We met up last Tuesday! The books went home with the courier to Stanford where she lives/studies.
It's true that the books did travel all across the USA with us:
We started out from Hong Kong -> New York -> El Paso -> Marfa -> Cleveland -> Akron -> Cleveland again -> Akron again -> back to Cleveland -> San Francisco -> Modesto -> Stockton -> San Francisco
Hope the receiver enjoys these well-traveled books :-)
But I’m leaving for NYC on 23rd early afternoon, would it be possible to meet on Tuesday, 22nd? If you don’t mind, I’d like to meet around Asia Art Museum (11am or 3pm) or near to Kadist Foundation in the late afternoon. Let me know if one of those times work for you.
We can get a tea/coffee if you like :-) I can be reached at my temp US no. 646-866-XXX or WhatsApp with my Hong Kong no. +852 650XXXXX.
Totally understandable that your plans got delayed again! I look forward to seeing you in February.
I'm under the impression that omicron is peaking now in SF. In early January we were hearing about staffing shortages at schools, hospitals, restos/stores, etc. due to high infection rates, but based on models from previous variants, cases are projected to drop soon. Perhaps traveling next month would be best anyways. With that said, vaccination rates are high in the Bay Area and masking has remained a consistent practice in indoor spaces, in my experience.
Sorry, my travel plan changed again. But I might be able to come to SF around mid-February...
My husband John and I had to cancel our SF trip at the last minute. We were going to see his aunt, but shortly before we're supposed to head to El Paso airport, we found out that his aunt was not vaccinated at all. That made us really stressed as we felt responsible for her health since she's over 75. But we're also glad that we know a little bit beforehand than on the spot. So I'm going to Cleveland to do research for the FRONT Triennial first, and then coming to SF around mid-February, hopefully.
But can you let me know if it's really the case that currently Omicron is pretty much everywhere in SF?? All the best, Ali
2022-01-04,18:29 UTC-08:
RECEIVER REPLY:Sorry to hear the flight was canceled!
The 19th will work well. I'll plan to be in the city that morning!
2022-01-03,20:12 UTC-06:
COURIERS UPDATE:Our flight was cancelled, but we are getting in SF on the 18th, so would that be possible we meet on 19th morning? Looking forward to seeing you, Ali
2021-12-29,14:19 UTC-08:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hi Ali, I can meet you in SF on the morning of the 5th if you are available? I just have an online class to tune into 1:30p-3p, but can meet any other time that day. Yes, I'm on WhatsApp. Please feel free to text so we can arrange a meetup! Best wishes for the new year!
2021-12-29,00:22 UTC-06:
COURIERS UPDATE:Sorry to take a while to respond because I just wasn't sure if our flight will get canceled or not. If not, I'll be touching down in SF on 4th Jan evening, and we can meet on the 5th if you're available. I do have a lunch meeting in Mission District, and then will leave SF around 4:30pm. But hopefully we can get some tea and chat a bit! Are you on WhatsApp?
2021-12-03,08:51 UTC-08:
RECEIVER:This plan sounds great, I will be available to meet anywhere around SF on those dates! Many thanks
2021-12-03,00:34 UTC-06:
慢遞員報告:「我們買好去三藩市的機票了,1月4日出發; 我們可以5-9號之間交接,但是我們期間也要去斯托克頓,所以也可以把緩件留給一個朋友,再說!」
COURIERS UPDATE:We got the tickets to SF, we‘re leaving on 4th if Jan; I can meet you sometime between 5th to 9th, but we will also be traveling to Stockton. Or I can also try to leave the package to a friend, too; talk soon!
2021-11-17,02:06 UTC-06:
COURIERS UPDATE:We should be in SF very early January for last round delivery!
2021-11-09,21:28 UTC-06:
Couriers Mr. ROBERTSON and Ms. WONG arrive in Marfa, Texas, after one-week transit in New York and another few days in Cleveland; awaiting relay to San Francisco
After approximately two years without any outgoing dispatches to the United States, brave courier Ms. WONG picks up three dispatches for a cross-country visit together with fellow courier-companion Mr. ROBERTSON; a Halloween departure from Hong Kong scheduled for the next day, with this year's fad for Squid Game Halloween outfits quite appropriate for quarantine-era era travel
2021-08-24,11:32 UTC-07:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello, Is it possible to change the location for my delivery? I relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area, and can meet with a courier anywhere near/around San Francisco. I think it will be more possible to find a courier route this way, as SF is a much bigger city with more frequent travel by LIGHT LOGISTICS couriers. Thank you!
三藩市 San Francisco
慢遞員罗伯逊先生和黃黃潔宜另外帶1953年在加州莫德斯托种植的一棵树上的橘子派送給收件人 🍊 Couriers Mr. ROBERTSON and Ms. WONG additionally carry an orange from a tree planted in 1953 in Modesto, California, to the receiver 🍊