

SECOND(hand)MOUNTAIN(fortress) Series Volumes No. 1, 8, 12, 19-21


Hong Kong
Tokwawan Relay Centre


倫敦 London
經由 VIA
蘇黎世 Zürich
巴塞羅那 Barcelona



95 days,12 hours,0 minutes


1 copy each (6 books)





2024-06-28,12:28 UTC+01


2024-06-28,12:28 UTC+01:
慢遞員MAY和收件人在國王十字地鐵站附近的Medway Court藥店碰面,MAY無意被一個叫子杰的狗仔拍攝——他是收件人的搭檔也是緩件號HQL-605中一些書籍的合作者,同是這到倫敦緩件的收件人;派送成功
Courier MAY and RECEIVER meet in front of a pharmacy at Medway Court in King's Cross, and MAY is unknowingly observed by a paparazzo known as June LEE, the partner of the RECEIVER and collaborator of some of the books from dispatch HQL-605, also part of the same order to London RECEIVER; dispatch HQL-606 successfully received

2024-06-23,19:28 UTC+01:
慢遞員MAY和收件人暫定6月28日下午3點後在國王十字路口的 UCL校園附近進行最後交收
Courier MAY and RECEIVER schedule a tentative appointment for a final appointment around the UCL campus at King's Cross on the 28th of June, some time after 3pm

2024-06-21,11:07 UTC+01:
COURIER MAY UPDATE:Safe and sound in London!

2024-06-18,15:00 UTC+02:
As predicted, couriers MAY and PORTABLE spot one another easily and sit down together in the shade at the back of the bookshop; PORTABLE packages dispatch HQL-606 while the two engage in a blind conversation about one another's work, Barcelona, love, and asking many questions at the dentist; MAY drinks sparkling water, and PORTABLE takes a café solo; when commiserating the hand-me-down stress of the working environment, MAY shares two bits of crucial knowledge which PORTABLE will not soon forget: "Your lack of planning is not my urgency" and "We are not saving lives"; she thinks about her breath slowing down, and dispatch HQL-606 is successfully relayed; new courier MAY then heads from the bookshop to her dentist appointment

2024-06-18,10:24 UTC+02:
在她們預定約會的那天早上,新報名的慢遞員MAY選擇Libreria Finestres書店的露台咖啡廳作為她們的會面地點;她還提出可以戴一頂白帽子,以便更容易辨認,儘管她在IG上的肖像已經很容易辨認了;易拎報告說她是亞洲人,可能不難認出來
On the morning of their scheduled date, newly joined courier MAY selects the patio cafe of Libreria Finestres as their meeting point; she also offers to wear a white hat to make it easier to recognise, though her portraits on IG make it easy enough; PORTABLE reports that she is Asian and probably not difficult to spot

2024-06-11,21:03 UTC+02:
COURIER MAY UPDATE:Hey, I’ll be in Sonar, so i think the best will be the following week: Monday (17th) or Tuesday (18th) evening?

2024-05-24,09:25 UTC+02:
一個名叫MAY的人關注展銷場的IG,她的bio上寫道:「• whatever 研究 ••• 設計即藝術 •••• 觸摸植物 •••••• 關掉手機跳舞 📍 倫敦 - 巴塞羅那」;慢遞員易拎仍在尋找前往倫敦接力,跳水抓住機會跟一個陌生人聯繫,驚奇地發現MAY真的在倫敦和巴塞羅那之間穿行,她計劃下一次6月12日從英國到加泰羅尼亞,逗留約一周後返回倫敦——一場欣喜若狂的見面之約開始
A person by the name of MAY follows Display Distribute's Instagram, and her bio reads: "• Whatever research ••• Design as art •••• Touch the plants •••••• Turn off the phone & dance 📍London • Bcn"; as courier PORTABLE is still looking for relay couriers to London, she takes a chance to message a stranger and is amazed to find out that MAY is truly criss-crossing London and Barcelona, with her next trip from the UK to Cataluña planned for the 12th of June, to stay for approximately one week before returning to London; an ecstatic engagement to meet is set in motion

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro SÁNCHEZ, confirms that the Council of Ministers have approved the recognition of the State of Palestine: This is a historic decision with a single objective: to help Israelis and Palestinians reach peace. Recognition of the State of Palestine is not only a matter of historical justice to the legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine. It is also an urgent necessity if we are all to achieve peace.

2024-05-21,11:33 UTC+02:
慢遞員易拎小姐與緩件HQL-601, HQL-602HQL-603,和行李裡的 HQL-604落地;HQL-606在她肩上的背包中的一個小紙盒裡;一些延誤後,她到了她將在接下來待三週的公寓,HQL-606等待轉運至倫敦
Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives with dispatches HQL-601, HQL-602, HQL-603 and HQL-606 in her luggage; HQL-605 is inside a small cardboard box which is inside a backpack which is on her shoulder; after a bit of delay, she arrives at the flat where she will stay for the next three weeks, HQL-606 awaiting relay to London

2024-05-20,between 23:50 UTC+08 and 2024-05-21 08:50 UTC +02:
在空中,何易拎小姐寫了9封電郵,其3靠蘇黎世的歪富愛發送,剩下則在到達巴塞羅那後送出;她還觀影了《美國小說》,一個作家諷刺玩笑般,在當前後-黑命攸關時代給白人的需好來寫作某種”黑“故事;當然書成為暢銷,他不能拒絕,因為他需要錢來幫助照顧他受苦於阿滋海默症的媽媽;期間何小姐並不真的認為這電影很好看,但她感激裡面許多聰明有理的對話 ——「我很感激他們在嘗試做」;她經常思考「如何解決」的問題,特別鑒於近來在她生活中出現的大量誤解和交流的小事故;當電影主角用手機跟他的出版社談話,試圖在一個後種族世界解決當代美國黑人生活的問題時,一個白人搶到他前面,攔走了他的出租車;易拎小姐看片時,她點了份牛肉米飯並被乘務員告知需要等待;她沒收到她的塑料餐盤(和意麵一起)直到其它人都吃完飛機餐並被收走他們的餐盤;這電影在繼續
While in air, Ms. PORTABLE writes nine e-mails, three of which are sent with wi-fi in Zürich, and the rest to be sent after arrival in Barcelona; she also watches one film called American Fiction, which is about an author who, as a sarcastic joke, writes the kind of 'black' story that white people need to consume in the current post-Black Lives Matter era; of course, the book becomes a hit, and he cannot say no because he needs the money to help take care of his Alzheimer's-stricken mother; while Ms. PORTABLE does not actually think the film is excellent overall, she appreciates many of the clever and en pointe dialogues——"i appreciate what they were trying to do"; she thinks often about the question of 'how to address', especially in light of the great deal of misunderstandings and mishaps of communication that have been occurring in her life lately; as the protagonist of the film talks on his mobile phone to his publisher, trying to address contemporary Black American life in a post-racist world, a white man walks in front of him and takes his cab; as Ms. PORTABLE watches the film, she orders the meal of beef with rice and is told by the flight attendant to wait; she does not receive her plastic tray (with pasta) until after everyone else has already finished eating and their trays have been cleared; the movie continues

Courier Ms. PORTABLE departs from Hong Kong on 15-hour SwissAir journey to Barcelona with a 55-minute layover in Zürich; upon check-in, she was quite downtrodden to discover that there were no more window or aisle seats available, and she would have to be squeezed between other passengers for the long flight; however, upon arriving at her assigned row 32, the man in the aisle asks if it would be possible to change seats with either himself or the woman seated next to the window, because they are travelling together; Ms. PORTABLE is so happy and chooses the window seat, leaning her head against the chilly, reinforced plastic window as the plane takes off
國王十字 King's Cross   肯蒂什镇 Kentish Town   加泰隆尼亞廣場 Plaça de Catalunya   社交媒體 Social Media   恩典區 Gràcia
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