The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain +
大雨相 lß +
2024-10-13,22:13 UTC+01:
收件人評價:「遞送成功啦!謝謝 @大王叫我來巡山 這麼波折地把我的書帶到 ❤️ 輾轉不同地方都帶著包裹實在是辛苦了!!! 我今天早上先去了Utrecht的Casco看朋友的展覽,在現場買了給巴勒斯坦donate的手工小徽章送給大王答謝 💝 希望大王學業順利!之後如果需要來荷蘭借宿可以找我 我家一直開放接待沙發客(小床/沙發/睡袋)」
RECEIVER REVIEW:Delivery successful! Thank you to @The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain for such a circuitous effort to bring the books ❤️, relaying through different places while carrying the dispatch is not easy!!! This morning I went to Casco in Utrecht to see a friend's exhibition, and I bought a small pin in support of Palestine as a thank you to The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain 💝 Hope that her studies will be smooth! If you ever need a place to stay in Holland, you can always contact me, my flat is always open to couch surfers (I've got a small bed/sofa/sleeping bag)
2024-10-13,大概 around 18:00 UTC+01:
RECEIVER doesn't appear at the scheduled handover time, and COURIER The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain calls a few times, but one hour later, RECEIVER resurfaces again explaining apologetically that she had missed the train from Utrecht and her phone had been out of battery; the bicycle she wanted to ride from one part of post code 5612 to another part of post code 5612 also seems not to be working today, so the 5-minute journey becomes 12 minutes, and dispatch HQL-633 finally meets its receiver around 6pm
2024-10-12,23:31 UTC+01:
RECEIVER UPDATE:I'm going to visit a friend in Eindhoven tomorrow also, and just realised that their house is just next to the address you gave me of your friend's house in the 5612 post code area, what a coincidence!!
2024-10-10,16:10 UTC+01:
收件人回覆:「可以問下週末方便嘛 我去埃因愛芬取~ 因為我有週末套餐週末火車可以不花錢 」;目前約好10月13號周天15:00-17:00在愛因荷芬5612片區的Kronehoefstraat交接
RECEIVER REPLY:Would weekends work for you? I have a weekend train subscription and can ride for free on the weekends, so I can go to Eindhoven to pick up~;tentative plans are made for a final handover on Sunday, 13 October, between 15:00-17:00 in Eindhoven's 5612 area of Kronehoefstraat
2024-10-01,13:19 UTC+01:
The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain UPDATE:I'll land in Frankfurt and stay in Holland around 20 days, but without any plans to go to Amsterdam as of yet; wanted to ask, if you're not in a hurry, would you mind waiting a bit longer? Tomorrow after I arrive, I'll be storing most of my luggage in Cologne because it's really too much to lug around, and I'll be back in the Netherlands at the end of the year, so maybe we can catch another courier in this time? Otherwise, I will arrive to Eindhoven early evening on the 3rd, would like to ask if we can make the handover at the Flixbus stop then?
The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain UPDATE:The books have stayed in Chengdu since I picked them up in Guangzhou, will go back to get them before travelling to Eindhoven on 10.2
2024-08-25,午飯 lunch time:
COURIER lß is as busy as can be, and she is only able to handover HQL-633 a couple days later, so this brief encounter is a bit rushed; she hopes that The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain doesn't question her doubt their high estimation of their friendship and the gratitude that COURIER The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain has given her in a time of crisis
2024-08-24,午後 afternoon:
COURIER The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain has come especially from scorching hot Chongqing to equally burning Guangzhou to visit her old friend lß and pick up dispatch HQL-633; afterwards, this beautiful woman with a strong sense of love and righteousness will travel to Shenzhen to visit another old friend who has just given birth to twins, and after that she'll continue to visit a several other cities in China while still on her graduating year summer break before returning to the Netherlands and Germany to continue her second masters studies
COURIER NANIKO successfully hands over dispatch HQL-633 to COURIER lß at the Changzhou Island Relay Centre in Guangzhou; they forget to take a photograph of the handover, but lß makes a documentation at night before she goes to bed
COURIER NANIKO travels by cross-border bus from Hong Kong to Guangzhou, and except for that one time she made the same journey on Dragon Boat Festival day and there was a traffic jam stretching the ride to around 6 hours, each time she goes by bus the route feels faster and faster; maybe it's because she's been trying out different bus companies with different drop-off points closer to the Changzhou Island Relay Centre, but maybe it's because the infrastructures of connection between China and Hong Kong feel stronger and stronger; this gives NANIKO many ambivalent feelings
愛因荷芬 5612 Eindhoven
「是这栋楼嘛」 Are you at this building?
HQL-633派送成功 Dispatch HQL-633 delivery successful
長洲島 Changzhou Island
HQL-633夜景 Dispatch HQL-633 night view
慢遞員大王叫我來巡山路過廣州時,lß轉接HQL-633給她 COURIER lß hands over to COURIER The King Has Called Me to Patrol the Mountain while she’s passing through Guangzhou for a few days