Courier CHP catches up with RECEIVER on the steps outside of Oldham Theater, and 10 minutes after the handover a friend of RECEIVER happens by to visit the national archives, and RECEIVER immediately gifts him with one copy from dispatch HQL-563
COURIER CHP UPDATE:I’m coming over from Raffles Place now
Just in case you’re in town, i’ll be around Oldham until 2 (my film ends at 1.30)
Then I’ll be at Oldham again for the 630pm screening (can’t be there earlier unfortunately) until 745 / 8pm. In case you’re around too.
After that, I’ll either be at Asian Civilizations Museum until 9pm or I go straight to Orchard Cineleisure. But I’ll be at Cineleisure for sure from 10pm onwards so it’s a safe bet to meet there.
I’m getting into costume at 1030 and I won’t be able to type properly lol my phone doesn’t respond to my fingers through the costume and also I can barely see through it. So I apologise in advance if I am typing complete gibberish.
I also won’t be able to see in my costume…….. i can’t see beyond 2 meters in my costume…….
(Also I can’t talk in my costume haha so pardon me if I meet you and only gesticulate)
慢遞員CHP和收件人通過WhatsApp聯繫,開始討論會面地點: 「你週六下午是否有空在布萊德/凱迪克附近見?或者有沒有興趣參加週六晚上在烏節電影娛樂城的派對?」
Courier CHP and RECEIVER connect via WhatsApp chat, and discussion begins about possible meeting points: Would you be free to meet on Saturday afternoon at the City Hall area or around Braddell/Caldecott or would you like to come to the party at Orchard Cineleisure on Saturday night?
Courier CHP travels to Hong Kong and Guangzhou for his day job work purposes, but manages a perruqué to visit friends and art spaces in Hong Kong and Guangzhou while he is around, most importantly picking up dispatch HQL-563 just before departing back to Singapore
奥登剧场 Oldham Theater
慢遞員CHP遞給收件人 Courier CHP handing off to RECEIVER
收件人立刻傳遞給一個朋友 RECEIVER immediately handing off to another friend