

Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review




香港 Hong Kong

台中 Taichung
經由 VIA
伊斯坦堡 Istanbul

阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam

羅特丹 Rotterdam

曼谷 Bangkok
巴黎 Paris



2 years,6 months,2 days,3 hours,19 minutes

approximately 300 copies

approximately 21.5kg


官妍廷 KUAN Yen-Ting

Florian CRAMER


Ruud & Jeannette

吳索 Amy S. WU

Jock RHEA & Lara van MEETEREN





Courier Ms. BEDIR is now back in Hong Kong after an extended period away, this time subletting from friends in Chai Wan on Hong Kong Island; the receiver is ironically working nearby at a metal and ceramics studio, final delivery complete

Handover in Paris at 25 Rue du Bouloi, exchanging 16 copies of the Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review for six copies of Tsuji Jun with courier Ms. LIN; having once fallen in love with a monk, courier Ms. BEDIR curiously reads Tsuji Jun on her way to Hong Kong, ends up keeping the copy as her courier bonus

Bus 18 from Rotterdam Slotervaart to Amsterdam West

2022-06-07,19:41 UTC+01:
COURIER Ms. BEDIR UPDATE:This correspondence roots back to the beginning of COVID, when I was in Ankara and courier Ms. PORTABLE was in Hong Kong. The idea was to print the first newsletter of Black Book Assembly in Wuhan, where the paper and the printing costs would be the least, but Wuhan, where the pandemic first broke out, was the eye of the storm then, and everyone was at home in full confinement. I checked about the costs of printing the newsletter in Ankara, which was almost the same as Wuhan, so we went for it. The idea was that I bring as many copies as possible with me to different places, eg, Madrid, Rotterdam, Tijuana/San Diengo, and Melbourne, then bring the rest to Hong Kong. The rest of the trip after Rotterdam was cancelled though, doing to worldwide COVID shutdowns. I had left a stack of copies with relay partners Amy S. Wu and Timmetje at the time, and many of them made it with HQL-364 to Bangkok, Mexico, and Hong Kong. Today, two years later I've finally picked up the mission again, taking back the majority of copies left and planning to bring them to Istanbul for relay with PORTABLE's stopover on her way back to Hong Kong. Unfortunately, PORTABLE's journey didn't happen becuase her flight was changed, and she had to re-route through Seoul. At the end of the day, the newsletters are now waiting tranfer in my room at Marina's house in Rotterdam; awaiting relay

2021-02-22,下午 afternoon UTC+08:
COURIER Mr. CRAMER's UPDATE:Most of the zines from HQL-364 went back to Amy today. I'm enclosing my visual documentation of the transfer (a distance of 1.6km)

2021-01-19,15:21 UTC+08:
COURIER Mr. KUAN's UPDATE:For more detailed information, I was flying with China airlines flight CL-74 and arrived at Taiwan at 7:02 am, 10th January. Indeed I'm still quarantined and will be free on 25th midnight. As the first doctor got COVID-19 a week ago, and 4 more colleagues of his were later infected, people here are more cautious with travellers from abroad, who are more likely to bring back the virus. The airport staff were all experienced and well-trained regarding the whole arrival processes. I went back to Taichung directly by a special taxi which only takes travellers from the airport to quarantine hotels. The hotel is located in a busy area in Taichung, not too far from the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, where I had worked for more than 4 years from 2014 to 2018.

2021-01-19,17:59 UTC+01:
HQL-364 is currently quarantined in a hotel in Taichung; I hope it's not a major letdown that we have only been able to bag 13 copies because of the bulkiness of Yenting's luggage. My agreement with Amy was that she would give me a large stack of copies and that I would return to her whatever wouldn't fit the luggage. The remaining 62 copies are currently at my home and still need to returned to Amy, who lives nearby. As a special detail, she gave me the copies in a bag of the German drug store chain DM, which was founded and is owned by an anthroposopher (and very popular among Taiwanese tourists visiting Germany, along with the German-made "China-Öl"/"China Oil" remedy on which we both, Yenting and me, are making a zine). Anthroposophy—which was also the belief system and ideology underlying Joseph Beuys' 'social sculpture'—has recently come under closer critical attention since anthroposophers are at the core of the Corona denier movement in Germany and have organized mass protests together with neo-Nazis; I will let you know as soon as the 62 copies have returned to Amy.

2020-06-15,16:10 UTC+01:
As social gatherings return to the Netherlands, small-scale distributions of the last 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 can be made by courier Ms. WU while in relay in Rotterdam

2020-04-29,下午 afternoon:
回到香港14日隔離完成了之後,慢遞員RHEA先生和van MEETEREN小姐疫情中帶著換件號HQL-364到香港大會堂,婚禮與派送成功!最後一批在羅特丹仍然等待轉運
After their return to Hong Kong and mandatory 14-day quarantine completed, couriers Mr. RHEA and Ms. van MEETEREN bring their 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 to their pandemic-period city hall wedding, complete with live streaming to relatives in the Netherlands—marriage and delivery successful! Final 1/3 of the dispatch still in relay in Rotterdam

Couriers have been hesitant to leave the house recently, so while the first 1/3 of dispatch HQL-364 arrived in Hong Kong one month ago, it is only now that the final handover of Ms. BEDIR's batch could be made; a sidewalk chat with face masks on circles around epidemic related conversation, science fiction and the weird feeling of speaking to people in person...

Couriers Ms. MEETEREN and Mr. RHEA come back to Hong Kong in the first few hours that a newly imposed quarantine is put on all people entering Hong Kong (except from Macau or Taiwan); dispatch HQL-364 is, of course, to be in isolation as well, awaiting relay in two weeks

2020-03-14,14:31 UTC+1:
Courier Ms. BEDIR's previous travel plans have all been cancelled due to the shutting down of much of the western world; to LIGHT LOGISTICS' serendipitous advantage, courier Ms. BEDIR will come back to Hong Kong much sooner than expected—dispatch HQL-364 "about to take off to HK"

2020-03-11,12:41 UTC+1:
Courier Ms. BEDIR visits the home of courier Ms. WU to split the 1/3 of dispatch HQL-346 for Rotterdam relay and distribution, the last 1/3 for BEDIR to slowly bring herself back to Hong Kong under corona's uncertain circumstances

2020-03-10,13:43 UTC+7:
慢遞員MEETEREN小姐和RHEA先生到達曼谷的同一天立刻往外開始派送,第一個收件人是曾經當過慢遞員ANANTAWAT小姐(見HQL-198),Poop Press的女王;慢遞員WISSINK的觀察:「貌似黑書眾還分散的比新冠病快」
Same day arrival and immediate dispatch to Bangkok receiver Ms. Lee ANANTAWAT, a former courier for LIGHT LOGISTICS [see HQL-198] and also the queen poop of Poop Press; according to courier Mr. RHEA, 'Seems like Black Book Assembly is moving faster than Corona'

2020-03-10,11:21 UTC+7:
Dispatch HQL-364 safely arrives from Amsterdam to Bangkok

2020-03-09,21:13 UTC+01:
慢遞員Lara van MEETEREN的報告:「我們收到了父母給我們帶到阿姆斯特丹的報紙了,它們還找到目前的【家】(看黑色行李袋);希望不會到了泰國收到什麼有創意的旅行限制:)
UPDATE from Lara van MEETEREN:We received the newsletters and they now have a home. They’re in the plane to BKK; let’s hope we’re not hit by innovative Thai travel restrictions:)

2020-03-08,13:23 UTC+01:
在阿姆斯特丹呆了兩晚後,慢遞員BEDIR小姐早上到羅特丹然後呆了她行李箱到羅特丹的Katendrecht半島找Lara van MEETEREN小姐的父母(羅特丹的旅遊網:「早期羅特丹的唐人街,Katendracht原來吸引了不少海員和妓女——現在這個小半島變成了一個吃喝玩樂的文藝天堂!」);他們明天會送走他們女兒和RHEA先生,剛好也轉送HQL-364的差不多一半
After a brief stay in Amsterdam, courier Ms. BEDIR arrives to Rotterdam in the morning and heads with her suitcase to the Katendrecht peninsula (according to Rotterdam tourist information, 'Once Rotterdam’s Chinatown, attracting homesick sailors and lusty whores in equal measure, Katendrecht is now home to the hip and happening—and a dream destination for foodies!'), where the parents of courier Ms. Lara van MEETEREN live; she drops off less than 10 kilos of the dispatch for them in preparation for their send-off meeting with their daughter and Mr. RHEA the next day

Superwoman courier Ms. BEDIR initially planned to bring half of the 300 edition print of BBA newsletters with her, but in a spurt of energy lugs all 300 in the morning to Istanbul by train to begin distributing to readers in the afternoon, then in the evening boards a plane to Amsterdam

2020-03-03,13:07 UTC +03:
Because of certain sensitivities and the onslaught of COVID-19, the release of the first ever Black Book Assembly newsletter is put on indefinite delay, but the heroic moves of one contributor, from Ankara, leads to the unexpected turn of East and Southeast Asian updates being supported by a Turkish printing brother by the name of Muhammad Ali. Such outsourcing may seem uneconomical for an independent affair, but LIGHT LOGISTICS has it tracks already en route with new courier Ms. BEDIR's happenstance work jaunt to the Netherlands, scheduled for 7-9 March. Fuck you corona
安卡拉 Ankara + 伊斯坦堡 Istanbul   羅特丹 Rotterdam
  曼谷 Bangkok   羅特丹到巴黎 in-transit Rotterdam to Paris   香港 Hong Kong
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