2024-07-03,07:40 UTC+01:
當香港慢遞轉運中心報告緩件HQL-614可能是展銷場經手的最快慢遞之一時,慢遞員南丫何回覆到:「Person-to-person delivery is actually the fastest!我確實完成了曾經從上海去到布達佩斯給一個公司【快過快遞】的服務,LOL;這像是稱之為【艙上遞送專差】」
When the LIGHT LOGISTICS relay centre in Hong Kong reports that dispatch HQL-614 may be one of the fastest Display Distribute has ever completed, courier Lamma HO replies:「人肉速遞其實係最快架 I actually have done this “faster than courier” service once from Shanghai to Budapest for a company LOL; there is a name for this, like “on board courier”」
2024-07-02,14:48 UTC+01:
慢遞員南丫島何十分高效的管理著他的時間,宣布他將在他到達倫敦後一天的週二拜訪收件人在Mosaic Rooms的辦公室;他在下午到了伯爵宮226克倫威爾,但「似乎沒有應門」,他沒能進入;好運的是,IG一些消息後,一切順利,收件人的同事能夠為這將辦的小型出版節及時接手緩件HQL-614
Courier Lamma HO is very efficient with his time, announcing that he'll visit the RECEIVER's office at Mosaic Rooms on Tuesday already, the day after his arrival to London; he arrives to 226 Cromwell in Earl's Court in the afternoon, but "seems like people aren’t answering the doors", and he is unable to enter; fortunately, a few IG messages later, all goes well and RECEIVER's colleague is able to take on dispatch HQL-614 well in time for the upcoming small press fest
一個對慢遞非常突發的時間扭動,展銷場這訂單下達前轉送就開啟了;因由黑書眾通訊邀請的巧合機會與The Mosaic Rooms的小型出版節團結一致,正好慢遞員南丫島何將從一個熱的島去一個冷的島度假,甚至沒有時間恰當的包裹緩件HQL-614;從香港離開去倫敦諷刺地安排在了七月一日,香港主權從大不列顛交回中國政府週年日的一天
A very sudden time-twist for LIGHT LOGISTICS, this relay begins before the Display Distribute order is even placed; because of the chance coincidence of an invitation for Black Book Assembly newsletters to stand in solidarity with The Mosaic Rooms' small press fest and courier Lamma HO's upcoming holiday from a hot island to a cold one, there is not even time to properly wrap and package dispatch HQL-614; departure from Hong Kong to London ironically scheduled for 1 July, the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover from Great Britain back to China
伯爵宮 Earl's Court
「是這個地方對嗎?」 This is the right place, right?
安全到達Mosaic Rooms的辦公室 Safely arrived to the office of Mosaic Rooms