可能要說出找慢遞員「Jointly Rayon」有一點尷尬,收件人到了提前約好的Booked藝術書展的亞洲藝術文獻庫攤位,把他手機遞給工作人員看他的展銷場訂單;後來有一點誤會,慢遞員把HQL-355和HQL-359都給了他,但是問題解決好了之後,他們好好聊了一下,收件人還分享了他自己出的小誌
Probably too shy to ask for 'Jointly Rayon' at the Booked Art Book Fair in Hong Kong, a gently suited receiver shows the e-mail of his order to staff of the designated Asia Art Archive booth; a bit of confusion leads to courier Ms. Jointly Rayon giving both HQL-355 and HQL-359 to the receiver, but after a bit of clarification, he returns HQL-359 and shares his own zine with the archivists
轉運中心發收件人:「同你update下,你的緩件號HQL-355已經攬件,可惜還沒來得及重印老羊的《人計劃》zine,唔好意思!麻煩你在大館藝術書展的時候,17號夜晚6-8點或者18號4-8點到亞洲藝術文獻庫的攤位溫下慢遞員「Jointly Rayon」,佢可以畀你其它書!Enjoy a small stealth adventure,也祝你參加書展順利!」
Tuen Mun Relay Centre to RECEIVER:Just wanting to give you the latest update regarding your dispatch, which is already in motion. Unfortunately we have still not been able to re-print Lao Yang's Project Person, many apologies for this inconvenience! For the rest, the handover point can be at the BOOKED art book fair, either 17.1 from 6 to 8 pm or 18.1 between 4-8 pm. Please visit the Asia Art Archive booth and ask for courier "Jointly Rayon" to receive it!
慢遞員Jointly Rayon打包好的緩件HQL-355和HQL-356 Courier Jointly Rayon’s preparation of double dispatch HQL-355 and HQL-356
最後也加了三層包裹:HQL-355、HQL-356和HQL-359 Courier Jointly Rayon’s preparation of double dispatch HQL-355 and HQL-356, now a triple dispatch together with HQL-359