person in Copenhagen
2021-08-23,12:39 UTC+01
COURIER Mr. CRAMER:I created a GIF e-zine documenting the pickup. It consists of a single HTML page with the GIF animation and an audio soundtrack directly embedded into the HTML code
2021-08-22,23:16 UTC+01
慢遞員CRAMER先生:「以下的照片是我和BEDIR小姐逛市集的記錄,最後我也花了25歐元買了兩部二手佳能單反相機(後來才知道兩部都完全能用),之後我們去了附近的咖啡吧喝咖啡喝茶(我的好朋友藝術家 Jo McCAMBRIDGE & Toine HORVERS以前運營的地方)」
COURIER Mr. CRAMER:The pictures below document Ms. BEDIR's and my flea market stroll, which ended in me buying two used (and, as it later turned out, fully functional) Canon DSLR cameras for 25 Euro, plus having tea and coffee in a nearby coffee bar (that used to be run by the artist couple/my good friends Jo McCAMBRIDGE & Toine HORVERS)
2021-08-17,20:23 UTC+03:
COURIER Ms. BEDIR:Hi, deal for 10:00 am this Sunday at the entrance of the market, and incredible that the other publication can move on with the next adventure so soon!
2021-08-17,11:08 UTC+01:
收件人:「Merve妳好,我們可以早上10點在市集門口見;疫情期間有新規定,要收門票,我請妳吧;我手機號是:+31 6118XXXXX。然後妳要找去丹麥的慢遞真巧——9月11-16號,我的好朋友Goodiepal & Pals/Bananskole小組會從哥本哈根來羅特丹,一定可以帶書;Goodiepal自己也有一個私人運輸網絡來帶他的郵件,他一定會很支持的」
RECEIVER:Hello Merve, we could meet at the entrance of the flea market at 10.00. Due to COVID regulations, open-air flea markets now charge an entrance fee, so I would like to treat you. My phone number is +31 6118XXXXX. It's a perfect coincidence that you need transport to Denmark — from September 11th to 16th, my good friends from the Goodiepal & Pals/Bananskole collective from Copenhagen will be in Rotterdam and able to pick up and transport the book. Goodiepal runs a private courier system for his own postal mail and will certainly be supportive. Let me know if 10.00 in the morning works for you.
2021-08-05,15:08 UTC+03:
UPDATE from Ms. BEDIR:I'm going to the Netherlands on the 20th of August and will bring the books there; if you think of/find anyone for Denmark let me know, I’ll also ask around
2021-07-20,09:44 UTC+03:
Courier Ms. ÖZGE crosses the Bosphorus Strait to meet her friend and fellow courier Ms. BEDIR, who will take care of dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 until her travels to the Netherlands in the autumn
2021-07-06,晚上 evening:
Picked up by courier Ms. ÖZGE on the upper level of Central Ferry pier No. 3, awaiting departure from Hong Kong on 9 July; this dispatch is the partial order of WC-4992 bound for Copenhagen, branch dispatched as HQL-401 from Rotterdam
哥本哈根 Copenhagen
收件人在見慢遞員的路上 Receiver on her journey to pick up dispatch HQL-406
慢遞員們 Couriers BananSkolen / Goodiepal & Pals
緩件號HQL-406打開前 Just before opening dispatch HQL-406
緩件號HQL-406打開後 Just after opening HQL-406
HQL-406第二層包裝打開後 After opening the second layer of packaging of HQL-406
羅特丹 Rotterdam
慢遞員BEDIR小姐交接前的緩件記錄 Pre-handover documentation by courier Ms. BEDIR
交接日的天氣預報 Weather forecast on the day of delivery and handover
緩件號HQL-406和HQL-407安心穿著防水雨衣出門 Dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 waterproofed by courier Ms. BEDIR
如市集門的蓋章,早上10:10 “PAID” stamp after entering the flea market, circa 10:10 am
Heemraadsplein 市集 flea market
讀者-收件人轉慢遞員 Reader-receiver turned courier Mr. CRAMER 先生
慢遞員 Courier Ms. BEDIR 小姐
HQL-407 + HQL-406 (to travel further to Copenhagen via couriers Goodiepal & Pals/Bananskolen) + cameras (2 x Canon EOS 300D + 2 x EF-S 18-55mm/3.5-5.6 zoom lens + 3 x BP-511a battery + 2 x CB-5L charger + Samsonite Trekking camera bag (set price: 25 EUR) + Dell laptop power supply (17 EUR) bought at the Heemraadsplein flea market, circa 10:40 am
HQL-407 + HQL-406 (to travel further to Copenhagen via couriers Goodiepal & Pals/Bananskolen) + cameras (2 x Canon EOS 300D + 2 x EF-S 18-55mm/3.5-5.6 zoom lens + 3 x BP-511a battery + 2 x CB-5L charger + Samsonite Trekking camera bag (set price: 25 EUR) + Dell laptop power supply (17 EUR) bought at the Heemraadsplein flea market, circa 10:40 am
Two cameras (2 x Canon EOS 300D + 2 x EF-S 18-55mm/3.5-5.6 zoom lens + 3 x BP-511a battery + 2 x CB-5L charger + Samsonite Trekking camera bag for set price: 25 EUR) + Dell laptop power supply (17 EUR) bought at the Heemraadsplein flea market, circa 10:40 am
HQL-407 + HQL-406 (to travel further to Copenhagen via couriers Goodiepal & Pals/Bananskolen) + cameras (2 x Canon EOS 300D + 2 x EF-S 18-55mm/3.5-5.6 zoom lens + 3 x BP-511a battery + 2 x CB-5L charger + Samsonite Trekking camera bag (set price: 25 EUR) + Dell laptop power supply (17 EUR) bought at the Heemraadsplein flea market, circa 10:40 am
在羅特丹UEB West喝的一杯煎茶和一杯拿鐵,早上11點 Sencha & latte at UEB West, Nieuwe Binnenweg, Rotterdam, circa 11am
早上大概11點半下的暴雨 Heavy rainshower, circa 11:30 am
把東西存在咖啡吧多放的一張桌子,早上11點 Item storage on unused café table, circa 11:00 am
緩件號HQL-406的轉運站和HQL-407的目的地,荷蘭羅特丹市西班牙人街 Dispatch HQL-406’s relay centre and HQL-407’s final destination at Spanjaardstraat, Rotterdam, Netherlands
HQL-406的臨時轉運站De Boog (Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER 羅特丹);這是慢遞員Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen 和 Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade 將一起出新一期詩歌選集和小誌《小號》的基地
Visual documentation of the handover and temporary storage of HQL-406 in the print shop De Boog, Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER Rotterdam, where Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen and Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade are printing a new issue of their zine (and, this time, poetry volume) The Trumpet
HQL-406的臨時轉運站De Boog (Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER 羅特丹);這是慢遞員Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen 和 Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade 將一起出新一期詩歌選集和小誌《小號》的基地
Visual documentation of the handover and temporary storage of HQL-406 in the print shop De Boog, Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER Rotterdam, where Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen and Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade are printing a new issue of their zine (and, this time, poetry volume) The Trumpet
記得聯絡慢遞員CRAMER先生 Notes for remembering to contact courier Mr. CRAMER
HQL-406的臨時轉運站De Boog (Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER 羅特丹);這是慢遞員Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen 和 Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade 將一起出新一期詩歌選集和小誌《小號》的基地
Visual documentation of the handover and temporary storage of HQL-406 in the print shop De Boog, Voorburgstraat 205, 3037 ER Rotterdam, where Goodiepal & Pals / BananSkolen and Woodstone Kugelblitz / The Voluntary Fire Brigade are printing a new issue of their zine (and, this time, poetry volume) The Trumpet
伊斯坦堡 Istanbul
緩件號HQL-406和HQL-407去找第二個慢遞員一起過博斯普魯斯海峽 🚚 Dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 crossing the Bosphorus—on their way to their second courier
緩件號HQL-406和HQL-407去找第二個慢遞員一起過博斯普魯斯海峽 🚚 Dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 crossing the Bosphorus—on their way to their second courier
緩件號HQL-406和HQL-407去找第二個慢遞員一起過博斯普魯斯海峽 🚚 Dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 crossing the Bosphorus—on their way to their second courier
安全到了慢遞員BEDIR小姐的手裡 Safely relayed to courier Ms. BEDIR
香港 Hong Kong
緩件號HQL-406和HQL-407到香港中環碼頭 Dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 approaching the Central Ferry Pier in Hong Kong
夏季突然暴雨啦(熱帶氣旋警告信號1),慢遞員ÖZGE小姐和一個朋友好好保護好緩件HQL-406和HQL-407 Courier Ms. ÖZGE and a friend protecting dispatches HQL-406 and HQL-407 when a sudden summer downpour (typhoon signal no. 1) crashes the party