穿 wear #02


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185 x 250 mm, 80頁/pages
四彩傳統印刷   4/4 colour offset
卡書對裱裝訂  board book binding
別冊單色傳統印刷,騎馬訂裝   insert 1/1 offset, saddle-stitched

語言 LANGUAGE  //  簡體中文、英語  Simplified Chinese, English
出版日期 PUBLICATION DATE  //  2010年
創刊號 ISSN  //  2078-8691

限量500本  /  Edition of 500


这期杂志以及『家作坊』第二期都变得更加愤世嫉俗,凭着指向「文化交流」引号中的东西,展开了一些对这种过度形式中多样性与矛盾心理的深入调查。仍然维持对胡同生活的记录,《穿》第二期纠结了一批『家作坊』关于文化交流的实践:评论,图像,和一些参与者(卢迎华RAQS媒体小组林美雅Michael EDDY等)针对此话题做的特别项目。28页的别册也是艺术家海纳(Reinaart VANHOE)为本期杂志特别制作的。

This issue and the second season of HomeShop are marked by a more cynical bent, whereby the pointedness of quotation marks, as in “cultural exchange”, invite investigation into the deeper multiplicities and ambivalence hidden within this overwrought term. Continuing its documentation of daily life in the hutong, wear number two intertwines HomeShop’s series of exercises in cultural exchange with commentary, imagery and special projects on the topic by contributors such as Carol Yinghua LU, RAQS Media Collective, Meiya LIN and Michael EDDY. A special 28-page insert has also been created especially for the journal by artist Reinaart VANHOE.


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《穿》是『家作坊』独立發行的杂志。以印刷品的形式将艺术、哲学和社会 研究呈现出来。杂志记录了由『家作坊』發起的一系列公共活动、讨论和干 预,同时为艺术家,作家和邻居百姓提供了一个平台,从而营造出一 个本土化的语境,对一个充满冲突与活力的高速发展的中国做出即时反应。
wear is the independently published journal of HomeShop. Combining an artist book, theoretical reader and social research in printed form, the journal documents the public activities, discussions and interventions organised at HomeShop, while serving as a broader platform from which to gather contributions from artists, writers and the folks in the neighbourhood for a local dialogue and everyday reflection upon the contradictions and dynamism of a fast-changing China.