2020-11-06,16:39 UTC+10:
Although the receiver has not sent the postage payment, Chuăng's trustful friends happily report: It's ok, I'm sure she will pay, and I have to go to the post office later today anyway, so if you can get me the address I'll post the books today when I go there this afternoon
DISPATCH UPDATE:We've done a bit inquiry with the publishers of Chuăng, and it turns out that there are a limited number of copies already in Australia! They are in NSW, and the friends there are willing to post them to you if that would be a bit more feasible to you, the cost would be AUD$10 for a soft pack, or AUD$15 for a cardboard box. If you are okay to go that way, I think you could pay them directly through the Australian banking system, or you could do pay us first via the Display Distribute website. Just let me know first and I can send you instructions. Thanks so much for your patience, and hope things find you as well as can be in amidst all of the craziness...
RECEIVER MESSAGE:Hey! I totally understand things are hard right now. I am pretty broke, so I am more than happy to wait on the current shipping schedule.
去郵局的路上 On the way to the post office
有人在郵局很熱情地冒出聖誕節精神 Someone in the post office is already in the mood