PORTABLE has loitered long enough with dispatch HQL-583 and is determined to finally meet with RECEIVER Jiney before she heads to Beijing for other couriering duties; while placing dispatch HQL-583 in her backpack, she realises that there is another dispatch request for Jiney, a special tube named To My Friends, and packs it it together with Shifting the Angle of Shine; this Tuesday evening, PORTABLE will be in Sham Shui Po for a monthly reading group session, and Jiney will be in Tai Kok Tsui for a bit of work; they settle on meeting near Dragon Centre at the border between Sham Shui Po and Cheung Sha Wan, but somehow miss one another and Jiney ends up at the Sham Shui Po Black Window reading group space after PORTABLE has already left; fortunately it's all a nice evening walk, and courier PORTABLE, Jiney, and another friend enjoy late-night dessert in Cheung Sha Wan as their handover point; by closing time at the dessert shop, they are still talking and head over to a nearby late-night Thai snacks stall for a post-dessert meal of fried rice and skewers
RECEIVER Jiney invites courier PORTABLE to a meeting with guests from Shanghai to talk about self-organised community spaces, which seems to be the perfect opportunity for PORTABLE to bring dispatch HQL-583 to her, and she does, but the meeting is quite full and PORTABLE and Jiney don't really get a chance to talk with one another, so PORTABLE thinks she can hold on to the book for a few more days to finish reading some of the texts
Courier PORTABLE lands in Hong Kong, RECEIVER will be contacted soon after sneaking a first peek at the contents of HQL-583
2024-02-29,18:52 UTC-05:
慢遞員CLOUDY小姐到慢遞員易拎在唐人街舉辦的活動,快速地轉了一圈後就找到易拎並把HQL-583給她;兩位稍微聊了一下,CLOUDY也介紹了yáo collaborative在世界各地的小組和他們在布魯克林合租的小空間;轉接成功,等待轉運
Courier Ms. CLOUDY makes a quick spin into courier PORTABLE's event, tracking her down and handing over dispatch HQL-583 over a quick chit-chat introducing yáo collaborative and their shared workspace in Brooklyn; courier PORTABLE hopes she will have a chance to visit while she is in New York; handover successful, awaiting journey to Hong Kong
2024-02-26,15:00 UTC-5:
yáo collaborative member and new COURIER CLOUDY's reply:
I can come this Thursday at 6pm to bring the book for Jiney—so thankful you can help us bring it over! Congrats on the event and see you soon.
thanks for putting us in touch! yes, i am here for a small book launch event and also couriering Display Distribute books as always, haha
I've attached the information about the event here, if you would like to come would be lovely, but if not free, perhaps i can also pick up jiney's book from you next week, as i will be more free after the opening, staying in New York until the 11th.
I will add a new route for this dispatch, Jiney, happy to courier back to you since you have carried for us so many times, hehe
Writer-courier-now-receiver JINEY puts courier PORTABLE in touch a member of yáo collaborative:
hi Q,
I'm sorry for being so late in replying to this email, the reason I didn't leave a shipping address on Kickstarter is because I was trying to see if there was any chance of getting the book in a p2p (person-to-person) way.
Luckily, my friend PORTABLE will be in New York until March 10th working on an exhibition, so she can help me bring the book back to Hong Kong.
Therefore, I write this mail to both of you to discuss a convenient way to pick up the book. Many thanks for allowing me to buy the book via p2p.
NY-HK #Shifting the Angle of Shine
And a big thank you to PORTABLE! Congratulations on the exhibition and book launch!
展銷場作者和一級「後勤」慢遞員觸及膩(HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494)發現慢遞員易拎正在紐約執行派送任務,於是她請求易拎從紐約慢遞一本從yáo collaborative訂購的出版物回香港: 「這麼巧哈哈沒有我只是隨意問問你方不方便幫我慢遞一本書回來,不方便也沒關係~~是爻 yáo collaborative的出版物,你知道她們喔?哈哈我不認識他們的人,不過前陣子因為沒有及時聯絡上他們杭州的印書團隊,所以他們現在把書都寄去歐美了(雖然也會再寄回來,不過我在想如果可以有人帶回來也可以,這樣帶回來的人也可以翻看看」
When star LIGHT LOGISTICS courier and distro author Jiney CHU (HQL-248, HQL-266, HQL-492, HQL-493, HQL-494) finds out that courier PORTABLE is in New York on dispatch duties, she makes a request for her own dispatch from New York back to Hong Kong for a publication she ordered from yáo collaborative: What a coincidence ha ha, just wanted to ask if it would be convenient for you to courier one book back? If not, no worries~~It's a publication from yáo collaborative, do you know them? I don't know them haha, but I didn't contact them on time on time after the books were printed in Hangzhou and now they've already shipped everything to Europe and America (they would post it back to me, but I thought maybe it's nice if someone brings it back they can also have a read
深水埗和長沙灣 Sham Shui Po and Cheung Sha Wan
黑窗里 Black Window
慢遞一筒配榴蓮 Delivery tube and durian
泰式宵夜 Midnight Thai
路途中的豬紅廠 Pork blood factory en route
油麻地 Yaumatei
So close and not yet
土瓜灣 Tokwawan
慢遞員易拎忍不住打開 HQL-583看裡面的東西,收件人不會介意吧? Courier PORTABLE can’t resist opening HQL-583 to see the contents, RECEIVER won’t mind, will she?
路途中 En route
HQL-583海拔11,282米高 HQL-583 at 11,282 metres above sea level
唐人街 Chinatown
慢遞員CLOUDY簽字轉送給慢遞員易拎 Courier CLOUDY signing off dispatch HQL-583 to courier PORTABLE