2025-02-19,13:59 UTC+1
COURIER Zhuoya UPDATE:"It's very peaceful here, how about in Indonesia?", and asks for the information about contacting the RECEIVER, while also inquiring again about what exactly couriers should document. LIGHT LOGISTICIAN replies, "Anything goes, as long as it's something seen, heard, or felt while on the journey, or anything related to the delivery, however interesting or trivial:)"; COURIER Zhuoya has carried dispatch HQL-650 across the far seas and arrived in Bretagne, currently awaiting relay
2025-01-12,晚間 evening:
Courier Zhuoya is an old friend of one of Display Distribute's LOGISTICIANs, and she's come to Guangzhou with her small daughter from the west coast of France for a visit before going back to family during the holiday season; the small girl is slow to acclimate and not adjusted to these surroundings, so other than her mother, she doesn't engage with anyone else on this island in Guangzhou city; with the reunion, however, it is as if the various encounters in each of their lives come all together and overlap; nearing the full moon, LOGISTICIAN shares her recent pressures and obstacles, and Zhuoya tells about how her life has become fixed with the family; LOGISTICIAN is reminded of that time many years ago that she had planned to visit Zhuoya in France, where there is a small town with its blue-green sea and each taking care of themselves and a young mother laying across winter moss. Everything has changed and yet nothing has changed.
布列塔尼 Bretagne
“It is cloudy, not yet dawn“
長洲島 Changzhou Island
慢遞員和她的小女兒在泡養生腳 Courier and her daughter pick up dispatch HQL-650 while getting footbaths