2021-09-02,晚上 evening:
Courier Mister E holds on to dispatch HQL-412 for a few days before making final delivery via a shopping mall route in Tsuen Wan
Courier Mister picks up from Ms. ANQI in front of a bar in Jordan during quick handover amidst a Tuesday night drizzle
Courier Ms. ANQI has received dispatch HQL-412 from courier Ms. HL and departed Guangzhou for Hong Kong in the morning, arriving to her Jordan area residence late afternoon
聞著鄰座的炸雞香味,我再一次被飛機帶上雲霄,進入了理智真空。我後悔購買夜間的航班,夜空更加烘托了乘坐飛機的抽象的恐懼,夜空本身即抽象恐懼。不過夜間航班讓人更接近宇宙,太空也是暗的不是嗎?人類是少數擁有白天的存在嗎?難以想象,僅僅靠一顆星球,我們得以一半存在於光明中。 With the scent of fried chicken from the passenger in the seat next to me, I get sent once again into the clouds of a flight, to enter a the vaccuum of reason. I regret taking an evening flight, because the night sky increases the abstract fear of flying. The night sky is itself an abstraction of fear. But space is also dark, so maybe an evening flight also brings one nearer to the universe. Is the human use of daylight a rarity? It's hard to imagine—by relying simply upon a star, we spend half of our existences in the light.
我的全身感官全部張開,在如今健忘而麻痹的日常中,乘坐飛機可能是我的感官最為發達的時刻。一點點顛簸,一點點引擎聲響和震顫幅度的變化,一點點異樣的氣味或溫度(比如剛才我感到自己座位溫度升高非常恐懼後證實了其實是自己體溫),任何一個行為有一點點怪異的人,都足以擊垮我。最理想的狀態是上機便睡去一覺安睡到落地,最讓人崩潰的情況是上機好不容易睡去了,飛機一起飛又醒了,恐懼吞噬靈魂,再也回到夢中,那就要經歷最驚心動魄的上升時刻。 All of my senses are open. Compared to what are otherwise numbing and forgetful everydays, taking a plane is probably the moment when my senses are most aware. The slightest bump, the slightest discrepant rumble from the engine, the slightest change in odour or temperature (after the fright of feeling the temperature of my seat rise just now, I realised it was simply my own body heat)—any action or out of ordinary person are enough to topple me over. The most ideal situation would be to board the plane and sleep until landing. The most terrible is to fall asleep after boarding and get woken up by the take-off such that fear eats into the soul. If you fall asleep again, your dreams will only be full of those disturbing beasts.
我記得人生某一段時間是不怕坐飛機的,27歲之前吧,真正的天不怕地不怕。後來經歷了這些年最大的一次理性危機而所導致的健康警報,我的神經變脆弱了,哪怕之後其他時候有所好轉也沒法控制抽象的恐懼。我希望短時間內不再飛,每一次飛行耗費掉巨大的能量和精神。我也希望我可以重新擁有天不怕地不怕的勇氣。 I remember there was a time when I was afraid of flying. Before turning 27, I was truly not afraid of anything. After experiencing the biggest crisis of my life, a health danger made my nerves weak from then on, and even if things improved later there wasn't any way to control that abstract fear. I hope not to fly anymore in the near future. Each flight consumes so much of my energy. I also hope I can gain my courage again, to not be afraid of anything.
出版社/發貨人:「我抱著《閒逛者小報》在Voyage Coffee的台階上看見HL出現在葛宇路展覽的入口,小報從這裡上路了」
PUBLISHER/SENDER:While holding on to a dispatch of Tabloid Flaneur, I wait on the steps of Voyage Coffee in the 798 arts district until seeing courier Ms. HL emerge from the GE Yulu exhibition; our tabloid makes its way
九龍 Kowloon
《閒逛者小報》和一台蘋果筆記本穿者一樣的石灰绿 Tabloid Flaneur and Macbook dressed in lime
《馮火》在香港佐敦等待交接 Fong Fo awaiting handover in Jordan
慢遞員ANQI小姐記錄她和慢遞員E先生交接HQL-412 Courier Ms. ANQI photographs handover with courier Mr. E
Courier Mr. E in transit in Hong Kong
慢遞員E先生在香港的派送中 Courier Mr. E in transit in Hong Kong
Courier Mr. E in unavoidable shopping mall transit in Hong Kong
Courier Mr. E in unavoidable cinematic views during shopping mall transit in Hong Kong
最後在荃灣地鐵站交收,派送成功 Final drop-off at Tsuen Wan MTR station
最後在荃灣地鐵站交收,派送成功 Final drop-off at Tsuen Wan MTR station
廣州和香港之間 between Guangzhou and Hong Kong
港珠澳大橋上的風景 landscape while crossing the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge